What Do Miracles Teach Us About Jesus?

Open Your Bible

Colossians 1:15-20, Psalm 77:13-15, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 11:18-23, Matthew 8:14-17

Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:15-20, Psalm 77:13-15, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 11:18-23, Matthew 8:14-17

I once became a vegetarian just because I wasn’t fluent in Spanish. Although I’d never before considered myself a picky eater, a few weeks of traveling in a foreign country taught me that these exotic dishes were a real game-changer.

One night, I’d decided to play it safe by ordering the catch of the day. What the menu didn’t specify, however, was that not much had been done since the fish had been caught that day, leaving me with a scaly, slippery dish and two beady eyes staring mockingly back at me.

The next night, I knew better. Using my handy translator’s dictionary, I learned the word for “eyes,” and walked into the restaurant with a newfound resilience.

“Ojos?” I asked with confidence, ordering the chicken this time.

“No, no,” the waiter responded, chuckling.

The dish arrived just as I’d ordered it—no eyes this time, but… there were feathers. Like I was just supposed to put them in my hat and carry on.

I’m the queen of asking the wrong questions.

I’ve always had lots of questions about miracles. And if I’m being completely transparent, most of the time it hurts to ask them. Because while learning about Jesus’ healing power and His heart for His people, my questions inevitably turn to, Will He do this for me? or Why didn’t He do this for me?

Hope does not come from belief in power; it comes from trust in a Person. When we don’t understand what Jesus is doing, we must seek to know Him more.

As C.S. Lewis said, “Christianity does not involve the belief that all things were made for man.” So our first question needs to change from “What does this say about me?” to “What does this teach me about Jesus?” Or, as Mark 4 says, miracles should cause us to ask, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey Him!” (v.41).

Before we get any further into this miracle-studying business, let that be our default question: Who then is this Jesus?

He is the victorious Lord of all (Colossians 1:15).
He is Lord over creation (Mark 4:39).
He is the One who overcomes evil (Luke 11:18-23).
He is the Suffering Servant who bears our infirmities (Matthew 8:17).

Miracles are breadcrumbs that lead us to the One who answers our need. They themselves are not the prize or the point, because He is already actively both. Miracles teach us that Jesus is God’s glory purposed for redemption. He came to show us His power to heal, but more importantly, to show us we’ve already been healed in Him.

If and (inevitably) when I begin to ask the wrong questions, may I look to the fullness of Christ and find that my need for Him is a privilege. May I praise Him for His miracles, but not miss the biggest miracle of all: Jesus Himself.

“For God was pleased to have
all His fullness dwell in Him,
and through Him to reconcile
everything to Himself
by making peace
through the blood of His cross
whether things on earth or things in heaven.
– Colossians 1:19-20


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83 thoughts on "What Do Miracles Teach Us About Jesus?"

  1. Hallie Ziettlow says:

    Lots of people are asking for miracles now. And in a way I am as well. But Lord let me purpose to know you more and observe your heart in the miracles you have preformed instead of meditating on the ways in which the world could change if I had 3 magic miracle wished.

  2. Jenni Jex says:

    Such a good thought – with every trial and every miracle: What does this teach me about Jesus? Make everything about him. ❤️

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  6. Atalie Jones says:

    Lord, You are so mighty that even the wind and waves obey You and know Your name. You are an awesome, mighty God. You sent Your one and only, precious Son to die a terrible death for me-an undeserving, prideful, selfish girl. Thank You for your free, unmerited gift of everlasting love, grace, and mercy.

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  8. Andrea Z. says:

    It is not about the power, it is about trust in Him. Who then is this Jesus? I love it! This study is bringing so much clarity to questions I may not have wanted to admit I ask. Miracles are breadcrumbs leading us to the one who loved us first.

  9. Shelley says:

    Just want to say thank you for this study. I am facing a medical challenge and the prayer is for full and complete healing. I find out tomorrow the results of tests and the answer I want and pray is in line with God’s will for me is for surgery. Regardless of the outcome I WILL ALWAYS HOPE and TRUST in the fullness of God and His power to save and heal. We have not idea how God uses circumstances in our life to bless others. Believe me, I had no idea how many people I have touched (only with the strength of God) over the last few months.
    As Claudia said, Trust is huge. And God will make a way.
    This is not to say that I’m not terrified of the answer tomorrow, but God’s love is bigger than my fear.
    Thanks for teaching on miracles and understanding a bit more of why they happen when they do.

    1. Dori says:

      Praying for you, Shelley!

      1. Shelley says:

        Thanks for the prayers. I am rejoicing and SHOUTING with JOY!!! I received great news yesterday. I will be having surgery in September. I never thought I would say I am looking forward to surgery but GOD IS GOOD!! Praise Him for all His mercies. They are new every day.

        1. Terri says:

          Praise God!

  10. Claudia says:

    I am so grateful and thankful for this study. It is my first time participating in something like this and in this first 3 days I have learned so much about me, God and Jesus! As a new believer, I want to focus my life on God and His word, on Jesus and all the love they spread in my heart.
    For me, the most important thing I have learned until today: Trust! If we do not understand what is happening around, with trust in God and Jesus ww can make every situation in our lifes.

    Thank you all so much! Glad to be here and participate in your wortful thoughts and your wonderful community!

    1. Stephanie says:

      Yay!! So glad you’re here, Claudia!

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      So glad to have you with us, Claudia! So encouraged to hear that you are growing closer to the Lord in this time!

      – Stormye

  11. Lindsey says:

    I am guilty of always trying to see me, me, me throughout scripture. My mindset is often finite and selfishly focused. I can be more concerned with how God can effect me than how I can know God more through scripture. When my perspective is set selfishly, it sets me up to be offended by God when things to go the way I think they should. When I have a Kingdom perspective, and allow scripture to speak to my heart about God (instead about me), my eyes are opened, my ears unplugged. Ultimately, I am transformed. Help me Lord, to love you and you alone. Not your hand. Not the me that I think you can make me. You. And you alone.

    1. Sue Gerardot says:

      I just wanted you to know that you are not the only one who at times feels selfish, I do the the same thing!

      1. Lindsey says:

        Thanks. It really is a battle to die to flesh. Glad I’m not alone.

    2. Barb says:

      Oh Lindsey you aren’t alone! This is one of the things I love abt the SRT studies: they are so Christ focused. I’m excited abt what lies ahead in this as we all continue to learn together who He is. Thanks for your transparent thoughts here. :-)

    3. Kierstyn says:

      Oh man, thank you so much for writing this. I am guilty of this too, but never realized it until you put it into words. I’m praying through this study I come to know God more without the expectation that He needs to do miracles in my life for me to be a faithful servant

    4. Mandy says:

      This is so true and well-said! I’m very recently learning this as well.

    5. Stephanie says:

      I am right there with you, Lindsey!! All too often I am guilty of the exact same thing. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    6. Ashley Schultz says:

      I didn’t even realize I was doing this until I read your comment. I am new at diving into the scriptures and sometimes leave feeling offended by what I read. I still get caught up in trying and even thinking at times that I am in control and my will will be pressed upon my life. Thank you for allowing me to realize this! Wonderfully stated!

    7. Jill says:

      Thank you for sharing that thought!! Wow! Great words. A Kingdom perspective… you never know if something you share hits home with someone… well THAT did! Great way to look at it!! I’m re-focusing a little because of your input. Thanks sister ❤️

  12. Christina says:

    Between the Scriptures and this beautifully written piece, I am so thankful! I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure about studying the Miracles of Jesus, but so far, this study is pointing me and fueling me in such a way as to be able to endure the change I see the Lord moving me toward in my daily life. This change will be uncomfortable and humbling, but God has my best in mind, and I have Jesus, the prize above all prizes.

    1. Amelia Mccall says:

      I feel the same way Christina!

  13. Sydney says:

    “May I look to the fullness of Christ and know my need for Him is a privilege.” This really changed my perspective. Right now I am struggling with hearing God speak and seeing the miracles of Jesus, I yearn for a deeper relationship but right now I just feel empty. But during this time, I am going to continue to focus on the fullness of Christ and “remember the deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 77:11) .

    1. Samone says:

      Sydney, I sign songs. I am not a singer by any means. But when I sign christian songs I feel more “filled” with Him. Also, try praying out loud, while walking around. This might seem silly. But trying to change up how you praise Him, might in turn change the emptiness you are feeling. Praying for you my friend! During the emptiness we cry out to Him louder and yearn for more.

  14. Jessica says:

    I am so grateful for this study right now!!! I have been in a time of waiting for a few years now, and it’s so difficult to be unsure of the future. This study has made me realize that I need to let go of my fears and just lean in to Jesus. I know that my future is with the Lord, and that is all the I need!!!!

  15. Em says:

    I’m in my twenties and I struggle with stuttering, which has been a struggle pretty much my whole life. I thought that as I get older it will go away. But being in my twenties it is kind of embarrassing. I pray everyday that God would be with me as I speak and that He would take this away from me. Everyday I fear of stuttering. But, when I pray, I have this peace. Sure I may stutter a little throughout the day. As I may want for God the take this away, I believe that there is a miracle that He gives every time I pray: the miracle of peace. Sure I may be fearful, but when I pray, I feel this peace. The kind that says: Why do you worry? I am with you! No need to be afraid!
    The persistent widow kept coming everyday to the judge to ask for justice. The judge kept saying no, but she kept coming. Finally, he gave it to her. Jesus says that those who come to Him continually, will receive what they come to Him for. (Luke 18: 1-8)

    1. Rachel says:

      This really helped changed my perspective! Thank you for sharing :)

    2. Hemonk says:

      Hi! I just wanted to share with you that I know someone who stutters who is so brilliant and such an inspiration to me. I am currently pursing my doctorate, and one of my major professors who has been very successful in his field has a significant stutter. I have been his student for several years, and God has really used him to show me that I can be a successful teacher even though I am shy and terrified of public speaking! God may or may not take away your stutter, but He can use it to inspire others!

    3. Edith says:

      I have a nephew in his twenties who has struggled with stuttering all his life. He also had a stomach illness that made him very ill, but no matter what, he would get up early on Sunday mornings to play his guitar in the worship team. He is a very talented guitarist. He has not allowed the stuttering to stop his call to serve the Lord. He auditioned for a Christian band and was chosen to be part of this ministry. He has been blessed to have been playing guitar with a well known Christian band for three years now. Besides playing his guitar, he also sings backup for the band. He has traveled all around the county and has moved to Nashville, TN. He has grown in amazing ways but his trust has always been on the Lord. Don’t give up and never give up hope and be strong in the Lord and He too will bless you and guide you!

      1. Allison says:

        Hi em,

        I myself have had a speech impediment by entire life. I am 26 & It has caused me to change jobs & daily get on my knees. It’s one of the most humbling things I’ve ever experienced. I imagine that you are compassionate and kind and are always trying to understand other people more because it’s at times difficult for you to express yourself. You are strong and beautiful and every word you say is dependent upon the lord. That is a gift, even even if doesn’t feel that way. I understand you. & praying for you.

  16. Stacy says:

    “Hope does not come from belief in power; it comes from trust in a Person. When we don’t understand what Jesus is doing, we must seek to know Him more.”

    I write scriptures on my bathroom mirror sometimes weekly, sometimes it changes daily, sometimes it wont change for months. This is my next one, I will be writing it as soon as a close my laptop tonight. This is a concept I struggle with almost daily, and need to remind myself daily that I don’t know the reason for all things, and may never know, and should not necessarily know as long as I am seeking the Lord. I have recently resigned from my job because of so many unspoken struggles. I feel I had lost myself, my beliefs, and my morals. I was compromising so much of what I know daily. I sometimes believed that I was put in these positions so that I could find my way back to Him. I know I has so drifted from Him, and His word, and it was a way to really strip myself of all distractions and really find my way back to Him.

    I am finally starting to see that it may not have been so much of a “curse” and much more of a blessing. I have re-ignitied the flame in my heart of Christ, and my church, and quite honestly have not felt this at peace with myself and my life ever.

    I thank God for the miracle that I had seen as a curse until really diving into this bible study, and an amazing group of women that I can take this adventure with!

    1. Emily B. says:

      Wow. That’s awesome! I pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to you.

  17. Holly Stabler says:

    Thank you for this study, I will be praying for those of you that shared the struggles you are going thru with finances and health, and would like to ask that you pray for me to be able to release anxiety that I am experiencing at this time. I know the Lord has a lesson for me to learn as I get through this anxiety that’s has come over me. Thank you

    1. Emily B. says:

      God’s got you, Holly. Anxiety has no place in your heart–see 2 Tim. 1:7. It’s one of my absolute favorites.

  18. Rachel says:

    “Hope does not come from belief in power; it comes from trust in a Person. When we don’t understand what Jesus is doing, we must seek to know Him more.”

    I love the above quote; it’s exactly what I need to hear right now. Throughout my adult life, I have often wondered what on earth Jesus is doing with my life. There are so many things that have happened that I just don’t understand. This is a good reminder that I don’t necessarily need to understand what’s going on, so long as I continue to seek Him. I might not understand what God was doing until I get to meet Him face to face…and that’s okay. It really is. Right now, I think I’m still just telling myself that, but it’s something that I’m trying to accept as Truth, that I might not get bogged down by the daily stuff of life.

    I pray that God opens my eyes to the little miracles. I know there are so many things that He has done that clearly show He is present in my life – it’s so easy for me to just take those things for granted though. I can easily get focused on the hard things instead of the good things. I want to be a thankful, grateful person instead of a complainer…something I struggle with daily.

    So thankful for this group of ladies, and for these daily Bible studies that help us all focus not on ourselves, but on Jesus.

  19. MW In Alabama says:

    My dear Sisters in this study… this is such a God ordained group for me to be in my heart is shaking and I hope you will read this testimony. Apologies in advance for the length. I carefully alluded on Day 1 that I was so troubled by a challenge in my current situation. I was so grateful to have kind messages it blessed me so. As a working traveling Single Mom globally- this was a real experiment for me as I’d never joined a Bible study like this. I stumbled seeking to join this study 2 weeks ago with some “tug of the heart” God called me to do it and find a community of women in the same space. So I did! I ordered my books and waited for launch. I am the SOLE provider for my 16 year old daughter with no help from her Dad. This regularly stresses me out like you all as I read your individual circumstances I am now reading and praying for you. Many of you attended public school like I did but our schools here have changed and are really poor in Alabama. Uncontrollable drugs. So I elected to send her to a private Christian school which I am committed to that supports her love for Jesus and which enriches her in ways I thank God for. It’s shaping the young woman she is. She is a mission working- works monthly in soup kitchens and intercity work- plays soccer representing her school in a Godly manner- and her school. I’ve struggled to pay the tuition but been able to maintain it as this and proud as this is her Christian community as an upcoming Junior. Yesterday- I learned my company purchased another company and I lost my job. I have a tiny bit of severance but not much. Her 2nd tuition payment is due in June. I am asking you all to pray God will create new opportunities for me between now and then to support me keeping her in her Christian school. Not for me/ but for me to pay her tuition in for her. These youth are so troubled in my community – and to have to uproot her woukd be tragic if I can not pay for it. She comes home regularly grateful to share the environment she is in with gratitude and the influence it has on her and the choices she makes. I will sell my car to keep her there as there is nothing more important than having our children live the legacy of this security in Jesus. But my reality is finances to pay in June. Of course/ I won’t tell her. I ask you all to pray a new job will come soon so I can continue this commitment to my daughter. Thank you with gratitude. I believe in Him.

    1. Sandy W. says:

      Praying for you and your daughter. May our Good Lord provide a way!

    2. Meri Kate M. says:

      I will be keeping both your daughter and you in my prayers!

    3. Gema Muniz says:

      Praying for you my sister, may God use this opportunity to bring you and your daughter closer to him. May you not focus on your situation and may you open your eyes to see what is Gods plan. God always has a plan for our lives, it may not be what we have planned but we must always remember that God works everything for our good. Please keep us updated and let us know if there is anything else we can pray for. God bless you and your daughter.

    4. She Reads Truth says:

      Dear sweet friend, thank you for your vulnerability in sharing this. In the short time you’ve been with SRT you’ve already had such a wonderful impact on the women in this community. Please know we are praying for you in this. Asking God to provide in ways you could not have imagined and to bring comfort in what is sure to be a time of fear and uncertainty. We are so, so grateful for you.

      – Stormye

    5. Diana says:

      Thank you for sharing your heart with us! I feel your pain, and from my own experiences, I know God is hearing your cry and He knows what your daughter needs. I am praying for you. May the God of comfort, peace, provision, and faithfulness wrap you around His precious arms. May you know He will always take care of you. We often don’t know how, but we trust who does know. Praying for God’s provision – for your daughter’s school and your job. His plan is always perfect.

    6. Callie says:

      Praying for you and your precious daughter. Personally, I have always found comfort in the truth that God will never give us challenges that are more than we can take because He never expects us to take on the challenges alone. The many struggles we go through in this life on earth are what reveal our desperate need for Him and His mercy. May you draw near to your Heavenly Father during this time and remember that He always has everything perfectly under control when you do not. Love and prayers!

    7. Lexi says:

      I’ll be praying for you and your sweet daughter. God rewards those who walk with Him steadfastly. God hears you and see your heart. I pray He will supply exactly what you need. Sending much love to you…you’re an amazing mother! ❤️

    8. Tina says:

      Dear MW.. Praying for you and your daughter.. Praying God be in all situations you find yourself In, that He show you in a real and tangible way that He walks with you and that He provides as you hold on to Him and His promises.
      You are an amazing mom and I pray that through this season you continue to know his grace and love…
      Holding you in my prayers.. Hugs to you both..xx

  20. This is my first SRT study, I was intrigued to learn more about the miracles of Jesus after having just experienced miraculous healing in my own life. Two months ago my son was born and immediately taken from me to be treated in the NICU, he had trouble breathing and they thought he might have a lung infection. It broke my heart to be separated from him, but this is really where I started to see God’s hand. My son recovered within two days and on the third day of his life he was released from the hospital, no infection and breathing on his own. My husband and I were on our knees the entire time and God was surely with us. However after only two nights at home we had to go back to the hospital to treat my sons high level of jaundice, meanwhile because of the delay and trauma my breasts became engorged and on the verge of infection. It felt like the final defeat, I was so terrified and hurt that I wouldn’t be able to feed my baby. I was past the point of exhaustion and I was in so much pain, I cried out to Jesus. I remembered the story of the woman who was bleeding and came to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe for healing, I said “just let me touch the hem of your robe Jesus, I have faith” In that moment my breasts went from rock hard to incredibly soft and I could feel the milk let down and clogged ducts open. From that point my lips could not contain my praises and I sang and sang and sang! It may be somewhat embarrassing to read about miraculous healing of breasts, but God designed them to give nourishment to a baby and I desperately wanted to nurse my son. We have been nursing smoothly ever since and now my son, Samuel, is healthy and strong at two months old!
    I share this because I want to testify to the fact that miracles are real, but more importantly, God is absolutely real. He is with us when we need him most, His presence alone is a miracle in itself, and we are privileged, so very privileged, to need Him.
    I’m glad I can seek Jesus with you all.

    1. Allison Coleman says:

      What a huge blessing from the Lord!

    2. Sandy W. says:

      What a wonderful testimony. Blessings to you and your family!

    3. Em says:

      This is beautiful! I definitely believe God has angels assigned to nursing moms to help the challenges of breastfeeding!

    4. She Reads Truth says:

      Thank you for sharing this, Amanda. So grateful to have you in the SRT community!

      – Stormye

    5. Clare says:

      Our amazing God is so personal, he knows our every need, and that of your beautiful Son x

  21. Misce says:

    As I write this, I am lying beside my 5-month old baby on a hospital bed who’s been sick with a very high fever during the last 3days. This post couldn’t come at a more perfect time. I just experienced a miracle a few moments ago. Sharing on my blog:

    Coveting your prayers for healing of my child… Godbless

    1. Holly says:

      I’m praying for you and your baby, and I’m thanking God for His perfect timing.

    2. Meri Kate M. says:

      I will be praying for both you and your baby!

  22. Tricia Bertrand says:

    Loved this from today, “He Himself took our weaknesses and carried our diseases!” I think sometimes we get caught up in the heavenly side of Jesus, the side that performs miracles and is ever powerful. But we must remember He was also human just like us and felt the same sufferings that we do. How humbling.

  23. Logan Christine says:

    Really loved today’s devotion! My husband’s and my bible study is reading through John Piper’s God is the Gospel (highly recommend it, btw) and this devotion really made a connection with that book. God must be the center of all things because He is the center of all things! When you get that, it puts everything you read and do into perspective. So I really loved when the author said, “The biggest miracle of all is Jesus Himself.” Let us not forget that that is the most important thing of all.

    Can’t wait to see the next devotions in this series!

  24. Caroline says:

    I too have ordered fish and it came with the eyes. So disturbing!

    This is so true, so often we get caught up in the miracle instead of the miracle maker. I am guilty of this too.


    1. Naomi says:

      Yeah, no ojos para me! I think most of us, if not all, have been guilty of wanting to benefit from the hand of God when we really should be seeking the heart of God.

  25. churchmouse says:

    Miracles point us to Jesus and all He is. Oh thank you for this because so often I’m looking just for the result. Praying today to keep blinders on so He alone remains my focus.

    1. Michelle says:

      I feel the same way! I love the reminder to read scripture with the lens of “what does this tell me about Jesus?” vs “What does this say about me?”.

  26. Aimee says:

    The question is always what does this passage tell me about Jesus rather than what does it tell me about me or my situation. (My paraphrase of her words). This is soooo good. I am really learning that we have it all backward in our culture. We read the Bible to tell us how to live or what to do. But the Bible isn’t about us. It is about God and the story about Him. I am learning to read the Bible to see what it says to me about Him. Because He is all I need and He is the answer to everything. Wow! I pray that some day I can fully grasp that concept. Such a great devotional truth today!

    1. Diane Huntsman says:

      Amen Aimee!!

    2. Diane Huntsman says:

      If and (inevitably) when I begin to ask the wrong questions, may I look to the fullness of Christ and find that my need for Him is a privilege. May I praise Him for His miracles, but not miss the biggest miracle of all: Jesus Himself.
      MY NEED FOR HIM IS A PRIVILEGE!!! Wow! Such profound insight!!! Thank you!

      1. Yep I totally resonated with this same part, amen!

  27. Keri McCue says:

    “Hope does not come from belief in power; it comes from trust in a Person. When we don’t understand what Jesus is doing, we must seek to know Him more.” – YAAASSS!!! So often our first reaction is to question God or to be mad. But when we don’t understand a situation, when we don’t understand what He is doing we should seek Him even more! I love this!


  28. Lana says:

    “Like I was just supposed to put them in my hat and carry on…” roooffffllllllllll it’s been a solid 10 minutes and I’m still laughing at this.

    As for the message: we’ve already been healed!!! AMEN! The healing is a gift. It is a miracle. We just have to accept it. One way to do so is by focusing more on Jesus and what he wants for our lives and less on what we want. It’s funny how when you put your focus and trust in God how anxieties melt away. Amen to this message! Loved it! Needed the reminder too!

    1. Kaitlin Wernet says:

      Haha, Lana! I still laugh just thinking about it. Thanks for your kind words!

  29. Sarah says:

    Reminds me of a song with a reassuring truth, “When your eyes are the storm, you wonder if I love you still. When your eyes on on the cross, you’ll remember that I love you and I always will.”

    Thank you so much for the reminder that it’s ALL about Jesus.

    “Hope does not come from belief in power; it comes from trust in a Person. When we don’t understand what Jesus is doing, we must seek to know Him more.”

    Truth bomb!

    1. Kaitlin Wernet says:

      Ooh, yes. Love the lyrics of this song, Sarah! Thanks for stopping by today!

  30. Kristine R says:

    “I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer…You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?” -C.S. Lewis

    1. Elisabeth says:

      Love this Kristine !! I really need to add CS Lewis books to my “to read” list as well

    2. Veronica says:

      This quote is perfect. Thank you!

  31. wendy says:

    “You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.” Psalm 77: 14 – “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Mark 4:40 – “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” Luke 11:23 – “This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.” Matthew 8 : 17
    I’ll make this personal today – these are the scriptures that grabbed my attention in this reading this morning…….along with the word “preeminent” from Colossians.
    Who then is Jesus…..”Preeminence” -Supreme, Outstanding, Leading, Top, Foremost, Dignity of importance, Renowned, Illustrious…..having Paramount Rank….may this be the miracle that resonates in my thinking, but is sealed within my heart!

  32. Katalina says:

    When our central focus is on Jesus alone, we start to witness the wonders of all He does in our lives. We witness the miracles we tend to miss when we’re so preoccupied asking the wrong questions or focusing on anything other than Jesus actively working in our lives. Maybe He is telling us to be still as He told the wind and the sea so we can take a moment and move our center of attention back on Him. He encourages us to ask questions but He also wants them to be the right questions. Miracles teach us so much about Jesus and how vital He is to have in our lives ❤

    1. Emily B. says:

      I love that: “maybe He is telling us to he still as He told the wind and the sea.” Thank you for sharing!

  33. Pamela says:

    Miracles point to the One ! He is !! We trust in you Lord today !! You lead us to the still waters!!…. you grant us Your peace!! No one name can we call out to receive miracles, answered prayer. Not always when expect it .. but sometimes when we do !! Thank you Lord !!

  34. JennyBC says:

    Kathy, I’ll be praying with you as my son wait to hear if his teaching position goes from a limited to a regular full time contract. He’s had the job since January but is waiting to see if the position is still active for next year. The statement in the devotional
    “Hope does not come from belief in a power; it comes from trust in a person.” Hit me square between the eyes. Jesus has the best things for our children.

  35. Kathy says:

    “Miracles are breadcrumbs that lead us to the one who answers our needs.” My family is currently in a holding pattern as we wait to hear whether or not my oldest daughter has gotten a teaching job that she desperately wants. Waiting is not for sissies!!! While it won’t be a miracle if she gets the job this devotion has opened my eyes to several things. The first is that my first question in the midst of either a miracle or not-a-miracle has to be “What does this teach me about Jesus?” I want to ask the same questions that Kaitlyn does.
    So, what am I learning about Jesus in this time of waiting? There can be joy and peace in the waiting but my focus has to be on Jesus. If I focus on what I’m waiting for then I become anxious and worried. Today, I choose to focus on Jesus.
    “He is before all things and by Him all things hold together.” Col. 1:17.

    1. Emily says:

      “If I focus on what I’m waiting for then I become anxious and worried. Today, I choose to focus on Jesus.” I, too, am in a waiting period know what it’s like to feel the anxiety creep in when I focus on what I’m waiting for. Making Jesus my focus as well during this waiting season. Thank you for this!

    2. Rosie says:

      thank you! it’s the same in all our life situations – focus on the issue equals anxiety and stress, focus on Jesus equals calm reassurance regardless of the outcome