
Open Your Bible

2 Samuel 13:1-21, Psalm 55:1-23

Editor’s Note: Some passages in Scripture deal in subject matter which might be especially painful for some readers. Though many of the wounds we receive in this life are deeply personal and unimaginably painful, when they appear in God’s Word, we are reminded that He sees them. Whenever sin is addressed in Scripture—whether through teaching or story—it comes to us in the context of God’s unwavering commitment to bring an end to all evil in this world through the finished work of Christ (Revelation 21:3-4). We are praying for and with you as you read.

There are certain stories in Scripture that cause me to blink back tears every time I read them—Abraham leading Isaac up the mountain for sacrifice, Jesus begging God to take the cup from Him in the garden of Gethsemane, and Peter’s denial of Jesus, just to name a few.

Tamar’s story causes me to both blink back tears and shake with anger. It’s a difficult story to stomach, and I get more queasy with every verse I read. It brings up memories I’d rather forget and questions of God’s justice that I’d rather not ask: How could God allow something like this to happen to Tamar? She was just an innocent girl. She didn’t deserve this injustice. She didn’t ask for this.

These are the same sort of questions I ask myself every time another #MeToo story breaks on the news. They are the same questions I ask every time I hear another one of my friends tell a story from a time in their life when someone went a little too far, when an unforeseeable circumstance brought about unbearable pain and trauma.

Tamar’s story is not one that you hear preached about on Sunday mornings. It’s not suitable for young ears, and for some, it’s definitely triggering. If the Bible were a movie, Tamar’s story would push it to receive an R rating. But the same thing that’s true of all the stories women and men have brought into light over the last couple of years is also true here: they all have value, and we need to hear them. Tamar’s story is important because God saw fit to include it in His Word.

Tamar’s story allows survivors of sexual assault to see themselves in Scripture. It helps them see that they are not alone—that they, like Tamar, did not deserve this injustice. And because we know God’s character, we know that when we cry out morning, noon, and night—when we tear our clothes with grief like Tamar—He hears us (Psalm 55:17). He sees us. He meets us in the midst of our distress, and reminds us that we are His. He promises He will “not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6–7), that He will “[execute] justice for the exploited” (Psalm 146:6–7).

So although Tamar’s story is so painful we’d often rather forget it happened, we would do well to see her in her pain and recognize that God is still at work. He is still at the center of her story, and He remains at the center of ours as well.

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36 thoughts on "Tamar"

  1. Marie Drakulic says:

    The grave

  2. Kassandra Hammonds says:

    15Let death steal over them;
    let them go down to Sheol alive;
    for evil is in their dwelling place and in their heart.

    I’m curious, does anyone know what Sheol is?

  3. Danya says:

    He hears us (Psalm 55:17). He sees us. He meets us in the midst of our distress, and reminds us that we are His. He promises He will “not leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6–7), that He will “[execute] justice for the exploited” (Psalm 146:6–7).

    I find this story so difficult to read. But I am assured by the scriptures posted immediately above. No we see dimly…then we shall see face to face.
    Evil cannot win over good

  4. Brittani Blair says:

    In a women in the lineage of Jesus series I read recently it talked about Bathsheba and Solomon. They discuss how Absalom’s revolt is rooted in David’s lack of action against Amnon for his grievous crime of raping Tamar. It is possible that is why Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 8:10-12 that punishment for sin should be given out quickly.

  5. Monica Davis says:

    I love how god has a word for even those victims of sexual assault!

  6. D.G. says:

    The whole incident is disturbing, but what bothers me the most is that Absolam and David do nothing to console or help Tamar. How can you be so angry that you kill the perpetrator, yet have so little regard for the victim? Maybe that’s how it is in many cases today? Maybe that’s why so many would rather keep things to themselves. Looking forward to the day when every wrong will be made right!

    1. Rebecca Homan says:

      I feel Tamar and her pain to my core. I was sexually abused by a cousin from the time I was 7 until I was 12. My parents knew it was happening but did nothing. My dad got mad at me when I went to a guidance counselor about it. He was so angry that I “rocked the boat”. He told me that I had to watch what I wore, who my friends were, what I said, how I acted, etc. He all but explicitly told me it was my fault. I get Tamar so much.

      1. Teresa Ko says:

        I’m so sorry, Rebecca! My heart breaks for you!

      2. Kassandra Hammonds says:

        It takes courage to talk about what happened to you, I’m so sorry that happened. I can’t even imagine how hard that must’ve been for you and still is looking back on it.