1 & 2 Chronicles

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 29:10-22, 2 Chronicles 7:1-22, Revelation 5:13

This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book or two of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we’ll finish the Historical Books and move into the genre of Wisdom Literature.

What Is 1 Chronicles? The book of 1 Chronicles provides a history of Israel from a priestly perspective, focusing on David’s kingship through the start of Solomon’s reign.

What Is 2 Chronicles? The books of 1 & 2 Chronicles were originally one literary unit. What is now known as 2 Chronicles continues recording the history of Israel from a priestly perspective. It documents the history of Judah from Solomon’s construction of the temple in Jerusalem to the Babylonians taking Judah captive and destroying the temple. 

How 1 & 2 Chronicles Fit Into the Story: 1 & 2 Chronicles bring together historical events, temple rituals, accounts of sin and judgment, and even some psalms. Together, these books give us the big picture of the Old Testament, capturing the Davidic covenant (2Sm 7:9–16) in light of Israel’s history, while pointing to the eternal continuation of that covenant through the reign of the Messiah.

Reflection Questions: 
1. How does God’s response to Solomon’s prayer and the dedication of the temple in 2 Chronicles 7 demonstrate what God values? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

(44) Comments

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44 thoughts on "1 & 2 Chronicles"

  1. Kristine Purcell says:

    I really like 2 Chronicles 7:13,14. It really saus a lot about our response to the Lord and how he will responses to us.

  2. Kimberly & Steve Guyton says:

    Thank you for posting your reading related comments, we enjoy hearing your thoughts .

  3. Katie says:

    Praise Jesus! This devotional helped remind me of the presence of the Lord and to look to him. I have to do something challenging tomorrow so please pray for me.

  4. Mari V says:

    Praying for you LindaK

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    God wants his people to obey his laws. I believe he wants obedience, because he knows what is best for us. Just as a parent leads their child, so God leads his people.

  6. Dorothy says:

    ERB thank you for your comment I enjoyed reading it and knowing more behind the scripture.
    Angie I so agree with you. I pray for my son and his fiancé daily.
    Claudia Stewart I so agree and feel the same way.
    Phoebe wow what you said really rings true and hits home.
    Anna Cyr thank you for sharing this I always like to learn more about the Word of God.
    Melody Bates your comment is so true and I believe you are on the right track.
    Mary Desandro I never thought of being a temple for the Holy Spirit but you are so right.
    Praying for all those who need prays.

  7. Dorothy says:

    Being a person who loves history, I would love to study 1 and 2 Chronicles in more depth. First and Second Chronicles seems to be the basis of many of the other books of the Old Testament after the Pentateuch. Between 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles we get most of the story of how Israel fell from God’s grace and why God sent Jesus Christ, at least that’s what I gather.
    Loving and enjoying this study.
    Sisters be blessed.

    1. Heather Booth says:

      If you go to Dallas Theological Seminary website, they have tons of studies for free. They’re online videos that were taped during class sessions. I’ve learned so much from them.

  8. Mary DeSandro says:

    I have never commented before but couldn’t resist after reading these passages. David’s wonder and acknowledgement that all of the blessings on the Israelites had come from the Lord made me think of how blessed I have been and that I should always be thankful to God. I am generally thankful to God but I know that I can often attribute good coming from myself and what I do. Then with the temple dedication, I so longed to be a part of the assembly when the glory of the Lord filled the temple and the people worshipped and praised the Lord. Then v. 16 where God says that His name will be in the temple forever I was reminded of how we are the temple of the Holy Spirit! He says that His eyes and heart will be there at all times! God help me for I know I am not worthy!