I Will Be with You Always

Open Your Bible

Matthew 1:23, John 14:1-4, John 14:18-26, Matthew 28:16-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 22:20

“God with us” has been the plan from the beginning. In the garden, God was tangibly present, walking with His image bearers in the evening breeze (Genesis 3:8). But that perfect fellowship was revoked when sin entered the picture, carving a deep, uncrossable chasm between fallen humanity and the holy Creator. Even still, “God with us” echoes throughout Scripture. The Lord appeared to men like Abraham and Moses. His presence filled the tabernacle and, later, the temple. And, of course, we have the prophets, who proclaimed that a Messiah would come to save us, forever restoring our relationship with the Lord (Isaiah 7:14).

He came just as the prophets foretold. Jesus was born Immanuel, the name that means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). He is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, who walked among His people and brought the kingdom of heaven to earth. He is the Word made flesh—the living, breathing fulfillment of the promise who both restores and secures our fellowship with God for eternity (John 1:14).

Jesus’s disciples experienced the tangible presence of God with them, walking and talking in their midst. But the gift Jesus gave before ascending into heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand is the same gift He gives to us (John 14:26; 20:22). The Spirit of the living Christ dwells in all who have been saved by grace through faith in Him. He is with us—right here, right now, always (Matthew 28:20). Better still, we will one day experience that same joyful fellowship Adam and Eve knew in the garden; we, too, will live with God in a perfect, pain-free world of His creation. Jesus Himself is preparing a place for us, and He will call us there one glorious day. “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (John 14:3; Revelation 22:20).

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60 thoughts on "I Will Be with You Always"

  1. Poppy Waskett says:

    It’s so easy to fix my mind and my heart on busy things, on mini gods like exercise, health, even devotional time rather than truly spending time walking with God in obedience to him. Why am I so easily distracted. You never leave and never forsake, but I must walk in obedience to experience the deep intimacy of the Lord, and I confess that I have daily forsaken time with you for little idols like spending time on Social media, planning holidays and worrying about my weight and what I’m eating. Lord, thank you that as I draw near to you you are faithful and draw even nearer, thank you that as I take a few steps towards you, you run towards me father, thank you Jesus that you have made it possible for me to be reconciled to father son and Holy Spirit by your blood. Thank you father that you have prepared a place for me in your house. Thank you for your purity, your holiness, your righteousness Lord. Your faithfulness reaches to the heavens. How can I even comprehend it, you are faithful beyond what I can imagine, you are working more profoundly than I can even comprehend, but give me a new perspective Lord that meditates and exalts you more than I do now. Let me not be distracted, bring my heart quickly to repentance when I forsake your commandments, give me a new level of assurance and faith in your faithfulness. I love you Lord. God with me, God with us. Thank you for the certainty of your promises. Amen.

  2. Ashley Cesare says:

    I fell short today. I fell back into some old habits of overthinking and over-worrying. Today’s reading gives me great hope! I am loved by a God who promises he is always with me. My heart leaps for joy knowing that. I can fall short because I am human. I choose to pick myself up, leave my old ways behind me and start a new day fresh with God! He is the same and never changes! He walks beside me now and will in my future. What should I fear?

  3. Ashley Cesare says:

    I fell short today. I fell back into some old habits of overthinking and over-worrying. Today’s reading gives me great hope! I am loved by a God who promises he is always with me. My heart leaps for joy knowing that. I can fall short because I am human. I choose to pick myself up, leave my