Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Matthew 11:28

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

For this plan, we have worked to memorize Matthew 11:28. Continue to repeat this verse as a reminder of the promised rest that Jesus offers. 

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  
—Matthew 11:28

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22 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Ruby Hunter says:

    I loved this study at a time I needed to learn rest

  2. Claire B says:


  3. Vicki K says:

    Which study are you doing on YouVersion?

  4. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    Thank you for this amazing plan. Although I must admit I am far from the state of rest I desired to be. Current circumstances do not allow me to really celebrate sabbath. So finishing the plan I feel there is still a lot of work in front of me. What I was reminded by through this plan is that my worth is not measured by my performance. I hope that God will guide me and will help me to truly understand this aspect, so I can actively pursue and prioritise rest. I will likely revisit this plan at some point later this year.

  5. Mercy says:

    Happy Sunday she’s. I hope the wisdom of God will give us new revelation on a personal level each day. May I ask if you could please pray for my husband’s faith walk? It’s been rocky- backsliding and living like an unbeliever are the symptoms I have noticed in the past few years. I am waiting it out. Thank you ladies for praying. Be blessed dear lovely shes.❤️

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Rhonda, thank you for that song, you had mentioned it a week or so ago. I sent the name to one of my sister’s, she and her son are having a very difficult time and it was a blessing to them. Both needed to hear the message.

  7. Donna Wolcott says:

    Watching the The Chosen 3, and I’m at the episode that prepares for the season of Lent. Definitely convicting. May I read with “new” eyes, hear with “new” ears, and process with a “new” heart and mind what Jesus has done for me/us.

  8. Natalie H says:

    This verse and study compliments the YouVersion Bible app study today well. When we come to our Father, he will give us rest and strengthen and increase our endurance to make it through anything.

  9. Melanie ❣️ says:

    I cannot thank the SRT team enough for the past 2 weeks. I am currently writing my responses to the end of the Rest Study and feel hopeful, enriched and a bit teary-eyed. I needed this so badly – I just didn’t know it.

  10. Dorothy says:

    Enjoyed this study. Got a great deal out of it.

    Lord God too many times I want to be in charge and things don’t turn out well. I need to remember You are the One in charge. I also need to remember to take time to rest, to spend time with You and in Your Word. Amen

    Sisters be blessed and spend time resting in the presence of the Lord.

  11. Mari V says:

    @Shelly Lambert, go to website, then tab (click) on the two bars at the top right side, then tab on Study Books. The Lent study book Is the first thing you see.

  12. Mari V says:

    Needed to this WORD this morning. I sent it to my son as well. Happy BEAUTIFUL Sunday morning. The sun ☀️ is UP! So grateful that we have a God that is approachable, and that we can come to Him for anything.

  13. Regina Clinton says:

  14. Jennifer Anapol says:


  15. Beverly Watley says:


  16. Shelley Lambert says:

    I have a question. I am unable to find the lent study that starts tomorrow. I thought it was usually available the day or two before to go ahead and purchase. Am I missing something

  17. Mandi says:

    Thank you for the song recommendation, Rhonda. I don’t think I’ve heard that one before. It was perfect for this study!

  18. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord I give it all to You and rest in your All Powerful Peace. In Jesus name, Amen

  19. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  20. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Sunday She’s!

    I turned on the song “Rest for Your Soul” by Austin French to listen as I really soak in this verse! Perfect for our ending to the study. Something we have to remember and be diligent about in this fast, over-stimulated society. Give yourself to prayer and bible study rather than mindless, social media and your soul will thank you (not to mention God!)
    Have a great day! I won’t ramble because I must get ready for a glorious morning at church!! yay! My favorite day!

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Happy Sunday, Shes. Praying Paul’s words to the Colossians over you all today.
    “9 [I am] asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, 10 so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light. 13 He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. 14 In him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

  22. TIna says:

    You don’t have to tell me twice Lord God..
    Trusting you, Lord, who is calling and offering me a rest beyond the rest the world knows..

    Coming Lord God, coming with a thankful heart..

    BUT GOD..


    Happy Sunday prayerfully wrapped in His rest..❤