Scripture is God breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go.
This week we will memorize the key verse for the book of Genesis, a declaration of God’s satisfaction with all of His creation.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed.
—Genesis 1:31a
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2 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
We were made in the image of God. Amen
The wonder of the birth of my children is probably as close to what God felt, when He had seen what He had made, and absolutely thought it was very good!❤
What amazes me most, is that, that feeling still rings true for God today! I mean, even in the early days He was saddened, and yet.. His loving heart kept on loving!
Fast forward some centuries and decades later, He is still loving but is now making changes to what has now become irredeemable. The joy has now become heart breaking. Enter Noah..
Though He made a covenant with Noah, through the restoring of His people on the arc, we continue to be ‘wrong ‘uns still.!
What amazes me is He still sees us and all creation as good..
He hasn’t changed.
He still loves us as fiercely, as ‘ in the beginning’
He sees us still in the beauty He saw, when He first created.
He sent His Beloved Son, Jesus, to cover our sins and failures, so we would be brought back to Him, brought close to Him..
He loves us, oh, how He loves us, oh, how He loves…
Dearest Father God, I will and am forever thankful for your love and the seventy times seven, and then some times, you forgive us and STILL say, it is good, over us. Thank you for the greatest showing of your love for us, JESUS Christ, and all He endured for us so we can know you and Your amazing, forgiving, faithful through the ages love, and grace..grace.. and more grace..
Lord may I endeavour to be as ‘good’ as you see me throughout this week and beyond..
I love you Lord.. Thank you.. Thank you. Thank you from a grateful heart..
Happy Sunday you beauties..❤