Your Decrees Are Wondrous

Open Your Bible

Psalm 119:121-144, Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Reading the Bible has always been hard for me. That may sound strange coming from someone who works for a company with the motto, “Women in the Word of God every day.” Over the years, being in the Word has proved tricky for several reasons, one of which is its familiarity. I’ve read Scripture my whole life, yet the transformative stories and commands lose their potency when I grow used to their rhythms and cadence, to the way the words sound when they roll off my tongue.

Let me be clear: Scripture can’t lose its power or potency. But I can diminish its work in my life through my own apathy. I can choose not to slow down and really open myself to the text or the Holy Spirit who speaks through it.

A decade ago, I walked through a situation that required me to love a friend and leader in our church community with what the Bible calls agape love—a love that seeks someone else’s wellbeing. Since I could no longer speak with this person directly, the development of this love had to take place solely between God and me. So, my best friend and I made a pact to read 1 Corinthians 13 every day for a whole year. The love passage. This well-known chapter was the best model we could find for the altruistic, Christlike, agape kind of love.

Just because it was a well-known chapter didn’t mean it was easy to put into action. By focusing our attention on one passage for an extended period of time, the purpose was long-term, personal transformation. I began reading it to myself out loud, as if to absorb into my very being. I can still hear the lines echoing through my car, as I read it aloud each morning:

“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy,
is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude,
is not self-seeking, is not irritable,
and does not keep a record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:4–5).

These aren’t just eloquent lines of verse or truisms to tuck away in our back pocket. They’re the living, active words of God. My friend and I didn’t set out to memorize the chapter, but within a couple weeks it was buried inside us. I found that my heart had been softened toward God’s Word and toward this person from our community. And even though it may not have redeemed the situation, it changed my heart.

As Psalm 119 says, “Your decrees are wondrous; therefore I obey them” (v.129). Let’s obey God’s decrees by burying them inside us, even if that means reciting them aloud for 365 days. When our hearts have a chance to catch up with our minds, we begin to embody truth and become not a clanging cymbal but a transformed child of God (1Corinthians 13:1).

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61 thoughts on "Your Decrees Are Wondrous"

  1. Justina Robinson says:


  2. Stacey Hughes says:

    This is such a beautiful idea

  3. Kim Finley says:

    Amen ❤️

  4. Brandi Young says:

    For some reason I needed to hear the love chapter today! Man! I have been going through a situation in my workplace with my boss and to be honest I haven’t been walking in that love! So convicting this morning! Thank you SRT! For not being afraid to step on our toes and remind us that scripture isn’t always just to sound pretty and bring calm but to change us on the inside. So good!

  5. Kinesha Cox says:


  6. Tammy Mielke says:

    Our hearts need to catch up with Gods word, not our minds, to be able to embody truth.

  7. Courtney says:


    I am so very sorry. Praying for you and your family.

  8. Erica says:


    I’m so sorry your heart is hurting. The beauty of Christ’s love for us is that He loves us first. First, before we were created, while in our mother’s wombs, when He walked this earth and lived and died before us, And when He ascended into heaven and God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with and in us, and still as He is seated at the right hand of God the father! He has loved us with an everlasting and ever present love! How undeserved! How beautiful! How very needed! Only when we fix our eyes on how he loves us even in our mess can we truly understand that we too are able to love others because He first loves us! It changes everything; )
    Praying for your heart today! He offers us this gift. Our forgiveness of others, because we have been forgiven MUCH, sets US free from bitterness. Bitterness is painful and horrid and like a weed that strangles us. Before you read the Word, try saying a simple prayer: Father of light, I believe your word is true and is powerful enough to change my heart and this situation. Please be at work in and through me In the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit! Amen!!