1 Peter

Open Your Bible

1 Peter 1:3-25, Leviticus 20:7-8, Romans 5:1-11

This is the last week of This Is the New Testament! Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we will finish reading the General Epistles and move on to Apocalyptic Literature. 

What Is 1 Peter? The book of 1 Peter was written by Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples, to encourage Christians living in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He calls them to stand firm in their faith, abandoning their idolatrous behavior for righteous living in Christ. First Peter centers around the living hope and new life offered to us in the resurrected Jesus. 

How 1 Peter Fits Into the Story: First Peter proclaims that believers have a secure heavenly hope and eternal inheritance. Peter’s message of encouragement in the face of suffering calls us to live lives of love and holiness, glorifying God by imitating Jesus no matter the circumstance. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. What is the “proven character” of our faith described in 1 Peter 1:6–7, and what does it accomplish in Christ? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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47 thoughts on "1 Peter"

  1. Mari V says:

    Praying for you Kristina. You are loved here.

  2. Mari V says:

    What is the proven Character of faith when facing trials? Our God remains faithful. No matter our circumstances even the hard ones our God does not change. Our God is the same yesterday today and forever. That is a promise and I believe it. It’s what keeps me going knowing that He’s got it all under control. “He’s got the whole world in His hands”.

    1. Heidi V says:

      I really needed to hear this, thank you!!

    2. Phoebe says:

      Thanks for this reminder that we can have the “proven character of our faith” because of who God is and what He has done! I was definitely thinking of it as a works-based, mustering-up-as-much-faith-as-I-can proven character, but that is not the true gospel. Praise God for being the One who allows me to have this faith!

  3. Rhonda J says:

    As I am sitting here, reflecting on the reading this morning, it is so challenging not to be overwhelmed when you think of all the trials and struggles and hurts that happen in this life. My life has been going along easy, and I hold my breath, for I feel sometimes there can be something right around the corner that could knock me to me knees. Who wants to be in the valley, we want to be on our mountaintop. But God, He WILL meet us there, and hold on to us. And we have to hold on to that truth.

    I had a client/friend that was diagnosed with ALS and I worked with her throughout the battle, and that dear friend was the epitome of a servant of God. She wore a smile and praised the Lord even in the depths of this horrible affliction. I still am in awe of her these years later, and know if she can literally soak up the Lord in such a situation, losing her ability to move, slowly, until she could only lay still in a bed. She was only 52.
    We could name so many people that have suffered as well, and it breaks our hearts, but we, those that have the faith in eternity, know that all things will be made new, and that is our hope. I will praise the Lord, whatever may come, just like my friend Jacquie, and others that are a true testimony.
    If you struggling today, we are lifting you up in our prayers.

  4. Rachel Blessum says:

    I’m happy to report that I’m finally caught up after a whirlwind few weeks. Looking forward to completing this study alongside you all!

  5. Lauren Prescott says:

    I’m praying for a sensitive heart this morning, that God would help have His perspective on any “trials” I face. I want actually learn from each one and be more like Jesus. God, craft and reshape who I am.

  6. Maura says:

    Amen, thankful for the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Praying that hope in me shines through these trials, that God shines in His mercy, forgiveness, compassion, strength, and glory. Feeling like my energy is coming back this morning. Thank you for your prays Sisters. Praying His joy over this day that the Lord has made. May we Rejoice and be glad in it. And sing our Hallelujahs. He is good.

  7. Lauren says:

    Our “proven character” is how we respond in the trials we face. I will be honest and say that I have not done a great job at this lately. No matter what we face, we constantly can have joy because of what Christ has done for us. He has given us redemption and love and forgiveness every single day.

  8. Lindsey says:

    Tina, beautifully said! Thank you. You took what I have experienced and felt and brought to words. Praise the living and true God who’s mercies are new Every Day!!