Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 2:8–9

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

For the second half of this plan, we will memorize our key passage for the book of Ephesians. We’ll start by memorizing verse 8. 

For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast.
—Ephesians 2:8–9

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66 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Tami says:

    Thank you all for the prayers for Chela’s move in day. All in all in went smoothly and her new suitemates are really nice! My heart sank when I saw the dorm room, ugly and kind of dreary. Not great lighting which my daughter craves. But we made the best of it and the room came out cute and I’m returning tomorrow for some finishing touches. It’s so hard to leave her there!!! But I know it’s good for her to do this (and me too!) again thanks for the prayers. And I love Mel Robbins! Such great insight and yes, I wish it were more of a Christian perspective but good nonetheless.

  2. Crystal Lusby says:

    Thank God for His grace ! Amen

  3. Searching says:

    Sisters – just fyi that The Chosen Season 4 starts tonight on CW channel. Looking forward to another season. It streamed earlier in the year so some may have already seen it (not me, no streaming for us country folks!)

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      It is SO good! I need to watch again because you catch stuff no matter how many times you watch!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      I saw something recording when we got home from Life group – The Chosen! Surprise! ❤

  4. GramsieSue says:

    Ladies, I’ve been quiet lately. It’s been rough.
    For two weeks we had all of our adult children, spouses, and grands…20 of us! I thought all was going well until my DIL went off on me. I won’t go into details but it hurts. Please pray the relationship can be restored. Plus Steve and I have been fighting a virus.
    Sometimes life throws curves at us that we weren’t expecting or prepared for.
    Anyway, pray for my hurting heart. ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Sue, hopefully it had more to do with her being ready to go home than any real issue with you! Praying for restoration for all of you and for freedom from the virus. ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      oh Sue. Can we say sorry for her? Remember Selfishness and pride have such a way of rearing their ugly heads when lots of family are together. She probably will be very regretful, but praying for you, that you don’t let her words bring you down! And that you feel better!

    3. Tina says:

      Oh Sue, I am sorry that your time with family should end as it did with you being hurt. Praying restoration and grace to be extended and that life will be as it should be.. praying also for Steve and yourself to be restored to good health..
      Sending you, Sue some love from across the pond covered in hugs…❤️

    4. Adrienne says:

      Oh, Sue. ❤️❤️❤️

    5. Searching says:

      Praying, sister, for physical healing and overcoming the virus! And praying for healing of the heart hurt from the situation with your dil. CEE GEE had a good thought, that the upset might have been triggered by something unrelated to you – maybe tiredness, ready to get back to her normal, or most anything else. Praying things will resolve back to normal or even better. ❤️

    6. Mercy says:

      Praying for the situation dear Sue.

    7. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Oh, precious Sue! I am so sorry that happened with your DIL! As others have said it was probably nothing pertaining to you but just tensions from too much togetherness. Praying that God will comfort your heart and the relationship can be restored. Praying for you and Steve every day! ❤️

    8. Kat D says:

      Two weeks is a long time! Always think of the quote that “fish and visitors stink after three days” Hope as time has passed that everything and everyone are back to normal.

  5. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Sunday Morning She’s!

    I am feeling a little better today…I think I forgot to take my morning pain pills, being in different environment! It is fun, but sleeping in an RV is challenging! My granddaughter is here now, spent the night last night (she is 11) and my 24 yr old son is on his way for us to go to church, yay!! It’s our old church, yet we don’t know hardly anyone! (That is WHY you get in life groups! I just read the verse to her, and explained what it meant! :)
    Your view Laura, and little getaway sounds so amazing!! I love those little times, that everything just seems like a glorious God moment!! I felt it the first time I picked up Stacy, and we went to church and praised together! It was a moment I didn’t know if it would ever happen! I can only imagine your momma’s heart flying high, and we she’s couldn’t be more grateful and thankful for you and your family. No it’s not gonna be easy, perhaps, but now she will feel loved by those that love her the most, just like our Father in heaven. I am so happy for the example of the Prodigal.

    Have a great day, thank you for continual prayers for my back holding up!

    1. Tina says:

      Continued prayers for your back to align and be restored dear Rhonda.. hugs. X❤️

    2. Mercy says:

      Praying for your back and wonderful family bonding memories.

  6. Mari V says:

    Happy SUNDAY sweeties!!! Enjoy your places of worship this morning! SO grateful that it is NOT by works that I am saved or I would never be allowed. Thank Father GOD for the gift of your ONE and ONLY Son!!

    1. Tina says:

      Happy Sunday Mari V..❤️

  7. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    As many sisters among us said “unending Grace”…I’d say too “upending Grace”…inverting every noble deceit to humble truth.
    Believing. Not boasting.
    Faith. Not folly.
    By His Goodness & Mercy
    I see another Sunday.

    1. Tina says:

      GWINETH52 ❤️

  8. Soma D (daigre mama) says:

    Praying for all the prayer requests and praising God for all the miracles today in our group.

    For it is by God’s Grace alone that we have been saved through faith. It is not the result of our own efforts, but by God’s gift, so that NO ONE CAN BOAST. In a world of boasters, God is the God of humility and sacrifice.

    God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus, he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he already prepared for (me) us to do.

    Let me live out your will, in humility and strength, and service, where you have placed me Lord. I pray for all teachers, that we may be good shepherds of the flock you give us, and to take care of all the sheep willingly, especially the really difficult ones. Bless us to do our work, not for mere pay, but from a real desire to serve, being an example to the flock, (the children, parents, and staff).

    May peace be with ALL of us today who belong to Christ.

    I don’t participate in social media, but I really like this group and so I requested to join the FB SRT she’s page. Whoever admits, my name is daigre mama on FB. Thank you

    1. Mari V says:

      This is beautiful Soma! AMEN to your prayer!!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, Amen!

    2. Tina says:

      Sharing your beautiful prayer, Soma D..

  9. Jessica Hertzog says:

    Inhale mercy, exhale grace.

  10. Aimee D-R says:


  11. Michelle P says:

    ❤️ happy Sunday – here with you all and praying God’s grace over all of you. I pray you keep close to Him.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Hope you are doing good Michelle!? How’s the family dynamics these days?

    2. Tina says:

      Happy Sunday, Michelle.❤️

    3. Adrienne says:


  12. Mia Faith says:


    1. Tina says:

      Mia Faith, holding you and yours close in prayer..
      Hugs to you and yours..❤️

  13. Cheryl Blow says:

    Grace – unmerited favor! Nothing I did or can do to earn it. It is a gift from God! Just receive it!

    Thank you Lord!

  14. Searching says:

    LYNNE FROM AL – sister, thank you so much for yesterday’s update and allowing us to pray with you throughout this difficult journey. ❤️ love you!

    1. Tina says:

      Lynne from Alabama, covering you and Jack with love and hugs covered in so much prayer for peace and comfort at this difficult time.. ❤️

  15. Cee Gee says:

    We sing this song regularly at church. It fits so well with this verse

    All Because of Jesus by Casting Crowns
    Giver of every breath I breathe
    Author of all eternity
    Giver of every perfect thing
    To You be the glory
    Maker of heaven and of earth
    No one can comprehend Your worth
    King over all the universe
    To You be the glory
    And I am alive because I’m alive in You
    And it’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
    It covers me and raised this dead man’s life
    It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    I’m alive, I’m alive
    Giver of every breath I breathe
    Author of all eternity
    Giver of every perfect thing
    To You be the glory
    Maker of heaven and of earth
    No one can comprehend Your worth
    King over all the universe
    To You be the glory
    And I am alive because I’m alive in You
    And it’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    And it’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
    It covers me and raised this dead man’s life
    It’s all because of Jesus
    Every sunrise sings Your praise
    The universe cries out Your praise
    Singing freedom all my days
    Now that I’m alive
    And it’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
    It covers me and raised this dead man’s life
    It’s all because of Jesus
    And it’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
    It covers me and raised this dead man’s life
    It’s all because of Jesus
    It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive
    It’s all because the blood of Jesus Christ
    It covers me and raised this dead man’s life
    It’s all because of Jesus I’m alive (I’m alive)
    I’m alive (the blood of Jesus)
    I’m alive (I’m alive)
    Songwriters: Steve Fee.

    1. Searching says:


  16. Melissa Richards says:


  17. Tina says:

    Mic drop right there!
    I am not saved by my actions.. my being kind to others.. though that is good.
    I am not saved because I speak truth.. though that is also good.
    I am not saved because I follow the the rules, or because I go to church on Sunday.., though these are good!
    I am not saved because I have the Spirit that produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, Faithfulness, humility and self control within me.. BUT that for sure is a great start..
    I am not saved because I know the bible inside out, an impossibility, but I’m working on it!
    I am not saved for the works of my hands or how my heart feels, no siree, but that’s good too.
    I am not saved because I am kind, patient, not jealous, conceited or proud. Or that I am not happy with evil, selfish or irritable.. but again, these are good..
    I am saved by God’s grace. I just need to remind myself… THE FREE AND UNMERITED FAVOUR OF GOD, He doesn’t need or have to be gracious..
    BUT GOD..
    He is gracious, He gifts us grace, daily, through faith in our Saviour!
    Happy Sunday dearests, covered in Sunday love and hugs ❤️

    1. Julie Ganucheau says:


    2. Susan Richardson says:


    3. Searching says:

      So good, thank you, sister! ❤️

    4. Donna Wolcott says:

      Well said, Tina! Amen and Amen . Covering all in prayer.

    5. Kim Buttonberry says:

      Tina, Thank you for this wonderful reminder! I will take it with me through this week and beyond. It’s all about Him! Love sent right back to you from the other side of the pond. :-)

    6. Mari V says:

      AMEN!!!!! Love you Tina!!

    7. GramsieSue says:

      Perfectly spoken ❤️

    8. Adrienne says:

      Amen! ❤️ Amen! ❤️ Amen! ❤️

  18. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God” (NLT).
    Unending gratitude the God did it all.
    Psalm 59:16-17
    “But I will sing of your strength
    and will joyfully proclaim your faithful love in the morning.
    For you have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble.
    To you, my strength, I sing praises, because God is my stronghold—my faithful God.”
    MERCY – praying Emma has a fantastic experience with the new teacher. My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mr. Lungard (4th grade).
    SEARCHING and RHONDA J – praying you have relief from your pain today.
    LYNN FROM AL – continued prayers for you and Jack. Thanks for the update yesterday.
    LINDA IN NC – continued prayers for you and Gene.
    DIANE MOM – praying for you as you care for your husband.
    WENDY B and GAYLE CRAIK – praying the Lord gives you His peace as you lean into Him, looking for your miracle

    1. Tina says:

      Unending gratitude that God did it all.
      I LOVE this, Kelly.. Thank you ❤️

    2. Wendy B says:

      Thank you❤️❤️❤️

    3. Searching says:

      Thank you, KELLY!

      And Amen, unending gratitude!

    4. Mercy says:

      Thank you sweet Kelly!

  19. Laura S says:

    ….oh my gosh, seriously, I am so bad at using this app on my phone and keep hitting send prematurely! The sun rising every morning reminds us that God is good no matter the circumstances and I will praise Him through it all. Sending love this morning, dear shes and prayers for the requests spoken here.

    1. Searching says:

      Praising the Lord with you, sister! Just read your post from yesterday. Amazing -the work of the Lord on our hearts and minds. Praying for your family.

  20. Laura S says:

    Thank you all for your wonderful encouragement yesterday. I just read through everything from yesterday now. I find it tricky to read on the app so hopefully I caught everything. The fishing gang is out again this morning. I have had some great time with my older daughter as well on this trip and she is doing so well with having her sister joining the family. I have been praying that she is not like “the older brother” and is resentful of her sister’s joyous homecoming since she has remained steadfast and faithful all these years and has taken a lot of arrows from her sister as well. But praise God, since she became a mom to a daughter herself, her heart has softened towards her sister and she has been kind and merciful towards her. Another answer to prayer! My husband continues to sleep well here at the cabin and I am hopeful that this will be the beginning of regular sleep for him. It has been such a struggle. I am basking in God’s goodness today but I also am reminding myself that God is good, all the time. The sun is rising here so beautifully,

    1. Mari V says:

      LOVE this Laura!! God is SO good! So glad you and your family are enjoying some Cabin time and especially one another.

  21. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Amen and Amen

  22. Jo Turnbull says:

    Great verse for evangelism ❤️