Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Matthew 4:17

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

As we read the Gospel of Matthew, we will memorize our key verse, where the arrival of God’s kingdom, where Jesus proclaims the arrival of God’s kingdom. This week we will start memorizing the first part of the verse.

From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
—Matthew 4:17

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20 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Kiara Hardimon says:


  2. Karen Breaux says:

  3. Claire B says:


  4. Victoria E says:

    Mia Faith, continuing to pray for you and your family.

  5. Changed Life says:

    Praying for you and your family, Mia Faith.

  6. Mari V says:

    Happy Sunday Sweet She’s!! MIA FAITH…..YOU are covered in prayer

  7. Mari V says:

    AMEN!!! And AMEN to Rhonda’s comment! “HE IS MY ALL!”

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Sunday ladies! Praying for each of you today. @MIA FAITH – you’ve been in my thoughts all weekend. Praying for you and your family to have strength during this time.

  9. Donna Wolcott says:

    ❤️ Amen.

  10. Searching says:

    As we hear in various situations but oh so much more important when we are talking about Jesus and eternal life – Let’s Get The Word Out!
    In a recent sermon, our pastor defined repentance as:
    Recognition that we are sinners
    Regret and confession of our sins
    Reversing direction – change our behaviors, strive for what Christ modeled, instead of moving away from God, do a 180 and run toward Him.

    Praying for my sisters here, and much appreciation for each prayer, song, testimony and comment shared this week. ❤️

  11. Adrienne says:

    Amen, indeed!

  12. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Father God, may your Holy Spirit be working today in the hearts of the lost. Draw them with your cords of love, call them to repentance and may they heed your call and turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan – to you. In Jesus name Amen.

    Have a blessed Sunday She’s as you worship today!

  13. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    Ongoing proclamation, yes indeed! The book we are reading in my small group “Put Your Warrior Boots On” by Lisa Whittle has been so good. She doesn’t tip toes around that as Christians we should get out of our lukewarm Christianity ways. That we tend to be surface, stale and selfish. We want Jesus to be there when we need him, we are stale with our habits and putting him on our to do list and being too busy, and we don’t really “deserve” anything, but it’s all about what Jesus did for us at the cross.

    It hits strong and makes some people offended and defensive I’m sure. But if we don’t examine ourselves and tell the truth to ourselves and observe if we ARE living our life with only a little of Jesus trickled in, we are doing ourselves a great disservice and missing the mark. For all Jesus suffered and was mocked, spit on, and nailed so that we can have eternal life with Father God, it’s not something to think about here and there and put on the back burner till we need it. It is a sin to avoid telling people about Jesus, we are told to GO and Tell, not just to go to church on Sunday. No wonder the people don’t want what we have, we keep it quiet in our Spirit!! It’s time to serve the people around us, showing them overwhelming love and care, to the people that are undeserving and unsaved. The ones that treat us poorly or make us uncomfortable.

    Sin, confess, repent. Do better, want to do better, WANT to please God and live for Him. He is my all. Nothing else in the end matters. In Him I will have life abundantly.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday. If you are going through a hard time…hang on. Brighter days ARE ahead. Wrap the love of Jesus around you like a blanket and feel his comfort and peace.

  14. Carol H says:


  15. Theresa Storie says:


  16. Aimee D-R says:


  17. Cee Gee says:

    From then on … Repent…

    Ongoing proclamation – and now we are to continue the message – from now on. Never stop sharing the gospel. Thank You, Jesus!

    Continued prayers for you, She sisters. ❤

  18. Julia C says:

    MIA FAITH – Praying dear sister… For your husband’s body to be found and for God’s everlasting love to be felt by you and yours. ❤️

    TINA – Missing you! How are you?

    TRACI GENDRON – Prayers for Michelle, Jeff, and Brooke as they mourn the loss of their son and brother. God is near.

    A WALTON – Continued prayers for the housing situation. May you continue to place your trust in God.

    MOLLY R – Praying for your car troubles. May God provide! He cares.

    CHERYL BLOW – Praying for your grandson Landry. May his vision be restored.

    MARI V – Praying for safe travels for Michelle when she goes on her way to her dad’s Celebration of Life. Also praying for her sister Lisa, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Praying for God’s peace and wisdom.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – “May we focus and what is good – the presence of Jesus” AMEN!

    RHONDA J. – AMEN! God is the same God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow ❤️

    KRIS – “Our ultimate healing comes when we finally get to leave this world and be transformed into our heavenly bodies for eternity” – AMEN!

    SEARCHING – ❤️

  19. Julia C says:

    Dear Father,

    Whatever our earthly circumstances, we can rejoice in You.

    Our days on this earth are numbered, but we were made to walk with You for eternity.

    In this life we will experience times of sorrow, but we have Peace that flows from heaven.

    We are strangers on this earth and will be hated, but You gave us armour for Your battle.

    We forsake You, but through Jesus, our Redeemer, we have access to You, the treasure of our hearts. Your love is our reward.

    Therefore we can rejoice and say: “Fear is gone and hope is sure, Christ is mine forevermore.”

    May we turn to Him.

    Mine are days that God has numbered
    I was made to walk with Him
    Yet I look for worldly treasure
    And forsake the King of kings

    But mine is hope in my Redeemer
    Though I fall, His love is sure
    For Christ has paid for every failing
    I am His forevermore

    Mine are tears in times of sorrow
    Darkness not yet understood
    Through the valley I must travel
    Where I see no earthly good

    But mine is peace that flows from Heaven
    And the strength in times of need
    I know my pain will not be wasted
    Christ completes his work in me

    Mine are days here as a stranger
    Pilgrim on a narrow way
    One with Christ I will encounter
    Harm and hatred for His name

    But mine is armour for this battle
    Strong enough to last the war
    And He has said He will deliver
    Safely to the golden shore

    And mine are keys to Zion city
    Where beside the King I walk
    For there my heart has found its treasure
    Christ is mine forevermore

    Come rejoice now, O my soul
    For His love is my reward
    Fear is gone and hope is sure
    Christ is mine forevermore

    – Christ Is Mine Forevermore, CityAlight

  20. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thanks be to God that now I am a citizen in that Kingdom through Jesus. Lord, help me be a good ambassador for You.

    MIA FAITH – continued prayers for you and your family

    MERCY – continued prayers for your husband.

    INDIANA ELAINE – continued prayers for Steve and his upcoming surgery

    CHERYL BLOW – praying Landry’s eye issue can be easily corrected

    TERESA DONLEY – continuing to pray for Karen

    TRACI GENDRON – prayers for comfort for Michelle, Jeff and Brooke.

    A WALTON – praying you will be filled with peace about the land/house situation