Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 29:11-13

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

During this plan, we will work to memorize 1 Chronicles 29:11–13, which is part of David’s prayer of blessing. This week we will memorize the first part of verse 1, where David acknowledges that everything belongs to God. 

Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor come from you, and you are the ruler of everything. Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.
—1 Chronicles 29:11–13

(38) Comments

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38 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Keli Miles says:


  2. Rhonda Roper says:


  3. Eloise Hebden says:

    Amen Amen Amen!

  4. Pat Ward says:

    I love this community ❤️☺️

  5. Regina Clinton says:

  6. trina beckwith says:


  7. Mikia Tarver says:


  8. Ellen Silva says:


  9. Pam Stayer says:


  10. Pam Philpott says:

    Amen! ❤️

  11. Pam Philpott says:


  12. Vanessa Bailey says:


  13. Yvette Lebron says:

    Beautiful ☀️

  14. Lorna Davis says:


  15. Brandy Tausch says:


  16. Rebecca Dunn says:

    Such a beautiful reflection @churchmouse I always look forward to your insights

  17. Ashleigh says:

    I made a lockscreen from a picture I found online if anyone else finds them helpful for memorizing!


  18. Mandi D says:

    Our church is doing a series called Hills and Valleys for the season of Lent. Todays sermon was on Psalm 23. It will be streamed live at 11am CST if you’d like to watch or the replay will be on you tube or their Facebook page. Its worth watching, especially if you find yourself in a valley. Lakepointe Church, Rockwall Texas. Pastor Josh Howerton. Hope it blesses someone like it did me.
    I wish I could share a direct link but I’m technologically challenged lol. Have a wonderful Sunday

  19. Mandi D says:

    Our church is doing a series called Hills and Valleys for the season of Lent. Todays sermon was on Psalm 23. It will be streamed live at 11am CST if you’d like to watch or the replay will be on you tube or their Facebook page. Its worth watching, especially if you find yourself in a valley. Lakepointe Church, Rockwall Texas. Pastor Josh Howerton. Hope it blesses someone like it did me.

  20. Catherine McVey says:


  21. Devon Stronach says:


  22. Dorothy says:

    David wrote such a beautiful prayer how does one top it but to say, HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!! and PRAISE BE TO GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!
    Be blessed, have a wonderful Sunday and rest as much a possible.

  23. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Beautiful Churchmouse, thank you.

  24. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I got cut off! May my only legacy be how I loved God and others. Thank you Ronda!!!

  25. Cheryl Blow says:


  26. Mindy Seekford says:


  27. Holli Benge says:

    Beautifully written.

  28. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  29. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  30. michele marbet says:

    Beautiful peace

  31. Cee Gee says:

    TINA, you bless my heart with each of your comments! Love you, sister!!! Thank you for reminding us in your comment to Traci that we are ALL a thread in God’s great tapestry! Sending love to each of you from our foggy, drizzly corner!
    I love David’s prayer and I am reminded of the Lord’s prayer: “for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever …”

    “Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you.”

  32. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning, good morning!! For this is the day the Lord hath made!! What powerful scripture this morning!! EVERYTHING is from the Lord and BELONGS to HIM!! Praise God! Let us loosen up our grip. Our only legacy should be our relationship with God and others. How our light shined for Jesus! I hope I can keep that in the forefront of my mind, even as I go through troubled times! He is Lord overall. I pray revival continues and our churches and become the place for the broken not the righteous! Jesus come. Jesus come. We love you Lord.

    Go see the movie Jesus Revolution! It’s wonderful.

  33. Kelly (NEO) says:

    We are indeed nothing without You Lord. Thank You for creating a world for us to explore and discover the many ways Your kindness and mercy are on display.

    MIA FAITH- prayers for you and your family as you journey through the loss of your mom.

    LYDIA – the loss of a long-time friendship is rough for sure.
    Praying Gos brings you new friends to go deep with.

  34. Whitney Curtis says:

    All the glory belongs to you oh God…

  35. Churchmouse says:

    All is God’s. All belongs to Him. I need not live with tightly held fists, trying to hold onto “mine.” Because it is all His, I can live with open hands, willing to receive and release whatever He has me do. Fear of the future is replaced by resting in His gracious sovereignty.

  36. Lauren Handson says:

    Such a powerful prayer.

  37. Tina says:

    Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you….

    I will say it again and again and again, for this I know to be true, now and always..

    BUT GOD..❤


    MIA FAITH..holding you and yours up in prayers in the loss of your mom.❤
    PRAYING God is close, comforting..❤

    LYDIA.. I’m sorry for your loss, loss of a friendship\relationship 8.5years..
    PRAYING be near, comforting and giving wisdom in the days and weeks to come..

    LINDAJ and MOLLY R..walking prayerfully with you as you journey life with dementia and Parkinson’s within the family..
    MOLLY R, especially loved your words.. It is in the hard that God reveals Himself in a deep and intimate way.. Amen.❤



    ABBI.. PRAYING for you as you grieve. God is near dear sister..❤

    KRISTEN PULIDO. how awesome is it that we are woven into His-story! Even as we are..❤

    RHONDA J..our God is so so good, isn’t He?
    Playful over you and your ‘New start’❤
    Happy Birthday week!❤

    C.. Hold fast.. God is with you, and more’s to the point YOUR name written on his heart, and HIS story..❤

    Wow, KATIE MEGEE.. You are a chronicler! That is so awesome! Best wishes discovering your genealogy wrapped in His-story..❤

    ALLISON M.. God never forgets us, He puts aside our sins, actually He forgets our sins, and just loved on us.
    Thankful for your next phase of healing and prayerful over your moving back home..
    God is good and your story will be added to His-story.

    TRICIA CAVANAUGH.. Sending hugs sister.❤

    CLARE B.. I love to see that red heart each day, So here’s one, right backatcha..❤

    PAM C..❤

    NATALIE H.. what a great thought re: our part in our genealogy.. I love that our story is woven into His-story, don’t you?❤

    CEE GEE..❤

    TRACI GENDRON.. Tanner is for sure, there in those pages, woven in the greatest story of all, His-story..
    Sending hugs wrapped in prayers.❤

    TARA B..lifting you and yours up in prayers for wisdom for the adults and understanding for the children. Most especially though, I pray for peace of heart in the coming weeks..

    MARTHA HIX.. Sending love hugs and prayers over you dear sister..❤

    VICTORIA E.. Continued prayers for you and yours. Prayerful over you that you will know the closeness of God each minute of each day, and that the gift you carry is growing beautifully ..
    Hugs and love wrapped in prayers, dear sister.❤

    SEARCHING.. Prayer warrior, sister, friend, praying blessings over you with a thankful heart for you..❤

    And to ALL whose names are not mentioned here, I wish you love wrapped in hugs. Remember YOU are woven in His-story, His heart..❤

  38. Kudzai C says:

    In a world that constantly pushes me to claim that all I have is mine because of my hard work, intelligence or technical skills – I need this verse in my heart to remind me that the glory, majesty and power belongs to God alone. I am called to be a faithful steward of what I have been given by my father