The Gold Calf

Open Your Bible

Exodus 32:1-35, 1 Kings 12:26-28, 1 Corinthians 10:6-7

Did you know that TikTok tracks how many videos you’ve watched on the app? I regret to inform you that I discovered this in the settings. It is with deep sadness that I also regret to inform you that every one of those dumb videos you watch is tallied up, even if your username is “User8723098439823094802348” and your picture is a gray circle. 

In today’s reading, we read about God’s people worshiping idols while Moses had his ten commandment tablet moment with God. I remember being a kid, hearing this story in Sunday School, and wondering how the Israelites could be so stupid. Like, don’t you guys know that God’s finger is writing on a rock your friend, Moses, is holding right now? Why are you obsessed with a statue? 

It can seem absurd to read some of the sins recorded in these ancient cultures, but man—how similarly strange are the things we value through our countless tally of views each day?

I’m not anti-video-clip. I’m not boycotting Netflix. But, if the best part of my day is watching a girl get her hair highlighted with some synth behind it in my headphones…that sounds almost as absurd as exalting a gold calf. 

In 1 Corinthians 10:6–7, Paul warns the people of Corinth not to be idolaters. And then, it reads, the people ate, drank, and partied. It seems we never learn.

Worshiping power or money or comfort or cows made out of melted jewelry leads to discontentment, increased exhaustion, and heartache. But, the beautiful thing is, we have Someone better to give our attention to. Jesus can captivate us. Jesus has erased our offenses. He can heal us, lead us, and comfort us when life hurts too much. When spending time with Jesus is the best part of my day, I feel rested, whole and purposeful, and content. 

Tonight, when you’re winding down with that Texan beekeeper who shares videos of bees being transported to new hives (I have found myself in some strange rabbit holes), take a break and return to God’s Word. Even if you already have that morning. See what He reveals to you and puts in your heart. Jesus is the One worthy of our worship, attention, and affection. Let’s give it to Him.

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55 thoughts on "The Gold Calf"

  1. Nitz . says:


  2. Portia Strange says:

    So, from Chapters 20-31 in Exodus, was God just speaking to Moses on the mountain, while the people waited down below? Could they see God? Could they hear what God was saying during this time? How long was Moses up there (a couple days, a couple weeks, a couple months, a couple years)? If they were waiting, what were they supposed to be doing during that time? Were they idle & then got bored? It reminds me of the quote that says ‘idle brains and/or hands are the devil’s playground.’

  3. Fabi Hamstra says:

    I love in Exodus 32 v 10-13 – we see that Moses cares more about his people than himself.
    And his words exchanged with God are of one who has intimacy with God. He knew Gods promises and His words and spoke to him like a friend would. But that is built on a closeness. Moses knew that God keeps his promises. “Remember God”. The Lord loves when we “remind” Him of His words.
    This little passage encourages me to grow my intimacy and friendship with God.

  4. Fabi Hamstra says:

    I love in Exodus 32 v 10-13 – we see that Moses cares more about his people than himself. And his words exchanged with God are of one who has intimacy with God. He knew Gods promises and His words and spoke to him like a friend would. But that is built on a closeness. Moses knew that God keeps his promises. “Remember God”. The Lord loves when we “remind” Him of His words.
    This little passage encourages me to grow my intimacy and friendship with God.

  5. Fabi Hamstra says:

    I love in Exodus 32 v 10-13 – we see that Moses cares more about his people than himself. And his words exchanged with God are of one who has intimacy with God. He knew Gods promises and His words and spoke to him like a friend would. But that is built on a closeness. Moses knew that God keeps his promises. “Remember God”. The Lord loves when we “remind” Him of His words. This little passage encourages me to grow my intimacy and friendship with God.

  6. Fabi Hamstra says:

    That prayer Dorothy! Thank you for taking the time to leave it here. It blessed me.

  7. Janelle Heath says:

    Thank you.