Joy Through Salvation

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 49:8-13, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 4:16-30, Luke 19:1-10, 1 John 4:14

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 49:8-13, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 4:16-30, Luke 19:1-10, 1 John 4:14

I spent most of my twenties trying to understand what was wrong with my body. Every morning, I took my basal body temperature. I waited for the slight elevation in internal heat, followed doctor’s instructions, and took a litany of medications. But no matter what we tried, my husband and I couldn’t seem to get or stay pregnant. In the end, my obstetrician suggested I undergo a surgical procedure to determine whether I suffered from undiagnosed endometriosis, a common medical condition for women that can cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including infertility. My husband and I agreed that this was our best next step.

In the recovery room after surgery, I woke to see my doctor’s face hovering just above me. Anesthesia blurred my vision and softened the world’s sharp edges, but I could see Dr. Barrett’s glasses, her warm gentle smile.

“Do I have it?” I asked. My first question post-consciousness: am I broken? Do I have the incurable condition you feared?

She nodded. “Yes,” she said. “Yes. You do.”

I grabbed her hand and squeezed tight. “Thank you,” I said. “Thank you so much.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as she said, “In all my years, I’ve never had a patient thank me for bad news.” 

What my doctor didn’t understand was that I needed more than a diagnosis. I needed the truth. After the surgery, I could finally rest knowing that something was wrong. I wasn’t crazy; it wasn’t my fault, and there was nothing I could do to change or cure my own condition.

My soul suffers in similar ways. As I move and breathe and live, I constantly battle with my own twisted motivations and expectations. I have an innate desire to do good and a near-complete inability to do it. I am sick, and not just in body, but in spirit. 

Jesus came for people like me. People whose bodies and souls don’t work the way we know, deep down, they’re meant to work. Sometimes I am like Zacchaeus, who feeds his own greed only to find that wealth provides no comfort at all. And sometimes I’m like the Pharisees, prideful in my own self-righteousness. To all these parts of my broken heart, Jesus says, “come.”

He is the physician we need. The good doctor looks on us without an ounce of ire or disappointment and tells us the truth of our broken condition. But He doesn’t leave us in that diseased, broken place. Jesus seeks us out, tells us the truth, and gives with two scarred hands our eternal cure. His love is the balm for my wounds. It’s why He came—not just to point out that I am lost, but to gently, lovingly, bring me home again.

Written by Claire Gibson

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56 thoughts on "Joy Through Salvation"

  1. Kris says:

    I can relate to Claire’s story. Not physically, but spiritually. I was “ill” and didn’t know what was wrong. But in His goodness and gentleness, God began to peel away the layers, showing me where I needed His healing. He was so caring in His manner, that it didn’t bother me to see the “sick” areas of my heart. The healing that came was so refreshing, freeing, revitalizing, restorative, I didn’t mind the temporary pain of seeing my “illness”. I once was so lost, and so blind to my own “illnesses”, but now I am found by the most loving, compassionate, gentle Jesus.

  2. Kimberly Reed says:

    If there was ever a reading that I needed to hear it was this one -today. I thank Jesus for loving me and forgiving me and accepting me even when I am unable to do those things for myself. ♥️♥️♥️

  3. Sarah M says:

    Thank you Jesus for choosing me and loving me even though I am so undeserving.

  4. Foster Mama says:

    This struck me too:

    “I have an innate desire to do good and a near-complete inability to do it. I am sick, and not just in body, but in spirit.”

    This is so true of me. I find myself look around, wondering why everyone else seems to have it more “together” than me (especially household management in the midst of full work lives).


    The wonderful foster child in our home is now over 2…mom is expecting again and we are looking for God’s answer re: whether we should take the new one once born in addition. There are several objective / emotional reasons why we don’t need to add this baby to our lives…and somehow probably a few pulls that will lead us to accept the baby and love it with everything we have!!! I think we need to make this decision soon and need God to put firm conviction in our hearts either way so we can stand firm when people call us “nuts” for whatever we decide. I keep saying “Lord Jesus, please speak to me in the wind or earthquake…I worry I won’t hear the still, small voice” LoL

    1. Foster Mama says:

      (** household management in the midst of full lives and still making plenty of time to sit with Jesus)

    2. Mari V says:

      “Household management”. I’m right there with you Foster Mama! I was actually having a meltdown yesterday, regarding my room, and a corner of the house where I put all my “stuff” and wishing I had better cleaning managing skills or just like you put it this morning “household“. I will be praying as you and your husband consider adding another child to your lives. Sometimes we need to ignore those “other” voices so that we could hear our “Father’s voice.”

    3. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Praying for wisdom as you make this decision, dear sister! It’s definitely a big decision. Listen to the Lord for guidance and don’t let everyone with an opinion (that’s everyone!) steer you away from what God is telling you! ❤️

  5. Mari V says:

    God is SO good! He heals. He restores. He tells everything is going to be OK. Even if its not the way we had wanted or perceived. OUR daddy knows best. Even though we live in broken world full of broken people like ME and all of us, we can be assured our Daddy knows best and sometimes because of this fallen world we will face disappointment, but even then just like Claire Gibson mentions in this devotion, she needed answers. I think about how things turned out in my life. Two miscarriages in 1992 and another years later in my second marriage. The first two, I know God was looking after me as that young husband blamed me and left me and even had the audacity to tell me I was no good since I couldn’t have babies. I know different now. God is good. Then years later after I had my son, experienced another miscarriage. That is why my kiddos are 5 years apart. God is good! My kiddos are BEST friends! The three of us are SO close! I am not angry. AND someday I will get to meet my three kiddos. God is good! Even though life didn’t turn out the way I had perceived, (had to leave my kids dad due to abuse), I am grateful for the two most wonderful kids. AND just two days ago, I told my son (now 23 years old) I would do it all over again knowing I get Caleb and Alyssa out of it. The three of us are so close. We are friends.

    1. Foster Mama says:


  6. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” These words stuck out to me today during the reading. Originally spoken in Hosea 6:6 to detail the coming of Christ, today I was considering the difference between mercy and sacrifice. Often times, in my own experience, sacrifice has put me in the driver’s seat, in control of a situation where often times I determined my own ruling on whatever happened. Mercy; however, isn’t about us. It’s us relinquishing control and what we believe to be “justice” to extend forgiveness or grace to someone who by the world’s standards may not deserve it. It goes against the flesh, but it embraces the supernatural love that is Jesus. It also again puts on display God’s design for us to not act alone, but come together in community, to find comfort, peace, and joy through the body of Christ. When I finally go to a doctor, it’s usually because I’ve tried everything on my own first to find physical healing for whatever ailment I’m facing—I’m giving up control to someone who I’m believing in and trusting knows better than I. Our sin condition is a long term diagnosis on earth until Jesus comes back to make all things new, so I need the ultimate Doctor’s help at all times.

  7. Lori says:

    Today I am struck by Jesus’ grace and salvation for not only the poor, the physically disabled, the sick, the unclean, the ones outcast by physical or mental challenges they are unable to control – BUT ALSO for the Zacchaus, the Matthew’s who made the sinful choices. Jesus always seeks out the marginalized and the sick to demonstrate His love BUT ALSO the greedy, the selfish sinners… me. God thank you for knowing that we would need to see Jesus’s love for the sinners, knowing that we are all weak and unable to earn salvation on our own and showing who You really are!

  8. Starr Marie says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for being such a JOY for us all.

  9. Maria B says:

    In a season of ‘so much,’ finding and focusing on the JOY I have in Christ’s love, is what’s truly keeping me at peace, even when my human nature starts wanting to be pessimistic about things. I am so thankful for a God that welcomes all of my broken parts, but also for having reached a point in my life when internally I realize t is truth— God loves me just the way I am. Have a beautiful Monday, SHEs!

  10. Kristin S says:

    Joy in the hard. It is something I’ve been saying for a couple years now. My son had leukemia. He is healed and thriving now. My mom died suddenly but it was before covid and we were able to be with her. My husband had multiple rough deployments. In all the hard there was Joy. We had to look for the small things but there was always Joy. The world is hard and heavy but if we are willing to look to Jesus we will find Joy. Thankful for all of you.

    1. Cheri says:


    2. Mari V says:


    3. Michelle says:

      Fellow milspouse

  11. Mari G says:

    I can say is Thank You Jesus!!

  12. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Jesus’ love for us is so great!

  13. Danielle B says:

    “But He doesn’t leave us in that diseased, broken place. Jesus seeks us out, tells us the truth, and gives with two scarred hands our eternal cure. His love is the balm for my wounds. It’s why He came—not just to point out that I am lost, but to gently, lovingly, bring me home again.” Thank you Jesus for pursuing me, for being the eternal cure and being the balm my soul needs. May I bask in this so the joy of your salvation radiates to others who need that gift.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


    2. Mari V says:


  14. Lauren Kinnari says:

    I never comment, But today I simply must. Thank you for this deeply comforting truth. His love is the balm for my wounds. amen

    1. Carol J Mylin says:

      ♥️ I hear you, Lauren! Thanks for sharing your ♥️! Lifting you to Jesus… along with myself…and all the others… we are ALL broken… But God!! Immanuel.. HE is with us!!

      1. Foster Mama says:

        Amen, INDEED!!

        Today’s Devo moved me so deeply…worded in a way I needed to read. Thank you Claire!!

    2. Mari V says:

      Yes HE is! So glad you’re here with us Lauren!

  15. Ariadne T says:

    This is so true and beautiful… He came to repair the thankful for that.

  16. LaRae Taylor says:


  17. Virginia Ford says:

    Thankful that Jesus came for all of our brokenness. I have to decide to rest in him and trust that his love can cover a multitude of wrongs. What peace and hope His love gives!!

    1. Mari V says:

      Resting along with you, Virginia! So thankful you’re here!

  18. Tara B says:

    Amen and Amen! Jesus seeks me out. He tells me the truth; ugly and all, and gives with 2 scarred Hands our eternal cure! This is my Hallelujah! Praise Jesus !
    Thank you She’s for your prayers. Praying for you today from here in NC ❤️

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying for you as well Tara. From northern California.

  19. Brandi Young says:

    Thank you for not just being my Healer but my cure, Jesus! What a God! What a Love! What a Savior!

  20. Emily Lovelady says:


  21. Searching says:

    In looking around me at all that goes on in our world, Christians and nonbelievers alike, I have to/must be thankful for my salvation and my life in Christ. And not just on days when things seem to fall into place, but also and especially on the days when I’m surrounded by discord in my personal and work lives. A reminder for me to be thankful that I know Jesus and to be on the lookout for joy, every day.

    TARA B – praying as you go through this first Christmas post-divorce
    MOLLY S – praying for financial provision and the right job offer for your husband
    CAROL J MYLIN – praying for Aiden
    SARAH M – praying for you and your daughter’s release

    1. Tara B says:

      Thank you, Searching! ❤️

    2. Danielle B says:

      Beautiful thoughts Searching! Thankful for the salvation Jesus brings no matter the day. May we continue to look for the joy moments only He provides.

    3. Carol J Mylin says:

      Thanks, Searching… Aiden’s mom took him home for a few day to allow him ( and her) to get some sleep… he needs to go back for a MRI, can’t receive it until his RSV congestion is gone…praying he receives a healing touch from Jesus!

    4. Mari V says:

      Sending you a tight squeeze, sweet Searching!!

  22. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “For the Lord has comforted his people,

    and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.”

    Thankful for our Comforter. Holy Spirit work in my heart today that I might do God’s will.
    BRANDI – continuing to pray for your MIL and your family.
    SARAH M – praying the Lord shows you His wisdom with the situation with your daughter’s release.

  23. Laura says:

    I didn’t get to comment yesterday, but I too love the word JOY. It was especially important to me through a very deep valley I walked through. I didn’t feel joy at the time, but I clung to the joy that only comes through knowing Jesus. That knowledge truly helped me to walk through that valley and come out on the other side.

    I also love today’s readings and the knowledge that Jesus seeks out the sick. Usually we avoid sick people. We protect ourselves. “I don’t want to come close because I can’t get sick right now.” But Jesus comes close. He touches. And He heals!

    Our son just moved in with us. He is down on his luck so to speak and is starting over. My heart hurts for him because he is ashamed, but we are grateful to have him with us and I just pray that this will be what finally brings him back to his faith. He was such a strong believer for his whole young life until college when he started to question his faith, and he has been running ever since. I know that God has been pursuing him, but I pray that now he can finally feel it and be obedient and come back.

    1. Sherry says:

      Praying that God works in your son’s life and for your mama heart.

    2. Cheri says:

      Praying with you

    3. Mari V says:

      Sweet Laura, joining our SRT sisters here praying for your son. So grateful to you for your open arms towards your son. Praying that he would see JOY in your home, bringing him back to where he started.

  24. Sally B. says:

    Like Tina, these words grabbed my heart this morning: “Jesus seeks us out, tells us the truth, and gives with two scarred hands our eternal cure.”! Hallelujah what a Savior. The wonderful old hymn that runs through my mind includes the words – ‘Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God should die for me?’!!
    That should put a smile on our faces and a spring in our step this early Monday morning Ladies. Blessings to you!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ yes, beautiful song!

  25. Tina says:

    Jesus came for people like me.. check.!
    He is the physician we/I need.. check.!
    Jesus seeks us out, tells us the truth, and gives with two scarred hands our eternal cure. His love is the balm for my wounds. It’s why He came—not just to point out that I am lost, but to gently, lovingly, bring me home again.
    These words had my attention and heart! Such truth. The fallen by the wayside, and the business of life caused, forgotten truth, I needed to hear this morning!
    I, Tina, am shouting for Joy. I rejoice this morning, for the Lord has comforted me, His person, this morning, and He will have compassion on His not so ‘healthy on the inside’ one.
    Thank you Father God, Thank you.
    BUT GOD..
    Happy Monday, wrapped in much love and hugs and continued prayers as requested and as felt to.
    Hugs dear hearts.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:

      ♥️ Love your ♥️, Dear Tina… I identify with the reading and your comments! But God!!

    2. Mari V says:

      Happy Monday to you, sweet Tina!!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤