Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 43:2

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

I will be with you
when you pass through the waters,
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not overwhelm you.
You will not be scorched
when you walk through the fire,
and the flame will not burn you.
Isaiah 43:2

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30 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Montana Wilson says:

    This was in reply to Stacy C from 10 months ago

  2. Montana Wilson says:

    Hi! I am just seeing your post. It looks like you got that message right around when COVID hit the US. This was a great opportunity for us all to rest and reset. I know during quarantine I became more structured in my prayers and readings. I hoped you had the opportunity to rest as well. God bless!

  3. Stacey C says:

    I’ve seen the message to rest three times today all from different places. There is something great in store.

  4. Churchmouse says:

    Jen S, I added you to my daily prayer journal. You are indeed going through deep waters. But we know God is able to walk on the water and, more importantly, He grasps ahold of us to keep us afloat until we can get back to the boat. Praying you feel His presence in profound ways.

  5. Church Mouse says:

    The narrative about my debate tournament trip was incomplete. We all started to shake once we realized how close we came to drowning. BUT GOD. We all proclaimed that what was blocking the car had to be God Himself. We backed up and made it on to the tournament. I don’t remember if any of us won the debates but we sure knew we won something far greater – a knowledge that God is real and right there. Two of the five girls were not believers but they became Christians that day. God had something far greater planned than a debate tournament or preventing a drowning. He saved souls. Safe through eternity.

    1. Mari V says:

      Wow! You know God was at work.

  6. Amesha Brewies says:

    What a wonderful promise?!