The Glory of God

Open Your Bible

Exodus 34:1-35, Exodus 40:34-38, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Text: Exodus 34:1-35, Exodus 40:34-38, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18  

It was late afternoon as I boarded the non-stop flight back to Nashville, anxious to get home after a week in unfamiliar territory.

The plane settled into a rhythm, and I leaned my head back and glanced out the window. In an instant, I was captivated. We were flying above what looked like an ocean of clouds. Colors of the sunset sprayed one side of the world in a hundred shades of pink and orange. It was so mesmerizing I could barely blink. I wanted to see more. I wanted to stretch the window wide so I could experience the fullness of the sky’s beauty. It was too vast for me to capture from my limited viewpoint.

As I sat back and closed my eyes, vibrant colors remained etched in my mind. I was in awe of the wonder and glory of God. But as wondrous as these images and experiences may be, they are only glimpses of Him, evidence of His infinite greatness, which is far too big for us to fully comprehend (Isaiah 55:9).

I can’t begin to imagine how Moses felt as the glory of God radiated from a cloud above the mountain where he stood. Beckoned by the Lord Himself, Israel’s leader obediently approached with nothing but blank tablets in his hands—new tablets to replace ones shattered in the wake of Israel’s idolatry (Exodus 34:1-3; 32:19). God, in an overwhelming display of mercy, offered them a clean slate (Exodus 32:33). He remained faithful to His covenant and led His people to the land of promise, by His glory and grace.

As the weight of pure holiness hovered above Moses, God declared the power of His name. Scripture tells us, “Moses immediately bowed down to the ground and worshiped” (Exodus 34:8). He lingered there in God’s presence for 40 days.

Like the moon reflecting the brilliance of the sun, Moses’ face soaked up the radiance of God’s light until a visible glow permeated his countenance. He’d seen only a glimpse of God’s glory, but descended that mountain more certain than ever of Yahweh’s flawless character and covenant love.

From a mountain to a sacred tent, God’s glory remained near as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. Time and time again, Moses approached the Lord as Israel’s advocate then stood before a trembling nation as God’s mouthpiece. Moses led the people faithfully, but he was powerless to save them. He spoke to God on their behalf, but he could never close the gap that separated them from God’s presence. While Moses played an integral role in redemptive history, the story was always bigger than him (Hebrews 3:3).

We know the rest of the story.

In Christ, the glory of God came down and dwelt among us (John 1:14). The veil that once darkened our eyes was torn away by the power of redemption (Hebrews 10:19-22). Jesus is the greater Advocate, the One who stood in our place and offered Himself as our substitute. Wrapped in eternal light, He now stands before the Father on our behalf and covers us with the radiance of His righteousness.

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of His nature, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”
-Hebrews 1:3


Written By Ali Claxton 

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38 thoughts on "The Glory of God"

  1. So thankful for our greater Advocate!!

  2. Elaine says:

    What hit me to the core today was the fact that God mercifully offered them a clean slate. Wow. How many times has he offered me a clean slate.. Financially speaking, sinfully speaking.. CONSTANTLY I find myself asking God for yet another clean slate. Wipe out my debt (for the 3rd time) Lord; have mercy on my sins this week Lord… On and on I could go about my weaknesses that I need clean slates for! HE is so merciful!! Thank you Father for wiping my slate clean yet again. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you O’Lord! In Jesus’ name..

  3. Lynda says:

    “Like the moon reflecting the brilliance of the sun, Moses’ face soaked up the radiance of God’s light until a visible glow permeated his countenance.” Yesterday I was talking with some friends about how our lives should look as followers of Christ – would they be perfect? – unfortunately no BUT others should be able to see a difference in us – a glow! I want to glow!!

      1. Kish says:

        Me too! Yes Lord!