You Are a New Creation

Open Your Bible

Colossians 3:1-11, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Corinthians 4:16, 2 Corinthians 5:14-17, James 1:16-18

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

If you are a follower of Christ, you are living evidence of new creation. Scripture teaches that we, as believers, share in Christ’s death and resurrection. In the here and now, we primarily experience this reality as spiritual. We become more and more like Christ in our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about your identity as a new creation in Christ. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

(60) Comments

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60 thoughts on "You Are a New Creation"

  1. Bonnie A says:

    Thank you for the gift of grace, I am renewed

  2. Holly Pratt says:

    For the old has passed and the new has begun.
    What a beautiful passage.❤️

  3. Amy Ashcraft says:

    Amen for we are a new creation

  4. Karen Wilson says:

    Every day is a new day!

  5. Stacy J says:

    My inner self is being renewed Day by Day

  6. Karen Breaux says:

  7. Ada McCloud says:

    I’m loving this study! The fact that we are being renewed every day, that we are Heirs, that we are His children, nothing is ever going to change this – just wow!

  8. Wanda Woehlert says:


  9. Victoria E says:

    Ladies please can I ask for prayer ? My family got a stomach bug and I have it so bad I feel horrible going on three days now. Thank you

    1. Jill Smith says:

      Praying ❤️

  10. Changed Life says:

    Many thanks to Searching for posting the funeral home information for Dorothy. I just shared a note for her family and friends online. I have been so inspired by this group, for all that you share with us and the beautiful way you mentor us. I learn so much from you all.

    @Kelly (Neo) — My pastor is continuing cancer treatment for stage four pancreatic cancer. He retired and we now have an interim pastor who has been a huge blessing to our church. I would ask for prayers for both during this time. God bless you, Kelly,for the updates you provide and the prompts for updates on those who’ve posted previously. It feels good to know that so many out there care and pray along with us. And I enjoy reading the updates as well.

  11. Kellie Wall says:


  12. Alayna P. says:

    As a follower of Christ, I am living evidence of new creation. Scripture teaches that we, as believers, share in Christ’s death and resurrection. In the here and now, I primarily experience this reality as spiritual. I become more and more like Christ in my thoughts, attitudes, and actions. This transformation is ongoing and marks my journey of faith, as I grow closer to reflecting the character and love of Jesus in my life. Living as evidence of this new creation involves embracing God’s grace, walking in obedience to His Word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me, shaping me into the image of Christ. It’s a continual process of surrender and growth, marked by increasing conformity to the likeness of our Savior.♥️

  13. Adrianne says:

    2 Corinthians 4:16 stood out to me today.

    Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.
    2 Corinthians 4:16

    This is beautiful to me. We cannot give up. We have to keep going through the good, the bad, and the ugliness of our world. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are guiding us day by day and step by step. Our short time on this earth is marked by beauty and sadness. But our God and Jesus are holding us in Their hands keeping our spirits safe in Their grace and love. We have to continue to walk in confidence with our heads held high knowing our God and Jesus love us beyond measure.

    1. Kim Mullins says:

      So good! Thank you!

  14. Mercy says:

    @DANIELLE B: amen to restoration of the mind. The Mind is very very powerful. If we lose our mind, or it gets shifted into a deception mindset, the actions coming from those thoughts and strongholds are unthinkable. Joining you in prayers for a sound mind…
    @TINA: I cried at the beautiful words you wrote for DOROTHY, “good and faithful servant”, we imagine about the pearly gates. DOROTHY is living there. How wonderful… isn’t it.
    @CEE GEE: yes little Finley, and the love Dorothy must have had for her.
    @ADRIENNE: I wondered the same about such time gap, hopefully it’s not because of any sensitive matters. Things must have been incredibly hard to process.
    @KRISTY: thank you so much for what you shared. There is a purpose for clothes. Definitely. We don’t want rags, but yet self-righteousness is a hidden trap to clothe us in rags. We would not look so great representing Jesus that way, would we. Yuck. Being made new is also a process, dying is also a process, layers of self to peel off, get rid of, a life-long process. So many good thoughts you have provoked. Thank you :)
    @TAYLOR: healing for your parents over Covid. Thankful you’re tested negative.
    @ALLISON BENTLEY: a shift from the pity party into joy and freshness of positivity, i am sorry you’re going through that, i have one of those too every now and then.
    @TARA B: how is your aunt in hospice? I have been thinking of her and how you all are doing. Please keep us posted.

    May we give thanks to the Lord who alone is our capable help, our comforter, our guidance in times of need. I am so thankful for all of you. I hope you all have a good weekend.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  15. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi She’s!

    @Kris-loved that perspective
    @Traci-Yes, good reminder that things don’t matter (fun in the moment, but in the end, they are just things that go back in a box)
    @LeAnne-Glad you are feeling uplifted by the study!

    @Kristy–WHOOO whoo,your comment got me fired up too!! That is how I feel, SO excited when I really “get it,” the complexity, yet simple, yet crazy good, overwhelming gift of our God, clothing us every day!!!
    Reminds me of Dorthy..How her ALL CAPS would emphasize the LOVE and JOY that she got from being a child of God everyday!! I hope to be like her!

    @Searching- Funny, the song just came on right now! I haven’t heard the acoustic version yet except a small snippet following his IG account, I will look it up!!

    I will light a candle tomorrow morning as well for OUR Dorothy. It’s crazy just how saddened I am since I didn’t even know her personally. But she was with us every day for such a long time! Mercy, I felt your feelings as well, that was Beautiful.

    Have a good evening all!

  16. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Friday ladies! Praying for you all today n

  17. Donna Wolcott says:

    I think of the song today, “Who You Say I Am”. Sung by Hillsong, written by Reuben Morgan/Benjamin Fielding. I love the words of affirmation. Holding you all in prayer.

  18. Tina says:

    Forgot to say, I will be lighting a candle for our DOROTHY during my grace day reading..❤️

    1. Vickie Muller says:


  19. Tina says:

    I started this comment this morning, thought I’d sent it.. silly me!

    I have to say the title alone had me thinking of our dear DOROTHY!
    For sure she is now truly a fully fledged new creation, sitting at the Fathers table with her Saviour, there is a joy in thst for my saddened heart.❤️

    We are being made new, each day, like mercy, we are new each day.. as we are His image bearers. Its what we do in actions, words and deeds that determines who we are each day..

    I hear the words ‘good and faithful servant’ spoken to our DOROTHY as she walks through heavens gates..
    You know we cannot make ourselves new,

    BUT GOD..

    Happy Friday my dears.. wrapped in love and hugs covered in prayers..always..❤️❤️

  20. Veronica Ingersoll says:

    I am having a hard time lately with some relationships and this is a sweet reminder that God is working in me, renewing me day by day and I am becoming more of the woman He wants me to be.

    1. Erin L. says:


  21. Terri says:


  22. Sophia Ayres says:

    – If I am confident because my identity is based on being saved by Christ and having a relationship with him, it glorifies God and shows others how much I love him. Living for his kingdom is more fulfilling than living to perform for praise.

  23. Kristy says:

    Todays scriptures were everything! This study is one I know is going to stick with me and I’ll look back on as a pivotal marker in my faith and walk w my Savior. Put off and put on! Put to death what belongs to my earthly nature, die to the things I once walked in and once lived in. Put away anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language, lying. A looked up Colossians 3:10 in a commentary and it really spoke to me: We have laid aside the old garment, the “hand me down” rags from Adam and have put on the new garment, the new man in Christ. The ‘new Kristy’ who is clothed in Christ’s righteousness. To practice what this privileged position entails.. The moment I believed in Christ I put on the robe of His righteousness. I was saved as a young girl and I couldn’t help but think of a little robe of righteousness He made specifically for my 8 year old self and all He has walked with me through since then. Oh His faithfulness. That day I had a new position as a child of God, I became HIS new creation. I received a secure and inseparable union w Christ. I became fully identified with His life. Bc of this I am in possession of divine, supernatural power which gives me the potential to walk in the newness of life. All through scripture He is clothing us and having us “put on” [Luke 24:49; Roman’s 3:12; Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:24; 1 Thess. 5:8] The loved how the commentary stated: What a “wardrobe” God has made available for believers. We are the “best dressed” folks in the world and most of us don’t even know it. ALL believers have been irrevocably, intimately united with Christ at the MOMENT of salvation. Ray Stedman said: When I get up in the morning I put on my clothes, intending them to be part of me all day, to go where I go and do what I do. They cover me and make me presentable to others. That is the purpose of clothes. In the same way the apostle is saying to us, put on Jesus Christ when you get up in the morning. Make Him a part of your life and your day. Intend that He go with you everywhere you go and that He act through you in everything you do. Call upon His resources. Live your life IN CHRIST! Saved by grace, raised to LIFE with Him, therefore, we do not give up! Live for the one who died for me and was raised. I am in Christ a new creation! By the mercy and grace of God the old Kristy has passed away. Oh hail KING JESUS!! Thank you for your ways.. for your love.. for the union you desire to have with us…. Open our eyes to see your robe of righteousness covering our old selves.. to see ourselves as truly made new, clothed in Christ to do the works you prepared ahead of time for us to do. May our old selves not get in the way of your plans, I pray we would not believe the lies of the enemy that we are not worthy of this gift you’ve given us and died for us to have. Thank you Jesus for making me alive in Christ even though I was dead in my trespasses. Amen!

    1. Fabi . says:


  24. Cee Gee says:

    ARLENE – thank you for sharing that sweet song. I have not heard it before. My favorite line:
    “It’s slow going, but there’s a knowing that someday perfect I will be.”

  25. Allison Bentley says:

    I am struggling today- nothing in particular just having a pity party for myself. Asking God for forgiveness in my sins and leaning on the truths of His word! I am wanted (John 17:24) ; I am found (Luke 15) ; I am an essential part of Christs body (2 Corinthians 12:18). If anyone is feeling less than today I encourage you to soak in page 129 of the study book!!! So encouraging! Happy Friday She’s. Praying we all can go out in the world and shine for Jesus!

  26. Naomi says:

    It brought to my mind this beautiful hymn,
    “ turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace”.

  27. Dawn Brisson says:

    I love this reading. Believing and having faith in Christ as his creation. I feel it every day in my life his presence fills me and keeps me going.

  28. Annie says:

    @LEANNE MERRYMAN very encouraging.

    Good reminder for me to remember the Lord holds it ALL.

  29. Annie says:

    Thank You Father that You live in me and I am a new creation because of You. I long to be completely restored in You.

  30. leanne merryman says:

    I really loved today’s reading. Some days I struggle to connect and understand but today hit home for me.

    I pray the Lord keeps guiding me and helping me keep my mind set on things above instead of earthly things. I was struggling for the past year worrying to much about earthly things and have decided to wake up every morning and turn any stresses over to God. “For by grace you have been saved in faith.” Allow me to remain faithful everyday.

    Im thankful I have been able to show up everyday.. reading my bible, praying and connecting with you all.

  31. Arlene says:

    There is a song that we used to sing years ago that has been popping into my head throughout this study.
    Little by little in every way
    Little by little every day
    My Jesus is changing me
    He changing me, Oh precious Jesus
    I’m not the same person that used to be

    (Not sure if all the words are right)

  32. Cee Gee says:

    2 Corinthians 5:16- From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective. Even if we have known Christ from a worldly perspective, yet now we no longer know him in this way.

    I noticed this verse in a strong way today, I think because we spent the time in Genesis recently. It made me think that by one decision, Adam and Eve transitioned from an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with God to one influence by the world around them. Likewise, by one decision we can know an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with Christ rather than ‘knowing’ Him through the influence of the world. I don’t know if I am saying that clearly, but I hope it makes sense. ☺☺

    All of these verses were just what I needed after the prayer I poured out to God when I woke up this morning. Thank you, SRT!

    MEME FAYE – I was going to share the same verse with that emphasis! ❤


    ADRIENNE – How gracious you are to consider that! If I were closer, I would definitely join you! Even the cards we send will be a huge blessing!

    MERCY, thank you for mentioning little Finley! It reminded me to pray for her. ❤

    TAYLOR – YES! I have that verse on my refrigerator! Praying for Haley; she is blessed to have a true friend in you! Praying you remain healthy and your mom and dad are well again soon. ❤

    RHONDA J – As I type, Come Jesus Come is running through my head. That acoustic version is the style of music my heart just leans into. Thanks again for mentioning it! ❤

    What a week we have had in this community! Great study and great sadness and remembrance. Today I am taking a deep breath! As I mentioned last night (on yesterday’s page), on GRACE DAY (tomorrow), I will light a candle for Dorothy as I read/pray if anyone else would like to join me where you are. Would she somehow see all those candles just for her?!

  33. Traci Gendron says:

    Seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col 1:1-2

    Eph 2:3 We too all previously lived among them in our FLESHY DESIRES, carrying out the inclinations of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children under wrath as the others were also.

    But God, we are saved by grace!

    I like the pretty things. They dangle like carrots in front of my eyes. But one thing I learned going through Tanner’s things, is that everything goes back in the box. None of it matters in the end. Only how we live and treat others.

    1. Erin L. says:

      ❤️amen, thanks for your words, Traci Gendron

  34. Mari V says:

    @Kris, your comment is exactly what I was thinking I just didn’t know how to put it into words or comment. Especially when you say how we view ourselves. There are many times when I don’t like myself very much. And If I feel that way, I shouldn’t view others that way either. There are times when I feel like I’m lower than some but this is a great reminder that we are all equal. None of us are lower or higher and we are not in competition with anyone. Thank you so much for that Kris.OH….. and happy Friday beautiful She’s!! My favorite day of the week!

  35. Meme Faye says:

    Ephesians 2:4–5 (HCSB): BUT GOD, WHO IS RICH IN MERCY, because of His great love that He had for us, 5 made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. YOU ARE SAVED BY GRACE!

  36. Kris says:

    2Cor 5:16 From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective.

    This is very interesting to me. I think this is speaking to us about our perception of other people. The way we judge, the way we perceive other’s motives, how we value others. Lisa Harper often speaks of us being “image-bearers”. We all are made in His image, we all have His thumb print on our being. That’s how we should see one another, whether Christian or non-Christian.

    It also speaks about how we view ourselves. We are equal to everyone. We are not lower or higher than anyone. We are not in competition with anyone. We should live our lives according to how God wants us, personally, with the gifts and calling He has given us, to live; not in competition with anyone else to be like them or strive to obtain something they have.

    When we view ourselves and others from a spiritual perspective, we are free to be ourselves and let others be themselves. And it allows us to freely love others

    1. Erin L. says:


  37. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    For all of you who have and are still praying for my nephew Kobi – yesterday was 8 months sober for him!! Praise the Lord – thank you for your prayers!

    1. Tricia C says:

      Woo! Praise God!

  38. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I have been chosen, I am a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord! Father God, please help me to daily – set my heart and mind on things above, and to be clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. In Jesus name, Amen.

    Have a blessed Friday dear, sweet sisters.

  39. Aimee D-R says:

    Living as one who Christ died for. Amen

  40. Cheryl Blow says:

    ”But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.“
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    “But because if His great love”. This just stood out to me Because of His GREAT love for us, He made a way for our redemption and for us to be made new. A new creation. Oh, what a living, patient Heavenly Father we have! So grateful that He rescued me! And He does everything with excellence!

  41. Stephanie Berling says:

    ”So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.“
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    I am a part of a gym and I exercise for the purpose of quality of life and to see what the body the Lord gave me is capable of. I’m often surprised by what I can do but I don’t place my hope in the workout. So many of the people at our gym have all of their hope tied up in being fit to avoid the natural process of wasting away. Lord let me be a light to those lost in the darkness of the fitness industry. The things that are seen are transient but the things that are unseen are eternal. God bless these people with your grace and show them what it means to be truly renewed day by day. Amen.

  42. Adrienne says:

    Ahhhhh… 2 Cor. 4:16…. “Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.”

    So. Good.

    ALL the readings are good, of course, and so many are very familiar. But this verse, in particular, stood out to me as so many She’s and their loved ones have physical ailments that make them feel that they (& their loved ones) are being destroyed. Do not give up, sweet sisters. Your/their inner person is being renewed each and every day. I hope that brings some comfort. Satan wants in. Don’t let him! Remember that you/they have such a great promise to be made new.

    Dorothy’s service is on a Saturday, and her church was at The Plaza. (I googled the address. The funeral care place seemed to be in a bad neighborhood, so I was a little concerned.) Is there anyone in the KC metro area that can attend also? (SEARCHING is not in the area.❤️) Hubby will likely not understand why I think it is important to go. I wonder why such the long span of time between her death and the memorial service…

  43. Therese says:

    Dorothy has a Facebook page. Her son asked for people to share their memories of her. Her tributes from those who knew her shows her deep love for Christ and care for people. She truly lived out her faith.

  44. Taylor says:

    I only got to read the Colossians verses this morning as I was talking with my best friend in England helping her navigate some relationship issues. Can please pray for my friend Haley? She loves the Lord but I have some concerns about her current relationship and as her best friend I just want the best for her. I wish they included Colossians 3:12-17 as I feel like this is what being a new creation really looks like!

    Thankfully I tested negative again this morning even though I do have a minor sore throat and an elevated temperature. Praying everyone has a blessed weekend <3

  45. Searching says:

    A New Creation, praise the Lord!! The verses in 1 Corinthians 3 reminded me of where Christ has brought me from “in which you yourselves once walked” NKJV So thankful I’m no longer there.
    James 1:16 warns us to not be deceived, and when I read Ephesians 2:8-9, my first thought was that I am NOTHING without God.

    So many kind words about our DOROTHY ❤️ (MERCY – moved me to tears ❤️)

    I’ll join CEE GEE❤️ in remembering her with a candle ️ on Grace Day tomorrow. (Added candle emoji, curious if it shows up when I post)

    ADRIENNE – that would be wonderful if you are able to go to the memorial, April 27 at 1 pm at her church – address is in the obituary. Wish I was closer and could join you!
    Facebook sisters – anyone interested in seeing if there’s a Facebook page for her?

    KELLY (NEO) thanks for info on her last posting date.

    ALAYNA P – well said yesterday

    CEE GEE – so good re: pruning! So much new growth that comes from it – may we be the same. Reminds me that we must patiently wait on that new growth. And appreciate the lyrics ❤️

    MELISSA – thank you for pointing out God’s intervention at Babel when the people had the wrong motives, vs everyone hearing the Gospel in their own language to bring them together for His Glory

  46. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    Thank you, Lord, that we can experience You and Your new work in us now and not just in the new heavens and earth. Renew me, transform me into Your likeness. Take this image of You and may I be made like You.

  47. Danielle B says:

    One area I would love more people to experience restoration in is the mind. Specifically as I think about the people I interact with for work is a renewing of mind and freedom from shame. It is such a trap for so many and a lie. The Holy Spirit is here to guide us and to prick us when we are sinning, but God does want us to be filled with shame so we feel we have nothing to offer.

    Sad to see that Dorothy passed. Praying for all you Shes. I so appreciate this community!

  48. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    James1:18 “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.”

    We all come from brokenness but we learn by exercising faith to pursue wholeness. Both in getting to know the character of the Persons of the Trinity and in the act of renewing our hearts and minds. I struggle with terrible anxiety and this reading reminded me of the important work of continuing to renew my mind as often as necessary to trust that God is sufficient to handle all my worries.

  49. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “You are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator.”

    I love this declaration from Paul. Most days, I don’t see this in myself, but God is working in me “both to will and to work according to his good purpose” (Phil 2:13).

    MERCY – beautiful letter to Dorothy. ❤️

    LEHUA K. – ❤️

    AIMEE ROGERS – praying for you and your community. (I have not seen an update on your the rescue efforts for your friend.)


  50. Anna Faith says:

    Dear Lord Jesus. Fill me today with your Love! Show me your Glory oh God. Let me receive all you have for me by your great Grace. Thank you that I am Seated with you Jesus. You raised me up. You make me new. Everyday is a new adventure with you Jesus

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:

      Hallelujah and Amen