This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Gospels and Acts into the Pauline Epistles.
What Is Galatians? Galatians is a letter written by Paul to churches in Galatia to clearly communicate the gospel message. He writes that sinners can be justified, or moved from a state of sin to a state of righteousness, through faith in Jesus Christ. This faith, rather than obedience to the law, is what allows for godly living.
How Galatians Fits Into the Story: In Galatians, we find a summary of the true gospel: salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone and not the law. In this letter, Paul teaches extensively about the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life, including commands to “walk by the Spirit,” “be led by the Spirit,” and to “keep in step with the Spirit.” This submission to the Holy Spirit in every moment is what empowers us to live godly lives and carry out the work of the gospel.
Reflection Questions:
1. What does today’s reading from Galatians say about living by faith?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?
Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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50 thoughts on "Galatians"
In the srt book, I have a hard time with question 2. Please help me.
Good information about faith and being in relationship with the holy spirit…
Live by faith to be free and live unselfishly not to live in sin and be a slave to it. Jesus redeemed us for living in freedom and to follow the Holy Spirit not to continue to live in sin.
Live by faith to be free an
Sarah D. Prayers for you and your family. That you can continue to live out your faith in love and the the seeds God has allowed you to plant in their lives will grow. It’s so hard to stand for you faith sometimes especially when you’re dived from family because of it! I pray that division will be short lived. Remember the God we serve is faithful and loves you above all else!
Well put Christine F!
We receive redemption through our faith in God our father, not by doing certain acts in following the law.
Hi sweet SRT fam, writing this later, not sure who will see this, but I really need prayer. I had the conversation with my sister (and her husband) yesterday, and it was good, but still really hard and there is so much I am relieving today and getting angry at what they said. Our conversation was civil and there wasn’t any yelling, but I’m feeling the affects of some of what they said…that I should be more open minded (“have a sip of alcohol”), to make myself uncomfortable/not in a bubble (which I agree with but there’s more to it than just that)…my BIL mentioned how the Bible is super violent…how I should watch uncomfortable things (like things about hard topics)…the topic of abortion came up…so so much. I could go on. I tried to do my best to represent Christ well, to explain how I had been feeling in how my sister was communicating to me in our relationship lately. I didn’t have all the right answers, but I pray that any words that were of Christ and spoke of his truth would stick in their minds. I pray the way I served them and their family, and that I still want to fight to have them in my life despite our differences, will be made clear to them. And I pray I wouldn’t dwell on it or be bitter, even though it’s hard. I cried a lot on the way home today, and I asked God why. And I said, I want to pray everyday for my family, bc I know he can unify us. I know he can. And I think he is just asking me to surrender my family to him. Because I sure can’t change hearts or heal our family myself. Only HE can. I pray he would do it soon. Love you all, thank you for your prayers and for reading my little vent of emotions. So thankful for your prayers.
I’m so glad that it isn’t up to me to create the fruit of the Spirit, it is only by God’s power in me.
Arina, WOW love, love, love what you said. I hope you don’t mind if I pass it on to others.
Jenn, Ashley Taylor and any others with a similar problem, I don’t have the same problem but my sister does and I have seen what it has done to her family and my family. I’ll be praying for all of you and your families.
Charlie, I so agree with you.
Angie, you are soooo right — a no-brainer.
Faith and the Holy Spirit are what I try to have lead my life. Yes, I, like Paul and all others, fall short and sin but I ask for forgiveness. I found a t-shirt at a thrift store, I bought it, that says, “NOT PERFECT, BUT FORGIVEN”. It’s one of my favorite t-shirts. There have been too many times in my adult life that my faith has gotten me through “rough waters.” I’m proud to say God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are my go to’s when the times get rough.
Sisters, have faith and be blessed by a wonderful, forgiving, and loving Lord.
UPDATE-Stitches from rotator cuff surgery came out yesterday, range of motion has pleased the physical therapists, pain has been minimal, sleep has returned! All because of my prayer warrior groups. Thank you all!
Is there no devotional for each read day??
Well these verses certainly help point me in the right direction to not live in my own efforts but through the strength of the Lord! Wow, Thank you Rae-Ann and Nanak you are right I’ve never noticed that before but it makes so much more sense that it is the Spirit (not me) producing the fruit!
Praying for continued blessings, peace and health for you, and your babies, the ladies who are pregnant. Grace, strength, peace and wisdom for all who are struggling with work, health issues, alcohol and infidelity. Thank you for sharing so we can lift you up in prayer. I loved the end of the section of Genesis, where Abram believes wholeheartedly in God’s promise, even though it is so unbelievable for him at the moment! God keeps showing me through the last study and this one that He will be faithful to do it. I look forward to reading your testimonies about the miracles in all of these situations. Have a wonderful Thursday!
Ladies, thank you for sharing. I am joining with others as I read through all of the prayer requests.
Rae-Ann, I truly appreciate what you wrote about the fruit of the Spirit. So often I find myself trying to produce those qualities BECAUSE I know the Spirit is in me instead of allowing the Spirit to fill me anew each day so that (through the Spirit) I have these qualities. It is SO different and a self-check for me!
Angie: thank you for your comparison. Yep, it really is a “no brained” yet so many are lost and just don’t get it. My 93 year old MIL is one of those. She is constantly saying how being “a good person “ is all that really matters. My heart aches for her because I don’t know how she could say that and still understand that she is only saved by the grace of God, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Obviously, it is not for me to judge, so I will just continue praying that she truly knows Jesus as her Savior.
May God increase our faith, especially mine! I see Him working in my life and I am so thankful I just pray that His good work continues to increase my faith in Him so that He may be glorified! Thank you to Angie and all who are praying for my appointment next week. By God’s grace I believe the news will be good!
Prayers for you and your unborn child
Praying for an excellent report Mari!!!
CHARLIE, AMEN, sister!!! When I read those 2 verses I had to ‘check’ several other translations thinking certainly I had never seen that language/statement before. The same words were there: biting, devouring. I had to stop reading and share that with my husband!!! How many times have I read that passage and that never pierced my heart?! As it is said, “for such a time as this.”
Hi Ladies,
I don’t comment often but I love reading your comments each day after the reading. I have a prayer request. Some things have developed where I work; and I may have to consider leaving my job. There are things on my heart to pursue- a new business venture I’ve been working on this year- but I don’t feel entirely ready yet. I have experience doing the things I want to do in my new business, just no experience running a business and I am terrified. Please pray for direction and peace for me in the coming months. Thank you so much for your prayers.
@Charlie — Oh my Sister, you took the words right out of my mouth!
I dont usually post comments but I’d like to request prayers today. This afternoon I have a doctors appointment to confirm a pregnancy test! My husband is going with me and this will be our first! Please pray that all goes well and our baby is healthy!
Praying now M
M I will be praying for you!! Congratulations!
My “works” do not save me. It’s not what identifies me. It’s not what I have to do to earn brownie points. My faith in Jesus Christ alone is all I need. Even when I cannot see what holds my future, BUT GOD…He knows and I trust Him! I know that I am saved! I made that step of faith when I was 17 years old and I know our Jesus holds it dear to his heart because he made a promise and I believe it.
I can’t wait to one day meet Jesus face-to-face.
Good Morning Sisters, I feel such gratitude for the grace of Jesus Christ, faith not law brings us redemption and He is our salvation. The Holy Spirit is in us as sons/daughters of the Lord. This gives me joy to be adopted and an heir with Christ, love that gives me life. It is faith that justifies, and we are clothed with Christ in baptism. I would love for all those He brings to me to see Christ in me, that I would always have Jesus be the first thing they see. AZ Walker thank you for your prayers. Miri Am praying for you, I have dealt with similar issues, may God heal your pain. Your perspective in it is so honoring and lovely. Angie, A no-brainer indeed! :)
Jenn, thanks for sharing your story of overcoming with Christ. He is faithful as we let Him work in our weakness. So thankful for that in my daughter’s struggles and that she too has overcome by His power. Omorinsola, Amen, He is mighty when we are weak and let Him in. May He have the glory as be seen as our Strength. Bridget V, it is about Him. Our confidence is in Him, and we can let go that the world tells us it is about us. I use to really apologize for myself all the time, I think, because I had some idea in my head that I could never measure up, but God, he showed me that my measuring stick was all based on what I thought others thought, and some lies I had been told. Finally coming to a point where I only try to see me with the grace He has and embrace that God calls me his child, His Beloved, His Daughter, this gives me a whole new joy and helped me let go of my false sense of who I was apologizing for. I, as You am treasured by the Lord God Almighty. Hugs dear Sister. Dear Teacher/Sisters praising God for you today. May He fill your hearts, your mouths, your beings with His strength, His joy, His grace, His love for those He gives you. May your students, know how much He loves them when they look at, listen to you. And may you know when you are weary, discouraged, weak from the battle, that Jesus, who draws the children unto Him, is right there being your strength, shining through even in the discipline when you need to give it, He is whispering love to you and through you to your students. I can’t wait to hear all He is going to do in your classrooms this year. To God be the glory! Amen. :)
@Maura ♥️
AZ Walker. Thank you for your insights to my question yesterday.
I thought about the song that goes “I’m no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of god.”
This is probably where the inspiration came from.
In Galatians I wrote down:
Law=bondage/Gospel of Christ=freedom
What a difference.
No comparison.
A no-brainer as some would say.
Oh the mercy and grace of our God to take us from a limited existence of bondage in the flesh and offer us limitless love and joy in the freedom-walk with Jesus.
All the glory is certainly His.
Good stuff, Angie! Thanks for sharing
I’ve written down needs from the last few days and am praying over each one. May the gentle touch of our Father be upon each of you.
Victoria E.- I am praying especially for your peace in this time of waiting for the ultrasound. God is near.
For those dealing with infidelity in marriage, alcohol use, chronic health issues, lean into the Father. Allow Him to hold and comfort you as only He can.
Teachers is it almost time to return. We won’t go into a new year in our own strength. Armor up. And may the Fruit of the Spirit shine from us all.
Miri am – I am not a doctor, but wanted to ask about the foods you are eating. I know as simple as incorporating a little soy in my diet once a week has helped me. I treat myself to a green tea latte, made with soy when I am feeling irritable and anxious in my spirit, probably about once a month. My Gynocologist suggested it. I know it is a little thing but, it helps me. I’m not saying that is specifically what you need, but there are people with understanding of how food makes a difference. I want to eat that dark chocolate donut (and sometimes I do), but I know those steamed or raw veggies and fruits and lean proteins effects the way I feel physically and emotionally in a better way. It is the discipline that I struggle with at times. It’s just a suggestion.
Angie thank you for praying for me!
I grew up in a works-based faith. What joy there was to learn that it is through faith I am reconciled to Christ! My works will never measure up, but His work IN my life produces the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control that I could never achieve on my own.
Amen Christine F
Jenn, thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope. My son is now where you were. I pray the Holy Spirit will deliver him and set him free. It is encouraging to read and see hope. Daly, I don’t think my son is willing to allow God to work in his life yet.
I was particularly struck today by how we quote the first part of this but not the second: “For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself. 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out, or you will be consumed by one another.”
WOW. How much biting and devouring have we been doing this past year? Man, I don’t know about you guys, but I am so exhausted by divisiveness. I’m so tired of judging people for how they’ve conducted themselves during the pandemic, for whom they supported politically, for which side of the fence they stand on.
This image of us devouring one another just really jumped out at me today. More loving, less devouring, Lord. Let that be me.
In agreement, amen!
Amen to that, Charlie.
The pull to live of the world is so strong. I’ve done and it and still do it all the time, but I’ve been through enough that I know that walking in God’s will and walking in step with the Spirit is the BEST way. Lord, rid me of my sinful nature and mold me to look, act, and think more like You! Help me to stand firm in You today and every day!
SARAHJOY, I loved reading your miracle testimony and I also shook my head!! Haha!! God is SO SOOO Good to us!!! And a great big WELCOME to baby Quinn!!! ❤️
Galatians 5:16-17 “THE SPIRIT VERSUS THE FLESH: I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want.
Galatians 5:24-26 “Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
These scriptures are my heart!!! Not my will, but God’s!!! Amen!!
Again, THANK you ladies SO much for your prayers, encouragement, wisdom and kindness!! It means so much to me!! Please know that I am praying for each and every one of you! May God lead, bless, comfort and guide you in all that you do & say. YOU are so very cherished, loved and treasured, let God do His thing, He’s GOT you!!! Much Love to ALL!!! Xoxo
:: Miracles ahead ::
My SIL gave birth to the newest member of our big family! My nephew was born yesterday afternoon. The timing of little Quinn was such an incredible miracle. My parents were on their way back to Iowa from a mission trip in Guatemala, and their trip was delayed. Then they realized they would have a 7 HOUR layover in Dallas where my brother and SIL live. Baby boy came in time for my parents to meet him in the hospital before flying home! How amazing is that?! I just shook my head.
Also, for anyone who prayed for my brother Nate, thank you! He’s deployed again. I spoke with his fiancé yesterday for quite a while, and I am awestruck at God’s amazing work in them. Life is not all perfect, but God is redeeming a very difficult situation for his glory! And I stand amazed.
This is SO amazing !
1. Like Abraham, it is living by faith that produces the righteousness of God in my life. And while God desires obedience, He desires a heart-attitude of faith and love more.
2. God is the Author of my faith, meaning that my redemption journey is un His hands and He has given His Spirit to me to guide my steps on the path He has laid out. Do I trust Him when the path is uneven? Steep? Dark? Hidden? Smooth? Straight? By His grace, yes.
I come into God’s family through faith, not my works. But once I’m in His family, I keep in step with the Spirit, and that enables me to live a godly life.
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
One definition of “fruit” is “the result or reward of work or activity”. This made me recognize, yet again, that it’s not my work or activity that produces these much sought after qualities but the working and activity of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of my hard work, is what produces love, joy, peace, etc. Allowing the Holy Spirit to be active and work in me. In my own strength I am weak yet He is strong!
ASHLEY TAYLOR- Praying for you sister. I too, used to be exactly where you are. It took a lot of poor decisions and trouble where sometimes things got out of hand to the point where I one night found myself passed out in a drive thru being woken up by the police. As I sat in the holding cell the next morning, I thought wow! How many times does God have to show me that alcohol doesn’t have a place in my life before I get it? Before my daughter is visiting me behind plexiglass and has to fend for herself in the world, before I harm someone else or myself? Or worse? It was an awakening. I always heard others say to me, “I haven’t had a drink in 10 years” and I always thought it was so bizarre. What did they do on vacations and watching sports etc? After that night (mind you that was not my first DUI rodeo in this life, just the scariest one) I never drank again. It has been three years. I don’t want it, I don’t have a desire for it and I can only equate that to the power of the Holy Spirit delivering me from it all. I will keep you in prayer. I see your struggle in your words.
Praying for all of my sisters in Christ. I love reading the comments and though I may not comment often, I always pray when I read the need for anything.
Hey Jen!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
I do not set aside the grace of God. I cannot nullify it. No matter what I do, even if I will live continually in sin for the rest of my life, not seeking God, this will not stop God’s grace. For His grace is not based on my good behaviour. Righteousness comes through faith in the work of Christ. Not my works, but His work on the cross. What freedom there is in this. At the same time, we cannot go on sinning, living in our old ways. Because we are sons and daughters of God, we have received the Spirit. He desires what is against the flesh. Walking with Him will lead to a life characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.