Day 11

You Will Have Suffering in This World

from the Promises of God reading plan

Matthew 10:16-42, John 16:16-33, 2 Timothy 2:8-13

BY She Reads Truth

When we think about God’s promises, we tend to focus on the blessings: forgiveness, mercy, and eternal life, to name a few. But Jesus promised us something else as well: “You will have suffering in this world” (John 16:33). Read that again. That’s not You might or You may or You could. It’s You will. As sure as death and taxes and God’s love for sinners, we will suffer—Jesus guarantees it.

For many people, God and suffering are not compatible. If God exists, they reason, then there should be no suffering, for how could a good God allow it? But the true God is no stranger to pain. The Son allowed His body to be tormented and twisted by the most gruesome torture device of the ancient world, the cross. And He did so to put an end to the world’s suffering, once and for all. In the same breath that He promised us suffering, He made another promise, one so sure that it was spoken in the past tense: “I have conquered the world” (John 16:33).

Sin has so wormed itself in and through this world that we cannot avoid suffering entirely. It would be like trying to avoid sand at the beach. But we also suffer in a special way as Christ’s followers. We suffer because He suffered first. And when we endure this life and all it can throw at us, the same way He did, we display our faith that Christ has indeed conquered the world. For “if we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him” (2Timothy 2:11–12).

Post Comments (59)

59 thoughts on "You Will Have Suffering in This World"

  1. Chris Swan says:

    Laura. Thank you for your post. I too went through the same situation!! (Only mine was husband and a son) but through is the word!! With Christ!! Been over 30 years ago— the scars are still there, some cut deep, but Jesus!

  2. Ashley White says:


  3. Jenny Lucas says:

    And I’m happy this gave us the insight to help those that are suffering and be grateful for the ability to suffer. Through the pain only the goodness of God comes.
    (Sorry I accidentally sent my first post without finishing it)

  4. Jenny Lucas says:

    I love reading about all of the “happy” promises: eternal life, hope, etc. but I also love the “not so happy” ones like this one: suffering. I know people ask the question a lot about “why is there suffering is there a God?”

    1. Alisha Attella-Sevier says:

      Agreed. It’s so important to understand!

  5. Jenna says:

    Two verses from today that helped me to think about suffering:

    “A disciple is not above his teacher, or a slave above his master.” (Matthew 10:24)
    Jesus suffered on my behalf. By his grace, I can glorify him in my suffering.

    “A little while and you will no longer see me; again a little while and you will see me.” (John 16:16) Praying that this promise gives me strength to endure life’s trials and suffering. Jesus is coming. We will see him again soon!

  6. Blessed Beth says:

    OH Dorothy I am praying for you and your family and the pain you are experiencing right now.

  7. DOROTHY says:

    Jenna, I hope you don’t mind if I pass your comments from yesterday Wednesday 5/6/2020 on to my sister. She received the death certificate and ashes for my niece but not all of her belongings — she will get them tomorrow — she thought she had told them to bring it all at the same time.
    Wow I needed this today. Between what the scriptures and the devotional. Paul says in 2Timothy 2:9b “But the word of God cannot be chained.” Which really struck me and then Paul goes on to in verses 10 – 13 “10 So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen. 11 This is a trustworthy saying: If we die with him, we will also live with him. 12 If we endure hardship, we will reign with him. If we deny him, he will deny us. 13 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.” The devotional then says in it “But we also suffer in a special way as Christ’s followers. We suffer because He suffered first. And when we endure this life and all it can throw at us, the same way He did, we display our faith that Christ has indeed conquered the world.” This just really hit home today because my sister sent out an email last evening that she had received my niece’s death certificate but not all her belongings as I mentioned in my note to Jenna. Please pray for my sister, Carol, she is a CPA with her own business and has been having a hard time focusing and getting work done in the last month. She is afraid she will lose the clients she has. My SRT sisters, I know prayer works and I have great faith but right now Carol and I are struggling. I am having to pack and figure out mine and my niece’s and how to ask Carol if I might have a piece of furniture or two when I move. God bless you all.

    1. Naana Inkoom says:

      God is with her and will see her through amen

  8. Kelcy Pryor says:

    I love John 16: 33b “you will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” God tells us we will sufferer but he also tells us that in him there is hope. I heard this on IF “God is more concerned about your eternal soul than you’re early life.” And Everytime a I’m going through suffering I try to remember that. I am promises suffering and pain in this world but when I’m in heaving with Jesus there will be no pain no worries no suffering. Today I’m holding on to that ❤️

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