It Is Well With My Soul

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 66:12-14, Job 19:25-26, James 5:7-11, Colossians 2:13-14

Text: Isaiah 66:12-14, Job 19:25-26, James 5:7-11, Colossians 2:13-14

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God…
– Job 19:25-26, ESV

The last few years had been pretty terrible for the man. He and his wife, Anna, had 4 beautiful children—3 girls and a boy—when scarlet fever stole the life of their only son. The boy was just four years old.

The family was wealthy; he was a successful lawyer with influential friends. The year after his little boy died, the man invested a sizeable portion of their money in northern Chicago’s growing real estate market. A handful of months later, it was gone—the property and the family fortune destroyed by the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

But it’s what came next that undid him.

The year was 1873, two years after the fire. He sent Anna and their children (there were 4 girls now, one born since the loss of their son) ahead to England for a family holiday. He stayed back on business with the plan of following shortly after. Only, something went terribly wrong. The ship wrecked with another in the Atlantic, and the girls perished at sea. A grieved Anna reached shore and sent her husband a telegram: “Survived alone.”

Survived alone.

Have you ever felt that sorrow, Sister? Have you ever found yourself standing, lost and suddenly alone, in the wreckage of what was or what might have been?

We know our Redeemer lives. We believe it, even when we cannot feel it. Yet grief is thick and tangible and our bodies pain under its weight. Whatever and whomever we grieve, the emotions consume and toss us like ragdolls in the waves and we have no energy left to swim. And so we do the only thing we know to do: we give the grief back to God.

When a broken Chicago businessman named Horatio Spafford sailed past the very spot on the Atlantic where his baby girls breathed their last, he offered up these words of worship to the God who presides over all the sorrows and the seas, to the One who has borne the whole of our grief and our sin:

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Yes, Lord, haste the day where our faith shall be sight. And may be spend all our days until then offering you our joys, our grief, everything we are. Amen.


Ho­ra­tio G. Spaf­ford, 1873

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.


Find an exclusive hand-lettered print with lyrics from “It Is Well With My Soul” in the She Reads Truth shop!

Click below to hear “It Is Well With My Soul” on the She Reads Truth |Hymns Spotify playlist

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411 thoughts on "It Is Well With My Soul"

  1. Sidney Tran says:

    Even in the sorrows and the pain, it is well with my soul. What a good reminder that God is in control and He wants to take our grief.

  2. Tessa Marie says:

    “It is well with my soul” has been my phrase of reflection lately. And praise God that it is true. I am so blessed by those who have gone before me, suffered, and shared their refined love of the Lord in their writings to be read by future generations. This is when I think of Christians being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

  3. Emily Perkins says:

    God is so good ❤️

  4. Lindsay Cater says:

    This story always amazes me. God is faithful!

  5. Monique Hyacinthe says:

    Amen Iove that god is a merciful god and he always with you.

  6. Jasmine Dixon says:

    It is well with my soul❤️

  7. Kendra Boehning says:

    Only because of Jesus can it truly be well with my soul. Nothing nor no one else in or above the earth can do that. Only our Perfect Jesus.

  8. Lois East says:


  9. Mollie Pittman says:

    Even when you’ve lost almost everything, you will never loose the Lord❤️

  10. Regina Price says:

    One of my favorite all time hymns ♥️

  11. Elizabeth Allen says:

    This song has been in my heart for several months. When life becomes overwhelming I sing this chorus over and over. No matter the circumstances “It is Well with My Soul”

  12. Lexi Liddiard says:

    the darkness of this world tries to steal kill destroy rob and leave us desolate… but even then we are filled to overflow by the Lord. He has truly overcome!

  13. Keli Miles says:

    It is well with my soul!

  14. Asia Seay says:

    i claim this in the mighty name of Jesus , Jesus help me to understand your word and speak to me My Jesus Amen ❤️

  15. Sherri Bedinger says:

    This was my promise from God to me in a very raw, earth shattering moment when I lost my dad. Amen, my REDEEMER LIVES!

  16. Crystel Garrett says:

    I remember learning the backstory of this hymn during a series at church. I always try to remember “it is well with my soul” when I feel like I’m being tossed about in life.

  17. Julie Washcovick says:

    Oh how I want to have that posture despite what comes my way

  18. Jessica Chapman says:

    God can truly be our strength through any adversity.

  19. Erica Stewart says:

    This was one of my grandma’s favorite hymns. And after losing her and my uncle to covid within just a few months of each other it is even more special to me than it was before. I try to use it to remind me every day when I am feeling so beat down and depressed after these 2 years of loss and pain.

  20. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I love this hymn and I love knowing the backstory, sad as it is

  21. Melody Sills says:

    As long as I have Jesus interceding for me and the Holy Spirit speaking for me, it is well with my soul. This world will have trials because this world is broken, I have faced things and will continue to face things that I don’t want to face, I do not know if I will ever be able to rejoice in them as Paul did but I know I can always say it is well with my soul!

  22. Kayle Catlett says:

    This hit me HARD! Great passage and reading ❤️

  23. Elizabeth Fordham says:

    I know that my Redeemer lives! It is well with my soul ❤

  24. Olivia Mitcham says:

    Love this.

  25. Ashley Rhoades says:

    12For this is what the Lord says:

    I will make peace flow to her like a river,
    and the wealth of nations like a flood;
    you will nurse and be carried on her hip
    and bounced on her lap.

  26. Brooke Ryan says:

    This was once a favorite for so long until we lost my grandmother and I found it impossible to sing, say or think. I gave way to bitterness and allowed myself to “.forget” the song, story, and meaning. God has been so faithful through my pain and continues to use this scripture and this hymn to remind me of the “blest assurance” and “glorious thought…” Praise the Lord, oh my soul!

  27. Brittany Killebrew says:

    I’ve sang this with my son since he was in the womb. This song is always a blessing to sing or hear.

  28. Dawn Andersen says:

    Golden Oldie…a favourite hymn for years✝️

  29. Dianne Pacewicz says:


  30. Eleanor McClain says:

    Gosh, this year (and 2021, so far) has been hard. I think we all need this song right now…
    This song was sung at my lovely grandmother’s funeral. She loved the song, and I think I finally understand why. “It is well, it is well with my soul” ❤️❤️

  31. Laura Quines says:

    My grandma’s funeral too!! And she was worthy of it. ❤️

  32. Lili V says:

    I really needed this today. It is well with my soul. I will praise through struggle and success ✨

  33. mckenzie helmuth says:

    Hearing the backstory to this song gives the words a whole new meaning. If spafford can sing these words after all he had been through, surely I can sing these through every joy & trial.

  34. Sue Brouillette says:

    During these days of pandemic and racial unrest it is hard to feel secure and happy. Thankfully as long as we have faith we can comforted and know it is well with my soul.

  35. Stephanie Schick says:

    This was the last hymn I sung to my grandmother the last time I saw her before she passed away in September. We sang it at her funeral as well. Her faith has been made sight!

  36. Scarlet Thorne says:


  37. Grace Mosakowski says:

    This hymn has always been one of my favorites! Whenever I’m having a rough day I think of the beautiful words of this hymn.

  38. Caitlyn Stark says:

    I always hated the last line “even so, it is well…” but it’s such a good reminder that even though we’re not in Heaven, even so, I can still trust that it is well with my soul.

  39. Leah Luedeman says:

    Praise the Lord!

  40. Faith Roberts says:

    My heart was broken as I was reading but I believe with faith love and compassion we can get through our darkest day

  41. Amy Eichelberger says:

    This story always brings me to tears. I pray my faith grows to be able to always say “it is well with my soul.”

  42. Kaitlyn Noëlle Zayas says:

    In tears… I never knew Spafford’s story before. That makes the hymn all the more redemptive and powerful

  43. Michelle Chen says:

    Praise God that this earth is not our Home ❤️

  44. Shannon Wegner says:

    Oh wow amen!!!
    I have always loved this song, now to hear the story….that is heartbreaking
    I struggle with having faith like that,sadly to say

  45. Chelsea Alsum says:


  46. Jessica Beal says:

    This story makes me cry every time as if it was the first time I have heard it. We have had a rough year or two in our family and resting assured in Gods faithfulness has helped pull us through those moments into the light only God can provide. “Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul.”

  47. Maria Peña says:

    This is just what I needed to hear.

  48. Elisabeth Akers says:

    Psalm 16:3
    “the Lord is my chosen portion and my cup , He holds my lot.”

  49. Toni Rieken says:


  50. Abby Claibourn says:

    I love this message of truth and peace.

  51. Jessica Presley says:

    Reading these passages showed me even more of who God is. He is comforting, compassionate, and merciful!

  52. E Hong says:

    It is well with my soul even when it’s doesn’t really feel like it at times bc God is in control

  53. E Hong says:

    i love this hymn, we are able to share all of us with God-ellie

  54. Sharon Ide says:

    The sweet comfort promised to Israel against all the potential grief and evil we can face in this world is striking. May we not forget that our redemption, the canceling of the whole of our sin, is truly sweeter and of greater comfort than any worldly grief could take away.

  55. Amanda Elmore says:

    I am reading this after suffering a miscarriage this year. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever feel whole. This hymn does give me peace that God has it in control.

    1. Alley Garner says:

      A year ago yesterday my doctor confirmed my missed miscarriage. But, 8 weeks ago, I welcomed my rainbow baby in the world. God has a plan. It may be excruciatingly difficult. But He truly does “make everything beautiful in its time.” I empathize with your loss. Cling to Him who can make you whole again. Praying for your comfort.

    2. Molly Long says:

      I’m sorry. I too know the pain of miscarriage. We welcomed a rainbow baby one year to the date of my miscarriage. It’s hard to think about who that baby would have been today, but through that dark time God brought my husband and I closer together, as well as other positives. Hoping you can find peace and cling to God as you work through the emotions. ❤️

    3. Stephanie Schick says:

      I just miscarried last week. It was early on but a loss nonetheless.

  56. Angela Holmes says:

    ❤️ Such a sad story yet uplifting. Everyone needs reminding of this story from time to time.

  57. Dutchess says:

    Just got the chills!!!
    WOW! I LOVE that song…I remember my piano teacher telling me Ho­ra­tio G. Spaf­ford’s story years ago! And still all I can say is wow!❤️

  58. Dani vanErem says:

    This is honestly my favourite hymn of all time. I have lost so many dear people and had to overcome such personal trials that I hold these lyrics dear. One day, when I finish college, I hope to get a tattoo of the words “it is well”

  59. Leah Martin says:

    Through trials, it is well with my soul, I’m learning to give all of me to God: joy, grief, sadness, love, everything

  60. Kaylee says:

    At a leadership camp I went to we sang this song in English, Spanish, and Korean. I sat there in tears realizing that God’s grace is not only sufficient for me, but for all of his people around the world. So as my grandma struggles to recover from surgery and I have to act as the head of a household this summer, I can say ‘it is well’ and rest in his universal, everlasting peace.

    1. Ana says:

      Singing in different languages always broadens my concept of God. He is just so big!!

  61. Stefanie says:

    Talking with a friend going through a difficult time and this is the exact encouragement I need to share with her. That even in the darkest times God has not left us , He is still near in our sorrow. Thank you!

  62. Katharine says:

    I need this today. I am coming up on the third anniversary of my mom’s passing and am struggling with infertility. My sister in law just had a baby and it’s been hard. I need to give all of this back to God and accept His peace and love

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying for you, friend. Asking the Lord to bring comfort and peace to a hurting heart. Thank you for sharing.

      – Stormye

    2. Karen says:

      Praying for comfort. Jesus is with you. I lost my Mom 9 years ago around this time. Mother’s Day is hard as I miss my mom and I’m not a mother. God alone can meet us.

  63. Crystal says:

    The part of this hymn that really grabbed my attention, gave me goosebumps, brought tears to my eyes…”My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul!” Every. Single. Sin. That I have ever committed or will commit, has been taken upon Christ’s shoulders and I am FREE from that burden! That truly is a GLORIOUS thought! ❤️

  64. Whittney Patton says:

    Very wonderful to read this the night before the anniversary of my grandfathers’ death. Encouraging and comforting!

  65. Pris E. says:

    I’ve always loved this hymn! Thank you for the study.

  66. Jules says:

    We are never promised perfect circumstances and comfort in this broken life, only the hope of a perfect future with Jesus and the promise that he is here to guide us in this life. No matter what happens, he is good and loves us in his perfect way. It is so very well with my soul.

  67. Kim says:

    That is my most favorite hymn! I can never get through it without crying. When I found out the history behind the songwriter, a few years ago, that only added to my love and tears. But I’ll never forget the moment (about a year ago) when one of the verses actually hit me & even though I have heard and sung this song since I was a child, I never really got it. “…when my faith shall be sight” I can’t make it through that now without streaming tears & it is well with my soul!!

  68. Lucy says:


  69. Hailey says:

    It is well with my soul

  70. Kelly says:

    Whatever my lot , it is well, it is well with my soul. How does this look in real life? Whatever does living this truth look like? How do I live in this truth. It is always well with my soul. Something to sit on!

  71. liz.k says:

    To have that peace, that assurance to say, regardless of anything, “even so, it is well with my soul!”

  72. Olivia says:

    Giving the grief back to God seems so easy but it’s actually one of the hardest things to do. I am trying very hard for it to feel well with my soul

    1. Deirdre says:

      Oh beautiful, sweet Olivia. This is so true. Don’t feel pressured not to experience your grief or push it aside. Just understand that you can bring your whole self to the Lord, including the emotions or the emptiness, and He takes your whole self into His loving arms. I remember in my season of grief, feeling like I’d cried so much that I was dried up like a mummy, exhausted by pain, and just showing up to church or quiet time was all I could do. “OK God… I’m here. Please help me.” And He did! He walked through it all with me. He is with you and for you already! Bring your whole self to Him, and you will look back one day and see what it meant to be carried. Love you & praying for you.

  73. Jess says:

    What a story. It is well no matter the seas or rough waters. I couldn’t imagine bearing so much grief year after year and having the strengthen to still look up in hope. I’ve found myself in tough situations and moments where I feel completely lost but even in those moments, I don’t feel truly alone. Looking from the outside in, things may seem hopeless. But that doesn’t give light to the strength that comes from Christ.

  74. Rachel says:

    “My sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more!” Whenever life is going rough, remember how much we have to be thankful for to Christ! It keeps things in perspective-this is how people are tortured and martyred for Christ and don’t recant!

  75. Leanne says:

    Never give up on the verge of a miracle, thanks for sharing your testimony Ashlie

  76. Sidney Alexander says:


  77. Albia says:

    Amen — in light of the world and the horrible deaths and hatred that is coming to the light I believe God is present.

  78. ashlie says:

    So, for several years, my family has struggled with the effects of my dad’s sins. He has gone through drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and an affair. He however did raise us in the church. I remember sitting in church as a small child singing this very hymn. One night, my dad was in a car accident. He had been drinking, but by the grace of God no one was hurt. I was at church that night, a complete wreck, over the disaster my dad had made of his life. During worship, we began to sing this hymn. Instantly, I heard my dad’s voice, singing it. it was a completely sure all moment, I literally heard it over me, as if I was the same 5 year old listening to my dad song in church. I knew instantly, it was Gods way of speaking directly to me, telling me He had it under control. It was like He was saying, “I got this!” I have literally clung to this song whenever anything goes wrong. it is always my reminder that God is in control and will take care of us. My dad has since stopped drinking, eliminated the bad relationships, and begun attending and getting involved in a church once again. It Is Well With My Soul!!

    1. Grace says:

      Wow Hallelujah!!

  79. Dana says:

    Even with all the troubles of the world, it is well with my soul because of Christ.

  80. Riley says:

    it is well.

  81. Rachel says:

    No matter what, God takes care of me.

  82. Marlaena says:

    Whatever my lot, he has taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul. I love this hymn so much. But especially now as I sit beside my husband’s hospital bed for the fifth day. I have had so much peace and have felt the Lord’s comfort as I deal with the aftermath of his dirtbike accident. God is good and I know that He is with us.

    1. Rachel says:

      Praying for you and your husband Marlena!

  83. Ashlee B says:

    I’ve heard this story since I was a child. But now that I am in my 40’s, hearing it again from a perspective of a parent – I’m more blown away than ever of his faith. Oh that I would have faith such as that in the midst of utter helplessness!

  84. Kelsey Leita says:

    This devotional was just what I needed. It is well with my soul, Lord help me to remember that.

  85. Brittany says:

    Lord help me to accept my lot, whatever it may be. Help me to never lose sight of you and to be able to face any trials that may come my way with the attitude that it is well.

  86. KC says:

    Wow, I think too often I feel my troubles are so much more than I can handle but to here about the composer makes my tribulations seem minor. No matter there magnitude, I need to remember to hand it to God.

  87. Claire says:

    This story was shared in our church yesterday… I think God is trying to tell me something!! Though my trials are NOTHING to what this man has been through it is a joy to know God is with me. Struggling through early days of motherhood it is so easy to compare, to criticise myself, to think everyone else has it sorted. I need to know His peace like a river,,,my baby needs his peace too….trying to rest in Him He is all I need… ‘Hungry I come to Him for I know He satisfies. I am weary but I know His touch restores my life’

  88. Cricket Hater says:

    I love this story. Always so inspirational.

  89. Macey Johnson says:

    Wow….. I can only hope and pray for faith as strong as his…

  90. Melonie Ward says:

    you must first have the peace that passeth understanding before you can truly comprehend the song. Our God truly is an awesome God!

  91. Shelby Hancock says:

    That’s such a beautiful song

  92. Tori Tice says:

    Encouraged by these words this morning! Lifting my joys and griefs to our Father!

  93. Striv4Fellowship says:

    I Love the story behind this song. it brings so much encouragement!

  94. Hannah J says:

    Whatever my lot, it is well with my soul

  95. Julia says:

    So let go, my soul, and trust in Him. The waves and winds still know his name

  96. Bethany says:

    As I lay here at 4am, dreading the funeral of a close friend that I am attending tomorrow, this touched my heart so. I am so grateful to serve such a thoughtful God.

  97. Mik says:

    Everyone should listen to “It Is Well” by Bethel music. I arranged the piece for a choir concert after a family friend of mine passed away from a rare genetic disease called A-T. It’s a beautiful rendition of the hymn and it really comforted me.

    “So let it go, my soul, and trust in Him. The waves and wind still know His name.”

    1. Shannon says:

      Just listened to it, very beautiful!!

  98. elizabeth grace says:

    I am still grieving my grandmothers death, it was about two years ago. She died of breast cancer. I have recently peace in my life with Christ. Now I had believed in Christ for most of my life, but I never fallen back on him. Christ died for us to save us from sin, and yet I didn’t think he could help me get through this or other things. GOD GAVE ME HOPE!!!!!

    1. Lala says:

      Amen, sister.

  99. I have never read the lyrics like I did today. I’ve sung it often, but sadly didn’t truly mean the words. Is it truly well with my soul? Do I live out the words I sing? The story behind the lyrics is deeply inspiring and shows that even with extreme earthly pain we can look forward to eternity without that. That Christ on the cross suffered more than we could ever imagine. If we have accepted Him we can joy in KNOWING what our eteronty holds. Our earthly suffering should be well with our soul…

    1. Kayla says:

      Thank you for your notes Charity Tolbert! How true it is that our Heavenly Father sent his only son to die a painful death for us! This hymn reminds me of how even in my troubling times, I am to praise God for what he has done and look forward to the eternity that I will get to spend with him and no longer experience pain.

  100. Kristen Johnson says:

    This is an amazing example of having faith and praising God in our sorrows!

  101. mrswilson06 says:

    A great reminder of how I should say “it is well with my soul”, even when I don’t want it all to be well. Gods purpose and plans are bigger than I can ever grasp and IT IS well with my Soul!!

  102. Morgan says:

    Wow! This is so so good! He is a good good Father!

  103. Michelle says:

    I’m grieving a friendship that I never thought I’d lose

  104. Hannah Sapp says:

    I am grieving my second miscarriage. Reading this is a balm for my soul. It reminds me how to walk through the grief with the Lord instead of grieving and then going to Him.

    1. Kristen says:

      Praying for you Hannah. Your words, even in grief just brought me conviction. Thank you for that!

  105. Stephanie says:

    Many years ago, when my family was going through a rough time, my mom gave me a copy of Spafford’s handwritten notes for this hymn and told me its origins. It Is Well With My Soul is the hymn I most often sing when I am in distress, and I sang it again tonight as I read this devotion. One of my favorite hymns!

  106. Savannahugan says:

    I had no idea that tragedy birthed this beautiful hymn. That really changed the way I hear this now.

    1. SierraLai says:

      Yes. God has given the author a huge platform to write this Hymn and it has served billions in their time of need. This song has served as the saving grace for so many people.

  107. Candace says:

    awesome. I was soo reminded of my youth, listening to this song covered by audio adrenaline & jennifer knapp. I had to find it online and listen to it. good times.

  108. Julie Lauren says:

    I’ve been having a horrible past few months. With a failed relationship, the passing of my grandmother and so much stress I lost 15 pounds… This was much needed

  109. Bethanne says:

    Love this song. So touching to hear the story behind it.

  110. Sophia says:

    So encouraging

  111. Hannah says:

    so powerful. I never knew the story behind this hymn. its so tragic and yet beautiful. he probably had no idea that people would still be singing it, finding hope in it so many years later.

  112. Melonie Ward says:

    This is one of my favorites to!

  113. Katelyn says:

    Love this Hymn in fact one of my favorites

  114. Shelly says:

    We chose this song to be played at my dads funeral. Reading the story behind it makes it that much more the right choice.

    I really like the version Bethel Music sings. Looking back I wish we had played that one. ….and it is well with me

  115. Darlise Edwards says:

    My favorite hymn. The story behind it makes it that much more powerful.

  116. Angie says:


  117. Ashley says:

    Even in my grieving, remind me through these comforting words…it is well with my soul

    1. Praying for you today, sweet friend.


  118. KMM says:

    Thank you God for your comfort! It never fails!

  119. Christina Hargrove says:

    With as much grief as our world has seen lately, I am praying the last verse today. Maranatha, Lord!

  120. Anne says:

    What a great God we have! How He inspired a man who went through so much grief to write a song such as this. I love this song even more now with the reminder of Job and Spafford.

  121. Jessica says:

    Wow. I can’t imagine the amount of grief and other terrible emotions this poor man had to feel. And yet to be at peace, be well – just wow. Thank you for sharing this lesson. I love the printable too. I need that reminder when silly little first-world problems arise in my day to day.

  122. Jessica Winters says:

    This song has a tangible weight to it, and I believe that is what makes this one of the best worship songs ever written. It’s so relatable to anybody who has gone through the thick of it and still looked to God as our refuge.

  123. Abigail says:

    My soul needed this today after some extremely sad, heartbreaking news that shattered my “perfect little world.” Prayers for me and my family would be most appreciated!

  124. Kristen says:

    This song has become more and more real to me. I exprienced the loss of my mother and aunt only 5 months apart! I praise the Lord, that “It is Well with my Soul”.

  125. BlendedMom says:

    Oh wow. How powerful this song sounds to me now after learning the story. God never leaves us alone. PTL!

  126. Abigail says:

    He weathers the darkest of storms & He always will.

  127. Kayla says:

    I have never heard the story behind this hymn but I have always loved the song. Even when we grieve and we feel alone, the Lord is always there even in our darkest moments. He is by our side always and I’m so grateful. It is well with my soul.

  128. Allybee18 says:

    I had no idea that this was penned after the loss of children. I’ve had two miscarriages and this hymn always seemed to come on while I was grieving. God is so good. He knows what our hearts need because He loves Him children! And using each other’s trials to comfort and show that love in hard times. Wow! I praise Lord more and more each day. You are so good and close to Your children. Thank you.

  129. AK says:

    I think all who enjoy this hymn should dig deeper into the biography of Horatio Spafford. He started his own church led them to Jerusalem and declared that only his people would be saved setting up new institutions in opposition to the Bible. Read more here.…. His words may have been inspiring but this man was not.

  130. Brynna Elzey says:

    Yesterday in church my pastor said one of the most impactful things to me. “His silence is not his absence. His love endures forever.”

    It’s so easy to think that he isn’t there or doesn’t hear when things are going horribly, but we all need a little more “it is well” in us.

  131. Kerri says:

    I have always loved this hymn and when I found out the backstory, I loved it even more. This is a hymn that I am usually not able to sing without tears in my eyes! God is so good and constant in our lives so even when things happen we can look at him and say “It is well”!!

  132. Erun-Okim says:

    It is well with my soul.

  133. Martha says:
    Words I would not have immediately described the condition of my heart by. For I felt lost in the wreckage of life choices, helpless and alone. I felt as if the sea were to swallow me whole! But then my Lord intervened. Though my troubles are not gone and hardship is still at hand, he was there. My soul is well because he is here.

  134. Kristina says:

    I think sometimes I have forgotten that I need to wait and listen to my heart and wait for God’s voice

  135. Lily says:

    “My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more” The battle is won for my soul so what earthly peril shall I fear? This is but the first page of with eternity before us. Truly it is well with my soul.

  136. Carrie says:

    God heals all. I know I am never alone, for He is always with me. Giving my sorrows and struggles up to Him is the only way that these chains get lighter.

  137. Amy Jean says:

    holding my brand new baby daughter on our first night at home and trying not to ugly cry. hope is the rich reward for faith and obedience. horatio is with his family now, and that is a comforting thought

  138. Tammy says:

    “Have you ever found yourself standing, lost and suddenly alone, in the wreckage of what was or what might have been?”

    That is what the last 24 hours has felt like – this devotional came at the exact time I needed it. What Devine intervention!

    It is well with my soul

  139. Amelia says:

    Last year the “sea billows” got me. I was so hopeful in the little kingdom I had built and I was utterly destroyed when it all came crashing down. It was through that that the Lord taught me to praise His name despite my sorrow. Though it was tough and some days I couldn’t bear to say His name, but now I can recall that those were some of the sweetest growing days of my life. Thank you, Jesus for attending our souls and for showing us that it IS well because we have YOU.

  140. jess a says:

    The story of this songs always gets me. Such a powerful example of putting our trust and faith in God. 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. THANK YOU!

  141. Stephanie says:

    This study and this particular day came at the exact moment I needed it. I was wallowing in my own self pity and anger about things not going my way. But I have everything to be thankful for having all three of my beautiful daughters alive and well and my husband too. Things could be so much worse. This puts it into perspective. Love this song!

  142. francine says:

    i know i’m half a year late on this devotional, but i read it last night and it brought me to tears… i’ve made my 6 month old baby an idol in my life. last night i rededicated my life to the Lord. thank you, she reads truth, for all your good works! you are changing lives. blessings to you!! xoxoxo

    1. Ahlaischa says:

      Praise God sister! Rejoicing with you that His mercies are new every morning!!

  143. Alissa Hodge says:

    “That Christ has regarded my helpless estate and has shed his own blood for my soul.” Even if I do t recognize my helpless estate Christ has and he gave it all for my soul. Col 2:14- by nailing it to the cross. Humbling, hopeful, restful, and praising worthy.

  144. Carol G. Pierce says:

    The author of this hymn definitely understood the sovereignty of God & trusted.

  145. Caradine Tully says:

    He is always greater. No matter our struggle, no matter our anguish, no matter our grief; He is always greater. Our burdens, He holds in his hands crafting solutions. What you intended to harm me, my God intended it for good! Praise the Lord O my soul!

  146. Lois says:

    Have you ever felt that sorrow, Sister? Have you ever found yourself standing, lost and suddenly alone, in the wreckage of what was or what might have been?

    This is how I feel right now. My marriage of 32 years is ending due to domestic violence and my grown married children are calling me a liar and will now not talk to me nor allow me to see my grandbaby.

  147. Alicia says:

    Dear sister, I am in need of much prayer. For some time now, my fiancé and I have not let God stand in the center of our relationship. We have relied only on our feelings and fleshly desires for quite some time now. This man, who I gave my virginity to, has always, even when he wasn’t fully relying on God, loved me completely and has been there for me. We have gone through many rough times, we have both made our mistakes, and always came out stronger. I love him completely. But, just a few days ago, I found that he was texting a lady and heavily flirting. I was and still am devastated. He is very apologetic and quite broken himself, but I can’t think of his brokenness right now because…well because I’m dealing with my own. My heart is breaking and I know that God will pull me through, but sisters I need much prayer. I need prayer and God’s guidance. Please just pray for forgiveness and that God will light the path that must now be taken.

    1. Amy Jo:) says:

      Praying for you. I don’t know you or if your situation is the same but I felt led to pray for you this morning.

  148. Margo says:

    Praise the Lord that God has healed you. Thank you Jesus for Jaclyn’s healing!

  149. This song, oh this hymn, has gotten me through these last year, from moving away for school, having to move back, cancer, and the onset of depression, and finally the news that I beat cancer ( GOD IS SO GOOD). I belt this out at the top of my lungs!!!

  150. Rebekah says:

    Remaining steadfast = being able to say it is well in my soul whatever time of your life

  151. Leila says:

    I cannot sing or listen to the words of this song without it bringing tears to my eyes. I can only hope that if my faith is tested and everything in my world seems to be falling apart, I can respond with “It is well.”

  152. Gabrielle says:

    I needed this so so much, thank you! Will pull this one out when days are stormy.

  153. Priscilla Figueiredo says:

    Wow. No words. I need to grow in the Lord so much.

  154. Mikayla Baker says:


  155. Elizabeth says:

    This is one of my favorite hymns and knowing the background to it helps me to appreciate and love it even more!

  156. SheLooksBrooks says:

    “I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.” – second stanza … How much more peace and avoidance of sin would I (and my family) have were we to dwell in this awareness and stay ever close to the Spirit in thought and prayer!!

  157. Christin says:

    I will never look at this hymn the same again. This story reminds me of Job and how he stuck to his faith even in the worst circumstances. Now his faith can bless many through song for generations and generations.

  158. Sarah says:

    What a beautiful story of a beautiful hymn. I am inspired by the lyricist’s faith amid such tragedy. God is good.

  159. Mary says:

    One oft favorites- you can feel the author’s sorrow and grief BUThis faith and hope at the same time.. This speaks to me especially right now. How I needed this!

  160. Mrs_Bolton says:

    It is indeed well with my soul! Beautiful hymn!

  161. Brittany says:

    Sorting through the wreckage of a lot of things right now, yet trying to focus on the glorious blessing that is my month-old daughter. Reminded that even in the tough times, I am still blessed beyond belief.

  162. Jenn says:

    Grief has a strange way of making itself known. I refer not to mourning which I think is the initial grasp of loss, but instead grief that can surface at any given moment. Sometimes, grief doesn’t happen for years and then shows up in great surprise. Sometimes grief is triggered by other grief. When I am in my deepest moments of grief, when I feel that I am sinking to unrecoverable depths, I can cling to the Lifesaver Who has regarded my estate and given me a reason to fight for the wellness of my soul.

  163. Kelly H says:

    I’ve had what I considered to be a “tough” week with my 5 month old & 2 year old. This is so timely and puts it into perspective! Such a good reminder to be thankful and choose joy whatever our lot! And seriously- I have SO MUCH to thank Him for!!!!

  164. Brittany says:

    I need this for the end of the semester daily breakdowns. I mean my emotions aren’t even working properly anymore. I’ve been laughing and crying at the same time! I think it’s because I know God has in under control but my flesh is overwhelmed with the thought that our value comes from being the greatest in this world. Being a member of honor societies and attending the best graduate schools and being academically recognized when we walk on graduation day. Im laughing at how silly that is, yet it still holds so much importance to us. We are in this world but not of this world that determines value by social and economic status. In the midst of a culture that tells you what it means to be successful we can have peace and know that our relationship to the Father is the true determent of our value and is the key to our happiness.

  165. Jennifer says:

    I have definitely been struggling with the complete contentedness in Christ. So often I fall victim to my own emotions—and forget the all encompassing peace that Jesus offers me, freely. Thank God for His precious word that refreshes my soul and reminds me to look at him, and how He loves!

  166. Shannon Jean Cole says:

    My dad passed away almost 3 months ago and my husband and I picked this song to be sung at the church during his funeral. I am actually just reading this SRT part on it tonight, but I knew the story before. When you loose the things most precious in life and you’re faced with the waves that completely knock you down, deep down you really know it is well because of God. I couldn’t make it through this season without Him. Ladies, He never leaves us stranded or alone.

  167. Alyssa says:

    Love this beautiful hymn and the story that accompanies it. To Him be the glory!

  168. Hanna Grace says:

    today I was struggling with what to read and this was exactly what I needed!!!

  169. Wyahee says:

    I love everything about the words it is well with my soul. Such a declaration of God’s peace.

  170. Katelyn Mullis says:

    This hit me spot on. Lately I’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff feeling like I’m alone. Great reminder that God is there through every circumstance. And IT IS WELL

  171. Lauren says:

    This was a good reminder that no matter what I’m going through right now that god has made it well. He will comfort me. I have a hard time feeling like I am good enough to do something’s. But god says I’m not lacking and that he has made a way to get me there.

  172. Sherlberry says:

    This got me emotional. Our Lord gives and takes. We are blessed for that, our souls should be in accordance to His plan, which is glorious!

  173. Andrea says:

    It is always well with my soul, for eternity. Is there a greater comfort? The verse says God comforts us like a mother would a child. He is the best source of comfort. Not others, a relationship, boyfriend, spouse, job, food, or any other thing we might turn to. I can testify that this is true. I often try to find comfort from others, if I’m being honest. When I do this I’m still left feeling sorrow or any number of feelings. But tonight I said God, I come to You for comfort. And he provided me comfort that leaves me rejoicing. He is our number one source. Go to Him! Try it. He will show you things only He knows you need. I felt the need to pray this week that I would clearly see God’s hand. That God’s hand would be so very evident in my week. I encourage you to pray this too. I was amazed to read the verse tonight that said God’s servants will see His hand. It was confirmation of His promises to us. God is at work and God works! Even when you don’t feel it, pray it.

  174. Claire says:

    It is well with me. Thank you for the encouraging words.

  175. Emalie Linder says:

    I’m going through a lot of turmoil and uncertainty in my life right now and at times it is hard to remember that God is in control of everything. I am so thankful to have found this community. The devotions and all of the comments give me hope and help me remember that regardless of what’s going on, my Reedemer lives and he is not letting me go.

  176. Nicole Currie says:

    I so needed this today. My dad passed away New Years Day of this year at the age of 47 and for so long, I’ve believed this lie that all has to be well because things can’t get any worse. Really, it is well because He makes it well. He binds our brokenness for our healing. Thank you so much for sharing.

  177. Elle says:

    Sometimes I make mistakes; and I feel like it’s all my fault and that I’m alone wallowing in sadness hurt that comes after the mistakes. God loves me despite me sin (because he is such a gracious forgiver). This message brought me peace. And the mistakes of yesterday do not define me or who I am going to become. I give my grief and my loneliness to God. It is well with my soul.

  178. Alise says:

    I read this yesterday morning and then found out last night that my wonderful mother-In-law will soon have a fight a battle wil cancer against very tough odds. I felt so devastated by this news: she is my second mother and one of my best friends. I just don’t want to imagine life without her…and especially don’t want to imagine life for my two kids without her. But I opened this today and read that hymn again, It Is Well with My Soul…. What an awesome reminder of God’s great sovereignty. I can have confidence, peace, and hope in him as we move forward into this uncertain future. I rest in hope!! It can be well with my soul because of Jesus.

    1. Emalie Linder says:

      I’m watching my grandmother battle stage 4 cancer right now and I can say that you are not alone. God is with us and regardless of the outcome, you can be confident that He knows and He holds your family in his hands. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul…”

  179. Hannah says:

    Needing this today in the midst of confusion, pain and the unknown. It is so good that God can be known and provide for our needs when we care barely understand what is going on. He knows. He’s there. And He gives what I need to say, it is well with my soul.

  180. achristig says:

    I want the knowledge of Him to be enough for my heart in difficult times, especially when I can’t see or sense His nearness. I want my faith to run deep like Horatio Spafford’s. Lord, increase my faith and my love for You.

  181. Sarah says:

    As we prepare to leave for 15 days to bring home our China-girl, I needed this. Oh my heat is overcome with emotions and these words soothe.

  182. Ticcoa says:

    This hymn has been on my heart all week for a dear friend who is facing her last days in her battle with pancreatic/lung cancer. Needed to read this today.

  183. Ash G. says:

    I am in awe of Horatio Spafford’s faith. I think we all would like to think we would respond to unfathomable tragedy in this way, but it’s difficult to imagine. I want to pray for this kind of faith, but in a way, isn’t that a scary prayer to pray? I know that this type of faith in the Lord is born out of immense trial, and so it poses the question: am I ready for those sea billows? Am I prepared, whatever my lot, to look at the cross in the midst of heartbreak and say that it is well? I can’t honestly say that I am there. Yet. But I want to be. Oh Jesus, give me a heart to trust You more!

    1. Obsessivelaffer says:

      What a thought, ash g. i’ve always heard that you cannot have a testimony without the test. I’ve prayed for a test and the Lord revealed something to my husband and I. It has challenged us in big ways and forced me to learn there is nothing I can do but pray. I received one of my many tests in this life and both my husband and I know that our marriage wouldn’t be in the beautiful, healing state it is if we hadn’t kept the Lord in our marriage.

      I’ve often thought praying for God’s will is a giant step in giving full control and trust to the Lord. that’s a tough prayer also.

    2. Anna says:

      So well put. I want that same faith, but fear what it will take to get there. Huge step of faith to pray for it.

  184. Shelly H. says:

    Yes, Father. Let us find that it is well with our souls.

  185. powerful. needed this.

  186. Abbigail says:

    Wow. God really is made strong in our weakness. This song of praise came out of the deepest places of these peoples lives. Yet , it was well with them because God is constantly well. What encouragement for us when we face the unknown seas of life. It we choose to surrender and praise who knows what hyms of broken praise people could be singing and declaring in the years to come.

  187. Seeing stories like Nikki’s reminds me how powerful God is beyond our pain. He redeems us in brokenness and is given glory in our trials. How humbling it is to live in the fact that ALL of our sin has been nailed to the cross. We no longer bear any shame, guilt or condemnation! Our souls are finally well.

  188. Sara says:

    Powerful for me today. Thank you!

  189. Loved.saved.adopted says:

    This is my favorite hymn. Such a wonderful story. It is true, Your STORY is so important to share. God is truly everything I need and want. Recently, I have been going through a lot of painful, heart wrenching and hurting situations. It has become a struggle that I continually give to God as best as I can. Thanks for letting me share.

  190. Lauren Orr says:

    Jesus takes our ashes and makes them beautiful. He is the provider. He is goodness. It is well with my soul.

  191. Nikki says:

    Very recently, I experienced something known as torsion- due to a grapefruit sized cyst on an ovary that I was completely unaware of. Needless to say, surgery was required. During recovery, I could barely walk for a few weeks, and could not play my instrument for at least two months because I didn’t have the air support due to the incision on my lower abdomen. Music is my livelihood and is a huge part of my life, so in the moment I realized I couldn’t play, I was completely broken. I felt so worthless. The realization that I had just lost an ovary and couldn’t play music hit me all at once- it was a very lonely feeling. But then, a scripture reminder that I had previously set popped up on my phone- it was psalm 73:26: “My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.” I knew in that moment I was going to be okay and that regardless of what I did or didn’t have , I had God, and that was enough. It was truly an “it is well” moment

  192. Chelsey May says:

    I have had two friends lose babies, one at three months the other at 11 days, in the last 4 months. It has been unbearable to watch my grieving friends. But both families being of faith has proven His amazing grace. As a new mom myself I cannot imagine walking that path. God has overwhelmed my friends with a grace and peace that is humbling to be around. This song was played at both funerals. In an impossible moment His grace and love filled the room.

  193. Diana Menacho says:

    Wow! That was definitely an encouragement! I couldn’t imagine loosing my entire family and still look up to God and say it is well, with my soul. We need to give our burdens to him because he will carry is and no matter what if we fall he will be there to pick us up.

  194. I cannot imagine the pain of losing your children! I do not know that my heart would have the strength to bear it. I pray that God gives me the strength, wisdom, and reliance upon him that this hymn writer displayed. In the face of loss and grief (big and small), may He meet with me and give the measure of grace needed for that moment.

  195. Lexie Guidry says:

    God didn’t come to make bad people good he came to make dead people alive -aaron keyes.

  196. Olivia says:

    I lost my precious grandfather unexpectedly a few weeks ago. It has been extremely painful and grievous, but through it all I have peace knowing it is well with his soul.

  197. Abby says:

    Two weeks ago a good friend and sister of mine passed away in her sleep. Our church was so wrecked and we all felt like we had lost someone who was a part of everyone’s family. Since her passing I’ve had terrible insomnia almost every night. In recent months I had distanced myself from her because of an issue that now seems so trivial. I had so much regret in my heart; I wish I had been a better friend to her… It hurts to know that I held a grudge for that long and now I can’t fix it or say I’m sorry. I miss her so much. The day she went to be with the Lord we had sung this beautiful hymn. And every time I sing it I’m reminded of her. Though I’m definitely still healing and trying to forgive myself, I find comfort knowing she is truly home. And that even in the midst of grief, God is still faithful, worthy to be praised.

    1. Praying for you this morning, Abby! That God would give you peace and rest!

  198. Aymee Smith says:

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    God in the last year a lot has happened, you and I have gone through some things, and we had our ups and downs. and through it all you’ve shown me your unconditional love. you’ve taught me that you’ll always be by my side and that no matter how badly I mess up you’ll always be there to catch me and you’ll never turn your back. You’ve shown me how intricately you work in my life, and how every little details leads me to something else. Youtook away some people and some dreams that I thought I wanted, and for a while I was mad at you; but you did it to reveal your plan for me, which in the end was so much better and has made me so much happier than the things I thought I wanted ever could. And God through all of this you have taught me to trust you, you’ve taught me to walk by faith and trust that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel. 2014 was a wild year for us God, so much in my life changed, but I’m so grateful for everything that happened. God I am so sorry for doubting you and not trusting you, please forgive me. But now we are in 2015, I want this to be a new beginning even for us, God I want to be more consistent with you, I am going to start really remaining in you and trusting you. I am going to pursue you and seek you with my whole heart, cause I know for a fact that I will find you. Help me in this Lord, help me to keep following in your ways, and draw me near to you Lord, I love you with all of my heart, mind, body, and soul. I give myself to you Jesus Christ and no one else. It is well with my soul

  199. Pam says:

    My little sister Kelly Jane (almost 8 years younger) died of colorectal cancer at age 45 in 2008 requested this song "It is Well With My Soul" be sung. Thank-you for the story behind it. We have two more sisters 10&11 years younger, being the oldest my job was to take care of them. I know I didn't fail them but still the pain remains. I seen my children married and my grandkids are great I share them with my sister's but Kelly didn't get to see her kids happily married and first grandchild named Breelynn Jane (Bree they loved that name Lynn her mother's middle name and Jane for his mom Kelly) feel close to her even now Miss you Kelly LoveYa SeeYa soon, sissy. We as a family try to say LoveYa SeeYa each time we talk each time we see each other, that may be the last words we hear and will be in out minds always.

    1. Nora says:

      Prayers of comfort friend… I too lost my sister to Breast cancer in 2012, she had no children but left behind a LOT of spoiled nieces and nephews. I cling to the truth that God knows the heart of man because my sister mixed some crazy things in with her faith of God and I am unsure if her salvation. That is the hardest part. I just rest in Him and Trust. May our Lord comfort you in your grief and give you His peace. May it be well with our souls…

  200. Pam says:

    My little sister (almost 8 years

  201. Hannah says:

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful devotion today! My favorite so far.

  202. Maggie Milby says:

    This is the best reminder of all! We get bogged down so often in the day to day trials that we halfheartedly say “it’s okay” when asked how we are. This story is a perfect reminder that no matter how big or small, tragic or extraordinary, public or private our lives may be feeling it is well with my soul! What a great reminder to say this and mean it! New opportunities wait around the corner for each of us in our walk through God’s plan life plan for us.

    1. bethe09 says:


  203. thasya says:

    thank you for saying this fellas! God bless y’all abundantly ;)

  204. Mrs.Walton says:

    What a beautiful hymn and story behind it. Every time I’ve heard the song and thought about it’s creation I cannot help but think this man has went through and how he came out if it. I hope to find the same faith and strength this man did if I ever find myself in need of it.

  205. ewny says:

    What a journey! I am so glad to know the story behind this hymn. It has always been one of my favorites because of the pure resolute statement “it is well with my soul.” He does not say everything is “fine and dandy” but has an unwavering belief that God supplies him with strength and encouragement moment by moment.

  206. KKitchens says:

    Lots of people grieving and hurting around me. This reminder gives me encouragement.

  207. Miranda Smith says:

    This is just what I needed today! Whatever I’m going through, it’s going to be ok and God will get me through it! After reading about this man’s story, my troubles seem minuscule! But his faith in God after everything that happened to him, really encourages and in inspires me! This is one of my favorite hymns, it literally gives me chills every time I hear or read it! <3

  208. Kim says:

    This is probably my most favorite hymn, all the more after learning the story behind it several years ago (thanks to Adventures in Odyssey). The strength he was given and the praise he gave in return. Truly amazing

    1. I love it so much too, Kim! And the story behind it really does sit well with my soul. :) Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  209. Rachel says:

    This hymn has spoken to me ever since I tragically lost my 50-year old dad. The grief that Spafford went through is unbelievable and is a true witness of Who he put his trust in through it all. God is SO good ALL the time!

    1. Rachel, this song sure does give beautiful hope in grief. Praying for you today, sister!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  210. LP says:

    I made this my homescreen yesterday morning and in the afternoon my employer let me go. I’m thankful for the gratitude and artistic expression that comes out of the suffering Christian.

  211. Stephanie says:

    Wow… What a great read!

  212. Tiffany Morrow says:

    Perfect for this day. Thank you, Jesus. It is well with my soul.

  213. Mary-Claire says:

    As a teenage girl, it is so encouraging to see women like yall sharing and commenting. Thank you tremendously. It is well. It is well with my soul.

  214. Channy says:

    We give our griefs over to Him in the same way we give Him our sins–and every other thing that marks this world and not the world to come. SO GOOD.

  215. Rebecca says:

    I am continually astounded and encouraged by this mans faith in Christ. Similar to Job, he lost almost everything that He loved and cared about. Yet in the midst of his grief and darkness, in the midst of the crashing waves he still raised up praise to say, “Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well… with my soul”. In other words, “I don’t know and I don’t understand it Lord, but I trust in Your unfailing love and know that it is good”. He had a rough go but still he wanted to praise. His first instinct and desire was to praise – despite the pain, grief and confusion – he longed to praise.
    How often is that our first instinct? How often is that our first longing? I know when I’m thrown for a loop I often complain and get all tied up on how confusing life is and how I just don’t understand it. But that’s the beauty of it – I don’t have to understand it. Because I have a Father who is faithful and whose love is unfailing. He is incredibly good.
    I wonder how much my life would change if my first instinct and longing was no longer to complain, but to praise. To praise Him in the good, bad and confusion. Just trust and praise. To be able to say, no matter what comes my way, “Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.” This is my challenge for the new year and I invite some of you to walk this too.

  216. Sarah says:

    When I sing the song all is well, I am reminded of the foundation of my faith–that I have been saved by God’s grace. Even though things may be really difficult and painful, I can surrender my fears and sadness to Christ who will carry me through them. When I want to give up, I am reminded that I can continue forward in God’s strength, joy, and peace for He is my hope.

  217. looking forward to 2015 now!

  218. Emilee Yoder says:

    One of my favorite hymns. I should point out for accuracy’s sake that Horatio’s son did not die until 1880, a few years after the song was written. Everything else seems accurate though! :)

  219. Ada Rouse says:

    This song is beautiful. And I’m learning to live it. “Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say…”

  220. Antimony says:

    “You … have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful”. (Js 5:11). We can’t see the big picture, just little pieces. But He knows the end from the beginning. I must trust in what I know to be true of God (He is full of compassion and is merciful). I can’t let life’s trials, struggles, and disappointments turn me away from God. He is faithful and unchanging.

  221. Courtney Cottrell says:

    this song has meant so, so much to me. and after a tumultuous 18 months still means as much. still rings as true. i love that God teaches us to say it is well. because he is trustworthy. thank you for this encouragement today!

  222. Catherine says:

    I have a hard time balancing all is well with my soul and over acceptance and complacently. What is the difference between numbness and all is well? We are going through some potentially really rough financial troubles. I trust it will work out and am adding hours to my calendar and cutting back on spending. My heart is not panicking as I usually would. Am I numb or trusting? Help me see the difference.

  223. Alli says:

    I’ve been meditation on this hymn for the past few days. For the past couple months, I’ve been suffering from depression and I’ve had to continually remind myself that although I cannot feel God, he is here, carrying my grief. Friends, I am in need of prayer. A dear friend of mine, perhaps the one who knows me best, is making a decision which would put him 2,000 miles away from me. While I want him to stay, I need prayer that my heart be in accordance to what God wants and my selfish desires put aside for a greater plan. I must continually remind myself to give my sadness and pain to God. Through it all, it is well.

  224. Marilyn Y says:

    Feel like this was meant for me to pass on, even though I did feel it speak to me also.

  225. Olivia says:

    As I wrote in my journal and then read this passage I was amazed. God has wisdom just when we need to hear it. When good things happen and bad happens I must repeat- it is well with my soul.

  226. Georgia says:

    This totally just spoke to me… It amazes me that God shows us exactly what we need, right when we need it.

  227. Jenna Hickman says:

    It amazing isn’t it???

  228. Chelsea says:

    Wow- is that really a true story?

  229. Kimberley says:

    I love this ole’ hymn.

  230. Bonnie says:

    I needed this very much today. There has been so much sickness and death lately, and now learning of another young friend who is starting that battle, I was having a very hard time getting my head around it. Thank you for this lovely reminder.

  231. Tammie says:

    I love this. Very inspiring.

  232. Renee says:

    I have learn grief is deep but God grace is deeper . I remember reading this in a book and being lost by that small sentence …it kind of go with this .. Need it !!! Love it!!

  233. Alaina says:

    With the FSU shooting this week and everything going on in Ferguson, this could not speak more truth!

  234. Hannah Paek says:

    This hymn has always brought me peace. These days, though, I’ve been wondering why some people seem to have to suffer more than others? How does God decide who’s going to endure what and how much s/he can endure .. And why? …

    1. Katie Sikkema says:

      I wonder that too, Hannah. I don’t have an answer but I do have a story. I have 2 beautiful Christian parents who had to say goodbye to their oldest chill when The Lord called her home before age 10. Just recently they went through extreme darkness as they watched their youngest battle drug addictions. Why so much sorrow? I think to show redemption to those around them. Many people will know Jesus because of their story.

      1. Olivia says:

        I have been dealing with addiction in my family with my youngest brother- the pain of this world is so hard to comprehend. I have to trust that this all has a plan so much bigger than I can see though. His story will someday be a beautiful testament to our Father’s grace. Despite what my brother may face on the earth he is promised a life beyond this that is beyond imagination. He is caught between sin but despite his shortcomings he is forgiven over and over by a merciful God who knows his heart. I don’t know what his story will look like but I know it’s in my Redeemers hands and in that I can find hope.

  235. Ens says:

    The Lord has a wonderful way of work. I have spent months being resentful of so much change that has happened in my life. Change that have been painful. Today is the first day I have truly decided to hand them over to the Lord. As I read Isaiah 66 chills came over me. To be reminded that I am comforted and care for by the Lord.
    It is well with my soul has always been a favorite it was great being reminded that all I have gone through is well with my soul because my Father is walking this journey with me.

  236. My favorite hymn! Thanks so much for this devotional!

  237. Nicole Kraus says:

    Tears to my eyes… I’m blessed!!!

  238. Monica Jackson says:

    This is definitely what I need right now. I’m not going through anything extremely difficult, but it’s very hard on me and I just need to remember to give it to God. He will take care of me.

  239. Molly Harward says:

    Im a student at FSU and read this right before the shooting yesterday, this devotion speaks so well to my heart and soul in a time like this when everyone around me is in great peril and suffering. What EVER happens, what EVER God allows, it is STILL well with my soul.

    1. Christi Gray says:

      God Bless you, Molly, and all the students there. I pray peace and strength over each of you. May God comfort each of you during this time.

    2. Evelyn says:

      Praying for you and your classmates, Molly!

    3. Monica Jackson says:

      Prayers to you and you fellow classmates and faculty/staff of FSU!

  240. Megan Jessop says:

    This is a beautiful reminder that even in the midst of our sufferings God still has a plan and we can rejoice in that… Even if this is all God has for us, Job had a deep understanding of God’s goodness and trusted Him, “Though you slay me, still I will trust in you” (Job 13:15). He will forever be Lord and that alone makes him worth of praise even in our pain… “Even so, it is well with my soul!”

  241. Brooke says:

    This song makes me jump up and down! I, the glorious thought!

  242. Ria Numia says:

    This was such a blessing. Thank you ❤️

  243. chotchkin says:

    It is crazy to think that these have a way of popping up when I need them the most. I read this a few days ago and was reminded of it today when I was having a rough day at work. One of those days that just really makes you questions why you do what you do. But

  244. chotchkin says:

    It is crazy to think that these have a way of popping up when I need them the most. I read this a few days ago and was reminded of it today when I was having a rough day at work. One of those days that just really makes you questions why you do what you do. But, it is well. In the end, will all of these trivial things really matter? NO! Oh, what joy it will be when our faith is made sight. It is well.

  245. Lindsay says:

    This brought tears to my eyes today. Such a beautiful, powerful story! Praise The Lord for His goodness!

  246. Caitlyn says:

    Today my house was robbed and so this devotion brought comfort that despite the situation, God is still faithful and good.

  247. Becky says:

    This is all I've had to cling to in the past during hard times of loss and grief. These lyrics and the story behind it are so powerful. Lord, may I dwell in you during those hard times. May I cling to your word. May I seek you only and not lose sight of my Savior. Amen.

  248. Youstina says:

    reminds me of Elisha and the Shunammite woman, who, when her son died, closed the door and told her husband “all is well” before seeking elisha ‘ s help

  249. Chelsea Dorsey says:

    Love this story. Love that the most beautiful of hymns + praises come from our darkest hours.

  250. Rachel Callahan says:

    This is my favorite hymn! So glad it made the cut for this study :)

  251. Taylor Sullivan says:

    Beautiful ❤

  252. Christin says:

    This hymn was always a funeral hymn in my mind until recently. Listening to the words carefully and learning the story of the author make it a song of hope and not one that is morbid or associated with death. I need to remember these words daily.

  253. klremus says:

    It is crazy how the toughest year of my life was the calmest because I gave it up to God and made him my priority.

    Lord, grant me the power to do that daily as you can and will take care of it… All is well with my soul when I trust in you. Amen

  254. Brandi says:

    Day after day these speak to me…I had to surrender everything I was feeling and struggling with right now to God…it wasn’t easy to do…surrendering something you want control over is never easy…but today I woke up knowing God will take care of this…He’s got this from now on…it is well with my soul…

  255. Emily says:

    I love that it is well despite whatever is going on in my life. It is well bc Jesus has saved and redeemed me. He called me out of the muck and out of my rebellion and sin and now I am His. This is always a reason to rejoice! It is well bc He had made me well!

  256. LaurenC_ says:

    … knew me. He reminded me of who I am, who He created me to be. When my heart broke so deeply that I felt it could never be whole again – and then it continued to break over and over again with each passing month and each loss of mental and physical ability in my mother, my friend, my champion, my emotional rock – He was with me. Keeping me whole, keeping me standing, keeping me going. When the healing happened and my mother was called home to Him, He rejoiced with me. Months later when the quiet sadness, stillness, and darkness inside of me began, He assured me that this, too, shall pass, and I will be forever changed by it, but I will also find joy and peace and contentment in my life again. As this peace and contentment have now become part of me again, He has gladly taken back my raw, dark grief. As I find the courage and excitement to move forward and take risks to truly live my life again, He rejoices with me again and continues to teach me and reassure me. No matter what, He is with me. I must try every day, every day, to give Him my thanks with my whole heart for it all. Because, “Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.” It has to be well, all of it, because it is my story of how my Redeemer lives and moves and Has his very being within me and my life. The Lord’s kingdom is not some shiny gold palace sitting up in the clouds, waiting for our arrival one day in the future after we’ve tied everything up, straightened out our messes, and atoned for all of our sins. The kingdom of God is right here, right now, through every triumph, tragedy, success, pain, joy, fulfillment, and loss. He is here with us through it all. Let it, all of it, be well with all of our souls. Amen.

    1. Kmiller395 says:

      Dear Lauren,
      Your post moved my heart very deeply. Truly, our savior is with us through it all! God bless you, sister! You are in my prayers!
      In Christ,

  257. LaurenC_ says:

    This hymn was played at my dear grandmother’s funeral in 2001. And also at my mother’s funeral last year. It pains me to read the words, bringing me right back to those moments of great loss and grief, but I also feel a deep and secure assurance. The assurance that no matter what I must endure in this life, no matter how many times I am left to survive alone, my God is with me. When I was dead in my sins, He was with me, He forgave me, and made me alive in Christ. When I was lost, misunderstanding and misunderstood, He

  258. Miche'al says:

    This story provides conference letting me know I’m not the only one out there

  259. Alicia says:

    Our family has had a rough year. This story and song are a great comfort this morning.

  260. Jessica says:

    What a story behind a powerful hymn, and likely my favorite. It definitely hits home for me and reminds me of the period of my life when I lost my father at 53 yrs old. Thank you for this reminder to give it all to God.

  261. Jen says:

    I’ve been in a struggle lately, that is only a struggle for me (literally no one understands how painful this has been). A few days ago I noticed this hymn was on the list here, and decided I’d probably skip that day, because I wasn’t feeling it, and things are not “well with my soul” right now. I’d asked friends for prayer, to find peace with a decision I’d felt forced into making and didn’t want to. As of about 30 minutes ago, I still wasn’t going to read this devotional.

    And then I did. And I’m still crying. My heart still hurts, but I’m peaceful in my soul. Thank you.

    1. Kallie says:

      Jen, prayers for your struggle and hurting heart.

  262. Tanzosh says:

    I never knew the story behind this hymn. This study isn’t just good for my heart, I love the history I’m learning as well.

  263. ClaireB says:

    This song and Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns are my go to for grief counseling myself. But today as I was reading the song and thinking about the words I realized I never paid attention to this part— “My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!”
    YES! How blissful to know our sins were nailed to the cross not in part but whole. Swept away forever.
    Thank you, Amanda, for a lovely reading and for bringing this great hymn to mind.

  264. Samantha says:

    Whatever my lot…..No matter what….
    You have taught me to say….proven by Your faithfulness over and over again
    "Even so, It is well with my soul"….You've got me, Lord.

  265. Kim says:

    “Have you ever found yourself standing, lost and suddenly alone, in the wreckage of what was or what might have been?” I want nothing more than to be a mother. After having a miscarriage at 14 weeks and having to hold my lifeless baby that was fulfilling my dreams, the child that might have been – I felt very alone. Just now, almost two years later, my husband and I are getting to a place where we can sing: it is well with my soul. I’m often made aware of losses that are so much bigger than ours, and I feel blessed. Some sweet day we’ll reunite with our child and he’ll show us around heaven’s courts!

    1. Angel S. says:

      Sending a big hug to you! I have three babies in heaven too. It blesses me to consider that the first thing their eyes ever saw was glory.

  266. Maria says:

    Thank you for this blessed assurance and comfort. I have had a very rough day with my little ones and my husband is traveling and I just really needed something to lift me up and encourage me while holding my youngest on my lap while he was distraught. I sang out loud for him and it helped both of us immensely.

  267. Celia Grace says:

    My life’s been a mess lately, and I’ve been feeling really awful. This was a perfect reminder to give thanks in all circumstances and to say “It is well with my soul!”

  268. Gema Muniz says:

    Reading this gave me chills…. Is exactly what I needed to hear today. When everything around me is in chaos and nothing seems right, it is well with my soul because my trust is placed on God.

  269. Amanda says:

    I’m not sure if any of you listen to”family talk” but today’s lesson is so similar and at the end of the program you hear the hymn “it is well with my soul” . Just gives me chills! Good wants this message known!

  270. Kristi says:

    Can anyone make it through this hymn without crying?

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      I definitely didn't! :)

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    2. Tanzosh says:

      I totally just choked up reading it!

    3. Miranda says:

      I sure didn’t.

  271. Kate Noelle says:

    This hymn gets me every time. I remember being in lecture at YWAM when one of the girls got word her dad had suddenly passed away. We were all devastated for this grief clobbered girl. But somehow after she got off the call, all she wanted to do was sing this hymn. So we joined her in her grief and sang this hymn bawling our eyes out. Every time I hear this, I think of the strength and trust God gave her in that time and I only hope I can find solace in the same in my times of grief. Horatio was such a deep and God seeking man. All I can say is “whoa…”

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Kate, thank you so much for sharing this story. I, too, have clung to this song in times of grief! It is even more meaningful to hear the story behind it! Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  272. Beth Biggers says:

    I had this hymn stuck in my heart all day yesterday not knowing it would be the topic of today’s study. I am blown away. He has such beautiful things for us.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      He does! Love that, Beth! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  273. ButterflyBre says:

    I have always loved this hymn and the story behind it only encourages me more. There is also a story in the Old Testament that models this faith. It is in 2kings 4:8-37.The story of the Shunammite woman. It moves me to sing this hymn.

  274. Sam Grant says:

    I honestly could almost never do the things he did getting through this. I would be so angry and confused.. This mans life is very tragic.. But God saved him and his wife.. God always has a reason whether we understand now or much later

  275. Nicole says:

    This story. This mans perseverance. I let far less than this impede my faith. It falters. It wanes. It is sometimes not well with my soul. What a refresher.

  276. Lindsey says:

    I definitely needed this devotional today. A week ago, my whole plan for life was wrecked. It sounds so incredibly stupid, but heart break is incredibly intense and prevalent in my life right now. It’s been hard to just wake up in the morning, and I don’t have any friends to console or comfort me, they’ve all left and I cannot do this alone. Everything I felt like God promise me has gone missing, and I’m finding it hard to just keep going. Pray that I can take this lesson to heart- I’m desperately trying to give my grief back to God but I don’t know how to let go.

    1. Ruth says:

      You may have to give it over bit by bit and moment by moment. Perhaps praying this hymn or some of the Psalms like Psalm 42 or 56 will help you do so. He wants to hear your grief and receive it and transform it.

    2. Lori Waters says:

      I feel for you as my husband and I are currently going through a separation. This devotional today definitely hits home and gives me strength knowing that everything will be ok.

    3. Nikki says:

      Sometimes it seems as though heartbreak can consume you entirely. I’ll be praying for you that you will be completely overcome with peace instead and that you will be comforted by God’s overwhelming love that he has for you.

  277. Lydia says:

    Oh this. Today, yes this. I have been a SRT-er for many years and yes never commented. Today I just have to say how blessed I am by the lovely ladies who write and the community of ladies who fellowship together. This week has been a week where I have had to make a choice in saying it indeed is well. My little family is facing down the hardest loss I’ve ever known as I lost a little one I was never even able to hold. It has so far been three days of minute by minute giving the grief back to God. Knowing that one day He will indeed haste the day and my faith will be sight. But till then I cling to the hope of Glory and repeat that yes, it IS well with my soul.

    1. Laney says:

      The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
      and saves those who are crushed in spirit.-psalm34:18

      Praying His comfort over you Lydia. Our God is a God who mourns with us and weeps for us. Let your grief flow out and into His loving hands knowing He is drawing near to you. So sorry for your loss, you and yours will be in my prayers.

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      Lydia, I'm so glad you commented today. Thank you for trusting us with your vulnerability. One of my favorite things to cling to in grief is that it "works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" (2 Corinthians 4:17). I love that God not only compensates our suffering, but promises to exceed it with joy! So much love to you, sister.

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  278. Jen says:

    I'm sobbing right now! I never knew the story behind the song, and it makes me weep! But what joy to have that faith and assurance of our wonderful heavenly father! No matter where we are God is right there beside us. It is well, indeed!

    The image of Him, standing at the last upon the earth!!! It is all His, all our sorrow and all our joy.

  279. Nicole says:

    Never knew the story behind the song. It’s meaning is even greater knowing this.

  280. Marissa Garvin says:

    I have always loved this hymn, but to know the story of the man who penned it is very sobering. I remember singing it at my cousin’s funeral and meaning the words; though my heart was grieving I knew that God had healed him in the most perfect, heavenly way. The past year has brought tragedy and the loss of several people very dear to me. This time, the loss doesn’t make sense. Some chose to walk away. This time the illness wasn’t a chronic one, it was a tragic and senseless death. As my heart is still grieving losses over the last year, I have to believe that God is faithful and he will make my soul well and tuned to His heart. Thank you Lord, for my many blessings in the dark times and for speaking to my heart this morning

  281. Sarah Martin says:

    I love this series. Many months ago I bought a devotional book on various hymns and it has been sitting in my stack of "to read" books. I got it out this morning! As I read this hymn I asked the Lord to give me a deeper heart of empathy and mercy toward those in my life who are going through the storm. I already have a good ammount of compassion, but I could always be more caring, be more ready to give grace, be more prayer full for them.

    I was also thinking about the title, It is Well With My Soul. I've been contemplating and writing about topics surrounding soul care for several months. I'm still learning so much about the soul. As I read this hymn I could not at this point in my life identify with the pain and suffering the author experienced in his life. I can't even imagine. I did, though, begin to think about whether or not my soul finds satisfaction in Christ alone during the good times, when I have what I need. I know it is easy to skip over prayers of thanksgiving when all is well. That is how I'm moving forward today, with a heart of praise and shoring up my strong foundation for the guaranteed times in the future that the storm will arise.

    Great word, Amanda!

  282. Mariah M. says:

    I've heard that song so many times… never before have I heard the meaning behind the words. I was completely speechless reading this. I can't imagine the pain that he was going through, losing his son, going through a fire, losing all of his children. I can't imagine it. But to read that he trusted God through all is so encouraging, knowing that we can trust God through all our troubles, for he will carry us through.
    Thank you so much, SRT and Amanda. You have no idea how these devotions have really ministered to me.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      I echo your words Mariah, such a good study.

  283. Amy C. says:

    This devotional was so needed, and right on time this morning. I was laid off from my job last Tuesday, something I never fathomed would happen to me. This past week has been spent in tears, in confusion, and without guidance of where to even begin to look for a job. I feel so under qualified for everything out there. But even still, as the devotional says, The Lord wants us to give our grief back to Him.

    He's got a plan, even through the wreckage and fog. Sometimes we just have to keep saying His promises over and over again until we believe it. Please pray for me, sisters, to truly rest in His plan for my life and believe "it is well with my soul."

    1. Tammy says:

      Praying for you sweet sister!

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      Amy, praying for you now. Asking that His peace would wash over you today and you would have the reassurance of His plan. Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    3. Misce says:

      Prayed for you Amy..

  284. missphysiciansassistant says:

    I love the story behind this hymn. Singing it out loud just now, knowing what the writer experienced makes it hit home that much more for me. I love that the song goes through loss and sin. That no matter how much we lose, how much is taken away, or how much we sin and mess up, because all of it is nailed to the cross and our Redeemer lives, we can confidently proclaim, that all is well with our souls!!

  285. Lydia A. says:

    This devotional made me sob and shook my whole body. I am a new mom (to a 10 month old baby girl), and I found myself in the shoes of this mom and dad as I was reading. What a horrible story! I found myself AFRAID that this would happen to me. My pastor preached on the sovereignty of God last Sunday and he said something like, “if we don’t go through the scenario, how can we hold that truth that the Bible tells us about that scenario?” While that can totally be taken out of context (please don’t), I literally found myself begging God NOT to show me this truth through the loss of my children.

    But through the blubbering mess, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Abraham and Hannah and Solomon and God Himself who went through this type of thing with their children. And I read Job 19:25 again and remembered that if my God were to take my children, they would be in a better place and THAT would be well with my soul. Why do I pray multiple times a day over my child, that God would one day save her?? So that she would be in heaven and I can rejoice. And the turmoil within my heart when sorrows attend it would only be quieted by the sweet peace, the only peace, of knowing that God is sovereign. I pray that I can learn this truth and keep my babies close to me at the same time. But I pray that when trouble hits, I will remember that I have been taught to say, “It IS well with my soul.” That is a wonderful story.

    1. Samantha B. says:

      Thank you for sharing, Lydia. I know what you mean. I have 3 little boys (4, almost 3 and 1) and have battled these same fears of losing them. It must be a continuous discipline to submit to the Lord in trust and surrender our fears to Him. It's definitely easier said than done, but as your baby grows, you'll begin to recognize your faith and trust in the Lord growing too!

      As food for thought, I think there are other ways that you can learn to say that it is well with your soul without losing children. Financial hardship, marital conflict – anything can become an opportunity to give praise to the Lord and say that through Him it is well with our souls.

      Blessings, sister and congratulations on your precious daughter!

      1. Lydia A. says:

        Samantha, yes, I totally agree about the other ways God can teach us this lesson. I just don’t want losing my children to be the way He teaches me. Thank you so much for the kind encouragement and it is good to know that I don’t struggle with this alone. <3 Here's to continually committing our worries to the One who doesn't worry.

        1. Samantha B. says:

          Same here! I'm grateful to be able to encourage you :)

        2. Samantha B. says:

          P.S. Here is a great song that I hope the Lord will use to encourage you even more <3
          It's called "You Make Me Brave" by Amanda Cook and Bethel Music

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      Lydia, I can absolutely relate to that fear. But when it comes creeping in, God graciously reminds me that He is not in that fear and that He works everything together for good. Like you said, He is sovereign! If trouble hits, He will not leave us stranded. Trusting with you, friend!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  286. Susi B says:

    Oh that I would be able to consistently and genuinely say, It is well with my soul! Regardless of circumstances. To truly know the peace that passes understanding so that my soul…deep in the depths…is anchored in Yahweh. That is my prayer. Thank you for pointing us to Him!

  287. Alicia says:

    My favorite hymn but sometimes hard to practice. My marriage is a mess, my husband struggling with a drug addiction I thought was behind us. Im so discouraged and lonely and heartbroken. I am trying to have the kind of faith this hymn depicts.

    1. Cari Jo says:

      Keep on pressing on Alicia. Though your life may seem weary right now, your heart is in the right spot. As we read on Monday, all the fitness He requires is to feel our need for him. Find peace in knowing that in the end, everything will work out for his glory. I will pray for you today. I will pray that the Lord will strengthen you in your time of trouble.

      1. Alicia says:

        Thank you so much

    2. Beth Warner says:

      Keep strong sweetheart, praying for you this morning.

      1. Alicia says:

        Thank you Kimberly, so much.

    3. Kimberly says:

      Oh Alicia, my heart went out to you this morning. I'm praying for you. I thought of a few verses to send your way. I hope they help you focus on the greatness of God and his power rather than the size of the situation with your husband. Ephesians 1:17-21, Matthew 19:26, and Luke 1:37. I'm praying faith will arise in your heart for your marriage. The exceeding greatness of His power is at work in you and on your behalf, even if you don't see any tangible evidence of it at this moment. Remember it is the enemy who wants steal, kill, and destroy your faith and hope, but Jesus has come that you may have life and have it abundantly! John 10:10 I'm praying with love in my heart for you dear sister, though I've never met you. May the prayers of your sisters in Christ bring your encouragement this morning.

      1. Alicia says:

        Thank you Kimberly

    4. SheReadsTruth says:

      Praying for you now, Alicia. The Lord sees you and is a God of redemption. Asking that He would cover you with His grace and peace today, sister.

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

      1. Alicia says:

        Thank you, God bless

    5. Alicia I have been right where you are. My husband struggled with alcohol and for years I suffered in silence feeling completely alone. I prayed and prayed for God to save him and I thought my prayer was falling on deaf ears. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only did God carry us out of it my husband was saved from his addiction and we continue to grow stronger in the Lord every day. My prayers were heard and in keeping my faith and trust in God my marriage was saved. God sees and hears your prayers and cries for help. Keep faith in Him and He will deliver you. You are in my prayers.

      1. Misce says:

        What an encouraging testimony Christina! Thanks for sharing! Prayed for you Alicia.

      2. Alicia says:

        Thank you. Last night he finally confessed to me he’s been struggling again. Not as and as it’s been before, he’s abusing Valium which I already knew. We are working TOGETHER now to get through this and I have no doubt we’ve made this progress bec God heard all our prayers. Thank y’all so much.

      3. Christina G says:

        How wonderful to hear that you two are taking steps forward together. I know it’s a tough road but I will be praying that God continues to help you both each and every step of the way. God bless you and know you remain in my prayers.

    6. Sarah R says:

      Dear Jesus,

      Be with Alicia and her husband right now! Be their God of comfort and peace. Fill them with your love so that nothing else of this world satiates. Help her husband’s eyes be opened to your beauty, and all your will for his life has for him. I pray for marital restoration, Lord God. Redeemer, healer, transformer! This marriage needs you now.

      In your holy name,

      Alicia, walking through this now with an alcoholic husband, dealing with months of his unfaithfulness alongside his addiction. I stand with you in love and hope!

      1. Alicia says:

        I just saw this Sarah. And I’m sorry to hear about your struggles as well. We’re slowly getting better every day. Thank you for your prayers and you are in mine as well.

  288. Dori says:

    This summer I saw the words tattooed to someone’s arm: It is well with my soul.” It was the first time I seriously considered one! It also echoes Paul’s words written while in prison: I have learned to be content”.

  289. Runningmama says:

    Patience in suffering…The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
    While running a couple weeks ago I was praying over something I was struggling with in my marriage. I kept saying I don’t know how to fight this anymore, I’m tired of fighting. In that moment a woman walking toward me had a t-shirt that read The Lord Will Fight For You.
    The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, he is in the details of our lives, he is not slow in keeping his promises.
    Thank you SRT for this study!

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Love that story, friend! What a wonderful image! Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  290. Janelle says:

    I am loving this study with hymns. My daughter loves to sing and I shared it with her last night. Thank you~!

  291. Melody says:

    I remember hearing Spaffird's story when I sang in our church's youth choir growing up. It has stuck with me ever since. It is really, really REALLY hard to pray "it is well with my soul" in the midst of trial and suffering and confusion. Many times I have failed- allowing myself to throw a pity party or to just cry out in anger or to wander away from God and seek comfort in earthly things. But from time to time, as this story comes to the surface in the midst of suffering, I do find myself whispering that it is well. Sometimes it means praying that 100 times just to really believe it. But eventually that phrase seems to calm me and bring me peace in the storm. It is well. Nothing about my situation and sufferings and trials is surprising to God. It is well. He lives and will ultimately bring peace and comfort. It is well. Even when I feel pain and can't "see" how God is working and that He is there. It is well.

  292. Lori B says:

    Thank you for this hymn today. Always one of my favorites… always touches a place deep inside me.

  293. I have loved this hymn since I was a child. Though I didn’t fully comprehend it until recently. Marriage trouble, a miscarriage, the daily stresses of life threaten to steal our joy. But if we hold to our Lord and Savior it can be well with our soul. Not always fun, happy or easy but we can rest in him b

  294. jerrahlee says:

    The Village Church (Pastor Matt Chandler) did a sermon called Hymns, History and Theology. It's a very unique message where he talks about the history behind a hymn, and then the worship team plays the hymn after each section. My husband recommended I check it out when I told him about this SRT study. Here's the link to the sermon transcript, with the audio file!

    1. Janelle says:

      I saved it and can't wait to read it. I am wanting this study to continue. My daughter loves to sing and even though we do more contemporary songs at our church, she has had a natural desire to learn the old hymns, also. Thank you for sharing.

  295. Catherine says:

    Sisters, I am going through so very tough personal issues right now. I have not completely trusted God and I feel alone, standing in the midst of the wreckage. Today, this hymn spoke to me. I know I must lean on the Lord and he will provide peace and comfort. He alone understands exactly what is going on and what I am going through. He is my rock and my strength. This morning I prayed that he would soften my heart so I could accept his peace and so it could be well with my soul. It is going to be a long journey, but I am beginning to share it with my Lord and my Savior.

    Please pray for me sisters as I begin to give this fully over to God. I am lost and I need him. Pray that I find the strength and courage to overcome the obstacles. Thank you for this amazing devotional that spoke to me in so many ways this morning and thank you for this community!

    1. Nicola L says:

      Praying with you lovely sister xx

    2. Jenn says:

      praying for you today

    3. Sarah Martin says:

      Catherine, I am praying right this moment that the Lord will give you a special blessing of faith today after you have declared so boldly your need for Him. He hears you and loves you and is with you. Hugs to you!!!

    4. Beth Warner says:

      Dear Lord, wrap Catherine in your loving arms. Give the peace that only You can give. That truly amazing peace. In your sweet name Jesus.

    5. SheReadsTruth says:

      Praying for you right now, friend. You are seen, heard, and loved. Praying He shows you that today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  296. Jessa says:

    This is my first time doing more than one day with she reads truth. I love the message that I can getting and it is feeding my heart and soul. I have never heard this story before and it has touched me and I can relate so much. I often feeling that I am survived alone. Not sure if it is by choice or circumstance.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Jessa, I feel that way somedays, too. I'm thankful for beautiful truths like these to bring us back to being well :) So glad you're joining us, friend! Hope to see you here tomorrow:)

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  297. Kelly says:

    These hymns are amazing and bring me to tears every morning. Thank you Jesus

  298. Kaylietess says:

    This is so precious to me as I struggle to help me adopted son through “what might have been.” Thanks for the reminder of what direction to alway point him in.

  299. Emily says:

    I love a lot of hymns, but this one has such a special place in my heart. Bethel Music has a really great updated version that moves me just as much as the original. Enjoy!

    1. Laurie Ann says:

      Thanks for sharing Emily, a beautiful rendition.

    2. Sarah Martin says:

      Yes! I love this version too!

    3. SheReadsTruth says:

      I love that version too, Emily! Beautiful. Thanks for joining us today, friend!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  300. Colleen says:

    Whew! What a reminder that it is well within my soul, because my Jesus is alive and well with in my soul! I am constantly reminded that my Father's love for me is steadfast even in my sufferings… I'm resting on this hymn this morning!

  301. joanne says:

    This song – and this story – always make me tear up. What faith and trust – that I have seen personally in my own life. He is there, no matter my circumstances. My soul is well because He is in me. Praise God, and thank you, Amanda!

    1. Emily says:

      “My soul is well because He is in me.” Wow. I love that! Thanks for sharing this morning.

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      Love, love, LOVE that thought, Joanne. Thanks for the encouragement!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  302. smithwendy62 says:

    What a message to remember that the storm will pass and that my soul is protected by the Father.

    1. SheReadsTruth says:

      Amen! Love that thought, Wendy. Thanks for joining us today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  303. Stacy J. says:

    This hymn and message were right on time this morning! Thank you Papa!

  304. Loida says:

    May we sing this hymn really experiencing it when trials come…

  305. tina says:

    Have you ever found yourself standing, lost and suddenly alone, in the wreckage of what was or what might have been?…..

    When faced with my loss, my heart breaking 'wreckage', when.. life forever changed for me, when my heart hurt so much, I wanted to die, when..I could not get out of bed for 6 months, when..I felt cheated out of a best friend, when.. I could not imagine life without her, when.. I wondered what would happen to those great plans and dreams, she had, when… I would pick up the phone to call.. when.. my tears fell, at just the mention of her name, or when I looked at pictures…when..I prayed so hard for the year not to end, because it would have meant a year without her in it, at all.., Back 2004…., I could NOT have written or even said these words….my soul was not well, my soul felt lost, …was lost, I was broken….all was not well with my soul….I could not see beyond my grief, my sorrow, I could not see ahead, I could not see the new day that would inevitably come, as it always did….I could not understand how life went on…

    2014….Ask me now…and my answer without hesitation, will be IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL…

    It has been a long time coming, a long time of hoping, searching and seeking, But God….He met me at every stage of this journey, and continues to, allowing me to rant and rave at the beginning, to indifference to Him, to letting go and letting Him, to now, able to raise my hands and say IT IS WELL, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL…. Life is different, my girl still has her place in my heart, I still hurt, I still weep… but my soul, my soul, for sure is not broken anymore….
    When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul…..

    Praising God for His gentle, loving, comforting, ever present arms that have seen me through, and continue to be wrapped around me….Thank you God…for everything…xxx

    Blessings this wet and windy Tuesday…Sisters…with love….xxx

    1. Candacejo says:

      So beautiful. In your sharing of your grief you comfort so many. ♥

    2. Sandra in Phx says:

      This brought tears to my eyes this morning. Thank you for taking the time to share your story.

    3. Cory Lynne Myers says:

      You describe exactly how I felt when my daughter died. It was unbearable pain and heartache. I learned through precious time spent in prayer with the Lord that it was well with my soul. It would continue to be well with my soul. Satisfaction with the Lord, I’ve learned, doesn’t have a thing to do with my circumstances or with whom I get to share life. It comes from Him alone.

      1. tina says:

        Cory, sending you a very BIG hug…May we, as sister's, continue to know and believe 'it is well with our souls…with love,

    4. SheReadsTruth says:

      Tina, these words soothed my soul immensely. Thank you for sharing, sister. It is well. It is well!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  306. Brittany says:

    It’s a wonderful reminder how minuscule out problems are in comparisons to God’s love and compassion for us. His power and might are great. I find it frustrating how easily I forget that, but reassuring how easily and quickly God reminds me of his place in my life. :)

  307. My mother sang this song word for word, verse by verse, with her last dying breath when cancer took her life at 52. It is well with my soul…

    1. Jenni Diaz says:

      Very encouraging to read this sister!

    2. Lori B says:

      Wow. Gave me chills to read that! Oh, to leave this earth with so great a faith!

    3. SheReadsTruth says:

      Wow, Melissa. Thank you for sharing this beautiful image with us. Praising God for both of your well souls today!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

    4. Molly W says:

      Melissa, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My father passed away from cancer a 51, and the main thing that sticks with me from his memorial service was this song. I'm sure I'd heard it before, but it felt like the first time on that terribly sad day. I Know that was part of Gods plan – wanting me to hear and embrace this song at that time!

    5. AudreyC1s says:

      Powerful words in this song. Your mother must’ve been a powerful woman.

    6. Laura B. says:

      Melissa, I am so sorry for your loss – but thankful that with her dying breath she could praise our God.

    7. Tiffany says:

      Wow. Praying for you. My father died of cancer when I was only 14 years old.

  308. Claire says:

    It is well with my soul. A real act of trusting in God to be able to deal with whatever is thrown against us and to say it is well. Like Daniel and his ‘and even if God doesn’t save us’ they still trusted in him. Having just recovered from the norovirus which wiped me out for a week I am challenged this morning to come before God and say it is well. He kept my tiny baby safe. It is well. He provided friends and family to support me. It is well. Thank you srt :-)

    1. Candacejo says:

      Beautiful. So glad you are better! ♥

    2. SheReadsTruth says:

      Love this, Claire! So glad you are well!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth