The Reign of the King

Open Your Bible

Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 28:1-10, Matthew 28:16-18, Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 1:15-23, Revelation 19:11-16

Jesus demonstrated His authority as the true Son of God, who now rules at the right hand of the Father. 

They sat on a mountain in Galilee, worshiping. There were eleven of them in total, not including Jesus, listening to His words as He drew close. Some of the disciples had their doubts, so Jesus had to reassure them that He was a trustworthy leader. “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth,” He said (Matthew 28:18). If the disciples were going to carry out the Great Commission, teaching others what Christ taught them, they needed to know He was for real. It wouldn’t have been enough simply to spread the sayings of a wise teacher around the world. 

When I’m weary of corrupt, worldly leaders and don’t know who to trust, I find so much comfort knowing Jesus is the true King with complete authority. It gives me the deepest sigh of relief. When we look to His leadership, we don’t have to worry about emotional manipulation or strategies to protect His self-image. His reign isn’t abusive or neglectful. It’s fully present and vigilant, just and merciful, all at once. He is the “King of kings and LORD of lords” who entered our world first as a servant and whose kingdom will never end (Revelation 19:16; Philippians 2:7). That’s a leader I want to follow. 

Some days, I confess it’s hard to picture Jesus as my King. I’m so used to the gospel accounts, which tell the story of an everyday-looking man in street clothes, who took strolls by the Sea of Galilee and enjoyed a good plate of food. I’m so used to talking to Jesus like a close friend. Praying to Him from my bed at night, as I pour out my sorrows and joys that only He knows. When I picture our Savior enthroned with a scepter, or some other sign of royalty, I get a little intimidated. Is He really the same? The same tender presence that comforts my broken heart and welcomes my very average piano playing as an offering of worship? 

The beauty of the gospel is that yes, He is. He’s both. Jesus Christ is our all-powerful King with unparalleled authority, and He’s also the risen Jewish teacher who still has scars on His hands.

What does it mean for Jesus to reign as King today—right now? Whether it feels like it or not, He is already King, and His reign is actively at work. He’s been “given dominion and glory and a kingdom” so all might know and worship Him (Daniel 7:14). But we also know that His kingdom is not fully as it will be when sin, evil, and corruption are weeded out for good. Once this happens, His reign as King will be undeniable by all. Together, we look forward with anticipation to His promised, never-ending rule and reign. I can hardly wait. 

(98) Comments

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98 thoughts on "The Reign of the King"

  1. June Pimpo says:

    How beautiful that Jesus accepts our worship and praise – anytime we want to offer it to him. In our jammies, doing chores around the house, in the middle of the night as we cling to Him for hope. We worship the King. No special invitation needed. Thank you Jesus for allowing us to come.

  2. Lois East says:

    He is the King of Kings!

  3. Nikki DeMers says:

    10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. – Philippians 2:10-11 AMEN!!

  4. Jessica Schuurman says:

    I would agree, finding peace in His reign, but we must believe it to be true! Amen.

  5. Nicole Hoch says:

    I totally agree with the writer—I have a hard time connecting the two Jesuses in my head. The humble, lowly friend and the King. But I know that’s how God made it possible to connect to such a King. How to understand his deep love for us. Love this series and learning!

  6. Shannon Lukehart says:

    I see your comment Pam C. I am praying you and your mom. May the Lords peace transcend your circumstances and may the time you have with your mom be blessed. As someone who has lost a parent, I pray that you feel the Lord’s presence and even if/when you don’t, you know He is still with you. His goodness, beauty, and truth is not dependent on our circumstances, praise the Lord ! And we have a good God that fills the gaps and the holes in our heart.

  7. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Thank you, Jesus

  8. Claire B says:

    Thanks, Tina, I have missed your sage thoughts ♥️

  9. Claire B says:


  10. Alexis Adams says:

    His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
    which shall not pass away,
    and his kingdom one
    that shall not be destroyed. – Daniel 7:14 what an incredible hope we can cling to!

  11. Donna Mitchell says:

    I’m so overjoyed to be reminded of who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When all we see on the news are stories that try to place fear in our hearts. We are reminded that we are not given the spirit of fear, but of power. Thank you Father for all the gifts you continue to give

  12. PamC says:

    It doesn’t look like many of us are here in the present. I have a prayer request. I’m heading to Reno. My mom has taken a turn for the worse & I’ve got a sinus infection. I’m not looking forward to going over the mountains with my ears already being painful. I would really appreciate your prayers y’all. I’ll so my best to keep you posted but Mom does not have internet service, so it may be difficult. Thanks in advance.

  13. Dorothy says:

    All I can say is WOW!!! Bailey WOW!!! Such meaning, such reflection, such….heartfelt, GOD-FELT CHRIST-POWERED words.
    Between the Scriptures and Bailey’s devotion how could one not feel God, Christ and the Holy Spirit MOVING in, around and within them.
    In my devotional, after one of the sets of Scriptures is this prayer, “Dear God, Shine Your glorious light wherever Your daughter walks so she will never lose her way. Let truth be the light that keeps her faith from fading in dark days. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
    Be blessed and the TRIUNE IS WITHIN, IN AND AROUND YOU, ME AND ALL OF US NOW AND ALWAYS, just believe.

  14. Mari says:

    I can hardly wait either! Good morning, sweet She’s❤️. Grateful to be going through the study again and having those reminders that someday we will meet our heavenly Father, face-to-face. I’ll say it again, just as Bailey ended our devotion this morning, “I can hardly wait”. God is so good! Praying for all of you this morning that you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  15. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I like in Matthew, how it says that the women were frightened, and also filled with joy. I feel like that sometimes.

    I am thrilled to be doing the study again. I really think I may have missed some of it last time and I’m grateful to be reminded of Jesus being the King. Blessed be His name. It doesn’t matter what I might be going through right now, and how scared I might be of whatever might come my way, I can still have great joy because He rules over all.

  16. Antoinette Burnett says:

    “I can hardly wait” same. ♥️

  17. Rachelle French says:

    I loved the reminder that this royal, powerful king is still the same personal comfort that I speak to everyday. He’s the same and both ❤️

  18. Brandi says:

    Amen and amen! ❤️

  19. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh King Jesus, how I need to keep in my heart that You are in control when this world seems so hard. Hear and answer the cries of our hearts. Ame

  20. Megan Taylor says:

    We are never alone.

  21. Casey Evans says:

    Yes, it is truly exciting and overwhelming all at once!

  22. Casey Evans says:


  23. Rachel Blessum says:

    I pray that I remember to let Christ rule over every aspect of my life!

  24. Anita Stephens says:

    What a lovely way to go the scriptures explaining the path Jesus took and how his followers were brought along. It was good to be reminded how all the pieces fit in to God’s masterful plans. I can’t wait to get to heaven.

  25. Mikayla Bowers says:

    Thankful for this reminder always, but especially in the midst of our world’s current state. Brokenness, hatred, chaos. But a God who remains good and in control of it all

  26. Maggie Wampler says:

    Giving Him authority over the things in my life is scary, but it will only ever reap goodness and joy. I need to trust Him with it all!!!

  27. Suzie McRae says:

    Love this prayer

  28. Norma Toledo says:


  29. Laurel Lail says:

    Praise the King of Kings!

  30. Achol Kenyang says:

    As I read these beautifully written words? I’m reminded of how consumed my thoughts world have become. It’s as though I’ve gotten about the eternal glory that awaits us on Jesus return.

  31. Mary Kellison says:


  32. Mary Kellison says:

    I don’t know why this spoke to me tonight. I leaned over to my husband after catching up with the news. I looked in his eves and said, “I don’t belong here anymore!” My husband grabbed my hand and loving looked into my eyes and said, “We never have belonged here.” Those words were so comforting to us. Knowing that brings so much peace and comfort.

  33. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Praise God

  34. Amber W says:

    The Lord should have full authority in my life. Forgive me Lord, for disregarding your sovereignty and putting myself above you. I put my wants and desires above your instruction and your will at times. – help me to always seek your will and your purposes at the start of each day.

  35. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings! All authority was given to Him and He reigns now! What a wonderful comfort to all of us!

  36. Denise Harlow says:

    Bailey, I feel you. My parents were an evangelistic work but they were the real deal. And passed away the last year and a half. But they always said “people will disappoint but Jesus never will.” I am so sorry this man disappointed you. My husband is a pastor and we hold a serious job in leading people to Christ on and off the stage. I don’t want to be like the Pharisees – I want to have a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Keep your eyes & heart on Him!

  37. Claire Vasbinder says:

    I’m grateful that Jesus’ character is infallible and trustworthy. It’s easy to put our trust in things of this world, but putting my trust in Jesus is guaranteed to see me through the ups and downs… easier said than done, but I pray I never grow weary of working to grow and walk with him.

  38. TJ D says:

    This study fell right on a song I heard today and have played it several times . Crushing Snakes by Crowder . When the lady sings a chorus in the middle it just gives me peace and excitement that our Jesus , our King is coming in all his glory . He is King of Kings !
    We need not worry and put our trust in men , but only in our king and savior Jesus , he never fails, keeps his promises . Always ! For His glory !

  39. Dani Warner says:

    Such a powerful message all the way around. God is so good! Thank you Jesus for coming down to this world and making the personal sacrifices to save us from this fallen world!

  40. Mercy says:

    You are right Bailey. I did not know this about Ravi until I saw your post. It is heart breaking. His ministry is transparent about this devastating truth, which is the right and courageous thing to do. Truly Jesus is our only confidence in this world, not human leaders. There are so many things that are masked. Somewhere down the line sin crept in. But truly Jesus, only Jesus, Jesus is the only way.

  41. Catie Brooks says:

    I am so grateful that my almighty king calls me friend. That he doesn’t care how little my troubles are or how big my sorrow is. He just calls me to draw closer to him. Like Victoria and so many others I have suffered from miscarriages my latest one was almost exactly 2 years ago when I found out that I was pregnant with triplets but 2 of the babies didn’t make it. For the longest time I felt shame and guilt over the initial reaction and then more guilt and shame for the joy/sorrow I felt. It is never an easy situation but so glad that my God could comfort me when I needed it

  42. Bailey Wilson says:

    I’m reading this after reading the report on Ravi Zacharias. He was a man that helped me to see the worth that I had… yet he was ripping that out of women across the world at the same time. I admired and looked up to him, so I felt (and still feel in this struggle) that no religious leader can be trusted whatsoever. Reading the devotional along with today’s reading has given me that small bit of hope that Jesus is the ultimate leader. Ravi spoke of Jesus and lived one life of a follower of him, but lived another or pure evil. Jesus isn’t like that. Jesus is all good, fully trustworthy, and will always hold me. I really needed this today. Thank you.

  43. Monie Mag says:

    I was so awe struck by today’s reading. Jesus was given dominion (controlling power) (funny how the voting machines made by company called dominion). Everything was made by him, through him, for him and he holds it all together. God was pleased to give him the name above every name. In today’s reading I can lay down all my confusion/frustration of what going on in our country and trust our God Almighty. I just want to live for the advancement of His kingdom. To honor Him and give Him all the glory

  44. April L. says:

    Thank you for sharing how you see Jesus sometimes, Bailey because I feel the same way, except it’s the majority of the time. I don’t oftentimes see Him as a King. He’s is a mighty King and today’s scriptures pointed to Him being one.

  45. Jessica LeBlanc says:

    Praying for you and your husband Victoria. I also had a miscarriage recently after almost 2 years of trying. It hurts and it seems so unfair, but God provides peace and strength that I would not have on my own. My baby is now in Heaven with his/her creator and one day I will get to meet them. I take comfort in that as well. I pray you open you heart to God’s peace, love, and strength and allow him to get you through this.

  46. Fiona Cockburn says:

    A book that really helped me after my miscarriages was “I’ll Hold You In Heaven” by Jack W Hayford. It helped me to see God in the process and to have assurances about my lost babies mattering to Him.
    Such a hard time. Praying for you in your grief, sister.

  47. Victoria E says:

    Christina I hear you! I was really doubting His goodness but as the days passed I realized I could not get through them without Him. Every time I want to rely on Him I get scared of enduring another loss but I am trying to remind myself that He works everything for good. I have to believe that or I won’t be able to make it through !

  48. Victoria E says:

    Thank you Hope. I am sorry you also went through this.

  49. Victoria E says:

    Heidi wow thank you for that. It was so moving and so powerful. I really appreciate your words and your thoughts

  50. Carolyn Carleton says:

    Today all that comes to mind is the word Hope.

    Tina- thank you for your comment, it was a welcome message for my heart.

  51. Kim Thompson says:

    You are absolutely right Katie! Thank you for sharing! I’m so sorry you’re going through trials! I pray you find peace and comfort!

  52. Katie Mendez says:

    I have found so much peace in knowing this kingdom isn’t my home throughout a difficult divorce and the turmoil in our country. Gods kingdom is my ultimate home, where the shame and guilt of a broken marriage will no longer haunt me. Thankful for my Lord and Savior! I am loving this study on the kingdom of God. It is so timely with our current political situation (no matter which way you lean, you know there is manipulation and greed leading rather than a just and noble leader).

  53. Sara Fulford Greaney says:

    The ABSOLUTE comfort that I take in Him being THE TRUE King, is all I need to sustain me and comfort me through anything!!! HE is the Truth! And knowing that brings such powerful peace.

  54. Tricia Cavanaugh says:


  55. Sarah H says:

    It is such a comfort to know that Gods Kingdom is here now, and that He is the one leader we can absolutely trust wholeheartedly. Who always has our best interest at heart. It stresses me out so much listening to our political leaders and the news, so many lies and hidden agendas and manipulation. But I try to take a deep breathe and remember who I serve. The one who is so beautifully described in Philippians 2: 5-11, the one to whom every knee will bow.

  56. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love the fact that we serve a God who is holy and eternal. Government leaders can sometimes be so hard to trust. I’m glad we serve a God who is so worthy of our trust and faith.

  57. Hope Trent says:

    Hi Victoria. I too just experienced this. I will say this has been the toughest season of my life. God has taught me a lot about myself. My marriage. And my true desire to be a mother. We are still trying. It’s been 6 months of waiting. I am there with you and feel your hurt. I pray that God will reveal to you the tenderness of his love and the power to heal and overcome but also the wisdom to understand His will for your life.

  58. Heidi says:

    VICTORIA- you’re just so not alone. I’m sorry and hurt for the loss you’re enduring. Praying you and your husband can be a support for one another. You’ll both deal and process so differently. YOU are the only one of the two of you who has the hormonal and physical dealings to process through as well. For me that’s what about did me in… the physical loss of what MY body had made and carried. The existence of literal death within my literal life. It’s just so backwards. And so painful. And so wrong. Yet one more example of the brokenness in our world (as if we needed one more…). For me, what put my mind I’m the safest place possible was worship. I made lists of every worship song I knew and loved and just listened over and over and over and forced myself, between sobs and breaths, to sing with them. I know that sounds impossible, but it was one of the first times I got to personally experience the whole concept that all things are possible with God. It was one of the first times I got to experience The fact that Joy and sorrow can coexist, equally present and equally real and equally to be respected. There is absolute healing that can come from this and if you will daily, maybe even moment by moment, hand this over to your God and ask Him to take it and bless it -YES. Bless it- and take this that was meant for pain and heartbreak and turn it into actual GOOD. He. will. do it. I’m testament to that. Full healing took me over a year. It was a little over a year before I could talk about it without crying. If I get into the full conversation and story of it, to this day, eight years later, I will still be in pain in tears. I still remember, completely unintentionally, every year the anniversary of when it all happened. But I think that’s OK. It was a significant moment in my life and one that God holds me so tenderly through. AH! Even now, here come the waterworks!!! ;) but the difference now is I can feel the hurt and the loss, I can respect it and honor it, and I still feel His joy and presence right in the middle of it. It’s so hard to explain but it is so so real. Praying for you and your heart and your husband. Joy does in fact still come in the morning… Download the song by Matt Maher “Alive and Breathing”… I hope it’ll help… ❤️ (Ps- don’t ignore your moments of grief and anger. They are a normal human response that He has built within a you to feel over extreme loss. Feel them, work through them, allow them to have their moment. Don’t let them move in, they can only rent a space for a very short while. But feeling and acknowledging them is a part of healing.)

  59. Natasha says:

    Victoria – praying for you and your loss.

    Thank you for the encouragement and prayers regarding being a mom and raising teens! This community is beautiful!

    I can hardly wait for Jesus to return!

  60. Dorothy says:

    The anticipation of being able to be with my Savior and God and all my family again, wow, this is something I look forward to.
    Lord be with me and my family and friends until the day You come again. Amen.
    Be blessed sisters.

  61. Laurie Crary says:

    Angie, Amen and Amen.

  62. Tina says:

    I tell you @Rhonda Johnson, when I meet Jesus, I will gladly throw myself at his feet falling on my knees! Worthy is the Lamb.
    Worthy is the Lamb.

    Worthy is the King of Kings..


  63. Jackie Jager says:

    Sending you prayers Victoria. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️ I cannot answer your question as I wonder the same sometimes…

  64. Michelle P says:


    I am so sorry. I do not have the experience of miscarriage, but I imagine there must be so much doubt and pain involved. I pray that God would help you process all that comes with this loss. I pray He would unite your family in a deeper bond. I pray He would bring people into your life that would encourage you to keep going. Your loss matters. God knows and sees. He loves you. God, please give her grace and understanding, as she navigates this part of life. I know it is a season… A painful one. But I have known that through pain, comes much growth and new things. I know you are doing something new in Victoria’s life. God please continue to give her the strength to pursue good. To help her trust You even though she has questions…help her sort through them, one by one. God help her have patience for this process. I know that healing is not an event, but a process over time. Give her space to heal… I know and trust You already are. Thank you, Lord. Please keep her close to those who can bring Your comfort and wisdom to her. Help her stay in community, as she needs that love in her journey. Thank you, Lord. Please protect her and keep her in the palm of Your hand as she navigates this hard part of life.
    Thank you . In Jesus’s name. Amen.

  65. Hannah B says:

    Victoria, I’m so incredibly sorry for the loss of your sweet baby. I have also had a miscarriage and I know the deep pain and sorrow that follows. It can be so hard in times of trial but dig deep into your faith and lean into Jesus for comfort, He will always be there to comfort you. I will be praying for healing for you and your husband

    These are some verses that were comforting to me after my miscarriage

    “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit” Psalm 34:18

    “But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength” 2 Timothy 4:17

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” Matthew 5:4

    “From the ends of the earth I will cry out to you; when my heart faints, lead me to the rock that is higher than I” Psalm 61:2

    “Blessed is she that who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her” Luke 1:45

  66. Olivia Dale says:

    Praying for you Victoria, I can’t imagine your pain, but God is good and I pray his peace will comfort you.

  67. Victoria E says:

    Sometimes I feel so downtrodden by this world that I really can’t wait for the time when I get to meet Jesus. I have many questions for Him, and look forward to the time when al the suffering and consequences of sin will be gone.

  68. Victoria E says:

    Hi all. I’m back after a hiatus. I recently miscarried our first child which we have been praying and trying for for quite some time. My faith has been totally rocked but I decided to come back to this community and read about the kingdom of God, because I feel that right now we live in such a broken and awful world how can we be living in the kingdom of God right now? I’m still very confused about this, would really appreciate any insight and prayer for me and my husband. Thank you

  69. Rhonda Johnson says:

    Wow, so many thoughts and emotions running through my head after this morning’s reading. My 20-year-old son was visiting me for the week and left yesterday and my heart aches, my love for him is one of a kind. Think of that love you have for your children, and how your heart aches when they are sick, or away, or when they have gone on to heaven before you (which I always think of a few of you – Dorthy and Tina..and I have a close neighbor), it’s then I think of the compounded amazing love Our heavenly father, the lord of lord has for us every single moment. It’s so overwhelming. Then my mind flips to what Churchmouse was saying with Jesus being the ruler of all, and how one day we will all be humbled! And Tina meeting someone of royalty…How much greater our Jesus is! Can you imagine meeting the king that reigns forever above all??! It’s so hard to grasp all this as we live in our everyday life. And we are all in so many different phases and places…and barely have time to look up rather than around and keep pace.
    Anyway…I don’t want to ramble, but I just love these studies so much!! And all your comments!
    Have a great day my friends!!
    On a side not it would be nice if you all followed she reads truth on facebook or Insta so we can directly comment to each other! And would love to friend you!

  70. Sarah Eral says:

    I have missed your musings, Churchmouse! Sometimes I fear the final day, but you are right—it is too wonderful to comprehend. Thank you!

  71. NanaK says:

    Thank you Angie and Tina for your thoughts today. So, so true. And Tiffany, thank you for the reminder of reaching out to God through the Lord’s Prayer throughout this devotion. As I slowed down to truly lift up each part of the prayer as an offering, I had a feeling a breathlessness and tears down my cheeks. What a mighty God we serve!

  72. Mari V says:

    Angie ❤️

  73. Mari V says:

    I can hardly wait either!

  74. free! says:

    Keegan: I’m so happy your medical exam went well!! I missed that update yesterday and just went back to check for one. Thank you for sharing your needs with us, that we might pray with you and for you and be blessed by your success as well. I love this community so much!

  75. free! says:

    Struggling: I am still praying for you. You are on my heart and in my mind right now.
    Misti: I am still praying for you and your daughter as she walks through depression.

    Jesus has authority over it all. Thanks be to God. He is bigger than every problem, affliction, mistake, doubt, worry, and sorrow. May you both (and all of us as we walk through our own struggles!!) feel comfort in this truth.

    I know this is true. May the Lord lead to me live a life that demonstrates my understanding for this truth!! I fall short of this daily, so thank you Jesus for Your grace. Don’t give up on me!!

    “The beauty of the gospel is that yes, He is. He’s both. Jesus Christ is our all-powerful King with unparalleled authority, and He’s also the risen Jewish teacher who still has scars on His hands.” — Whewwwwwww. This is so good. Thank you for this good word, Bailey!!

  76. Susan Richardson says:


  77. Linda Gilbow says:

    Glory hallelujah!!!!

  78. Tiffany C says:

    I’m praying the Lord’s prayer throughout this study. My idea of “Your kingdom come” is being tweaked as the days go by.

  79. Gretchen S says:

    He is already King and His reign is actively at work! ❤️ I’m so thankful He is in control in the midst of all the many struggles of our nation.

  80. Deb Ireland says:

    So glad that He reigns! Not only on all the Earth but also in my life if I choose to put Him first and walk in the Spirit. I like how Colossians 1:23 says to “continue in the faith stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard”.

  81. Alli Barlik says:

    Today’s reading reminded me that Jesus is Lord of all! I don’t always acknowledge or act like it. My selfish ways and thoughts get in the way. Lord, move me!
    Thank you for this devotional. So good today.

  82. Alli Barlik says:

    What a story! Your last bit reminded me of a poem. Beautifully stated!

  83. Taylor says:

    Feeling in awe of Jesus today that He is both my friend, my comforter, my King!

  84. Angela Sutherland says:

    These are Jesus’ words! And nothing gives me more comfort and hope when I look at the world today and see the frustrations and failings of earthly leadership…in a world where fear is running rampant, these words from the King of Kings causes my heart to leap with hope and joy! He rules, He reigns. He is coming again!!

    “Lion of Judah, the One on the Throne, the only One worthy to open the scrolls.
    You split the heavens and come for Your bride! Fulfill all You promised with fire in Your eyes!”
    (Throne Room – Kari Jobe)

  85. Jill Lee says:

    Jesus’ reign…the right now AND the not yet.

    1. Beth Rayburn says:


  86. Heidi says:

    ALL!! :) On the podcast for this week, Racheal and Amanda made the pleading recommendation that, should any readers have time, read the entire chapter of Daniel 7. I know not everyone listens to the ‘cast so thought I’d share their advice for those who have a couple extra minutes this morning ❤️

  87. Churchmouse says:

    When Jesus returns there will be no political parties pontificating and striving for even more power. He alone will reign. Indeed He reigns now although political parties fail to recognize His sovereignty. They serve at His permission, not of their own doing. They are accountable, as are we, to the King of Kings. I long for the day when Jesus splits the eastern sky and the Rider who is faithful and true reveals Himself in all His majesty. Every head of state, every earthly king, every president will be humbled. Every media outlet will be silenced. He alone will reign forever and ever. His final promise will be brought to fruition. What a magnificent scene it will be. Hollywood will be humbled. It is too wonderful to comprehend. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

  88. Terri says:

    Tina. After what you shared yesterday and now today I am reminded to never put Holy Spirit in a box! Praise God! He has and is and will continue to use you for His glory! Amen!

  89. Angie says:

    Today it occurred to me that Jesus did not need the ladies to pass on His message to the men to meet Him in Galilee. He is almighty. He is God. But, the women came looking for Him, to honor His body, to be near Him one more time – and He did not disappoint. Instead of them ministering to His body, He ministered to their souls. The 11 also made the effort to be near Him, and He met with them. Jesus never turns away a seeking soul.

    I am so in love with Jesus, knowing full well that the love I have for Him is human and imperfect, yet joyfully embraced by my King and my Lord. I want to dwell in the verses that talk about who He is (write them on my heart Lord, surround my brain and my soul with the truth of who You are). I look forward with anticipation to the day He returns on His white horse, His robe dipped in the blood that has washed me clean.

    Any strength, any purpose, any goodness, today and every day in me is only found in Jesus Christ. To Him be all the glory, honor, and praise, always. Amen and amen.

  90. Jo Turnbull says:

    I think I need about a year for today’s passages!

  91. Kelly says:

    STRUGGLING – praying that you “remain grounded and steadfast in the faith and are not shifted away from the hope of the gospel that you heard.”
    Jesus, thank You that Your “dominion is an everlasting dominion, and [Your] kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and [You do] according to [Your] will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth” – Daniel 4:34-35

  92. Searching says:

    So thankful He reigns … a line from a gospel song came to mind as I was reading today’s devo … There I’ll be through the countless ages, look for me at Jesus’ feet.

  93. Tina says:

    In the line of work I do, I meet all sorts of people, truly, from rags to riches, haves to have-nots.
    Some years ago, I met a member of the royal family who had wondered backstage to find a glass of water for his son who was coughing. I recognised him instantly, startled, yet composed, I asked if I could help ‘sir’? He told me his son couldn’t stop coughing and he was looking for a glass of water to help ease it. As I handed him the glass of water, the urge was to say something, but, the rebel in me stopped me..1) I believe we all are equal as humans.. 2) if he was keeping a low profile, who was I to say anything, right..? (As an aside, he came back some 15 minutes later to continue the conversation we were having whilst I got the water.. I still didn’t call him your highness or majesty..! Just call me Rebel!!!)

    I tell you this why? not to show off, i can assure you, but to point out the ‘man-made’ majesty, and the true and worthy King of Kings and Majesty…

    I have not met Jesus in the flesh, YET, but I have known him in my life for many years now.
    I have not met Jesus in the flesh, YET, but I have felt Him on those cold, dark nights, when life threw me lemons, turning things sour and I needed a friend.
    I have not met Jesus in the flesh, YET, but I have seen Him at work, when I could not see a way through, He made a way, clearing the fog, so I could see my way through.
    I have not met the MAJESTIC Jesus, who gave his life, took the nails in His hands and feet, the piercing in his side for me, YET,

    I know Him now and well too. A King, true to His word. Faithful and true. His promises are worthy to hear and believe. He has never let me down, nor forsaken me.. His AUTHORITY gives me a confident, trusting hope to face anything here on earth, and when heaven calls, I will sing a new song of grace, love, hope and mercy, because then, I will meet Jesus face to face..❤


    Happy Wednesday you beautiful ladies I am so blessed to call sisters..❤

  94. Stephanje Berardis says:

    What. Great reminder of what Jesus is to us .. and how he is ALL to us .. a friend , a comforter but also out KING. He is all I need in the hard days and he will comfort , protect , and rule . Love this

  95. Miri am says:

    Oh what a sweet truth!

  96. Maura says:

    So good! Amen!! ❤️

  97. Bridgette says:

    I’m thinking everything to God, everything from God. Jesus is ruling now no matter how much others think that they are in control. This makes me feel at peace when I hear of evil or injustice in this world and this makes me feel grateful when I see the beauty of God’s creation, His people, their kind hearts.