Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
This week we will memorize the key passage for this reading plan, John 3:16–17. Verse 16 is a widely quoted Scripture, and when paired with verse 17, captures the heart of the gospel message.
“For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
––John 3:16–17
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21 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
I belong to you, Jesus.
I love John 3:16-17 ❤️
God did not send Jesus to condemn the world, to encourage division or exclusion between groups, but rather to encourage unity by sharing Jesus as an example for how to treat those around us. Love it!
What a great reminder – from a passage memorized long ago. Thank you, God, for loving us THAT much!!! May we tell the world!
Thank you for loving me
Hey guys! Thank you dear sisters for praying for Gia! I know I am proud of her for keeping her relationship with God despite all the pain she is going through. I think we should all take a lesson from her on that!!
Anyway, I hope that we can always follow God. Especially in this culture now where people think they don’t need Jesus (We all do!) And I hope that we will all surrender to Jesus and let Him in our hearts
I memorized John 3:16 when I was very young but I wish now they would have included verse 17 with it. I feel like they belong together like “pb & j” or God and Christ. I believe verse 17 just finishes it off.
Be blessed and look for the good in everything/everyone.
Amen. Glory and praise to our God.
“For in this way God loved the world…” (John 3:16) “Jesus is the messenger and the message, He is the priest and the sacrifice, He is the King and the servant to us all ” (SRT). Before I knew Jesus, I knew His words of salvation. The Gospel Seed was planted in my heart long ago, and I never knew it. I never opened the gift. If I gave a gift to someone and learned years later that it was never opened… Hmm. Love is measured by the obstacles it overcomes. “He gave…” And love is measured by its gifts. God loved a world full of people like me. Full of sin and selfishness. Far from who God created us to be. Even still, He gave His Son. He gave Himself over to the hands of tortuers and crucifiers. He knew, yet He still loved and gave us a gift we could never quite understand, and some just don’t care. Some will never open His gift. (Abba, use me to help them see Your gift.) He did not come to condem or judge but to love and save (v 17). This level of love is mindblowing. And it enables and inspires me to love better every day. To be more loving every day. (Abba, give me Your peace, so I am loving in the face of obstacles.) I cannot love everyone in the world the way God can, yet the people He has given me to love… I will love them better in the Spirit of Jesus. (Abba, help me show radical hospitality in the Name of Your love.) Loving beyond the obstacles has strengthened my ability to love. I remember how it felt before I was saved. I was all about myself, how to find happiness and safety. My attempts to love were half-hearted. There was so much brokenness. I could not love with peace, there was always a feeling of striving or anxiousness. When I learned the Gospel of Truth, the Word began to change my narrative. My new life with Jesus brought instant healing to years of self destruction. Yet learning to walk again was not easy. I fell a lot. I fall less now, 20 years later. Yet the journey continues as I grow in faith and learn to love deeper, the way God loves. Reading John 3 again today, thinking of Jesus talking to Nicodemus at night in a secret meeting, and how the salvation message (v 16-17) is growing in my own heart every day, I know God’s ways are amazing just by the fact that I am able to read this in the Scriptures today. To weigh and measure His love by the Gift He gave on Memorial Day weekend is a worthy reflection. Laying down my own life because of His love for the sake of others is an honor. I am grateful for the soldiers who laid down their lives for this country. (Abba, help me live my life in ways that honor You along with the men and women who died fighting for those they didn’t even know.) In their honor, I will remember to love beyond the obstacles. There are those who gave some, some gave all, and You gave us Your everything, the greatest good. A final sacrifice for our everlasting life, in Jesus. (Abba, help me remember.) Until… Maranatha.
Amen! Thank you Lord!
What a wonderful truth! God sent His Son to save us, not to condemn, but to save us! The simple key to life. Oh, how it changes our outlook! It is a game-changer. We can struggle through life trying on our own to make it what we want, but we will ultimately come to a place of being drained, empty, and/or broken. Only through Jesus Christ can we feel peace and satisfied.
Have a fantastic Sunday She’s! Let’s open our eyes this week and see who God puts in our path that needs to hear about Jesus.
Amen ❤️
Thank you for the gift of salvation. May we never take it for granted. Please lay your hands on all of us today. Protect our hearts, minds, and bodies. Use us and mold us.
Amen. ❤️