Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 20:26

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

This week, we will continue memorizing our key verse in Leviticus by adding the second half, which declares that God’s people are holy because He has set them apart as His own.

“You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be mine.
—Leviticus 20:26

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18 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Khierstyn Branan says:


  2. Susan Lincks says:


  3. Ash H. says:

    Kelly (NEO)— thank you for checking in. My son is recovering well and we’re just working on keeping our active little guy from hurting himself and his stitches. My daughter is going to the orthopedist tomorrow for repeat X-rays before recasting the elbow. She’s sad and frustrated but having less pain.

  4. Kimberly Z says:

    Asking for prayers this week as I deal with anxiety. After my dads accident back in May I have struggled so much more with it then in the past. I pray for perseverance this week and to feel the spirit. I tend to trust in the Lord when things are good in my in my life and stray completely when things are uncertain.

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    Asking for prayers this week as I deal with anxiety. After my dads accident back in May I have struggled so much more with it then in the past. I pray for perseverance this week and to feel the spirit. I tend to trust in the Lord when things are good in my

  6. Kimberly Z says:

    @Jennifer loves Jesus glad to hear your moms surgery went well. Praying for healing for her. @Rhonda J still glad to hear things are working their way slowly back to normal. Praying this is a great week for all you.

  7. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    @RhondaJ you’re faith is beautiful. Praying for you and lifting all the She’s up to the love of Jesus for blessings in the midst of all the things.

  8. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Moms surgery was a success. She’s now home and recovering. At 77 she’s never had any surgery until now and this was a major one. She stayed a day longer than anticipated due to several issues, but she is doing really well now. God has shown me that He’s not done with her here yet. My prayer throughout her cancer journey has been for healing yes, but mostly that her faith would deepen. I am her spiritual cheerleader as she calls me, and I’m honored God uses me for her comfort and encouragement. I’m longing to see her faith bring more contentment in her day to day. I’m thankful for the ways her people have seen their prayers answered. God gave us a precious gift by letting us bring her home!

  9. Dorothy says:

    Thank You Lord for setting us apart to be holy. We rejoice in this and we PRAISE YOUR NAME!!!! Thank You for sending YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON to died for our sins. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit. Help us to show Your love in whatever we do and say. In Christ’s name Amen.

    Be blessed and PRAISE God, Christ and the Holy Spirit today and always.

  10. Mari says:

    I (We) are set apart! Churchmouse, thank you for your wise words of wisdom. As I’ve gotten older, and grown in my relationship with Christ, I long for my heavenly home as well. There are many times when I don’t even care what I look like or my status because that’s not what defines me. At the end of my life I just want be known as someone who loved Jesus and people. It’s when I mess up that I feel so bad inside. But I am reminded that until I take that last breath it’s going to be a constant struggle. But I feel that you’re yearning inside, I just want to be HOME. As a single parent I do think about my two beautiful children. I just want them to be OK.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for your words, Jennifer. They really resonated with me. And agree Churchmouse that we will never truly fit in here. Heaven is our home. ❤️Off to church! Have a wonderful day, Shes!

  12. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Those with the gift of abiding joy in Jesus are often called upon to comfort those in distress. It is through suffering that we are able to call upon God for consoling. And it is through trust in Him that we are delivered from the despair that creeps into our hearts when we suffer. As I have learned to see the fruit of being content, I gather and put the fruit up like canning preserves. The very word preserve is where my joy is resting. Preserved in my heart and soul by the hands that helped me learn the process. It is not for me to teach others to be content in suffering, but it is for me to share the gift of consolation. I will trust Jesus to bring in the abiding sense of His care as I open the preserved abundance of my own faith in Him and share it with others. This is what I sense the call to be holy looks like. To hold the Spirit of God in my body well, taking care to know the value of what I carry. My brokenness and worthless attempts to live without God have been redeemed and healed by the blood of Jesus. I am grateful that He deemed me worthy of His love. I am filled with His Holy Spirit. I am preserved and held in His glory. Father God, as I breathe in Your gift of life this morning, I am gaining a deeper sense of my calling to endure and grow through the tensions of life. Make me more like You. Help me stay in the comfort of Your promises. When I grow tired, be my energy. When pride creeps in, remind me of the cross. When I feel overwhelmed, be my peace. When my eyes look down to the shadows, show me your glory. Let my heart see You, Lord and cover me in the shelter of Your healing wings. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  13. Rhonda J says:

    Good morning She’s!

    I love and look forward to Sundays always, but especially today, the first service being held after the hurricane! And today we are taking 3, maybe 4 neighbors to our church for the first time! How is exciting is that! Everyone just seems to be grateful that we came through, and ut could have been much worse like our neighborhood just next to us. So much loss and devestation, But God, he is good all the time, all the time he is good!! So many miracles amidst if you look!

    I give you my worship my Father, my King, my Lord of lords, my everything! I agree Searching, so much of my life I didnt live right, and even in the last couple of decades I didn’t want to be too vocal about my faith, but more and more I have decided that I will talk about my God whether you believe or not! I believe!

    Sharon, praying for you with the loss of your dear dad! Love ya friend!

  14. Searching says:

    CHURCHMOUSE – Amen! And after everything I did (much of it so, so wrong), I didn’t fit in any better than I did before. Still don’t fit in but the older I get, the less I care about fitting in here and the more I care about fitting in with Jesus.

  15. Sharon Smith says:

    Amen ! God is good

  16. Kelly (NEO) says:

    CHURCHMOUSE – so true!

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – how’s your dad?

    ASH H – how are you daughter and son healing up?

    ELIN ALMKVIST – how’s your son?

    DOROTHY – praying for Carol to be at peace. Praying the Lord will strengthen you.

    JENNIFER LOVES JESUS – how did your mom’s surgery go?

    RENEE K – how is Joe?

    MIA FAITH – continuing to pray for you and your family.

    Enjoy this day the Lord has made, Shes!

  17. Erica Chiarelli says:

    How often we forget- we are to be holy, like God is holy! Holy Spirit, help us to remember & walk in Your ways, always!

  18. Churchmouse says:

    When I was young I tried so hard to fit in. I changed my clothing choices, my hairstyle, the wayI talked and even how I carried myself. It took me a few years, after becoming more serious about my faith, to realize that being a Jesus follower would always set me apart. This world and its culture are not my home. I am not comfortable here nor will I ever be. I’m a citizen of heaven. That is where I will fully fit in.