Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 6:8

Memorizing Scripture is one of the best ways to carry God-breathed truth, instruction, and reproof wherever we go.

In our Lenten study of Isaiah, we are memorizing Scripture about God’s calling, judgment, and restoration of His people.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying:
Who should I send?
Who will go for Us?

I said:
Here I am. Send me.

– Isaiah 6:8

Write this passage down and post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about Scripture memorization. Will you join us?


(25) Comments

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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Sarah D. says:

    Is the lock screen showing up here for anyone? I see it in the email but not here.

    1. Sarah D. says:

      Oh nevermind, I see it now! Haha. So pretty.

      1. Tanya Rocca says:

        I dont’ see the image?

  2. Andrea says:

    I started this study late and have been trying to catch up. I was happily surprised when I came to Grace Day and then happily surprised again today by the Weekly Truth on the beautiful painting. I am loving this study. I’ve always wanted to know the book of Isaiah better. I started reading it on my own for advent, started a Beth Moore Isaiah themed bible study (Breaking Free) in January, and then came upon this study. I put the Beth Moore aside for now to focus on this and will get back to it. This study Has Been perfectly paced for my life right now and reading Isaiah over and over again in these last few months has been so good for my soul. I also recently discovered the joy of listening to the bible read aloud while I run or walk.

    1. h a n n a h says:

      What do you listen on ? Podcast?

      1. Andrea says:

        I’ve been listening to Isaiah on biblestudytools.com. My actual bible is NrSV, which I love. I’ve been listening to Isaiah in NLT, which I love listening to.

      2. Kristi DeBay says:

        Beth Moore’s app Living Proof Ministries has an audio bible. When I found it and tried it out I was amazed in how much I like listening to it just read through the scriptures! And it has a daily readings section as well! Good stuff!

      3. Dana Moore says:

        The YouVersion Bible app has dozens of translations and most have audio versions. It’s fantastic in general, but especially if you want to try out listening to audio Bibles.

    2. Erica says:

      So cool to read these thoughts and see my sister’s name attached; ). Thanks for introducing me to this study! I look forward to finishing with you!

  3. Summer says:

    Saving to my phone now!

  4. Chris says:

    Thank you church mouse! I will be sharing your comment in Sunday School this morning.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    This is a beautiful verse and it is one that is hard to follow.

  6. Kathleen says:

    Here I am. I am struck by our desire to be known by God. We are worthy of His commission. And we cannot duck the calling.

  7. Churchmouse says:

    “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying…”. I cannot say yes to His sending if I haven’t first heard His calling. My prayer this morning is to have ears to hear as I read His Word. I do not want to crowd out His still small voice with daily distractions and busyness. I need my quiet time so that I can intently listen. When I am attune to His voice, I can more readily hear Him throughout my day. Lord, may this season of Lent draw us into an ever deeper relationship. Here I am. Talk to me, Lord, for I am listening.

    1. Kersti says:

      So true! How can I ever hear, if I don’t take those moments of silence to listen. Thank you for that reminder!

    2. Rhonda says:

      Exactly what I needed to hear this morning, in this season…..

    3. Angie says:

      Thank you for these words, such a great reminder.

    4. Sarah D. says:

      Reminds me of the song “Speak to Me” by Kari Jobe. Speak to me Lord, I’m listening! Show me the next step and help me trust in You with every breath I take.

  8. Dana says:

    Thank you to all of you who responded so overwhelmingly to the prayer request for Ryan Teixeira. I can’t thank you enough for the way you are lifting him up. I will keep you updated as I get new reports. Have not heard how he is doing today. But please keep the prayers for a MIRACLE coming! So touched by your love and Faith!! Thank you so so so much!!

    1. Justine Fern says:

      continuing to pray for Ryan and his family this morning!

      1. Dana says:

        Good morning SRT Family. It is with a very heavy heart…and soul…that I give this update. Ryan passed away last night. Our hearts are broken for his family. But the Peace in knowing he is with our Lord, is Greater than the pain. Ryan accomplished so much for the Glory of God in his 20 short years. That’s the part that hurts most is that he had so much more to give this hurting world. But our Creator is the Author of our stories and we Trust in Him. I was so absolutely touched by the outpouring of prayer by all of you. I read every single reply through grateful tears, and prayed each of your prayers along with you. We felt comforted and cared for by the goodness of our sisters and brothers in Christ. Most comforting was that we don’t know any of you and yet our hearts welcomed you as family. What a blessing and what a victory for God to know we stand together, in one voice. But the greatest Victory was at the cross and because of that we know Ryan has been welcomed Home and has heard the Voice of our Father saying “well done, my good and faithful servant”. You finally got your Victory Ryan!!! #17Strong

    2. Mari says:

      Dana, I’m so sorry for the loss of this young life Ryan. Will be praying for his family. It’s like you said he accomplished so much for the glory of God during his short years here. He will be remembered by his peers!

      1. Dana says:

        Absolutely! Thank you for that reminder ❤

    3. Churchmouse says:

      I’m saddened to hear of Ryan’s passing for so many longed to have his healing occur on this earth. I so appreciate you giving us the opportunity to know of this young man and to intercede for him and his family. Please know that my prayers will continue for his family -Ryan is no longer in need of them for he is more alive now than ever before! He has the answer to all his questions. He sees his Savior face to face.He

      1. Dana says:

        Yes! And Amen! Thank you ❤️