Christian Warfare

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 6:10-24, Isaiah 59:12-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:5-11

Armor isn’t something I spend too much of my imagination on. Historically, when I’ve heard Paul use the word in Ephesians 6, I’ve bristled a little and tried on a softer metaphor for my spiritual life. Armor is steely and defensive. It’s an outer shell that protects you from threats. As someone who struggles with defensiveness most days—with my walls as high up as they can go—putting on armor feels like the last thing I should be doing.

Here’s what I’m learning more every hour, though. God relates to us so, so differently than our enemy does. God rescues us. He intercedes and shows us mercy. He seeks our good. We can feel safe letting down our walls in God’s presence and speaking with vulnerability because He has shown Himself to be trustworthy. The enemy, however, does not seek our good. He seeks to kill and destroy (John 10:10). Paul’s letter to the Ephesians describes how we battle against one who schemes against us, who is evil, and who partners with other leaders in the realm of darkness (Ephesians 5:11–12).

That’s a situation that calls for armor. But tough, steely armor wouldn’t be very effective at protecting us against all the armies of darkness. We need even better protection: the armor of God. We exchange belts for truth and sandals for peace. We exchange shields for faith and swords for the strong and Holy Spirit of God. “Put on the full armor of God,” said Paul to his audience, “so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). Suiting up in this way doesn’t mean we will always be fool-proof; even people who trust in Jesus can make foolish choices. But it does give us much better tools to defend ourselves against the enemy. Because it isn’t just us fighting now. We’re part of a supernatural partnership with our victorious God.

Friends, there is a battle going on for our hearts and souls, and we have a part to play in defending them. As we lace up hiking boots before thrashing through poison ivy or strap on motorcycle helmets to avoid injury, shouldn’t we prepare ourselves even more for spiritual threats? Even though I still don’t love the imagery that armor conjures up, I think that’s the point—our enemy doesn’t like the imagery either. He knows how powerful truth, righteousness, faith, and peace really are. No matter how many flaming arrows get thrown, they still aren’t strong enough to penetrate when we have clothed ourselves in Christ. God has equipped us with everything we need to stand against the darkness.We will have days that feel victorious.

We will have days that feel less than victorious.
But He is always with us.
Lord, have mercy.

(69) Comments

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69 thoughts on "Christian Warfare"

  1. Anne Carlson says:

    Have you ever watched a singles tennis match? The player waiting to receive the first serve is always amazing to watch. Their knees are bent the muscles in their legs are tense. Sometimes the receiving player bounces on the balls of their feet. They keep their neck and shoulders, loose, and their arms, tense, and ready. They twirl the racket and keep it in their hand. They do not put it down.
    This is the stance I see that we take when we are putting on the whole armor of God. God’s sword.(God’s word) is in our hands ready for what comes at us. God clothes us in righteousness and arms us for protection.
    Not once in Ephesians does Paul tell us that we are to step out and fight. We are to be ready in Christ for whatever comes at us. God equipts us for combat to defend ourselves and keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    1. Jo Turnbull says:

      I love this Anne. Thank you

  2. Sheri Freeland says:

    All the pieces of armor are defensive weapons except the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. That is why it is important to read our Bibles and know God’s Word. When I feel the enemy telling me lies or coming against me I use 1 John 4:4 “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” I tell him he was defeated at the cross & that I have victory through the blood of Jesus who covers me. There is power in the name of Jesus and in His Word so don’t be afraid to use it.

  3. Gwineth52 says:

    “We will have days that feel victorious.
    We will have days that feel less than victorious.
    Lord, have mercy.”

    Dear Shes
    These words reflect my last thoughts before falling asleep at night. Some days…other days…
    My Lord, may I continue “falling forward”…into Your unfailing arms.

  4. Mercy says:

    What will you do if you and your family are under attacks? This question was asked in a study group once and a man answered, I will praise/worship and pray in tongues. And that sent me to do the research. Praying in tongues is the last piece of weapon of the Armor of God, rarely mentioned or highlighted in church for some odd reasons. Have we left off a piece of weapon because of the differences in denominations? Or lay that down to the authority of the Word. I was convicted by that answer, and was reminded to praying in tongues in times of turmoil. Praying in tongues will help build us up in our most holy faith (Jude 1:20). And God gives to those who ask this heavenly prayer language. At times, it can feel silly, speaking gibberish. But doesn’t God use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise? Do we lean on our understanding? We cannot for praying in tongues give us grace to rest from the grief of praying difficult things. So when talking about warfare, the Lord has provided this piece of weapon, that our mind can rest from the burdens, and let the Spirit speak through us with utterance. Joining you in prayers dear shes. Have a blessed Friday and weekend.

  5. Diane Smith says:

    Our freedom in Christ prepares us for battle against the darkness!
    Standing firm in the truth today as I give myself faithfully to the “ work” of the Gospel.

  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Hello my dear sweet sisters! I haven’t had a chance to read all the comments because I am at my daughters watching my sweet little grandbaby.
    Thank you all for your prayers for Jeff, and for my cousin Tommy. It is such a blessing to know that I can count on my SRT sisters to pray!
    Jeff’s treatment went right on schedule today – Praise the Lord! Yesterday’s update on Tommy – The nurse “shouted” at him to rouse him and give him some commands – to which he responded – praise the Lord! Prayers are being answered!
    Have a blessed day – don’t forget your armor before you walk out your door. Praying for you all. ❤️

  7. Kristi V says:

    The exchange of this for that was never quite how I pictured the armor of God. Today it was an epiphany that spoke to my heart and the Holy Spirit allowed my body, mind and spirit to garner the tools of God’s armor to be fully put on as I’m going into my day.

  8. Cee Gee says:

    Also from HRT –
    .”..we exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever…”
    What I was reminded as I read Bailey’s devo is the armor she described is designed to protect the outer body. The ARMOR WE NEED for battle is INTERNAL – for the heart and mind of the believer.-
    Deuteronomy 6:5 NLT
    And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.
    AMEN, Bailey – Lord, have mercy! ❤

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Actually Bailey described both kinds of armor very well! I didn’t, however, word my comment very well – apologies!

  9. Kris says:

    I love the “Exchanging” she mentions here. So powerful! So much easier to grasp than other thoughts about armor. Instead of the world’s protective armor, we have God’s protective armor – which looks very different.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ I was writing my comment as yours came in. Similar thought.

  10. Cheryl Blow says:

    Finally be strong IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT! Our strength comes from Him. Sometimes I’m like “Lord, how do I put on your armor?” Then He reminds me that it is by trusting Him, reading His word, praying, praising Him and knowing what is true. In Revelation it says “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    We have to share our testimony when the Lord gives us an opportunity to speak. We can’t be secret Christians.

    Praying for all. Keep sharing here. It is so encouraging.

  11. Mia Faith says:

    Praying with you!

    1. Mia Faith says:

      This was to Libby K, but also for all other requests and needs.

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Second time this week my comment says waiting for moderation! What am I saying! lol.

    I have loved Ephesians! Good thing, because I had signed up to lead group starting again in October to do a book called “Chosen: A study of Ephesians!” I will be able to refer back to SRT and your comments for some extra valuable conversation. Some parts are hard, and I want to be prepared for any misinterpretations or finagling around truth and straight-forward scripture.

    Praying for you Adrian.
    Praying for Abbi and Chela
    Praying for Wendy B.

    Please keep praying for Stacy. Being out of jail is hard, and there is a high percentage of failure, but she is going strong. She moved out of the halfway house because of never ending drama and into a studio close to a church she loves going to each week. She has a job, but there are many challenges and hiccups. She needs all the prayer warriors she can get to intercede on her behalf! She loves God, and it shines!

    1. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying with you

  13. Wendy B says:

    “Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand”. All summed up, that is the bottom line. With Him, we can stand. Jesus, because of you, I can stand, no matter what. Please help me to stand

    1. Diane Smith says:


  14. Laura says:

    From HRT: There is an old Scottish proverb that says, “The devil’s boots don’t creak.” Our enemy is subtle because we don’t fight what we don’t notice.

    How true! I shared before that I read through The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis with my book club and wow, I believe Lewis was inspired by God as he wrote it. His insight into how Satan operates is so spot on. But we need to be awake! We need to be aware! Because he is a sneaky little devil..haha. My friend sent me a Youtube sermon by a pastor in Virginia who was giving his “election sermon” in 2020 and he shared a quote from Bonhoffer: Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

    Christians, we MUST fight against evil. This passage in Ephesians says it so well. Paul was telling the church how to do it. Praise God that He did not put us here on this earth without a weapon. The Word of God MUST be our battle plan. Satan cannot stand against the truth of God’s Word.
    In the SRT podcast they talked about how sad it is that there are so many people today who are getting beat up by Satan. Wooed by him. Enticed by him. And they have no weapons! Not just those who don’t have access to a Bible, but those who have plenty of access but don’t know it, don’t love it.
    I want to be bold and not silent.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Can I just say a big AMEN to your comment! Love your passion and plea for us to Speak UP as Christians! If not us, who??! We have the power of God with us! He WANTS us to stand up against persecution, I want to be a Paul! We should all have courage and need to not only stand firm, but to be bold! Usually if one or two stand up, then others join in, why not be the one to have the courage?! I know I wouldn’t have 10 years ago…But God, our relationship is pretty strong these days, and reading the word every day for 10 years now has prepared me! I wear his armor, and now He has things for me to do!! YES! We not only need to suit up, we need to prepare our equipment. Sharpen our swords, tighten our belts, repair our shoes! Let’s be the Christ followers we are called to be no matter the cost! After all, Jesus laid down His life for us, and we are called to die to ourselves.

      I loved Screwtape Letters, and often tell others to read it! And just finished Bonehauffer! Both are must reads!

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen. For if you remain SILENT [muzzled for fear of man, or fear for yourself..] at this time, relief and deliverance for [the Jews][or for others who needs the truth] will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14). Also, Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE THEM!!! (Ephesians 5:11). The church keeps silent for the fear of man for too long.

  15. Adrienne says:

    Amen to Bailey’s devotion. I extra needed this today.
    “ We will have days that feel less than victorious.
    But He is always with us.
    Lord, have mercy.”
    Please pray for me (at 1:00, CST). as I’m anxious about a thyroid ultrasound to investigate some nodules there. I will be wearing His armor, but I hope that you will put it on as well, on my behalf. Thank you, sweet sisters.

    1. TheBestToCome says:

      Praying for your appointment!!

    2. Wendy B says:

      Prayed for you right now❤️

    3. Leanna Thompson says:

      Prayers lifted up.

    4. Cheryl Blow says:


    5. GramsieSue says:

      Adrienne, I had thyroid cancer 20 yrs ago and one of the things my doctor told me then was, “If you’re going to get cancer, this is the one to get. It responds well to treatment and rarely returns.” Well, as I said, that was 20 yrs ago and I’m still cancer-free! My prayers that your nodules would be non-cancerous. Hugs dear sister ❤️

    6. Mari V says:

      Praying right now.

  16. Caroline Bridges says:

    If you have the study book then you are prompted to write a letter (you can send it off if you want to).

  17. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Amen Father! Let me stand in YOUR peace, love, faith and righteousness for those around me, my family and please strengthen me! In Jesus name, Amen

    1. Adrienne says:


  18. Libby K says:

    My prayer warriors: my daughter recently had a minor procedure done and we were at the children’s hospital for a little post-op check up. As we were leaving, a woman sat on a bench all alone and was weeping. I walked past and then felt the Lord call me back. I just held that poor woman’s hand for awhile. I felt like God wanted me to pray out loud but for some reason I resisted. I told her it was going to be ok and then walked away. I am beating myself up for not praying over her when the Spirit prompted me to, but I also know that I can’t dwell on it forever. I am praying for her today however. Would you join me? I didn’t ask for a name or what was wrong. Seemed like she needed her privacy. Thank you. I know I can count on you women to pray!

    1. Maria Baer says:

      Oh Libby, I have been there and felt awful that I didn’t follow the prompt from the Spirit. So much that I called my mom crying. So I will hoping you I praying for her too.

    2. Adrienne says:


    3. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for her Libby

    4. Kris says:

      You have no idea how powerful it was that you simply held her hand. Sometimes there are no words. Sometimes there’s nothing to be done. But holding her hand, letting her know you cared was so loving. You were enough!

  19. Tami says:

    Hi ladies. I’m just catching up today. Trying to figure out my new schedule with school. Kelly thank you for always remembering Chela. Tina you have me teared up today as that was our family’s situation ALL last year. What a blessing you are to Abbi! I can’t help but wish that you could transport yourself to NYC for my Chela:) I loves what you said, that God has you armored up. Us too! It’s only by the grace of God that we made it through last year. My heart breaks for Abbi and her parents… I was right where they are with Chela. BUT GOD!! This year is so much better already. There have been some bumps in the road but nothing like last year. I see tremendous growth and maturity in Chela. She is learning to take care of herself both emotionally and physically. She is also more grateful and relational with us. Prior to leaving for school, she did not have a great relationship with my husband, and he was very upset by it. But last year brought them together because there were days she couldn’t reach me and had to settle for him. lol. Beauty from ashes. It also brought me to a place of complete surrender (well maybe not complete but I’m working on it). On my knees daily fighting for her! My husband too. I had to learn to trust God with my most precious “possession”. Uggh so hard! I’ll be praying for Abby and especially her parents. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Adrienne says:


  20. searching says:

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL- praying for Tommy. And praying for Jeff, that the machine continues to work as needed and that he tolerates the treatments well.

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Tina! That is exactly it! When this passage is put in context with the submitting to one another in Christ is appears to me that we are not fighting the spiritual battle for ourselves, but for others. “Stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.”
    SHARON, JG – happy to hear Jeff was able to resume treatment. Praying for Tommy’s recovery.
    HEIDI – praying things are well with you and your studies. If you ate reading with us, please pop in with an update on how you are.
    TAMI – Tina’s story reminded me of your daughter away at college. Hope things are continuing to go well for her.
    ALEIDA – continuing to pray for you and Victor.

    1. Searching says:

      Yes, KELLY, I’ve been expecting HEIDI to show herself this past week especially as some of the topics seemed to call for her insight.

      Praying as you begin training staff next week, and that the long term result is a better work environment for you. ❤️

  22. Sally B. says:

    There is so very much that is heavy and overwhelming in the world, it’s no wonder our young people are in such a state. We’ve let the culture remove all Godly foundation from under them, yet expect them to then be able to make sense of the world.
    Praying for you and all our young adults – God’s strong, impenetrable protection surround us, protecting us from the flaming darts and from hopelessness!
    God bless your Friday, Ladies!

    1. Searching says:

      Amen, SALLY. Joining you in prayer.

    2. Vickie B says:

      Sally, you are absolutely right and it’s heartbreaking! I know I could not function in this evil broken world without God as my Rock.

  23. Tricia C says:

    I just read the devotion in He Reads Truth. Wow. Both of these are so powerful. In HRT, Russ reminds us that, “The devil’s tactic isn’t to block the glory we want to give to God as much as it’s to take away our desire to give Him glory in the first place. He does this by turning our focus not from God onto himself but from God onto ourselves.”
    Oh my word. I am struck by these words. Lord, please help me to put on the whole armor of God so that I can be reminded to and do keep my focus on You. I’m not on this first for my own pleasure. I am here to glorify You.

    1. Searching says:

      wow. Thank you TRICIA ❤️ for sharing that. The evil one is skilled at end around runs like you described from HRT … taking away our desire is so much easier than directly trying to block our glory and praise to God. If I know I’m blocked from something, I immediately start figuring out how to get around or overcome the block, and there’s pretty much no stopping my determination. But distract from or take away the desire for that “something” (a relationship with our Heavenly Father), no need for the block.

      1. Gwineth52 says:

        Hello Searching & Tricia
        You put things in a way I most appreciated.
        Praying to God to no longer defer/delay/distract…but to decidedly submit to Him.

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:


    3. Sally B. says:

      Wow – that offers a jolt this morning.
      Father, help us keep our eyes firmly on You!

    4. Laura says:

      I also thought the devo from HRT was very powerful!

  24. Tina says:

    This, @ BAILEY has my heart jumping joyfully right now!
    Since last Friday evening, I have been battling alongside a Christian friend who is and has been battling mental illness, and had become overwhelmed leaving home to go away to uni.
    My part in this battle is when the thoughts and feelings come, I am able by God’s prompting and ‘suited and booted’ ready, speak God’s truth over her.

    Last Friday, was the bad day! It truly was, she collapsed in a heap, in class, overwhelmed. She was threatening to come home and not return. Her future was fast disappearing and her parents hearts were breaking..
    BUT GOD..
    Had a plan and a purpose in place.. I tell you!
    The day before, I was stuck in traffic and was trying to reach her dad to tell him this, she picked up and said dad had left his phone .. the conversation that ensued was one of how proud and happy I was for this next stage of her life and that I am only the end of a phone and only 45 minutes away, so should she need to talk, about anything, the door to my ear was open!
    I missed a call from her on Friday afternoon..I called back a little over an hour later, and the world had collapsed. She was sobbing, taking those breathes that alert you to the fact that she had been crying for some time, and high level stress had kicked in! We were on the phone for an hour and then some, talking through and praying as her mum arrived. I told her I would call in the morning, and slowly slowly over the days, a couple of prayfilled chats each day, covering her with my ‘armour’ and speaking peace and God’s Word and truth over her, telling her to take one day at a time, and if that is too much, one moment at a time.. we arrive at today!
    I visited her yesterday at her ini with her parents.. she was settling to the point that as she spoke, she said …
    ” The lecture today was hard and the group chat was clogging up with fellow students losing the heads and saying how they were overwhelmed, and I sat there realising I wasn’t losing mine because I could hear your prayer and words over me, to take the moments, one by one..” Tears roll as I recall her words..
    BUT GOD..
    He HAS got this young lady but has me in the wings ‘armoured’ up, ready to fight for and with her in His truth.
    I have no doubt that in and by His Grace, my friend will be alright.. the battle is real, BUT His Word and promises never to leave nor forsake are truth and the armour we need to face each day..
    Lord, in your mercy …
    Happy Friday my peeps!
    God is good.. praying His goodness over each and sending much love and hugs to all..
    Prayers going up as requested..❤️

    1. Tina says:

      I forgot to ask to keep Abbi in your prayers, please, as and when.
      Thank you dear hearts..❤️

      1. Mary Ann Graves says:

        Amen. Praying

    2. Tricia C says:

      I will keep Abbi and you also in prayer. You are such a lovely person. I’m so grateful to “know” you. Have a blessed weekend Tina. ❤️

    3. Searching says:

      What an awesome, loving, Godly friend you are, dear TINA! Thankful we are sisters, love you! ❣️

      Praying for Abbi.

    4. Kelly (NEO) says:

      You are such a blessing ❣️

    5. Adrienne says:


    6. MamaJonk says:

      I can’t begin to tell you how many times over the years that your Godly inspired wisdom has blessed me. What a gift you are to this young lady and to us all!❤

    7. Donna Wolcott says:

      Tina, thanks for sharing. How many young people around us could we help by doing the same thing. Praying for all requests.

    8. Rachel says:

      This felt like a big, cleansing breath. I teach at a university and am also in grad school. My students need this reminder and I needed this reminder. I can’t wait to encourage them with your words on Tuesday! ❤️

    9. Cee Gee says:

      Tina, what a perfect testimony to ‘being alert’! Thank you for sharing how obedience to the Spirit works. Happy weekend, sister, with hugs! ❤

    10. GramsieSue says:

      Your are such a wonderful inspiration to so many! Thank you!
      Prayers for Abbi ❤️

    11. Laura says:

      I have a friend who has a daughter going through the same thing. Thank you for the reminder to keep lifting them both up in prayer.

    12. MARTHA HIX says:

      Tina… thank you for demonstrating God’s love. So beautiful!
      I wanted to share this song that just came to my mind❤️

      Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
      Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
      Heir of salvation, purchase of God
      Born of his Spirit, washed in His blood
      This is my story, this is my song
      Praising my Savior all the day long
      This is my story, this is my song
      Praising my Savior all the day long
      Perfect submission, perfect delight
      Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
      Angels descending bring from above
      Echoes of mercy, whispers of love
      This is my story, this is my song
      Praising my Savior all the day long
      This is my story, this is my song
      Praising my Savior all the day long
      Praising my Savior all the day long

      Source: Musixmatch
      Songwriters: David Thomas Clydesdale
      Blessed Assurance lyrics © Word Music Llc, Integrity’s Hosanna! Music, Word Music, Llc, Curb Word Music, Sundae Songs Banana Split, Julian Reid Publishing Company

      1. Gwineth52 says:

        How lovely! Thanks for singing to us, dear Martha. Let our voices rise, telling our story, lifting His song.

      2. Eileen Dowd says:

        Beautiful and thank you Martha Hix!!