Jesus Begins to Teach in Parables

Open Your Bible

Mark 4:1-41

I laid on the crisp gurney sheets while a long sheet of paper scrolled out of the machine, like a dot matrix printer from the 1980s. The nurse stopped the printer and tore off the long paper. The electrocardiogram machine listened to my heart much deeper than the natural ear could, even with a stethoscope. Hearing my heart more closely allowed the doctor to understand what my body needed to bring it back to full health.

Sometimes our spiritual lives need something like an electrocardiogram machine so we understand what’s really going on—like when Jesus repeated the idea of “listening” several times in Mark 4, “Let anyone who has ears to hear listen” (Mark 4:9). Not everyone had ears to hear. 

Jesus taught using everyday imagery to an agricultural community—the seed and soil, the lamp on a stand, growing seed, and mustard seed—to describe the deep spiritual truth that His followers needed. Unless people had “ears to hear,” they missed out on the reality Jesus taught about the kingdom of God. 

But in order to hear, we need to listen more closely—and that takes more time. After time with Jesus, the crowd scattered, but the disciples stayed. They walked with Jesus and asked questions. They pondered and marveled. They didn’t rush off to the first-century version of Netflix or fill their schedule with their favorite distraction (what’s yours?). Their top pursuit this day was Jesus. 

And in their pursuit, Jesus shared the purpose of the day’s message. The soils described the hearts of people. Some hear the Word but do not believe. Some hear the Word but fall away. Some hear the Word but never produce fruit because they’re choked out by worries and distractions (Mark 4:18–19). But for some, they hear and produce a crop many times over.

I hope we have ears to hear, but I wonder: Are we more distracted than discipled? Do we take time to press in, ponder, and consider the Word of God? Or are we like the crowds that listened, then dispersed?

Once the doctor looked at my EKG, he noticed the skipping and rushing I felt within and said, “Nothing is wrong with your heart. You have anxiety. You need to rest and relax.” Sometimes we all need to slow down, look beyond the surface (even of our own hearts), and listen to Jesus long enough to know what He’s really saying—in His Word and in the quietness of our own souls by His Spirit. Have you slowed down to listen recently? 

(85) Comments

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85 thoughts on "Jesus Begins to Teach in Parables"

  1. Tate Cox says:

    I really needed this tonight!

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you

  3. trina beckwith says:


  4. Mikayla Covington says:

    I’m behind on the reading too but doubling up so I can catch up.
    I really loved this reading. I need to slow down and ponder. Be a disciple, not just a crowd member who hears then walks away. This was very encouraging. Thank you!

  5. Mikayla Covington says:

    I’m behind on the reading too but doubling up so I can catch up.

  6. Meg B says:

    I find it so interesting that the disciples got the extra to help to understand the parables but still could not grasp who they were following. To the point that in a storm they had to ask Jesus if he cared if they died. Makes the disciples feel more human and helps me understand my struggles when I don’t grasp God’s power in my life.

  7. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Mark 4:38 “He (Jesus) was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.” Basically we have to remember that JESUS IS IN THE BOAT!! This short verse has been profound for me. For whatever I have been going through (breast cancer treatment), I just have to remember that Jesus is always there for me, even if he is sleeping on a cushion, He is there – his presence is all you need. Amen to that!!❤️

  8. Terri Baldwin says:

    I’m way behind I’ve been sick for a week and it has been rough. Reading through the parables is eye opening and quite clever ….who has ears to hear, LISTEN! When I first read the parables years ago I didn’t fully understand because I wasn’t really listening. You have to slow down and take it all in and go deeper till you hear His message.

  9. Marnie Bartleet says:

    I pray that the lord continues to provide the good soil and nourishment I need to be the 4th seed and not the 3rd as I know I can easily end here

  10. Sophie Mitchum says:

    So good!

  11. Emily Rehm says:

    I love that he used imagery and parables related to the culture of that specific community- that in an Agricultural area most of those listening would have related with the stories of sowing seed and producing crop. I’ve never thought about it this way- but Jesus was so kind to speak to their hearts in a way they could understand, even if most didn’t quite get the full depth of what he meant.
    Jesus, open my eyes to see, my ears to hear so I can know your heart more

  12. Emily Rehm says:

    I love that he used imagery and parables related to the culture of that specific community- that in an Agricultural area most of those listening would have related with the stories of sowing seed and producing crop. I’ve never thought about it this way- but Jesus was so kind to speak to their hearts in a way they could understand, even if most didn’t quite get the full depth of what he meant.

  13. Cathy says:

    Random but valuable thoughts as I sit in the stillness that makes up my current life. ContInuing to breathe in humility…breathing out pride.
    If you’re not discipline you best be being discipled.
    Linger and your hearing improves.
    I can ABIDE and you can ABIDE in Him and He will work through each of us despite different biblical interpretations.

  14. Tasha Enderby says:

    Prayers for you my friend I have had a season like this in my life and it was was a hard one but I promise the fruit will show with each faithful step to press closer to God especially on the I don’t feel like it days.

  15. Tasha Enderby says:

    I think this is a wonderful idea, I have had a focus word for the last three years and I love it when I see my word in scripture, this year my word is content and I keep a keen eye open to see what God is going to do this year!

  16. Tami C says:

    I can get so easily distracted and caught up. Then I feel deflated and far from God. “Its me not You God”. But I keep pressing in with reading, studying, Attempting to pray , even when i don’t feel it. Maybe God is just growing me in the dark like the seeds in the parable. I just need to sow the Word in my heart and trust that God will cause it to grow.

  17. Rene Savage says:


  18. Alexus Cehelnik says:

    I love that Jesus taught in parables❤️

  19. Rachel_espinoza says:

    Jesus, help me look beyond the surface. Help me to not only hear the Bible but listen to it

  20. Alisa W says:

    Distracted or discipled- very convicting!

    Worries of this world are overtaking me lately. I am doing this study a day “late” because I had too much to try and fit in yesterday. I need to be fitting in the right things.

  21. britney henderson says:

    This hit home today!!!

  22. Claire B says:


  23. Claire B says:

    Churchmouse, THIS! I have noticed myself rushing through, check it off my list. I have come to the conclusion that if I meditate on one verse or several I will receive more understanding. That is my goal. Also following a Bible Study on The Revelation by Rick Burgess on YouTube. Fabulous.

  24. Erin Andrews Arnold says:

    Really needed this one today ❤️ was super convicting for the current season I feel that I’m in. I need to take more time to listen and lean in, instead of going to God for quick fixes in the midst of the chaos of motherhood and all that comes with it. I need to prioritize my time better and focus on my relationship with the Lord.

  25. Victoria E says:

    Foster mama praying for your foster baby! Thank you Searching, Mercy, GramsieSue and others for continued prayers. I will have another scan in a week. Thank you Jesus that you are always with us

  26. Emeri Milam says:

    Wow, truly a message from God. Will keep you in my prayers ❤️

  27. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Wow this one hit home today. In the craziness of the past eight weeks, I don’t think I have stopped to listen very much. I feel led by God in most moments because I have felt true peace and love and joy in these weeks even amidst all the craziness. But I also haven’t had the time to just stop and sit and listen. But I know there are moments I could capitalize on that instead of doing other things. Trying to figure out how to read out of my physical bible instead of on my phone and work that into my life because I know it will be life giving. Praying to continue to be willing to hear the word of God through a lense of growth and grace and righteousness – always being willing to grow.

  28. AG says:

    This passage is a good reminder for me not to just check off doing my devotional but to take the time to understand, reflect and listen to God’s word. My church is encouraging us to do a “one word of the year” and I am working on mine. So far I am leaning towards something dealing with slowing down. I feel as if I am always in a rush to do more, go more places, get more done, etc.

    Minor pray request – we have awards day at school tomorrow and I get very anxious presenting in front of others please pray that it goes well!

  29. Alayna P. says:


  30. Mercy says:

    “Take heed what you hear” (Mark 4:24). This verse jumped out at me today while reading. Take heed. Take heed. And not just the audible voices and words of people, news, TV, music lyrics etc. that we hear, but take heed the voices inside our head. Take heed- beware what voices these are. There might be times the wrong thoughts and voices will come into our mind, replaying and rehearsing like a movie, and if we entertain them, we might walk in agreement, and bam…we are talking to the snake. Take heed what you hear. Take heed what you hear dear sisters. Pull down any mental stronghold through fervent prayers. Persistence in prayers is a virtue.
    @Victoria E: thank you for the ultrasound update. I will continue to pray for you and your sweet baby.
    @Michelle P: agreeing with Rhonda J and joining her to pray for your new home vision. How amazing God has showed you this beforehand so you can look forward to it, and be filled with hope, of the expected end (Jeremiah 29:11).
    @Elaine: hallelujah, praising God for this great victory.
    @Heidi: missing seeing you sister, how is your semester going? Praying for you and your family, and niece.
    @Foster mama: praying for your foster baby.
    @Maria Baer: praying for the “disconnection” and the spiritual dryness to come off, and meaningful deep intimacy to come for you.
    Be blessed dear sisters. Draw near to God, and HE will draw near to you (James 4:8).

  31. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes. Me too!! Distracted, disjointed, demanding. Running, ripping, rushing. Going wide in my Bible studies …but not deep. Hurrying along …not stopping to hear, to savor. Completely. With comprehension. Interestingly, my husband tells me often…”You didn’t let me finish!” My husband is a thoughtful person, but not given to my “words, words, words” style. Admittedly, I need to do better. And I feel the call to do better, by His hand, not knuckling down on my own strength. There’s so much I’m likely missing in my sprint to some imagined finish line. The SRT community study moves swiftly. Not much letting up. Daily scripture. Devotional. Journaling. Community comments. Prayer. Challenging pace, even with the Saturday Grace Day. (I’ve said before, there is no spring or winter or holiday breaks on the SRT school year calendar!) My personality is to push & plow through. Naturally, not the contemplative & meditative type. But my heart, not my head, says learn to apply the brakes, nice & easy. God is infinitely patient. He’ll be there. As some Shes have “whispered”…Abide.

    1. Vickie Muller says:

      Love this….

  32. Foster Mama says:

    Prayer please!!

    ❤️ Our foster baby ❤️ has an important HEARING test this afternoon….pleaser pray everything goes according to plan and it can be done accurately…and, of course, would love that there be improvements in his hearing.

    (How much am I touched by the number of times “hearing”-type words were included in today’s reading?! Thank you Jesus for delighting my heart.)

  33. Traci Gendron says:

    We are in the mountains. I have noticed that I’m struggling to find quiet time to do my study. Which has caused me some agitation…lol, not very christ like. Jesus was pretty patient and I find I’m not always that way. But the big question here is do I HEAR? Do I produce fruit? I’m not so sure. I feel like I want to suck all my Bible has to teach me, but walk away and fall into typical behavior. God please let your words fall into my heart, to change me. Help me to abide in your word.

    Another Bible study I’m doing talked about being observant. How observant our we to others? Do we listen when we ask how the are doing? Food for thought.

  34. Nads says:

    @TAYLOR — Thanks for that…Amen

    @CHURCHMOUSE — “Abide”… I love that. I may just “steal” that for my year. It give a name to what my heart often feels lead to buy my head says “get it done”

  35. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    TRICIA! That is so true. I also have this app! And although I cannot bring myself to a full on bible study at 5 in the morning before work, I also try to open the daily bible verse. I scheduled the verse of the day to appear at any selected time, mine appears first thing in the morning. Blessings to you as well!

  36. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    My word for this year is DWELL. Psalm 91 is a good example of that. I want to intentionally spend time focusing on the Lord and His Word.

  37. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I’m doing a study on the You version Bible app. Today the person pointed out that we should be in the Word before the world. So first thing in the morning, or whenever we get out of bed (saying that because I work the Night Shift), before we start scrolling on our phones or do anything like that we should get into God’s Word, if only to read a passage of scripture. I thought that was a great idea.

    Blessings to each of you today, sisters! 

  38. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    Today’s scripture reading was quite eye opening and a wonderful reminder of Gods love for us. Something that stuck out to me in terms of Jesus compassion for his people was that if we listen and actually hear the word, welcome and hold on to it, we receive more – more than invested, more than deserved, more than enough. Let that sink in. I agree with what many of you here already mentioned, I too wonder if I am really able to hear the word or if there exist too many distractions. I am currently fasting social media as part of my church community prayer and fast days. I notice that social media has been a huge distraction for me in the past, something I went to after a long day at work to shut up my brain, to somehow find rest. Although I didn’t actually find rest, instead it sometimes made me feel bad and comparing myself to others and their life choices (fear of missing out). Now actively seeking and actually finding rest in the word and in my quiet time with God – I feel it really helps me relaxing. Giving everything that happened that day, every decision that was made that day to God – he calms the (inner) storm. May God show us all how to really listen and hearing his word, may he give us the strength to hold on to it (Luke 8:15) and point out all distractions in our life that keep us from actively hearing his word. Amen.

  39. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    Today’s scripture reading was quite eye opening and a wonderful reminder of Gods love for us. Something that stuck out to me in terms of Jesus compassion for his people was that if we listen and actually hear the word, welcome and hold on to it, we receive more – more than invested, more than deserved, more than enough. Let that sink in. I agree with what many of you here already mentioned, I too wonder if I am really able to hear the word or if there exist too many distractions. I am currently fasting social media as part of my church community prayer and fast days. I notice that social media has been a huge distraction for me in the past, something I went to after a long day at work to shut up my brain, to somehow find rest. Although I didn’t actually find rest, instead it sometimes made me feel bad and comparing myself to others and their life choices (fear of missing out). Now actively seeking and actually finding rest in the word and in my quiet time with God – I feels it really helps me relaxing. Giving everything that happened that day, every decision that was made that day to God – he calms the (inner) storm. May God show us all how to really listen and hearing his word, may he give us the strength to hold on to it (Luke 8:15) and point out all distractions in our life that keep us from actively hearing his word. Amen.

  40. Dorothy says:

    In answer to Seana question, yes because I, just today noticed a verse I had never really caught, “9 Then he said, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.””(NLT) This is the same verse Seana quote is her devotional. I don’t know if maybe it’s the version or I just didn’t grasp that verse previously but when I was reading the scripture it pop out. I love it when I discover verses of the Bible that I never really caught before. It means to me I’m getting a deeper understanding of God’s Word, I am JOYOUS AND GIDDY when that happens.

    Also, when ever I read the story of the mustard seed it reminds me of my paternal grandma, she had a watch with a little charm with a mustard seed in it. She only had an eighth grade education but “boy” how she loved God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. She loved to teach kindergarten Sunday school and I was in her last class — she taught my two brothers and my sister — even in her old age she would get down on the floor and read to the children. She would tell people she was dumb but to me she had the knowledge she needed — the love of God, Christ and Holy Spirit and faith, OH MY did she have faith.

    Sisters, please pray for one of the little girls I care for, Finley, lately she has been afraid of everything. Things she loved to do or used to not care about really scare her and this makes it hard for me to care for her. Last night, Mom and big sister, Kyla had gone dress shopping and Dad had gone grocery shopping, and half of the time I wanted to care for her she would yell for them. Also, tasks she used to do and not want help doing — climbing the stairs, getting in her chair, and getting out of the bathtub. The family and I aren’t sure what is going on but it is making it difficult for me to care for her.

    Sisters, be blessed and listen and understand what God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are wanting you to know — if you are in the Word you may have to try several versions to fully understand, I know at times I do.

  41. Samantha Collier says:

    Thank you Lord for reminding me I need more roots. My worry and depression is hindering my time with God. With God, anything and everything is possible. Thank you Jesus for this app and for this reminder to slow down and be like the seed in good soil.

  42. Churchmouse says:

    Abide. This is my word for 2023. Abide in His Word. I don’t want to be overly concerned with staying on track with reading plans or Bible studies. My goal is to be in the Word daily but reading slowly, meditating, savoring. If it takes me more than one day to fully absorb and apply a given Scripture passage, so be it. I want to abide, not just “get it done.”

  43. Mari V says:

    Good morning ☀️ and Happy Thursday! FINALLY, a break in the rain is forecasted for today. And it came just at the right time. Seventeen years ago today, I was blessed with a beautiful, beautiful baby girl. Sometimes, and if I’m honest, many times, I need to remind myself to “slow down.”  Literally. I take deep breaths and remind myself, “ I’ve got this!” BETTER yet “GOD’s got this!” I’m going to be OK.  My kids and I are going to be OK. God is so good!!

  44. Dawn Enns says:

    Help me to quiet the worldly distraction and have ears to hear. Amen❤️

  45. Kathy says:

    I teach high school art and one of my biggest frustrations is that my students do not listen. I will make them put everything down and look at me, I write it on the whiteboard, and also on the screen in my room (big letters!), I show them examples of what they need to do. I ask if they have any questions. Inevitably I will finish explaining and some sweet child will say, “Sooooo, what are we supposed to do?” It’s enough to make you lose your cool very quickly. I don’t explain again. I make them ask someone sitting near them.
    If I get that frustrated with my kiddos how does God feel when He teaches us something and we look at Him and say, “Soooo, what are we supposed to be doing?” I am so thankful that God is so infinitely patient with me. He will explain it as many times as I ask Him. I pray that I will slow down and listen and take in what He has called me to do.

  46. Hope Little says:

    Do you listen and then go do something else? Yikes. Too often it’s a check mark and “time for the next thing”

  47. GramsieSue says:

    Jesus placed a great deal of importance on hearing the Word of God-hearing with Spiritual discernment. Our hearts must be in the right place. We cannot have a hardened heart, a shallow heart, a crowded heart, but we must have a fruitful heart.
    The more we hear the Word of God, the better we are able to share it with others.

    The storm drew my attention today. It must have been especially fierce to frighten seasoned fishermen. The disciples had heard Jesus teach the Word and had even seen Him perform miracles, yet they still had no faith. Jesus had promised they were going to the other side. He didn’t promise an easy trip, but He did promise arrival.
    The Lord Himself was with them and they were still afraid. And He was perfectly at peace-truly secure in God’s will.
    It was their unbelief that caused their fear. Jesus was master of every situation. And proved it once again by causing the storm to cease.
    There is no reason to be afraid, for the Lord is in control of every situation.

    Praying for so many of you: Victoria E, Rebecca W, Taylor, Arian, Tara Beatty, Sharon, Jersey Girl’s FIL and MIL…
    Baby Jack is home from NICU now!
    Hugs to all ❤️

  48. Regina Clinton says:

  49. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh! I was also going to suggest Bible.ref for explanation. I find it very easy to look up scripture and explanation.

  50. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning She’s!

    These parables make so much sense to me (now!). Looking back I can definitely see clearly how the seeds fell on me- when I was shallow not really wanted “to hear and dig deeper” only going to church and feeling that was enough. When I was determined to read the bible daily, but not really letting it sink in and listen to God reveal. Then, at some point, I began to hunger for God to reveal more in my life, to use me, to grow me, to become my number 1. And that He is. I absorb, study, and can’t seem to get enough. I love Jesus so much and want to be in his presence. Sometimes it take a big “aha” moment, and unfortunately we tend to be busy with life and then something shocking or devestating happens to get us there.

    I pray for each of you nightly…that we are She’s in the truth, learning daily, absorbing and being changed, that we may turn that growth in ourselves out as a light to our families, friends, and strangers.

    @Michelle Patire- prayers for you, our family tends to be the hardest to show patience and humbleness. I have been praying that God leads you to your “new Home” you have referred to, out of your parent’s house to start your new life! It will come, it is SO hard in the wait. Play the song “Wait on the Lord” by Maverick City as your anthem. Praise in the wait, no complaining. God is using this season to teach you. (which often isn’t “fun.”)

    I love to see so many new names in the comments! Get in her sisters, dig in, and share. In the sharing, we tend to grow! There is just something so special about this community!

  51. Michelle Patire says:

    @Angie- always good to read your takeaways :) Amen.

    @Taylor, Mercy, Searching (and anyone else who uses the app – I don’t use it so I know I miss people’s comments) Thank you for your prayers. <3 I went to a prayer/worship night yesterday that really helped. My church usually has them once a month or so and they always bless me. The Lord continues to remind me to have mercy on myself and remember I'm not perfect. Funny how @"Mercy" had so much to share yesterday related to me ;) thank you, friend. Still learning to apply those key Scriptures you shared. Esp learning to be silent when I want to bite back. Appreciate you all!!

    A verse that came up when I read the parable of the mustard seed.
    "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.." Zechariah 4:10

    (context: when Zerubabbel began working on the foundation of the new temple)

    God gave me this Scripture last year to tell me that the daily simple things I do for Him actually matter. That me taking a step of obedience and becoming self-employed would build into greater things. I think there is something inside me that wants to help manage a small business… In God's timing. I care deeply for the local economy and supporting my neighbors. I do that now, even delivering their groceries. LOL. God uses all things for good and His purpose. May we not lose heart when things look mundane or small. God delights in this work.

  52. Nicole V says:

    Thank you for that explanation Angie, that verse has always made me wonder, “why wouldn’t want them to understand?”

  53. Cee Gee says:

    “Are we more distracted than discipled?”
    Powerful question to HEAR and to PONDER!
    Thank you, Seana, for this insightful devo!
    My mom used to accuse us of letting her words ‘go in one ear and right out the other.’ May I truly hear and listen!

  54. jaclyn says:

    Praying for you, Maria! I spent months feeling the same way during quarantine. My job took forever to come back full time and we were back and forth until I left in June. I completely understand! I still have my days. Know you are seen and God hears your cries.

  55. Kristin Sparkman says:

    @EricaChristian I’m with you. I’ve done all the studies but always felt like it was more of a to do list. But this year I told myself I would do She reads truth and maybe another here or there. But then I can lean in and learn. Thank you for this reminder to rest in the word and to listen.

  56. robin robertson says:

    Lord Jesus, I want to hear you.

  57. Maria Baer says:

    Some hear fruit but never produce fruit because they’re choked out by worries and distractions.” Oh how I felt this. Can I share with you that I have felt disconnected since before Thanksgiving? Not sure if it’s because of a fall at work that left me with a sprained ankle, or the transition to a new wonderful job, but since then I’ve felt disconnected. Even Advent, which I love to observe, felt like it was just on the surface, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I read Scripture and pray for discernment, but I feel that it’s not reaching me. So sisters, if you can pray for me, that I get clarity on why I’m feeling like, I would so much appreciate it. And have a wonderful day. Many blessings.

  58. Rachele Johnson says:

    I find this the most convicting of passages every time I read it. It is far too easy to be distracted and caught up in my day, choking out the words I have read only just that morning. This year I am striving to make the year of dwelling in the word. Reading, re-reading, writing on my heart. “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, and to take Him at his word..”. I love You, Lord, Amen!

  59. C. says:

    Wow! This really spoke to me this morning. We live in such a go go go world, I feel like it’s hard to just take a minute to stop and listen. Praying that the Lord helps me stop and listen to what He has to say.

  60. Angie Mills says:

    Mark 4:11-12, “He answered them [those around Him with the Twelve], ‘The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those outside, everything comes in parables so that THEY MAY INDEED LOOK, AND YET NOT PERCEIVE; THEY MAY INDEED LISTEN, AND YET NOT UNDERSTAND; OTHERWISE, THEY MIGHT TURN BACK AND BE FORGIVEN.’”

    Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1-5). His Word “is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). Nature cannot help but obey the words that come out of His mouth (Mark 4:35-41). If He did not veil His teaching, our souls also would not be able to help but obey His words. He created us and He is our Lord. Our souls king for Him, but our hearts have given up allegiance to our King and placed ourselves on the throne. Those who are humble and pure in heart will stop and listen to His voice and seek more of Him. Those who are still arrogant and prideful will continue on their way eating, drinking, and being merry. May I continue to seek Him. May I be humble and pure in heart. May His Word be powerful and living and active in me. May my heart, soul, mind, and strength love Him all the way.

  61. Libby K says:

    Completely with you. Or even when I do carve the time out, I’m like the crowds…. Quick to disperse and throw myself into distraction.

  62. Melissa Wormuth says:

    Such good words, so hard to obey! We live in such a fast paced world.

  63. Erica Wilson says:

    Wow- I needed this reminder and conviction today. Everything in our culture pulls me away from really listening to the still, small voice of God. Lord, help me to take to heart your call from your Word today!!!

  64. Erin Lewallen says:

    Same, @Erica Christian. Quality (learn and listen, worship and thankfulness, repentance and prayer) over how many devotionals I read during my morning quiet time.

  65. Summer Stevenson says:

    Whoa!! This definitely spoke to me today !!!!

  66. Danielle B says:

    Slow down, be quiet, rest, these are big challenges for me. I’ve never looked for a word for the year because it would require quiet before God and I don’t generally take that time. Taylor as you said watching the clock and multitasking. It’s not that I don’t want to hear from God, it’s that I need to slow down and make space for it.

    What a praise Elaine Morgan

  67. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  68. Allison M says:

    Lord, please guide me, speak to me, teach me to be more like you want me to be. Please stay close to me this year.

  69. Shannon McGuffin says:

    The parables often confuse me so I am grateful for today’s commentary. May I have ears to hear and the wisdom to listen!

  70. El Weldie says:

    I loved v34 – He taught everything privately to his disciples. Praising God for His Holy Spirit today that lives in us and teaches us privately. What a gift to have the author of these parables with us at all times!

  71. Taylor says:

    Read through yesterday’s comments and just want to say I am praying for you @Michelle Patire and @Sarah D! <3 Also just remembered I got an EKG over the summer which also revealed anxiety, very similar to Seana's start of the devotional.

  72. Christine F says:


  73. Hunter Loggins says:

    Being distracted rather than disciples really hit home for me! I constantly think through my day “I need to read my Bible and talk to Jesus”, yet I find myself doing millions of other tasks.. this morning, reading todays message, was heavy on my heart. So glad I did!

  74. Taylor says:

    I am definitely convicted today. I feel convicted that I am the seed sown among thorns in Mark 4:18-19. I am absolutely bogged down by the “worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth (or the weight of student loans & car loan for me), and the desires for other things (anything I put above Jesus).” I’m so glad I have this daily rhythm of gathering with you all and reading the Word, but some/most days I’m glancing at my clock multiple times throughout my devotions making sure I’m not running over. I desperately need to slow down the break-neck pace at which I’m living life to just rest and relax.

    Lord, thank you for convicting me of this and please guide me into YOUR rest and YOUR peace, and rid me of the anxieties, fears, doubts, distractions that pull me away from You.

    @Elaine Morgan praising God alongside you! I was recently reflecting on a sin I feel like I’ve struggling with for a long time (I shared very generally about my struggles with the sin on here), and recently realized I had been delivered as well. It was a slow and quiet deliverance for me, but looking back I remember feeling so chained by this sin which now feels like a distant memory. Praise God for His deliverance! <3

  75. Mary Lou says:

    Yes, this is what I needed to hear. My one word goal for the year is Abide. And that means slowing down to listen. God, I love how you always take time to teach and speak to me. I praise you!

  76. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord let me listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit speak. In Jesus name, Amen

  77. Susan Lincks says:

    My ears are definitely more of a decorative device versus what they are intended for. I have awful hearing. You need to make sure that I know you are talking to me and that I am looking at you the whole time. No, I can’t read lips, but this still helps and it’s something I have always done. We can listen by reading words, by truly engaging in the Word of God, by following what our hearts say and the gut reactions we receive. These are all ways God communicates.

  78. Victoria Flores says:

    I needed that word today!

  79. Searching says:

    ELAINE MORGAN – rejoicing!

  80. Jessie Fehland says:

    Slow down and listen. So hard as a mom sometimes. Thankful for this reminder today. My pursuit of Jesus should be number 1.

  81. Searching says:

    Amen, KELLY (NEO). I find it easy enough to listen to people, and want to learn to be still and listen to God.

    VICTORIA E – praying!

    KRISTEN – praying for your former coworker’s health

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for peace and grace in your family

  82. Erica Christian says:

    I am learning that quality time with Jesus is so much better than the quantity of Bible studies, reading plans, journals etc. in a rush to get everything done, I’ve missed important truths so this year I’m taking my time and allowing Him to speak to me through His word.

  83. Elaine Morgan says:

    I have heard this story my entire life but today it has new meaning for me. God delivered me from a lifelong sin last night. My best friend and I have been praying constantly for this for months. I have been praying for it by myself for so long but with no results. But God, once I confessed it to man and we prayed together this last month God answered our prayers.

  84. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Listen. Be still enough to hear what the Spirit is saying. The Lord wants to guide our steps and words. May we listen