The Woman at the Well

Open Your Bible

John 4:1-42, Jeremiah 17:9-13, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:1-5

I start every day with either a cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice, or a cup of tea. The variation depends on a few factors—weather, season, and hour—but the principle is the same: a quick beverage before I get my day started. But when I’m really, truly thirsty, the only thing that will satisfy that craving is plain old water. I prefer mine chilled, while others prefer room temperature. And some people will tell you that bubbly water hydrates you all the same, but I’m not convinced. I just want water.

The woman at the well might have thought the same thing when Jesus came to her as she was drawing water; she just wanted to get some water to drink. Jesus, exhausted from His travels, wanted the same thing. But the water that Jesus offers the woman is different from just normal water. He tells her that if she drinks this water, she will never be thirsty again (John 4:14).

It’s hard to comprehend a water that quenches thirst even more so than what we’re used to. But the woman, tired of coming to draw water from this physical well, is eager to hear what Jesus has to say about His water. According to societal norms, as a Jewish man, Jesus should not have even been associating with this woman, a Samaritan—and one who has had five husbands at that. But Jesus, in keeping with His way of reaching out to those who are cultural outcasts, sees her and offers her eternal life. Jesus, the Messiah, offers her living water.

Have you ever seen a child come in from playing outside, grab a plastic cup of water, and gulp it down ferociously, with deep breaths after every sip? There’s nothing quite like that quenching of thirst. It provides almost instantaneous relief, and gives the child enough energy to run back out the door and keep playing. That’s how I imagine the promise of living water to be: instantaneous relief, courage to keep going, and knowledge that the thirst will not creep back up on you.

The living water of eternal life is offered to us now because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He has extended this grace to us, promising to never again leave us thirsty again. There will be a “well of water springing up” within us (John 4:14). When we drink from it, we experience the joy found in life with Christ. Come and drink, friends. Let us share in the goodness of living water.

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47 thoughts on "The Woman at the Well"

  1. Alicia McCann says:

    Thank you for the invitation Lord to come and drink and share in eternal joy and satisfaction

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m sorry for the times I seek after other things to quench my thirst.

  3. Alexcia M.Lewis says:

    I’m so thankful for this community of women! I enjoy reading your posts of encouragement towards one another as much as I enjoy reading the scripture selections!

  4. Jessica Nicolas says:

    I love this reminder that Jesus was unconditionally accepting. He knew who the woman at the well was and still didn’t hold back from offering her living water. ♡