We Remember You Are Coming Again

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 65:17-25, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 22:6-21

I wish I were someone who could walk around so confidently saying, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” After all, aren’t all Christ followers supposed to be able to say it so freely? If I’m being honest, sometimes I don’t even want to remember that Jesus is coming back. Sometimes I rush past the thought when it comes to mind. Because, when I remember that He is coming again, I tend to think about all the earthly moments I won’t get to experience if He comes back soon while I’m on this side of our eternity.

I wish I could say that the truth of today’s Scripture reading is what first comes to mind when I consider Jesus’s sure, coming return. In part, I know these thoughts are a consequence of living in a sinful, broken world with an imperfect, not fully-redeemed mind. But Isaiah 65 gives me hope. One day, not only will the heavens and earth be made new, but what I remember and how I think will be made new as well. When Jesus comes back, I won’t be sitting in grief over unfulfilled, earthly moments. After all, “the past events will not be remembered or come to mind” (v.17). The Lord says that what He will do will be worth rejoicing in forever (v.18). These words aren’t wishful thinking. They describe our upcoming, eternal reality with renewed minds.

Even Paul, hundreds of years later, affirmed the heart of this prophecy from Isaiah. The point of remembering that Christ is coming again, according to Paul, is to live in hope, not grief (1Thessalonians 4:13). Our one sure hope is that we will be in God’s presence forever with all those who are in Christ (v.17). And that is enough to rejoice in for eternity. And yet, that’s not all we’ll get to experience. We’ll get to live and worship in the new heavens and the new earth—which we got a glimpse of in today’s reading. To think of the world redeemed like this feels hard to even fathom. What an experience that life will be—living in a world free from the presence and power of sin. Gosh, I want that. What an abundant, gracious God to assure us that we will live completely and freely in His presence, and every single experience in the new heavens and new earth—from every animal and acre of land to every human thought and experience—will be consumed in and reflect God’s perfect glory. 

When I fixate on my earthly longings, I’m placing my hope in uncertainties. But when I remember that Jesus is coming back and He’s going to make all things new, I find sure, firm certainty.  
Our People of Remembrance reading plan ends with the final verses in the canon of Scripture, calling Jesus to return. If that’s the final cry of God’s Word, may it be the final cry of my heart as well. “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20).

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "We Remember You Are Coming Again"

  1. Ada McCloud says:


  2. Terri Baldwin says:


  3. Kim U says:

    Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Thank you for the hope we have in you.❤️ What an amazing God we have, everyone!

  4. Tina says:

    AMEN, Come Lord Jesus..❤

    Waiting here for you, with my hands lifted high in praise as I wait for your return..

    Amen, Come Lord Jesus.


    BUT GOD..❤

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Friday! Praying for you all along with the SRT team. It’s been hard for me to want to read the study knowing it’s not been convient so maybe I’m being tested by God ha ha! @MISSY CSONKA – praying for you and the depression you’re facing. Many know my path with depression that my dad had and I hope you I am praying for you! You are SO important to this world and even this community alone. Please never forget that and know things will get better for you. Even though things might feel hard but you are important! I hope you get to see this message as I am posting so late!

  6. Adrienne says:

    Thank you, RYAN MYERS, for updating us. Prayers for the SRT team, indeed! Satan is working hard to let these tech glitches get the best of all of us, isn’t he? Grrr… stupid satan!

    I have my notebook updated with prayer requests. I, like many of my other sweet sisters, pray as requests are made, but I t is so wonderful to go back through my notes to see how He IS answering prayers for us.

    No new updates on Fred and Sharon. Please keep praying for their healing and how to proceed from here. Thank you, sweet She’s.

  7. ERB says:

    COMMUNION. ..all those interested in doing communion as a community, meet us on Facebook: SRT SHE’S (private group) on Sunday (March 3rd) 9pm EST …we will create a group chat so we can all connect and do communion together!! If you don’t have Facebook and want to join us, please join us right where you’re at!! 9pm EST

    Looking forward to “seeing” you!!

  8. Mrs Consuelo Colbert says:

    I enjoyed People of Remembrance Looking forward to the Matthew Study . Blessings

  9. Donna Wolcott says:

    Teresa D. for your sister I hope the doctors can determine what is going on.

  10. Teresa Donley says:

    I’ve been absent for the past week due to a terrible virus. I’m finally back to normal, and spent a good portion of today catching up on readings and devotions. I’m sad that the comments are gone. I’m praying for each request mentioned today, and praying for all SRT sisters.

    My sister has been in the hospital since Wednesday morning, and is quite sick. The doctors are having a difficult time determining what is wrong and how to help her. So far, they’re just relying on morphine to keep the pain somewhat manageable. Please pray that her doctors will have the knowledge and wisdom to correctly diagnose the problem, so they can treat her, and pray she will soon recover.

  11. Mercy says:

    Today’s devotional stirred up a mix of emotions. I shared some of Hannah’s sentiments as well like most of us. The return of the Lord is joyful for us, His children, but it’s also the time of separation with those who don’t choose Him, we will be separated from them. The birth pains and the increasing contractions- a very scary thing. The Bible says that those in hell can see those who are in heavens, there is a large chasm in between (the rich man in hell could see Lazarus and Father Abraham in heaven and could talk). I don’t know if that would still be the case, but it is painful to see and know who’s where as well, as Ecclesiastes say, the more knowledge the more the grief, what if it is our families that the chasm will separate, and we can see. I turned to this verse for hope, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36 NKJV). May we pray and hope in the Lord that He alters the hearts of our unsaved loved ones, and in our nations, on earth as in Heaven. Lord have mercy upon those who still reject you, soften their heart, transform their thoughts, attitude, and actions to receive You now and have a blissful eternity.

    @DONNA WOLCOT: continued prayer for your doctor friend and her mission work in Ukraine.
    @JESSICA H: your niece Isabelle and deliverance from eating disorder/oppression.
    @GWINETH52: insomnia be gone. Sweet and deep sleep.
    @RYAN MYERS: hello and so glad you came on here to introduce yourself and address the issues. Thank you for your hard work and the dedication of all SRT team members behind the scene. We love you and lift your families in prayers, troubleshooting issues soon to be resolved. Blessings.
    @THERESE R: loved the book club, read-alongs! I am a slow/savoury reader, hope that’s okay.
    @DANIELLE B: for your dear grandma, healing and rehab solution.
    @SARAH D: praying for your courage and stamina to set up boundaries with this boy in classroom, and may his parents assist you as well with setting structures in their home environment, and follow through. I am so sorry.
    @TAYLOR: praying that all is well with you.
    @TAMI C: thank you, lifting up your dear Chela.
    @JULIA C: loved your prayers.❤️

    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  12. Annie says:

    Even now the Lord hears us before we call out to Him.

    Isaiah 65:24 Even before they call, I will answer;
    while they are still speaking, I will hear.

  13. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you for all you share each day, I join those who write prayers and your wisdom teaches me something every day. This was a great study and may I start each day in “Remembrance” of the sacrifice and the promise. Lifting you all.

    I have a prayer request, my friend who is a medical missionary leaves tomorrow to go back to Ukraine to live for a year. She has found housing and will be setting up clinics, she can’t share where. She also will be organizing short term mission trips to help with medical and construction (not heavy), working with the children etc. She has worked all over the world and responds during a crisis. During the ebola epidemic she went to Africa, worked in Haiti during another event and for almost 10 yrs in the DR with Haitians living on sugar cane plantations, that is how I met her. My prayer is for her safety and those who come along side her and for all she serves. Going to a war zone is not an easy choice, but God has given her a task. Thank you.

  14. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Jessica H. – I prayed for your niece this morning, but am lifting her to the Lord again right now. Father God, please be near to this girls heart. Please let Isabelle find healing, and most of all – if she doesn’t know you draw her to You. Minister to her Mama’s and grandma’s heart. Give peace, give wisdom to the doctors, surround them all with your love. Heal this dear soul. In Jesus Name. ❤️

  15. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning my sweet she sisters! I am so thankful for this place that we have to come to – to share, to glean, to pray for one another and learn from each other.

    “Behold I am coming soon!” I hate to admit that I don’t always have the right reasons for wanting Christ to come soon. Usually it’s when I’m suffering yet another day of physical, chronic pain, or I let my gaze focus on all the evil in this world. I hope that it will take a turn, and that my desire for Christ to come quickly is so that I can see Him face to face and forever be in His presence. Yet, there are times that I too want Him to hold off until my 2 prodigal adult sons come back to Him, and all those I know and love will be saved. Oh that I might be able to say along with Paul – and mean it – “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

    @Sarah D. – praying for you today. May God give you the wisdom and patience each and every day to know how to handle challenging students (and their parents!).

    @Tami C. – continued prayers for Chela, praising God with you that she agreed to counseling. Praying that her counselor is a good fit , that Chela is open and honest with her and that God will bring healing.

    @Danielle B. – prayers that your parents will soon completely recover from covid and that your grandma will find a rehab she will willingly go to and have a quick recovery so that she can soon be back in her own home.

    Have a fabulous Friday and a blessed weekend!

    @Ryan Myers – thank you for taking the time to update us all on the problems and progresses of the website and the app. Technology is great…when it works right! May God bless each of the staff at SRT and all the writers with wisdom and knowledge as they pass on to each of us what God has taught them.

  16. Jessica H says:

    Hi everyone, asking for prayer again for my niece Isabelle. They got to the eating disorder clinic to get her admitted, but her pulse and blood pressure are so low that they are transporting her to a local hospital. Pray for her health, safety, and that she doesn’t lose her spot at the clinic. And for peace for her momma and grandma as they navigate an unfamiliar system hours away from home and support systems. Thank you.

  17. Heather O'Malley says:

    @THERESE R I would love to read the book as a group! I also love Praying Scripture For Your Adult Children, and have been praying one verse over each of my 2 sons for the last 6 months or so. I’m definitely seeing some ways that God is moving in their lives. Praise God!

  18. Susie says:

    As much as I love reading about the return of Jesus, like the writer here, sometimes I can glaze over that part because I don’t want it to happen right yet. And I used to feel guilty about that. Was I holding on Earthly things too tightly? And then for some reason, I was reading in Ecclesiastes. He created us here to enjoy life on her Earth. But to be clear he wants us to enjoy it with him in it, not our own way.
    Does that Millennial Earth sound good? You bet it does! But until that happens, or God calls us home, I think we’re supposed to exude joy while we’re here. And again, when I talk about Joy, I’m not talking about fleeting moments of happiness where we fulfill our selfish desires. To completely have joy, I think it’s to put Christ’s always in the center of our lives. It makes this life so satisfying, even with the hard parts!

  19. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Morning Shes
    Pleased to follow the comments of SRT sister Julia C in echoing the wise & wonderful words of the devotional author, Hannah Little, and then Julia offering her own prayer.
    Wishing everyone warm feelings & a welcoming spirit to the assurances of the resurrection & revaluation of Christ. Each & every day, not as the week ends. Because the Lord knows I often crumble under the uncertainties. And fret over the least important & idols of distraction.
    But then I resurface, gratefully, remembering the savior & solace found in the New Testament.
    And in the Old Testament blessing me with Psalms for reflection & renewal in this season of Lent. Settling my insomnia. Lifting my spirit.
    May I never underestimate His goodness & mercy & forgiveness.
    May I live freely into His eternity.
    May I pray into the unknown, more freely & fearlessly.
    Grateful to have travelled this study with you.
    Thanks be to God.

  20. Ryan Myers says:

    Good morning, She Reads Truth Community!

    My name is Ryan Myers and I am the CEO here at She Reads Truth. You may be familiar with my wife, Raechel, one of the founders of She Reads Truth. :-)

    I don’t often come out from behind the scenes, but we’ve been dealing with some pretty frustrating issues with our app, which I know you all have been feeling as well. Not to mention, an issue with the site that occurred yesterday as well.

    I wanted to provide some clarity on some of the things you may have questions about.

    1. Yesterday, an issue arose where it was listing all 200+ episodes of our podcasts on every single reading plan page. This made for a very unpleasant experience for our mobile users. That has been fixed. Yay!

    2. In order to fix that issue, we had to restore a backup of our website from 3 days ago, which caused us to lose the comments that we made between the point of that backup and the point in which we repaired. I’m sorry for the inconvenience of that.

    3. I think the People of Remembrance plan *should* be back up and running on the app later today. Again, this hurdle was caused by the restored backup. We need our developer to do a couple things in order for that to get fixed.

    Lastly, I want to thank you so much for your grace and patience in this process. I read through your comments and am just so encouraged by your desire to pray for us as we figure it all out. Apps are complicated and expensive and sometimes they don’t act the way you expect them to!

    I’m also really excited to share that we are preparing to launch a revamped website this spring followed by a brand new app by the end of the year. Both of which are being designed with the community experience in mind. You are our focus!

    Again, on behalf of our team, we appreciate you all. Keep reading with us!


    1. Amy Brady says:


    2. Cara P says:

      Thank you!

  21. Cheryl Blow says:

    Amen, Come Lord Jesus! Help me to set my eyes on things above and not on things of this earth!

  22. ERB says:

    JANE KAEFER ..YAY! So awesome!! I will mark you down as wanting to participate!! What time zone & country are you in? I’m just in the beginning stages of getting this all organized..trying to find a time/day that is good for EVERYONE!! (very open to suggestions & ideas) …I will keep you (& everyone) updated and make sure that you & anyone who wants to participate will be able to!! Xoxo

  23. Allison Bentley says:

    Amen! Cone Lord Jesus!! Shouting this morning with my hands held high!!! Sending love and prayers to all my sisters this morning especially lifting up all the mommas in waiting! Looking forward to Matthew ! Sending you all off with ☮️❤️ this weekend!

  24. ERB says:

    BECKYBEE ..I posted in the SRT SHE’S group recently created by RHONDA J. It’s a private group with 169 members. What is the name of the group you are a part of?
    …either way, I can mark you down as interested in participating in a community communion time! Just let me know!! Love & Blessings!

  25. MemeFaye says:

    Sweet SRT sisters, the devil sure has been trying to keep the SRT IT team in a panic, hasn’t he?!? I did go back and look, and the comments are still showing on Day 15 and further back on the website. i get nothing on the app right now! I enjoy reading all comments, sons, and prayers. one song that comes to mind is “I wish we’d all been ready” by Larry Norman (from the 70s)… and then Andre’ Crouch’s song,”Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! Hallelujah!”
    Have a good weekend, friends!

  26. Mari V says:

    @ Sarah D. I “hear” you sweet girl! I am a para (old-enough-to-be-a-grandma) in Kindergarten. I have been appalled of the behavior of a few students and the responses of parents. I’m so sorry you’ve experienced some unpleasantness. Praying for you sweet girl and I agree with the others that emailing the parents to inform them was the right thing to do. That is exactly what the teacher would do. YOU got this! These students are BLESSED to have a caring, loving and someone who loves Jesus as their teacher.

  27. Maria B says:

    Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!— A beautiful way to end this study. I think this may be one of my favorite Bible studies I’ve ever done with SRT. May everything we learn guide us in our lives.

  28. Mari V says:

    YES!! Come Lord Jesus! I echo those same words! Thank you Hannah, for a very heartfelt devotion this morning! My heart is filled with JOY! Happy Friday sweet She’s! Its my favorite day of the week! I just had a HAPPY thought. Someday, I (we) won’t need a favorite day of the week because we will be with Jesus FOREVER!

  29. Traci Gendron says:

    SARAH D – Oh sweet girl what a hard job you have. Dealing with parents would be tough, but you’ve got this. I think you handled it well. Prayers.

  30. Traci Gendron says:

    “Come Jesus Come” I thought of this song right away! Selfishly I wish He’d come now. I want to have peace which this world does not give. I want to see my son again. I want to sit with my Father. BUT there are so many that do not know God and that is where my selfishness comes in.

    RHONDA J – I’m thankful for the book you suggested reading “Put Your Warrior Boots On”. Because if I’m honest I’m not sure I’ve done much to further God’s kingdom. The only thing I can think of is through my journey with Tanner. Praying for boldness and direction from God.

  31. Jane Kaefer says:

    @ERB, I would love to do communion with you all! My membership has been pending for weeks, so today I reapplied. Hopefully, I can connect before communion.

  32. BeckyBee says:

    @ERB which FB group did you post in? I am on one with about 7.2K followers but didn’t see the communion post. Also interested in the book club.

  33. Rhonda J. says:

    GM Shes
    I thought of the song “Come Jesus Come” instantly as well Arienne! It’s such a heartfelt song. And I agree with what you said, I long for Him, but at the same time, glad He is patiently waiting on the many throngs of people that don’t know him yet, many prodigals as well.

    The scriptures picked for today’s devotion were spot on. The hope we have that Jesus is coming back makes me jump for joy and do cartwheels! When you have chronic pain (mental or physical) it wears you down (and prevents jumping and cartwheels!), and sometimes, oftentimes you don’t want to get out of bed or do anything. I really have to motivate myself to keep on keeping on. Especially now that I don’t work anymore. Luckily I have the Lord’s ministries 4x a week that excites me and propel me on! It’s funny because I couldn’t wait to move to the beach to live my life like a tropical commercial, and we did for the first few years. But that isn’t furthering God’s kingdom…not that it’s wrong, but it’s not my priority and with my back pain it isn’t even fun anymore. I need fulfillment in Jesus! The daily dose of sunshine and warmth is helpful, but my daily bread is where it’s at!!

    Come Jesus Come….We’ve been waiting so long…let today be the day…

    Are we ready? Probably not if it really was purposed to you..(me), I want my grandkids to be swept up with me!

    Lord, I pray for those that don’t know you, draw them to you. Let them have a revelation that there is a God that created all things that are around them, in nature and in the little miraculous happenings around them, in the gift of our abilities and the human body. Let them be curious to question you, and to investigate your word Lord. Bring friends or mentors to them Lord, that will share Jesus with them, give them a hope that is beyond anything they have ever known. Let them feel a zest and joy in knowing you and a peace that you are real Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

  34. Tricia C says:

    I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. Thank you for sharing your prayer requests and your prayers and your love of Jesus and your fears. I am so grateful that we have a place to share with each other. Even if all our prayer requests are gone and we can’t see them any longer, lol, the Lord knows them, and we can still pray for them.

  35. Tricia C says:

    THERESE R I would love to read that book along with you and other Sisters!
    I can’t say that I when I read about Jesus coming, or someone talks about Jesus coming, have ever thought I wish I could stay here to enjoy earthly things. I have thought I wish the Lord would tarry because of my children who don’t know the Lord. But then I’m sure we all have days when we are so over it and are so ready for the Lord to come.
    I am praying for your requests, dear Sisters. I am so grateful that we have a Father who will listen all the time, anytime. Have a blessed weekend!❤️

  36. Laura Dianne says:

    I have to admit, I have mixed emotions when I think about Heaven because I don’t understand it. I can’t even fathom what it must be like. But that’s the point, isn’t it? We only know THIS world, with sin and brokenness, with rebellion and selfishness. We can’t even imagine a world without that! I like this quote from HRT, “As I’ve gotten older, the sweetest part of imagining paradise now is that it has little to do with what is there and everything to do with who is there—specifically, Jesus. But also people I know and love, and me, as I know myself to be, only then in a perfected state. I’ll be me. You’ll be you. Jesus will be Jesus.”

    As others have stated, I pray diligently for my lost family members to repent and turn back before He comes. I truly do get that getting the most out of this world is not the point. Telling others about Jesus in this world is the point. Standing with all the mommas in the group who are waiting for their prodigals to come home.

    Sarah D., I want to encourage you. Dealing with parents is probably the hardest part of teaching. I used to tell my younger co-workers this all the time! You did the right thing. Keep standing strong. Parents often want to “push around” young teachers as well. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it. I’m glad that you are seeking the counsel of your fellow teachers. And seeking God’s wisdom and insight. Teaching is a calling and a ministry. But it is also so hard sometimes, but well worth the effort! As many other SRT sisters, I feel like we have been on this journey with you for awhile. I’m proud of you for the work that you are doing, for your heart to follow Jesus, for your desire to find a God-fearing husband. You have lots of women standing behind you, cheering you on and carrying you in prayer.

  37. Adrienne says:

    Today’s readings take me back to our recent study about everything new. I continue to hear a song on the radio that is popular now. I don’t know if the title is “Come, Jesus Come”, but I love it! I heard it a lot when we were in the midst of that study. I heard it again yesterday.

    “Let today be the day!”

    But, yes, my heart hurts for those that don’t know Him. It reminds me of something I heard on a podcast once… aren’t you glad that Jesus did not come back before YOU (emphasis, mine) were saved? Ouch! Guess I need to be patient, huh?

    Happy Friday, sweet She’s!

  38. ERB says:

    Also wanted to post lyrics to a song by Joshua Aaron called Spirit and The Bride. It is based off of today’s reading in Revelation 22 and is sung in both English & Hebrew.
    Let the one who Hears
    The Savior say, Come
    Let the One who is Thirsty, Come
    Behold the Alpha and Omega,
    Beginning and the End
    In Him we will Never,
    Never Thirst Again

    HaRuach v’hakala
    Omrim bo
    HaRuach v’hakala omrim bo
    Spirit and the Bride
    Say Come
    Come, Ooh Come

  39. ERB says:

    edit to COMMUNION post: a weekend day, NOT weekends. And it wouldn’t have to be a regular thing, maybe something we do just once, depending on how everyone feels…

  40. searching says:

    SARAH D – praying for you, this little boy and his parents – especially that he would view you and school as a safe place, that he would understand that any correction comes from a place of love as you prepare him for kindergarten, that he would seek positive attention from obedience rather than negative attention from acting out.

    TAMI C – praying for Chela

  41. ERB says:

    Just posted this in the SRT Facebook group, but wanted to share it here as well..

    Trying to organize COMMUNION for us to take together as a community.. if you want to participate please leave your name, your time zone and any suggestions you have in the comments so I/we can find a centralized time that works for ALL of us!! Love and blessings to each of you!! Xoxo
    Example: ERB- EST United States. I was thinking weekends would be good..

  42. Jaclyn says:

    @Therese — I think that’s a great idea (book club)! I have an uncle that strayed and it’s been really hard on the family. I’m sure we could do a zoom or something of the sort. :) Praying for all of you ladies today!

  43. Therese R says:

    Good morning. I’ve been coming here for 10 years and don’t comment (but always praying for all of you beautiful ladies), but God has really prompted me to comment on our prodigals. Tami C, Searching, and all the Moms praying for their prodigals, there is an amazing book called Prayers for Prodigals 90 days of prayer for your child written by James Banks. An acquaintance of mine told me about it and her husband wrote it. He is a pastor in NC. Both children walked away and praise God are now walking and have been delivered from drug addiction and more. I thought maybe if anyone is interested we could do this book together somehow? I just started the book again this week and admit I’ve had to dust it off . Even just knowing we are all reading this at the same time. Matthew 18:20 tells us “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Let’s storm the gates of heaven for our children! I could also post a picture of the book on our FB page if you’d like? Have a blessed day!

  44. Danielle B says:

    “Come Lord Jesus Come” these are words I cry when the weight of what is happening in our world feels so heavy. Yet @Searching you’re right there is a sadness for those who don’t yet know the Savior. Now I’ll view these moments as solace that this world temporary and Christ is returning and pray for my loved ones who haven’t turned towards God.

    I know from comments that our earlier comments are gone, so yes please list your requests so we can continue to pray for each other. An update on my requests is my parents continue to improve from Covid. My grandma had surgery Tuesday as she broke her hip when she fell. She is in some pain from the rod and pins they put in and her fractured elbow. She needed a blood transfusion due to so much lost blood. She appears confused at times, which we anticipate some. Please pray as they are now looking for a place for her to rehab and my grandma is not fan of not being in her home.

    Ladies I appreciate you all and the way you show care for each other in praying for each other. Sarah D praying for you today. Mercy I missed you specific request but I’m praying with the other She’s.

  45. Karen Elizabeth says:

    Come, Lord Jesus, come! I echo JESSICA H in that the older I get, the more I long for Jesus’ return. I think too of the verse (can’t remember where it is) that says God is not slow in returning, but patient, as he does not want anyone to perish. It gives me hope for those I love that have not turned to Jesus as their source of hope, faith, and life.
    SARAH D- praying this little boys sees your example and starts making a change. Thank you for serving the littlest ones in school. I certainly wouldn’t have the patience for it!

  46. Cee Gee says:

    Early appt. and busy morning ahead. I, too, pray for the IT team as they locate and eradicate the glitches. What a nightmare it must be for the SRT staff!

    Thank you, Julia, for another great prayer! Sending a hug back to you! ❤

    SEARCHING – I will give that a listen! A song U always think of when we read of these events is “It Could Happen in a Moment” – an old quartet song with a lively tempo. ❤

    Praying for each request and prayers appreciated for the events of my day. ❤

  47. CAT-TEE says:

    “When I fixate on my earthly longings, I’m placing my hope in uncertainties. But when I remember that Jesus is coming back and He’s going to make all things new, I find sure, firm certainty.” Please strengthen me Lord and keep me in that certainty.
    Praying for all requests ❤️

  48. Jessica H says:

    Also praying for the SRT tech team. I was so happy to use the app yesterday, and today it’s gone again. So thankful for other avenues to connect anyway!

    I remember when I was younger I also hesitated when I considered the second coming of Christ. I wanted to experience life first! Now that I’m older and have seen more pain and suffering, it has changed my views. Now I’m impatient–Come, Lord Jesus! I don’t want my children to see and experience the same suffering. They are coming of age in a hard world, and it seems impossible to overcome all the worldly things with which they are bombarded every day. We just keep praying and trying to point them to Jesus in the meantime.

  49. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone,
    Would love your prayers today. One of my children in my Pre-K class has been very challenging, and Wednesday hit kicked another child and ripped his paper, and he called me names like “sir” and 4 year old bathroom talk. I emailed the parents, and in short, their mindset is essentially that I need to fix it in the classroom. It was a rude response. Yesterday was a lot better since the father spoke to his child, so I am praying today is better too. I am a first year teacher and can accept my shortcomings, but I have been talking with several experienced teachers at my school on how to improve and get ideas. My teacher friends said that I was right in emailing the parents, and agree that these parents are set in their ways and do not want to change, and get defensive when someone tries to speak with them on it. It is very sad. Would love prayers for peace and not anxiety while I’m at school, and to do my best to keep the kids engaged and learn what they need to before going to kindergarten.

  50. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thank you, Hannah! “What an abundant, gracious God to assure us that we will live completely and freely in His presence, and every single experience in the new heavens and new earth—from every animal and acre of land to every human thought and experience—will be consumed in and reflect God’s perfect glory.”

    JESSICA H – prayers for Isabelle’s treatment to be a sucess. May the Lord open her eyes to her worth in Hos eyes.

    ADRIENNE – prayers for wisdom for Fred’s medical team for next steps and for Sharon’s recovery


  51. Searching says:

    Yes, JULIA C, praying for the SRT IT team!

    I am struggling to pull myself together this morning after reading these Scriptures, encouraged and yet overwhelmed by the truth that I have known for years and have read many, many times before – Jesus is coming back, hallelujah, yet my heart is breaking for those who won’t be ready. I think especially of loved ones going their own way instead of God’s way (praying for all the prodigals) and religious groups that have distorted God’s word and deceived their followers. Praying for the truth to be seen by all, that they will come to know Jesus as Savior.

    The song running through my mind this morning is Oh God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You.

    Praying for requests – SHARON JERSEY GIRL, MERCY, A WALTON, AZ WALKER, ADRIENNE, JESSICA H and others – the Lord knows them all.

  52. Tami C says:

    Also if I may ask for continued prayer for my daughter Chela. She is still struggling with transition to college – I think she is mourning her old life, her friends here, having a nice clean house to live in with a cook, maid, and personal assistant (me – lol) So many changes but she gets so down on herself and it is so hard to watch. Her anxiety is overwhelming at times. She starts with a counselor next week which is an answer to prayer bc she was always adamantly against it. She is not following the Lord, says she is “agnostic”. Hurts my heart to hear but I remind myself it’s in Gods timing. Praying for requests as they come in.

  53. Tami C says:

    JULIA C – I love reading your prayers! Thank you Hannah Little for expressing how I feel when thinking about Christ coming back. To be honest it kind of scares me. I try not to think of it that much and than that scares me because maybe I won’t be ready when He does come. Lol. Then I tell myself I’m a relatively new Christian so these are normal feelings. Anyway praying they get the tech glitches fixed so I can read all of your comments.
    MERCY I’ve been praying for you and you family when I think of you. For God to break your husbands chains and for you strength and wisdom for next steps. Have a great day sisters!

  54. Julia C says:

    Dear Sisters,

    Praying for the SRT IT team that they may be able to bring back the comments from the past days.
    Until then, please share your prayer requests so I can pray for you.
    Any way, remember that God sees, God knows, God hears and God answers ❤️

    Sending hugs!

  55. Julia C says:

    “When I fixate on my earthly longings, I’m placing my hope in uncertainties. But when I remember that Jesus is coming back and He’s going to make all things new, I find sure, firm certainty.” To that I say AMEN! Thank you, HANNAH LITTLE.

    All my attempts to be satisfied
    Were vain and empty
    Until the moment You rescued me
    And Your love filled me

    My soul sings
    Now my soul sings

    What blessed assurance
    I’ve found in You
    I won’t be shaken, I will not be moved

    (Blessed Assurance by CityAlight)

    Dear Father,

    You are our Blessed Assurance!

    Our anchor, our strength, our portion, our healing, our hope, our truth, our shepherd that leads us to our eternal home. In short: everything we need.

    Thank You for the promise of Jesus’ return, the promise of a new world, the promise of spending eternity in Your presence. Forever. Always.

    I pray that we may be rooted in this truth, waiting with hope and joy for what is to come.
