The Purpose of Prayer (1 of 3)

Open Your Bible

Psalm 145:18, Matthew 7:7-11, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 John 5:14-15, James 1:5-8

Text: Psalm 145:18, Matthew 7:7-11, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 John 5:14-15, James 1:5-8

There’s a constant deluge of calls in my life. Literal phone calls, voicemails, emails, texts, tweets, messages—not a day goes by that I don’t feel the pressure to respond to someone in some way about something.

I remember things being simpler when I was small. The way to reach someone at my house was to call the landline or, as was more common in our neighborhood, just come on over and knock on the front door. The point of contact was just that: to come into contact, to touch, to be near one another.

Sometimes it seems we’re further away than ever from family and friends. I can’t remember the last time I hugged someone just for the sake of hugging them. These days we call because we need an answer, words of comfort, information—rarely just because we need nearness.

Psalm 73:28 says, “The nearness of God is my good,” and these days, I need to remind myself of these words often. This week alone, our little family has a hundred different prayers that necessitate a hundred answers:

Will my husband get the job? Will we move? Will we lose money on our house here? What if they knock down our cozy 1800s farmhouse to build a high rise? What if we have to leave another church and our friends? Will we find a new church? Will we have friends? Will we stay here? For how long?

My counselor recently asked me how God and I were doing these days. I abashedly told her that sometimes it feels like God and I aren’t on speaking terms: I’m speaking to Him, He’s not answering, so I’m shrugging and moving on. “Do you feel far from him?” she asked. My answer was truthful when I said no, that I know He is near. “That isn’t what I asked,” she said. “I asked if you feel far from Him?” And sometimes, I do.

I read in Psalm 145:18, “The Lord is near to all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity.” With integrity. I don’t know what integrity looks like in this season. I know I wear the robes of righteousness gifted to me from Christ, so I couldn’t be more righteous if I tried (Isaiah 61:10). But integrity? Do I come to the Lord with my palms empty, my heart open, my eyes set on Him, and the integral understanding that God is good, right, true, and faithful?

Do I come with integrity when I call on Him?

Integrity means “authentic, whole, and undivided”—and if there’s one thing I know to be true of me, it’s that my heart is utterly divided. I don’t come to Christ just to be near Him or to know His nearness. I come to Him because I want information. I want direction. I want answers. I want resolution.

But prayer is not just the act of asking and receiving; it is the act of being. It is the act of knowing. It is the act of coming near to God with integrity—with a heart that is whole and undivided in its attentiveness to Him. It is knowing and believing that He is near and He hears us, that He is always faithful in His love for us, even when we don’t feel it (Psalm 25:6).

Prayer is less about the words we say and more about the availability of our Creator and King, and the opportunity each of us has to call on Him.

Do I feel near to God? No, not always. But I know He is near to me.

Lore Wilbert is the Director of Community and Formation at Park Church, Denver, and writer at Find her on twitter @lorewilbert.

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135 thoughts on "The Purpose of Prayer (1 of 3)"

  1. Krystle says:

    Love the honesty, transparency, and genuineness of today’s devotional. Good stuff!

  2. Fran says:

    I loved the honesty of the writer. The study revealed that I don’t always come to Christ just to know Him. It sometimes is a one sided ordeal. My prayer is to pray more to know Him and not always for a resolution to a problem. God knows my problems and I need to know Him more.

  3. Jan Scott says:

    Thank you lord for being near to me!

  4. Allison Hoog says:

    As I am doing this study, I am also parallel reading “Crazy Love” by Franchis Chan. If you haven’t ever heard of this book, I recommend it. I immediately thought about a chapter in the book called “Stop Praying”… The first part of the chapter reads: “What if I said, ‘Stop praying?’ What if I told you to stop talking AT God for a while, but instead to take a long, hard look at Him before you speak another word? Solomon warned us not to rush into God’s presence with words. That’s what fools do. And often, that’s what we do. The wise man comes to God without saying a word and stands in awe of Him. It may seem a hopeless endeavor, to gaze at the invisible God. But Romans 1:20 tells us that through creation, we see His ‘invisible qualities’ and ‘divine nature.’ Gaze in God’s silence. Be humbled in His presence.” There is an Awe Factor video at that you can also watch… for me, it put things into perspective and allowed me to worship in my prayer… This is where I see honesty coming in. God is so great and HUGE – He created the universe! We are SO tiny in comparison… almost invisible, but GOD LOVES US SO MUCH! Be honest with God and acknowledge his greatness and be in awe of His power! R.C. Sproul writes, “Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God.” <- SO POWERFUL!

    1. Katie says:

      Love this! Thanks for sharing! That is a great book too :)

    2. Emily says:

      Thank you for sharing! Love your inspiring thoughts!!

    3. Olivia says:

      This reminds me of the PAPA Prayer by Larry Crabb. He explains prayer is the time to know God. To be relational before bringing petitions. Thanks for your post.

    4. Carissa says:

      So so so encouraging! God is great in every way. We are loved so immensely and so perfectly!

    5. Kelly Brooks says:

      Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to hear that. I don’t think I ever thought of prayer that way. It resonates with my soul.

  5. Jordan says:

    “All who call out to him IN TRUTH” – that makes me think of approaching the lord with more honesty than u do. A confession of sorts. Actually sharing my thoughts and feelings BEFORE praying them away. Can anyone relate? I am tired of wishing to be godly. I am tired of wishing to be close to him. What is my truth when I approach him? Do I come to him w it?

    1. Amanda says:

      Absolutely! Bring it all, bring all of it. Worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. Yes come in confession – which means agreement – agree together with God about where you’re at. We don’t have to pretend with Him. He knows. This is something I have been challenged in as well. Confession of where we are truly at is totally the starting point for knowing more of Him and becoming more like Him. There’s nothing to fear – He loves you.

  6. Erica says:

    Spot on what I needed to hear today. Thank you wonderful ladies for already keeping it real.

  7. Michelle says:

    Wow. This is deeply convicting for me today, but I am so thankful. How often do I go to God just to be in his presence, just to linger there and enjoy his nearness and his company? Not often enough. I go to him to complain or to vent or to ask for things or to plead… If I acted this way in any human relationship or friendship, I would drive that person crazy. Thank God for his endless grace.

  8. desiree masters says:

    what a wake-up call! ive been going thru a tough season and ive never questioned God’s nearness. i know He knows and sees me. but yet i feel alone in this difficulty. when was the last time i went to God just to be near Him? too long, my friend, too long. even when i dont have someone i can physically talk to who “gets it” i have a heavenly Father who’s nearness is a balm for my soul and i forget that i can (and should!) just be near Him without a reason. its so *silly* of me! thanks for the reminder, clearly i needed it!

  9. Sheree Poole says:

    I loved these Scriptures for today. I am so thankful we can approach the throne of grace at any time 24 hours a day. I often rush through my prayers that I forget to just sit quietly in His presence before ending my prayers and then rushing off to something else. Just to sit quietly after praying to hear from Him, He is near, He hears me, He listens to me, but then I just have to remind myself to also listen to Him. Sitting quietly and listening has really made the difference in my prayer life.

  10. Bailey Ashlyn says:

    I pray I take time to just be with God today!❤️

  11. JennyBC says:

    I’ll be reading this over again to soak in the fullness of it. Touched me in many ways and gave me many things to ponder I want to learn to be near to God.

  12. Mattie says:

    Feeling so far from my Heavenly Father tonight. Thankful for the gift of prayer that allows me to be in the amazing presence of the Creator of the universe.

  13. Couldn’t be more righteousness if I tried. Love this. Is. 61:10. Thank you Jesus!!

  14. ClaireB says:

    Very well put

  15. Lysette says:

    This was exactly what I needed to hear! I find it so hard to, Just Be near God and not always asking… being near Him and allowing His words to guide and comfort is so important

  16. Katie says:

    This is such a great topic to reflect on. Sometimes I do not feel as though God is listening to me, or answering my prayers- it often leaves me wondering, why? Today’s text makes it clear that there is a distinct difference between just praying to God, and really BEING with God and believing that he will deliver us from our trials. I will definitely be thinking more about praying more mindfully, and about truly believing that God hears my prayers :)

  17. Emily says:

    I needed to hear this, great reminder tonight and every night! Prayer doesn’t need an agenda

  18. Tiari says:

    He is an all-knowing God, our greatest need and at the same time our ultimate provider. How amazing that sometimes we can just come to Him simply to be with Him and to know that He hears us. That we can just “be still and know that He is God.” Thank you Father, for the blessing and opportunity that we have to come to you and be with you. Amen!!

  19. Sarah says:

    Palms empty, heart open, eyes fixed, mind resting.

  20. Leslie says:

    Today is day five after my mothers accident and broken hip. It also marks another day with a surgery but not for her hip but for her small intestine. We were hoping for answers more than it is inflamed. However before she went into the operating room her surgeon who is new to this small Montana Town came in and talked to her then he asked if he could pray with her. I thought it was going to be a quick little genie prayer but it wasn’t. It was from the heart asking for guidance, wisdom, healing and gratefulness for being our creator and knowing us and our needs and for loving us. I sat there and almost cried because there is so much talk about faith and a “higher being” from my mother’s in laws but this was refreshing and genuine and a breath of fresh air. I felt relieved to send her off to the operating room in the hands of a surgeon who loves God and knew no matter what God hears and He has her.

    1. Lesley T says:

      The Lord is so good. I pray for quick healing for your mom.

  21. Michele says:

    Thank you for your encouragement in the midst of your own journey, which, bears resemblance to my own these days and months. I’m leaning into these verses as we prepare the process of moving across the country to Texas, leaving my college freshman here in Virginia. Bless you, sisters, on your own uncertain journeys, all the while knowing there is nothing uncertain for our great God.

    1. Lauren says:

      Thank you, Michele. ‘There is nothing uncertain for our great God.’ I needed this reminder today, in the midst of my own fear and uncertainty. That truth brings peace to my tired heart.

  22. Cindy says:

    Lore! That’s a lot!! And here you are writing to us, encouraging, supporting, guiding us. Thank you.
    Each of the scripture verses that you supplied today was either the basis for a worship song we sang yesterday or a match for the very thing I’m praying or experiencing today. Two of them I tried to copy and paste into my “Promises and prayers” document but my battery is low or something . . .
    Anyway. May God bless you and give you the very best of directions possible for you, for your husband, for your children, for both the church you may leave and the one you will find. SO many possibilities of change on your horizon! May you trust in Him beyond all reason and understanding that He is taking you to a good place. May this be a time in your family where you pull together and know His guiding hand and love upon each of you. And may your farmhouse survive the changes too. (We are facing the historic train tracks next to our house being replaced with snowmobile trails – so I can relate on that level too). May you have life and have it in abundance!

  23. Lindsey says:

    My goodness, I desperately needed this today. As I read the part about questions of job, church, home, etc. it was comforting to know I’m not the only one wondering what will be. Thank you for reminding me that my Savior is near and wants to simply enjoy friendship with me. It seems I’m always asking for answers instead of just resting in His presence. I’m so thankful for shereadstruth, the transparency of each writer, and being able to share our hearts.

  24. Thea says:

    God doesn’t want my show. He doesn’t want my empty words or fake actions. He wants the real me and my real heart, broken and wretched though it is. He wants me to call out to Him from my heart, from what is there. He wants me to truly want Him (a desire only He can give us and only He can fulfil) and to call, with authenticity, for the One who can satisfy.

  25. Diane Huntsman says:

    Do I come to the Lord with my palms empty, my heart open, my eyes set on Him, and the integral understanding that God is good, right, true, and faithful?

  26. Ojooce says:

    Awesome Devo!

  27. Hannah says:

    When I need to be close to Jesus just for the sake of being near, I turn on some worship music. Worshiping, oh it does my heart good and yet why do I not do it everyday? Make a playlist of your favorite worship songs and turn it on while cleaning, driving etc. We were made to worship. It just feels right. Being close to him is better than life.

  28. Sara says:

    Can anyone help me understand this a little more? I am feeling confusion and conviction because I am always asking for God to help me. I have always been such a worrier and I am constantly praying for help and relief from my fear. I am also a new mommy and so in love with my baby and so many of my prayers are prayers of protection over my little one. Is this bad? I don’t want to be only coming to God with my own agenda but I feel so lost without Him and being able to seek Him for comfort and protection.

    1. JennySue says:

      Sara, Psalm 18:2-3 says “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.” Verse 6 continues, “In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears.” The Lord WANTS us to call on His as He is our only safe haven. I think the encouragement here is to also come to the Lord to simply enjoy His presence. Keep on calling out to Him, and spend a some “simply being” time with Him too, telling Him what all you love about Him.

      1. Jennifer says:

        Yes!! :)

      2. Sara says:

        Thank you so much Jenny Sue for helping me understand this a little better. I definitely could spend a lot more time just praising Jesus for all that he has done for me and telling him how much I love Him. After some time with Him this morning, I think He is trying to show me that He can be so much more than just a protector. He wants to be my friend. I spend so much time in fear, pleading with Him for protection that I don’t acknowledge how wonderful and amazing He is. I forget to say thank you, to reflect on His goodness and love and let myself just be close to Him. I have SO much to learn in my Christian walk. Thankful for His patience with me as I grow and for this study and sweet people like you that help me understand it a little better. Thank you again.

    2. Jennifer says:

      I don’t feel qualified to answer your question, but I wanted to encourage you that realizing your need for Jesus is never a bad thing. Also, as a young mom, I have been learning that my children belong to God. I am entrusted to care for them, but ultimately they are His and He loves them even more than I do. Keep going to the Lord. He loves you and your baby so much!!

      1. Sara says:

        Jennifer, thank you for the encouragement. It brings me SO much comfort when I remember that Jesus loves my little boy even more than I do. Being a momma makes me feel so helpless sometimes because there is this little person that I am so in love with and I feel like so much is out of my control. But I am thankful that my baby belongs to Jesus and He has a plan for him, to give him a hope and a future. Thank you so much for that reminder and to just keep pressing into Him.

    3. Megan Gilley says:

      Sara, you sound a lot like me- or look a lot like what I used to look like at least. It’s a season. You are doing all he asks of you right now. I just now walked into the season of coming to him just to be with him. You’ll get there as he prunes your heart. :) Be patient with where you are and never forget that he’s constantly transforming you each and every day to look more like him. Rest in him sweet friend.

      1. Sara says:

        Megan, thank you. It’s so encouraging to know that He is always working on me. I forget that all too often and lose heart so quickly. Thank you for the reminder. I will continue to press into Him and cannot wait to see where He takes me. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  29. Alicia E. says:

    This is really hitting me at home today. I’m trying so hard to learn to be closer to God and to be open to His commands in my life, but I know the first reason I call for Him is because I want something from Him. I pray that this message will stay on my heart so that I can actively pursue a closer relationship with our Father God!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying these truths with you today, Alicia! Thanks for joining us!


  30. Jenn says:

    Gosh this was so good today. Thank you!

  31. Anastasia says:

    This device was just WOW! I’m leader over the Guest Services department at my church and my oversight and I have noticed that it had become very process-oriented and task-oriented and we’ve lost sight of our WHY: people, souls, God’s special possession (Joel 2).

    Lore, your wording hit the nail on the head first me. I’m almost desperate for those simpler times when we couldn’t always be reached, where we didn’t go to bed and wake up to a barrage of texts, tweets, emails, spam, work and expectations.

    This is something I’m wanting to work on in my life, in my relationships with people and with my team. Prayers would be appreciated! :)

  32. andrea says:

    The Lord is awesome. Last night was the first night of my husband being away at training for several weeks, and what has been my comfort is the presence of God. Thankful for this devotional today and how it reinforces what God has been teaching me the past couple months. His presence is sweeter than any answered prayer. He is always with me, he never leaves me. If you haven’t heard Lauren Daigle’s song “First” check it out:
    “Before I bring my need, I will bring my heart”

    1. Alissa says:

      I love Lauren Daigle and I think “First” is so suitable to today! When we bring our hearts to God we are able to truly call out to him with integrity as Psalm 145:18 says. We are able to know and believe he is near and he then will direct our needs and thoughts to be true to Him!

  33. SallyB says:

    Thank you for this. I’ve been praying for God to bless us with another child. It’s been hard waiting patiently but I know it will happen in His good timing. Sometimes

    1. SallyB says:

      *sometime error*

  34. Martha Karmali says:

    This has definitely reached out to me today. My husband is in the midst of third year medical school. This upcoming school year will hold so many decisions and time apart as he has to go interview and I stay with our three babies. More than anything we want Gods hand guiding our decisions and the outcomes which will tell us where we will live for the next four years and what speciality my husband will go into. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. I don’t think I’ve called out in truth in a while. But boy am I there now.

  35. Pam B says:

    Thank you Lore for this devotion. It really resonated with me.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Thanks for joining us today, Pam! We love having you in our community!


  36. Midge says:

    Thank you for sharing wisdom and truth. Our pastor preached on 1 John 1:7-10. love how God orchestrates every part of our lives. Struggling is real. The devil wants us distracted. I love the thought of having integrity before God. My struggles today are real, my heart is heavy, and my God knows. He has begun the process, truth has been spoken with a seed planted. For today I just need to rest in his presence and let God take care of it.

  37. Lori says:

    So true!

  38. Sheila says:

    May you find solitude and peace in your closeness to God. Have a blessed day.

  39. Larkin DH says:

    This was exactly what I needed today! Thank you so much ladies! :) On a side note, please be sure to double-check your Scripture references…one of the verses you mentioned today, Psalm 146:18, does not exist, and the link you provided was to Psalm 146:10. (Paragraph 7)

    1. Lore says:

      Thanks for the clarification, Larkin! I didn’t catch the error when they sent it to me for proofing.

  40. CJ says:

    Thank you for clarifying “integrity” for me. I needed this today. Blessings!

  41. Tiffiny Palm says:

    Great devtional and thoughts on where my thoughts and heart is at when I come to God in prayer. I did notice that one of the verses Lore mentioned is not correct, Psalm 146:18. Psalm 146 only goes up to verse 10.

    1. KristiV says:

      I did too. It’s supposed to be 145:18.

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Hi friend! The reference has been corrected. Grateful for your place in our community!


  42. Caroline @ In Due Time says:

    So good and lines up with our message at church yesterday. I love that prayer is about the relationship we have between us and God and that He loves for us to come to Him and pray BOLD prayers!

  43. Janelle Z says:

    Prayer is such a mystery to me – still, at age 56. I want to be more devoted in this area of my walk. There are so many things for which to pray and to praise.
    I did notice that the Psalm 146:18 reference should be Psalm 145:18.

  44. Emma says:

    Awesome word today and something I’ve been dealing with a lot lately. Feeling far from him but knowing his is still near. Thank you for your ministry ladies!

    something I noticed.. the verse about integrity is 145 not 146 :) I went to look it up and couldn’t find it at first.

  45. Kristin C says:

    Awesome! I have really been struggling with prayer lately. I know I am so focused on me when I pray, but it should be about God!

  46. Maggie T. says:

    Hi ladies! I’m a young one – just 19 – and I’ve been struggling with prayer. It’s something that I really want to get in the habit of but its so hard for me to concentrate and sit down to pray. Maybe it’s the busy college life or my short attention span, but I am wondering what/how you ladies pray. I’ve been prayer journaling for Lent and I’ve started saying the breath prayer “God, give me peace” but I just don’t know…I would really love your help!!

    1. Jessica says:

      Hi Maggie! I also really struggle with prayer. Recently a friend of mine suggested a book to me called a praying life by paul miller. So far it has been an excellent read!

    2. Monica says:

      Hey Maggie,
      Another young one here. 21. I believe prayer will almost always be a struggle for us. God made us that way. That’s not always a bad thing either. It’s a reminder of how much we need his grace. God loves our messy prayers, or short prayers, even our angry prayers. He adores us just as we are when we come to him. Sometimes I just pray, “Father.” Just to call on him. Other times I pray, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” It’s a struggle but don’t be discouraged. His power is made perfect in weakness. I recommend reading A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller.

    3. Susie says:

      Hi Maggie! I’m forgetful, so I need reminders to pray. I think the Lord is ok with that! I also pray journal each morning. It’s a discipline I’ve kept for many years and I can look back at my journals and tangibly see answered prayers and God’d faithfulness. Keep that up! I also use google calendars, and each day, I have a group of people I pray for and my calendar reminds me to do this. I work in ministry, so one day I pray for my volunteers, another my family and co-laborers, another day mission leadership, etc. It helps me to have a strategy for how I pray for others and the needs in my mission. Finally, I typically select a verse that has stood out to me, or a short passage, and write it on notecards and slap it on a mirror, in my car, next to my bed, etc and I pray that verse as an offering; a plea for the Lord to work in my heart and mold me. I’ll do that throughout the day and reading the verse aloud Spurs my heart to continue a conversation with the Lord throughout the day. Prayers for you as your heart seeks to pray! Ask the Holy Spirit for gentle reminders through the day to lean on Him. The Lord is faithful and will nudge your heart into deeper commune with Him!

    4. April says:

      I have been there. Just talk to Him like a friend! Of course you honor and respect Him. But just talk, then sit and take time to listen :)
      He just wants you near Him during those times.

    5. Lori says:

      Hi Maggie, I often had struggles with prayer too, I would lose concentration, my mind would wonder or I would find I would almost freeze and couldn’t think of what to say. Then I started journaling my prayers. If I start to write them out, they take on a life of their own and I feel close to Him and my mind doesn’t get distracted. Maybe it will help you too. :)

    6. Jenica says:

      Journaling always helped me because I could write out my prayers, kept me focused, and it helped me learn discernment. I could discern my thoughts from his. But I believe you do have to teach yourself discipline. Take hold of your mind and thoughts, take the wondering thoughts captive and say “I will be focused”. Purpose in your spirit and your mind to pray Acts 19:21. It takes practice but it’s so worth it! Prayer is powerful! Currently God has me prayer walking-it’s wonderful! I get up early every morning and go for a walk with no agenda but to pray and commune with Him. Lastly, have you received a prayer language? I am getting into the habit of just praying in tongues, under my breath or in my head as often as I can and through it the Holy Spirit will give me specifics to pray about. BUT, God knows your heart, he is smiling on you for your efforts. :)

    7. Jamie says:

      Hello Maggie, Let’s look at what prayer is first. It’s us talking with God. Why do we talk to anyone to begin with? To get to know them and build a relationship with them. Praying to God directs our focus to Him! God says to pray without ceasing in 1 Thes 5:17. This means we do not have to just pick a time and pray for 30 min to and hour. This means we can talk with Him constantly throughout the day! This was life changing for me, because I have the attention span of a flea. So, now as I get up I pray God let this be your day through me. As I speak to a friend I pray God let my words be yours. As I look for a job I say God guide my life to bring you glory. As I am about to fight with someone God let me glorify you in all my ways. By always speaking to Him before I do anything, it redirects my focus back to Him and keeps me in check with what He wants to do through me. It helps me not say things I will regret and most importantly it builds this dependency I long for on Him instead of others or other things. Then the next step is being still for a moment (meditation) and let Him speak to you!!! If we are always talking we can never hear what He wants to say to us! I hope this helps you like it did me!!! Have a wonderful God filled conversation today and get ready for it to rock your world as you grow closer to Him!

    8. Susan says:

      Maggie, first, what Monica says above – agree wholeheartedly! Keep up with journaling your prayers. My most ‘fruitful’ prayer life has been when I’ve journaled my prayers (both in actual communication with God, experiencing His presence in my life, and receiving answers (even if those answers were no!)

    9. Alicia E. says:

      You are so not alone! And the fact that you are searching for a better way to pray already speaks volumes. I have always had a difficult time remembering my daily prayer as well; I just get caught up in life, and find myself only praying when something drastic happens. Here are several things that have helped me.
      I had an artist friend make me a really nice picture that just reads “Pray”. I am going to hang it by my bed so that I will hopefully see it as I’m waking up and as I go to bed at night, and it will remind me what I need to do! It could be anything though; it could be a sticky note on your wall. Just seeing that word around me helps me to be more mindful.
      I always try to spend some time in prayer after I’ve finished my journaling/my SRT readings. I find my heart to be very open at that time and very receptible to the Holy Spirit.
      I also try to pray every time I get in my car. Just turn off the radio for a little bit and talk to God. Especially if I’m driving alone. I find myself more focused and positive afterwards, especially if it’s on my way to work.
      God bless you! I hope some of this helps you and you find yourself feeling closer to Him!

    10. Kaite says:

      I second the suggestion of “a praying life” by Paul Miller…. My local library had it, or if you have an inter-library loan at your school, sometimes a seminary will have it available. A fairly quick read, maybe nice for spring break or something :)

  47. Sarah says:

    Thank you Lord for being near to us.
    Teach mr your way, O Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart that I may fear you name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. -Psalm 86:11-12
    This verse has been a prayer for me and has been showing up lately in my life. I was divided, with one foot in sin and the other stretching towards God. But I’ve finally stepped out of that sin and put down the barrier between him and me. I still have hard temptation but I know, I feel, the nearness of him in this hard time. And I have to remind myself that during the times that I don’t. I will never walk alone because of you, Lord. You loved me so much, that you would die so that I could have this awakening and relationship with you. So that I could rely on you. So that I could have life.
    Love this song Never Walk Alone by Rend Collective, reminds me that he will never leave us:

  48. Hannah says:

    Hello ladies! I could use some pray today as I struggle in being in the world, not of it.

    1. Amber from New York says:

      Hi Hannah! I will be lifting you up in prayer today. God bless.

    2. Churchmouse says:

      Adding my prayers for you as well

    3. Sue says:

      In my prayers as well, Hannah.

  49. Michelle of Los Angeles CA says:

    I am not going to lie …… I struggled last week , feeling insecure and cranky . I was a little out of control . This message helped me today especially 1 John 1:7 . Thank you for this message today I really needed to read it .

  50. Joanna says:

    Woops, that was supposed to be a response to Joy. At any rate, thank you Lore for keeping it so real! If I’m honest, I too mostly ask for something when I’m praying, but I’m slowly learning what it means like to be thankful even in the midst of petition and hard times. If you dig deep, and often times I don’t want to, you will be able to set aside the stubbornness you have for wanting something and see God in that moment or situation all along. I think that’s integrity. Have a blessed day.

  51. Joanna says:

    Joy, I am so sorry. I know the pain of cancer very well. I am lifting you and your mother and prayer this morning, that you may find comfort in your time together. It is so hard in those moments to accept that the lift we have here on earth is fleeting and we are only visitors; our real home is with Him. Sending you big virtual hugs and if you ever want to talk or vent, please reach out to me. [email protected] or Asia Kuzba on Facebook.

  52. Carly says:

    Thank you for these honest words Lore. Often when I pray, I ask God to give me the faith to believe that He can actually answer my prayers. It is so easy to doubt, but doubt doesn’t bring miracles or even closeness to God. I need constant reminder that He is all powerful and all loving and that, like He has before, He CAN and WILL respond when I call out to Him.

  53. Lindsay says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning.

  54. Gema Muniz says:

    Wow! Such powerful words and such a great reminder that God is always near even when we are far away from him. These are words we should hold on tight to when waiting on Gods response for our prayers. A year ago I was like Lore waiting for Gods guidance on what to do. What job to take? Will we survive on one income? will I feel alone being far away from family? What church do we go to? So man questions and so llittle answers, but we held on to the only thing that is never changing God and he took us through it and gave us victory. Change is scary but believe that God will see you through it and that he has a perfect plan for your life. God bless you all sisters.

  55. Mary says:

    Beautifully stated.

  56. Maggie says:

    I was in my “War Room”, stumbling through my morning prayer time, wishing I understood a little bit more about prayer, and I launched this app to do my daily reading and LOL’d!!! Our God just has the BEST sense of humor!!! Thank you for your words.

  57. Alexa says:

    What an amazing reflection on prayer! I wish everyone could read or hear these beautiful truths.

  58. Churchmouse says:

    So here’s what I’m thinking :
    He is there. I’m over here. That’s how it feels sometimes.
    I am here and He is here. Right beside. Next to. Up and over. Alongside. Before and behind.
    He is right here.
    While I’m texting and tweeting and snap chatting and Instagraming and Facebooking and watching mindless TV…
    He is right here. Fully present.
    While I am not.
    He’s 100% available.
    While I am not.
    My feelings of distance in my relationship with God?
    He is not the distant One.
    He is the Near One.
    I just need to put the device down and look up. And around.
    And say “Hello.”

    1. Jennifer says:

      Beautifully said!

    2. Sarah Terp says:

      Yes! Wow this hit me thank you!

    3. Joanna says:


    4. Kellynpowes says:

      Totally agree. I come to God distracted by the device and the whirlwind of life, and I hear “be still and know that I am God.” Can I be fully present when I come to prayer and lay aside all the distracting thoughts and just sit at his feet.

    5. Megan says:

      Amen!! This is So true. Great visual.. Thank you!!!

    6. God_Is_Good says:

      Absolutely true. He is always here…He has never forsaken us…He has never left us. He gave His son on the cross for our sins. He is holy…He is one and only! Beautiful words Churchmouse. This also remind me of a challenge from the other day of emotions weekly bible verses. So inspired to continue that and take his word and bring myself near to him as He has always been near to me.

      1. God_Is_Good says:

        Memorizing bible verses *

    7. Sue says:

      Thank you Churchmouse. Such true words.

    8. Victoria says:

      Amen, and AMEN!

  59. Mary says:

    This really resonated with me this morning. I’ve been struggling lately waiting on answers from God and, of course, I’m not receiving them nearly fast enough. I know better. I’ve been in waiting mode before but it never gets easier to me. Thank you for helping me to remember again that prayer is not all about me asking and receiving. It is a time to draw near, to be close to the One who loves me most. Then the answer won’t matter nearly as much as my relationship with my Lord and my God.

    1. Gema Muniz says:

      Amen! Is in this season where we grow spiritually and we reconnect with our Savior in wonderful ways.

  60. ~ B ~ says:

    “Prayer is less about the words we say and more about the availability of our Creator and King, and the opportunity each of us has to call on Him.” Less about the words and more about the availability ….. This. I’m in a place right now where it seems most moments of my day of filled with distractions, chores, work and stuff. I have had less and less time to just be and focus on my time with God, let alone spend the moments here that I used to … It’s frustrating and when I do, my head is so jumbled I am just stumbling over my words. I desperately need time with my Father, so this is a great reminder that I need only be available, I can sit quietly, God knows what is in my heart. I am so thankful that He is always near me, even when my day carries me away. Love to you all.

    1. Kelly S says:

      Me, too. All of it.

  61. Grace Castro says:

    Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. Just to be near him! Lord I want to come in your presence just to be near you.

  62. Kristine L says:

    “But prayer is not just the act of asking and receiving; it is the act of being. It is the act of knowing.” I find myself so distracted when I pray sometimes. Thank you for the reminder that I just need to BE. Be still, be in His presence. I need to put myself in time out (in mommy terms!) to think about what I’m praying. Less about asking, demanding, questioning, more about just being with God, sharing time with Him. Surprisingly challenging for me, a busy multitasking working mom and teacher. How do I learn to be still?

    1. SusieT says:

      It IS often difficult to just “be still”; isn’t it? It sometimes seems that mere moments after sitting down or kneeling for prayer, I suddenly remember something I really need to do…something that needs swift attention…. This experience apparently isn’t unique, and a pastor made a suggestion that has helped me: I keep a piece of paper & pen handy…and if [when!] such thoughts intrude, rather than jump up and tend to them…or have them get in the way of my prayer time, I simply write down the task, so I won’t forget. This then clears my mind and I can focus anew on my Heavenly Father and enjoy some quiet time with Him. … Keep in mind, too, that there is no ‘magic’ amount of time for prayer and, depending upon your day, it can vary quite a bit. The important thing is to daily pray, though, even if some days, it’s talking aloud to God as you drive to work! God bless you, Kristine!

  63. Joy says:

    This especially hits home for me today. Our family is currently watching my mother seemingly lose her battle with cancer. I don’t know what God’s will is in this situation but I know what mine is. I also know, however, that God is a big God. That He loves us and has not, for one moment, left us in this desert alone. Lord, give us the strength to pray as You did, “not my will, but yours be done”

    1. Shea says:

      And know, sweet Joy, that God is uplifting you and your family. That in the deepest and darkest time, think of how he feels. You feel the grief and the heartache, how much more powerfully will our God of intense love for his children feel that? Praying for you and your family, Joy.

    2. Joanna says:

      Joy, I am so sorry. I know the pain of cancer very well. I am lifting you and your mother and prayer this morning, that you may find comfort in your time together. It is so hard in those moments to accept that the lift we have here on earth is fleeting and we are only visitors; our real home is with Him. Sending you big virtual hugs and if you ever want to talk or vent, please reach out to me. [email protected] or Asia Kuzba on Facebook.

  64. Kelly S says:

    “These days we call because we need an answer, words of comfort, information—rarely just because we need nearness.” Just las week, I called a friend because I needed to hear her voice. My self-talk had become negative and defeating. I knew just the sound of Terri Lynn’s voice would minister to my weary soul. It should be this way with prayer. I should enter into prayer with that same attitude. “I just want to hear your voice, Lord. Remind me you are there.” Thank you for this, Lore! Stimulating new thoughts on prayer!

    1. Churchmouse says:

      Grateful for the words your friend spoke to you and that you were open to hearing! Blessings to you both

  65. Becky says:

    Lore, thanks for your realness is sharing “do I feel near to God? Not always, but I know that He is near.” That’s exactly the echo of my heart lately. I’ve been going through a few things that make me question God, question myself, question relationships I have…and through it all I just want to know someone is close, someone hears. It’s a good reminder that the Lord IS near, even when I don’t feel it.

    1. Shea says:

      Becky, thank you for sharing. As a younger woman I am struggling in my walk having lost my mom as a guiding voice, but the Lord is still near! I too am struggling in certain relationships and am having the toughest time knowing where I am supposed to be. But a truthful community is one to sing praise for!

  66. Bobbi says:

    This is exactly what I needed to read this morning…..

  67. Tricia says:

    Love you my sister in Christ. Have a blessed day.

  68. Tina says:

    In the shattered world of my church at the moment, it is very hard to comprehend what integrity looks like..when someone you look up to lets you down, takes away most of what you believe, deflates you to your very soul….
    I have been walking these past few weeks in a daze, confused, lost and probably the feeling of a loss too…
    But here’s the thing….and I want to say thank you right now Lord God for the prompt as I wrote, Thank you God, thank you for going ahead of me, and for waking me up from this way of thinking…..And the thing is this…the upheaval that was caused by man was not of God’s doing, this man of integrity, in my eyes, lost sight of who he was, took a momentary wrong turn, that has changed the course our church family forever…but God..I love those words, But God…He hears, He knows, He sees..He will restore, not just the church family, but those involved too….I am not throwing stones, because I cannot, I drop my guard everyday, I do things that are not pleasing to God most moments in my life, and for another this man of integrity is still a man of integrity, to me…and I will continue to pray for him and his family, 1) because he is my brother and his people are family..2) God is good, and I know that He has already forgiven what needs to be forgiven, and in time, this good man that dropped his guard and took a wrong turn will be restored, maybe not to who he was but none the less, restored to favour of the Lord God …I see many in the Bible who could have been right offs, going on to be heroes of the Lord God Almighty, because he saw integrity in them…
    Sorry this was not what I wanted to say or write but the prompting of the Spirit..led me here..
    I will carry on praying, please God, with integrity, with this one of my favourite verses in mind…’The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth…’
    I want to believe that I do come to Him, in this season with my empty palms, my heart open, my eyes set on Him, and the integral understanding, that God is good, right, true and forever faithful..Lord help me in this…help me to come to you, undivided, wholeheartedly and only for and to be with you…you are God, you are forever good, and I know you are near…Amen..
    Happy Monday Sisters..God is good, right, true and faithful…let that be your mantra today. Hugs…xxxx

    1. Joanna says:

      Amen. Praying for your church and this broken leader of a man, Tina. We are all human and all make mistakes, and unfortunately people in those positions are still susceptible to evil and temptation just like us. I ask God give this man the heart to repent and for your church to come together instead of apart. Have a good day <3

    2. Briony says:

      Thank you Tina. This “And the thing is this…the upheaval that was caused by man was not of God’s doing, this man of integrity, in my eyes, lost sight of who he was, took a momentary wrong turn, that has changed the course our church family forever”. I can remove the word church and now I’m speaking about my husband. God is good at reminding me of his love and faithfulness. And today your words rang truth so thank you. Thank you Holy Spirit for breathing words through Tina and showing me today what I needed to know. He is good, always and forever.

    3. Churchmouse says:

      Praying for healing for all involved. Redemption and restoration are God’s specialty! Trusting that, over time, both the man and the church will experience this and be stronger for it

    4. Mamajonk says:

      Aren’t God’s ways amazing? You have been on my heart and in my prayers for weeks. Maybe it was because I have missed your posts but today, I am sure it was our Lord prompting me to cover you in prayer. Sending love and prayers from So. California.

  69. God_Is_Good says:

    Today in church our pastor covered a chapter about Joshua. He said in life you receive 3 clothes. First is the clot of CALLING that you are blessed with by our Savior. Second one is the clot of INTEGRITY. If you obey both of those by fulfilling your calling and keeping your integrity, you are equipped to earn the third clot, the clot of AUTHORITY.

    Main idea behind it, is to understand that not all of us are made to be a big shots. But yet each one of us has a special opportunity to live a life God intended us to live.

    Blessed life is not focusing on your dreams but focusing on others dreams. Serve them!

  70. TGBTG says:

    Pray with integrity. I like that. It is a word that makes sense in every realm. We have been told to pray with all our heart, all our attention, to plead and be repetitive; but I never remember integrity. Yet, that word is so much a definition of being a christian. To do everything with integrity: good purpose, thoughtfulness, kindness, unselfishness. Morally and ethically upright. I want to pray with integrity. I want my prayers to not just come from my heart but be of my heart, to not just be a plea for someone but a sacrifice of my own personal petitions so that persons needs take priority. I want my prayers to come from so deep inside me that they hold my soul in them, so that they can go out and fill voids in other people’s souls, through the Holy Spirit.

    Please, Dear Father, teach me to pray with integrity, to truly reflect Your Son’s unselfish ways and blessed teachings.

    1. Tina says:

      TGBTG, Thank you for these words that stabbed at my heart…. I want to pray with integrity. I want my prayers to not just come from my heart but be of my heart, to not just be a plea for someone but a sacrifice of my own personal petitions so that persons needs take priority. I want my prayers to come from so deep inside me that they hold my soul in them, so that they can go out and fill voids in other people’s souls, through the Holy Spirit…what truth, from the depths of me, what truth of who and what I would have said, no so eloquently…Thank you…
      Be Blessed dear heart, have a happy Monday…xxx

      1. TGBTG says:

        Much luv to you across the pond.