We’re over halfway through This Is the New Testament, our thematic overview of the New Testament. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish our look at the Pauline Epistles and begin the General Epistles.
What Is 2 Timothy? Second Timothy, also written to Paul’s son in the faith Timothy, is the last letter Paul wrote before he was martyred in Rome. It encourages endurance for believers and stresses the importance of teaching God’s Word to the believers entrusted to his care.
How 2 Timothy Fits Into the Story: As Paul built up church leaders, he expressed concern for spreading the truth of the gospel. His faithfulness in refuting false gospels laid a significant foundation for the early Church, as well as for believers today. Second Timothy gives insight into Paul’s perspective of hope in suffering through extremely difficult circumstances.
Reflection Questions:
1. How does God’s Word equip you for “every good work” (2Tim 3:17)?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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60 thoughts on "2 Timothy"
5 Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you. – Deuteronomy 8:5
Lord we receive strength from your word lord!
There are thousands of self-help books published today— regarding marriage, parenthood, career, self-image, and practically any other subject you could ever imagine seeking guidance on. But the ONLY book that truly matters on any of these topics is the Word of God. ALL scripture is God-breathed and is our first and final authority. I’m so grateful for the things God is doing through She Reads Truth, and I pray for every woman reading these bibles and using this app that they may be forever changed through the reading of the scriptures in their pursuit of an ever closer relationship to the Father.
1. How does God’s Word equip you for “every good work” (2Tim 3:17)?
Man, today’s scriptures were so timely and good. He knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. So much of what’s going on in the world right now feels hopeless. The beliefs we hold, the work we are trying to do in our home and with our kids…feels like it’s being met with such resistance and spiritual attack given the current state of the world and politics, and risk to freedom and liberty….it just feels so negative and anxiety-ridden. We have been called to this great commission but how can we complete our work, when the world is in such opposition and many believers are being persecuted for their decision to hold strong to the instructions of scripture? Each of these verses were such motivating reminders that even though in Romans we are called to submit to our worldly authorities, that work must fall in line with His greater commands, and if it does not, our only authority is Him. Whatever we have been called to do, whatever good work, He will equip us with all that we need and carry it out through completion as long as we are obedient and Trust in His power and Word. We are not set up to fail, but to succeed. The earthly enemy will not bring us down and we must continue to endure and rebuke and remember His truths. No matter the state of the world, we can trust in Him, even when we don’t understand fully. I am just so convicted by today’s readings, and thankful for His timely reminders.
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
God’s plan cannot be thwarted. Scripture has been written and will be fulfilled exactly as He has commanded. We can trust in the future because his promises and prophesies of the past have been fulfilled in Jesus. When the world tries to get us to question His truth, we can use the scriptures to remind us that He is very much still at work, and the brokenness of this world is not the end of His redemption story!
Gods word is there for us to turn to when we need endurance and strength. We will face persecution but His word is there to turn to and stand firm in. It is also there for us to know and understand and teach to others. The better we know God’s word, the more we can teach it to others.
Rebecca, I am a few days behind, so not sure if you will see this. I sometimes struggle with this question too. For 2 Timothy, when I read back through the “How 2 Timothy fits in the story” what stood out to me was that the redemption story wouldn’t be a redemption story without difficult circumstances. And 2 Timothy is reminding us of the Hope that comes from enduring those circumstances, and meeting God in his great love and mercy. For me it has helped that the second question doesn’t always specifically connect with the key verse, it is looking at the book as a whole in the story of redemption. ❤️
Rebecca L. I struggle with this too. When a day’s reading does not seem to be as clear to answer that question, I write about His goodness I found in the scripture. I reflect on His love and care. And so often it leads to praise for my salvation…my redemption. It may not be The Redemption Story…but it is my redemption story. I hope that is encouraging.
I am equipped by Gods word to see truth and not be misled. This is especially true in today’s environment of ever increasing radical narratives that deny God and his good and perfect way to live in peace.
@Victoria E, your comments were on my mind. I have lost babies, had and have battles in my mind. and know about tormenting thoughts. I felt like I should write to you. You talked about not being sure if you have endurance to keep complete faith and disappointing Him. I hear you, but don’t believe the lies and be encouraged. Here is a Scripture I looked up to share: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
May He do that for you and all of us on this site! May we know Truth, and be set free! Praying for you to have ability to not just endure, but thrive and to have peace and joy. Praying for protection for you and your baby. God bless you!
Lauren I am praying for your mother
I pray for my future husband to lead me on to a path toward a Christ-centered Faith!
Everyday good work is rooted in God’s love. It’s easy not to be deceived if we can see the fruit of the Spirit in our actions and the actions of others. If you don’t see love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control it ain’t of God. We are known by our fruit. Let us all examine ourselves.
Dorothy, it is interesting that you mentioned a chronological bible study…this is one of my goals for next year, 2022.
I’m late today. I’ve had a little GI issue. God’s word equips us in so many ways. To remain humble and live our lives for him. To stay rooted in scripture and not lean towards the ways of the world. I pray that I can stand firm!
What really stood out to me in today’s reading was making sure we remember God when we are in a season of blessing. God has blessed me in so many ways, and in this season I don’t want to forget how much I need him. I pray that my blessings will somehow lead others toward Jesus. I want to live a life that glorifies Jesus in the good and bad times.
I have always thought having God and Christ in my life were the most important thing and scripture was there to teach me more about the Lord. The past ten weeks have shown me how important God’s Word is. I’ve decided to do, with a minister friend of mine, a chronological study of the Bible. We plan to start either this week or next week. I can’t wait.
Growing up in a Christian home and knowing some of the scripture I know is why I decided, in part, to become a nurse. My nursing allows me to do “good works” and share my faith.
Have a great week sisters and do “good works” for the Lord.
Loved reading today’s scriptures with you. Agree with Theresa, Debbiepursuedbyhim and others – we know the only Truth ❤️ as the world gets darker. Thank you for praying for my nephew Brandon last week – my sister found him and taking one day at a time. Praying for all in grief, pain, uncertainties with new jobs, moves, school endeavors, Bible studies in the neighborhood – how wonderful Rhonda J. Peace to all.
Sisters, another day of encouragement. I love that 2nd Timothy and these scriptures are encouraging us in who we are in Christ. Do you hear it Be all that you can Be. Except, be faithful, do what is right, remember to run the race looking to the One who provides what you need to do it, Who helps you when you feel like the run has become a limp, Who sends others to cheer you on, lift you up, give you water. We are not alone, we have the Lord God with us. And we have God breathed scripture to guide us. There is strength in remembering and being rooted in the Word of God. Thank you SRT for these scriptural reminders of the strength of God’s word. Jody Lynn, praising God with you for your daughter’s clear scans. Hallelujah! Awesome news. Praying for you Victoria E – know that He loves you dearly, He is holding you close. I am sure you are still grieving your loss, have grace with yourself in this and be still when you need to. Hugs and love to you. Sharon Jersey Girl, glad you got the CT. Praying for you to heal. I know avoiding social media, and many things I am sure they have told you helped my daughter when she had a concussion. It takes time. Asking God for healing and rest for you. Mari V, excited for your daughter, asking His gifts to greet her in her day, that it would all be good. Hugs to your Mama’s heart. I remember those days, though they were long ago for my own kids. Karrie – praying for you and your children. I feel led to say, forgiveness sometimes is a process, and takes time. Praying that you all feel God’s comfort and love around you and for wisdom for you in all of it, I don’t know your story, but praying you have a good counselor and friends supporting you now. Taylor, you are hoping in Him who is more than able! Love your posts. Kelly – Indeed! :) Sarah D, that’s great, before you know it, you will know it and be helping the next new employees. Joy to you all Sisters, it is a new day and He has much in it. Know you are part of His plan.
Thank you for your prayers Maura!!
I think back on all the times when a specific verse just “pops into” my head – to encourage, challenge, or guide. Whatever I most needed to do the good work in front of me .
Hi Everyone! The other devotional I do is over on the First 5 app at Proverbs 31 and it is on Habakkuk. This is the first day. I thought I would share the link. https://myf5.co/527924
From reading some of the comments and looking at the conditions of our time and the times back then that this devotional can be connected to today’s devotional here on this site too. Either way, there are a lot of great Scriptures linked in the teaching. Hope you all have a good day!
VICTORIA, you were specifically in my prayers this morning! I have ordered Nicki Koziarz new study, FLOODED. It deals with hope in hard times – based on Noah. Please check it out. The video lessons are free!
THERESA, you gave the message our pastor preached yesterday in a nutshell!!!Amen!
I too was impacted by 2 Timothy4:3-4. I also highlighted Deuteronomy8:11 and Proverbs 3:3.
ERB, so glad you are seeing some improvement and you remain in my prayers as do others. I agree completely with your comment about this group!
KARRIE, God bless and guide you and your husband through this reconciliation!
CeeGee thank you! I actually ordered the book Flooded a while back and never got to it, I will put it on my short list !
ERB, I am here, just a little late, as I don’t have to go to work today and so am a little late in rising this morning, though sometimes I wish I could physically and mentally sleep in until noon like Saturdays as a kid sometimes. ha ha, It was a blessed weekend and a beginning of my granddaughters getting regular time with their mom. Praise God, so so good. He does fight for the best of all of us, and I am so very thankful. We have a Mighty God, his faithfulness is proven over and over. I loved Isaiah 64 as well. And your words ERB on the process. Isn’t it true we are in process too, our suffering, our trials, either bring us to be bitter, or to be better. In Christ, as we are humbled in our need for Him daily, and to the reality that we definitely can not do this on our own, but that with Jesus walking beside us and trusting the One who is trustworthy we have what we need to learn and grow and love in it all. I too love that this chapter feels like an awakening, and to me I feel the ownership in the writing like they are looking in the mirror and see the reality of their sin and are laying it before God. Isaiah 64:5-7 show this. And I love the turn in verse 8
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
And we see in the next few lines, the asking will this continue, this punishment? In my mind it is saying Can you still forgive us Lord, when we have strayed so far, is there still a way for you to forgive even this? And, I think, how many people are caught in their sin, their separation from God these days, and feel they are not worthy of forgiveness or that they are unforgivable. But God, He made a way to break these chains, the lies we tell ourselves. How much are we called to be speaking love to others that they might know His forgiveness. Thank you dear ERB. Blessing upon Blessing in Isaiah. And right here in these days, whatever they bring. I can’t quote it, but the verse in the Bible that says we are to rejoice in our suffering, it has hit me lately that such rejoicing is only possible in knowing that who we cling to is holding us so close in it, and in knowing Who is holding us, His strength, His love, His sight, gives us reason to rejoice. His joy to your day sweet friend.
Jody Lynn praise God for this excellent news!! Prayer is powerful. Taylor, I also feel I need endurance to withstand attacks from the enemy on the battlefield of my mind. For whatever reason I have been feeling discouraged in my walk with God, as if I am somehow disappointing Him and I cannot figure out why. I have been walking through a trying season of going through IVF and my husband has been away for the past month , and yet during it despite my anxiety my prayers and faith grew exponentially. Now with 33 weeks of pregnancy to go I feel somehow afraid I won’t have the endurance to continue putting complete faith in God. After our miscarriage a few months ago being pregnant again is a huge blessing but also a bit scary. I believe God is faithful yet I am afraid I will “mess up” in my walk with Him during this time and not bring Him glory. Please continue to pray for me, my faith, and this little one.
Scripture is God-breathed and our purpose here on Earth is to do good works in the name of Jesus Christ. Of course His word equips us for our purpose!
This is so appropriately timed for today’s world in which we find ourselves immersed by the mindset of self indulgence. I feel the sweet encouragement to stay the course with eyes locked on Him!
So true Marcy❤
Gods word equips me to be ready to give an answer why I believe the way I do. There are times when I’ve had to be bold. There are times when I was shy. And there are times when I just didn’t know what to say. My dependence is only in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I often pray that my words will not be my words but the words of Jesus it’s not me. It’s all Jesus. THIS MORNING is my daughter’s first day of in-person high school. Like most students. She spent her entire freshman year distantly learning. No hugs or kisses. No walking her to her class. Just a drop off and a wave. My heart. I feel like when I dropped her off to kindergarten.. Please pray she has a good day as she is very nervous. There’s lots of help to find their classes if they can’t find them. One of her good friends is a leader ship and she’s there to help as well. My sister-in-law works at her school and so does one of my good teacher friends. I know she’s in good hands mainly because God is with her.
Good morning ladies, just wanted to give an update on my situation…ended up in the ER on Saturday night, as I was experiencing very bad nausea, and headache due to the concussion. I was able to get the results of the CT scan taken on Friday – all was clear, praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers! I’ll just have to take things slow, try to rest and be careful to NOT bang my head again during the next 6 months.
@Grammiesue – I continue to lift you and your family in pray during this very difficult time.
@Pam – glad to hear you made it safely to the beach, and without much pain!
@Taylor – continuing to pray for you…WE sang See A Victory yesterday at our worship service – love that song!
Today’s reading – God’s word “sets us right”! Without God and His word, I can do nothing. Knowledge, wisdom, strength, truth, guidance, help, hope etc, etc..all come from reading, meditating on, memorizing and living out God’s word!…Even though I am redeemed by the precious blood of Christ – that does not mean that I won’t suffer trials, hardships, afflictions or persecutions. But it does mean that I won’t have to go through it alone! Christ will be with me, He will strengthen me.
(Hebrews 13:5-6; Philippians 4:13) Hallelujah!
To all my SRT sisters, praying for your requests as I read them – have a blessed Monday!
2 Timothy 4:2-5 is seriously a gift to hear, just as all scripture is but this section is such comfort. In the past couple years, watching those I have called brothers and sisters in the faith be taken captive by the new cultural movements in the name of a new and better view of Jesus has been scary. But this passage of scripture is a great comfort because there is nothing unknown by God and all I can do is pray—pray for them to return to the truth of God’s word. Pray that we, the church, would stay strong in the faith & in sound doctrine. Pray that we would “no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit.” (Ephesians 4:14).
*SRT Podcast!
@ Laura- Have you listened to the SRP as well? I love listening to audio as well, and it has been so helpful as they discuss the verses! I recommend it for all of you, and again also recommend The Choses series to really bring the disciples/Jesus to life!
I really loved today’s reading, such encouragement for such as this time.
Have a good day SRT sisters! Missing your comments Heidi, hope all is well.
Good morning ladies, this study has also inspired me to read thru the entire bible. I have never done it before and i have a long way to go but I have been referring back to each book to understand it better and it really is helping. I am so grateful that I found this group, it has been a very challenging year and the daily study has been the one thing I look forward to each day. My husband and I r trying to work on our marriage, we have lived separate for the past 10 months. I ask for your prayers so that I am able to forgive him and work through this as well as for my daughters to help them to forgive him as well. Thank u.
I have really appreciated this overview study of the Bible this summer. I try to read through the Bible each year and have been doing so for many years now. This summer I decided to try to read through the Bible in one summer (I’m also a teacher, so my summers are more flexible, thank you Jesus!)I have been using the audio Bible on YouVersion and listening to long chunks of the Bible at a time, while walking, while painting some bedrooms in our house, anytime that I will not be distracted by anything else. It has been an amazing time of just letting the Word of God soak into my being. I have been using the guidance of SheReadsTruth studies to help me understand the background and history of each book as I come to it. I feel like I have grown so much in my understanding of the Bible this summer and I am really loving it. I am definitely in a stage of life now that I can take long walks and listen to God’s Word; other times in my life I couldn’t do that and had to read it in a whole year. So I thank God for this time and plan to do it every summer now. Thank you, Lord, for the amazing gift of Your Word. I love it.
Good morning SRT sisters! I wanted to thank all who have prayed for my daughter Sophia over this last week… VICTORIA E… ASHLEIGH H… DANA KOENIG… TINA… MAURA… and everyone else who prayed… Thank you all so much; your prayers and words gave us a lot of comfort… and I wanted to report that the MRIs of her brain and spine both came back clear… PRAISE GOD!! We will meet with her oncologist this Friday to see what her next steps are.
GRAMMIESUE… I am so sorry to here about your family’s tragedy… I have been praying for you and your family for comfort and peace ❤️
Jody Lynn what wonderful news thank you for the update !!
God’s word shapes our hearts and encourages us to have hope. We pass on that truth & encouragement to others.
Deuteronomy 8:1-11 and Romans 15:4-6 REALLY stood out to me today!!!
Let’s all let the Holy Spirit come in and fill and speak to us!! Let His will be done!!
Hope all of you wonderful ladies/sisters have an amazingly blessed and Holy Spirit filled day!!!
Prayers for each of you!! You are so loved. You are cherished. You are treasured. And I truly appreciate all that YOU bring to the Body and to this wonderful place of fellowship!! ❤️❤️❤️
Headed back to work today as an itinerant teacher. This reminder is perfect!
9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Theresa, those were verses that stood out to me, also. Everywhere I go people are talking about all the evil in the world and how worried they are. So many are looking for answers but they want the answers to be easy and put the burden of fixing things on others. So, it’s easy then to find ‘leaders’ who tell you that you are a victim and how others need to change. Even in the church! The word of God is given that WE have instructions to change what He wants us to change. We can’t go around pointing fingers at others. We need to focus on keeping our hearts and minds in the word. If we know His word we will not be lead astray by false teachers. The sheep know His voice!
MAURA, I’m not sure you will be on here today…? (No worries if you’re not!!) I hope your weekend with your girls was (and continues to be) truly blessed!!!
Isaiah 64:1-12 …I highlighted the entire chapter again!! What stood out to me was the people acknowledging how great and faithful God was and is!! They wanted Him to come back to them!! Just like God wants us to come back to Him!!! I love the analogy of the “twigs ablaze” (verse 2) …it reminds me that there’s a PROCESS… we need to first find twigs, then gather them, then work to encourage a flame, then find a pot, then find water to FILL that pot, then place that pot of water OVER the flame, only THEN will the water boil!! I find so much depth and meaning in this!! It reminds me that there IS a process… and that God is WITH us (no matter how long it takes) throughout that process. I needed this reminder and this encouragement!! This WHOLE chapter is FILLED with meaningful little nuggets!! It talks about the faithfulness of God and how the people are recognizing their choices (the repercussions of those choices) and their participation in “walking away” from Him, they are taking responsibility, and they are crying out to God!!! I can see and feel their humble desire to come back to Him!! Such an awesome thing!!! I also love how this chapter feels like a conversation…and how it ends with questions. Pretty true to our everyday walks and conversations with God, don’t you think?
I look forward to your insights whenever you are ready… lots of love to you dear friend!! xoxo
Keep the faith! What a word for the daily choice it is to pick up your cross and follow. Every day we choose to face the tide of the world and remember what we’ve been taught.
I agree with DEBBIE PURSUEDBYHIM that every generation has been appalled by the ways people rebel against God. And we are to look different IN LOVE. How can we be “to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing?” (2 Corinthians 2:15) Learning the Truth, listening to the Spirit and living out humbly the ways of Jesus in our little corner of the world to the glory of God.
Have a great Monday, Shes.
Saying a prayer for you GRAMMIESUE.
Proverbs 3:3 “Let love and faithfulness never leave you…” And there it is. For me, embracing those words, etching them in my heart, equips me to be the light of Jesus in this broken, frayed and difficult world.
Sisters, please pray for my Mom. She’s experiencing terrible debilitating hip, leg pain. She saw a dr. last week but he’s out of town for 2 weeks. We’re going to call the clinic again this morning for some effective pain relief and a referral to a specialist.
God’s word has been a much needed salve in my life during trying times and as Paul told Timothy we will have those times. While I may not always remember the chapter and verse the truths are just that, true. They have been an encouragement and a challenge to me. I’ve also seen them be helpful to others in their own journeys.
In this morning’s reading, 2 Timothy 3:3-4 really stood out to me: “ 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear what they want to hear. 4 They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths.” In our modern world, information is everywhere and it’s so easy to find and listen to only the sources that we agree with. I pray that my heart and mind stay open to hearing and receiving truth, that the Holy Spirit equips me to be able to discern truth from myth, and that the Lord grants me the ability to lovingly share truth with others.
Yes Theresa!!
I have repeatedly read this over the last 2 years when the world is topsey turvy
When I think of being equipped, I think about having all the equipment or tools I need to get a job done. I’m grateful that God’s word defines what good is and provides what we need to do good
I am shaped by this perspective of 2 Timothy but the way Paul speaks to Timothy about holding the truth closer to your heart and daily medication of Gods holy word.
The Word of God equips me for every good work by giving me endurance in the midst of persecution. @Kelly 2 Timothy 3:12 also stood out to me that everyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted. My pastor at my church has been talking about that, that Satan tries all the harder to throw us off course when we are following God’s will for our lives. I especially feel that persecution lately in the battle of my mind. Two situations happened this weekend that I know are attacks/distractions from the devil to throw me off course. Today’s passages were so needed to remind me to be strong, courageous, to stand firm, to call out to God for HE is WITH me and will give me the strength to resist these attacks/distractions. No weapon formed against us will prosper!!! Clinging to the hope I have in Jesus today, because He is my ONLY hope!
@Sarah D congrats on completing your first week at your new job! Now you might be joining me in the early bird commenting crew lol :)
It seems like these passages are so appropriate for today, but I would guess every generation thinks that and has throughout history. We are always getting closer and closer to the end times, so nothing should surprise us. Christians will stand out more and more as we get closer to the end. I think that is what Paul is saying. We shouldn’t be surprised by sufferings, and that makes perfect sense. However my humanness is always surprised.
Father, give me strength to see things the way they really are and to be your witness to many.
Amen Debbie!
Thankful for the word,so that we can know God more and learn about who he is. The more I know him, the more I realize I can’t do life alone.
Had my first week of working full time! Definitely an adjustment and a lot of info to take in, but it just takes time. Praying I would be faithful and serve Christ to the best of my ability in the job.
The Word is a reminder of who God is and His plan for our lives. How blessed are we to have the Word- I always think about Abraham- he didn’t have the Word to remind him that God will provide a sacrifice- Abraham just acted out of faith!! Lord forgive me because so many times my faith (even tho I am fortunate enough to have the Word and be in the Word daily) waiver when it shouldn’t. Father help me to trust in you and the ultimate sacrifice of Christ! Praying we (she’s) all go out into the world today spreading the living Word of Christ!!!
Knowing all scripture is useful, is a needed reminder that every book of the Bible is packed with truth and has purpose in preparing and transforming me. It’s easy to pick favorites and want to skip through certain books.
Thank you Jesus for giving us a guide in the words. “For the time is coming that people will not endure sound teaching” we are seeing this happen now. Lord direct us in your ways only and shield us from false prophets.
I was struck by “In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” All the more then does God’s Word equip me for every good work for it gives me a firm foundation of examples of those who lived godly lices in the midst of persecution. It gives me the confidence to know that God is faithful to His promises eben if I do not personally experience them on this side of heaven.
2. I need to focus on the things that God has given me to do and not be distracted by what seems right to the world. Having discernment to know the difference is why I was given the Holy Spirit. May I listen well!
We must keep in His Word and not just be reading or hearing the Word, but following and obeying with the help of the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is alive, active, powerful, gives wisdom, and equips us. May we be in awe and reverence of God and treasure His Word more each day. Amen.
I found a link with 52 Scriptures about God’s Word! Here is the link and I posted one of the Scriptures below. https://dailyverses.net/the-word/amp
As for God, his way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.
Psalm 18:30
Prayers for you ladies.