Day 35

Weekly Truth

from the Ezekiel: Come to Life (Lent 2022) reading plan

Ezekiel 36:26-28

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

Over the last six weeks, we have memorized Ezekiel 36:26–28. Spend some time reviewing the full passage to strengthen your memorization. Let these words remind you of this: those who are in Christ are His, and nothing can change that. 

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances. You will live in the land that I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God.”
—Ezekiel 36:26–28

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Post Comments (19)

19 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    By the grace of God I am what I am. Not I, but the grace of God which was with me. (1 Cor 15:10)

    While I am here on this present earth, I look forward to the joys with Jesus, and while I wait to be in His presence fully- I praise Him now.

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ! Therefore my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Cor 15:57-58)

    I am grateful for this new heart. This new me is miraculous and a sign that God is who he says he is. I have been changed supernaturally. Yes, I still war with my flest, but my flesh is now the temple of God. He dwells in me. The Holy Spirit keeps me humble. He helps me forgive what seems unforgivable. He helps me love the seemingly unlovable. He gives me strength and abilities I could not have on my own. I cannot return to the way I was even when there are glimpses of who I used to be rising within me. I am His and He is mine. This covenantal covering is powerful. A promise that is true. The hand of God guides and corrects me. He lovingly leads me as I journey to His Kingdom to come.

  2. J says:

    I have been in a season of worrying about my son’s mental health for going on a year. My spouse is not a believer. I long to share my soul with him. I am grieved and sad today and ask for prayers. God bless

  3. Margaret W says:

    I ask for your prayers for me and for my dear friend Henry. We have dated for 2 1/2 years, and I have felt led to end the romantic part of our relationship for some time now. I feel like I bumbled it badly this weekend when I did. I’m hurting terribly, and I know he is, too, because he can’t figure out “what he did wrong.” He didn’t DO anything wrong; he is one of the kindest and dearest men I have ever known, and he has helped me greatly in healing from an abusive marriage. But although he supports my hopes and dreams, in the spiritual realm, he does not share them. And I don’t think I can fully seek God’s will while I am in such a relationship. Please pray for both of us as we grieve this loss, that we would both seek our Heavenly Father.

  4. Mari V says:

    Praying for the Andrews family.

  5. Mari V says:

    Happy Sunday sweet sisters! For those of you who were praying for my son we took a road trip to Oregon and Washington to celebrate his 21st birthday, Thank You for praying. He made it home safe yesterday. He had a great time and experience many adventures. I’m so blessed God chose me to be his Mom.

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    Yes, AZ!! Wasn’t that a great, informative, scary…podcast?! If you others are interested in what is truly happening in Ukraine from someone that is living it- go to The Unfolding, and it is the most recent one. Also so inspiring, is the chain of connection that brings people to the Lord! We can all be used, building the blocks by being a Christian example, and then letting the Lord lead us to where we can be used! It may seem small, or might be big! It is encouraging to me as I was in a Next Steps class today in our new church! I want to be used for God in a BIG way…yet He knows me, and has been growing me for a couple of decades in the way He needs me to be grown. All the while, being the spiritual leader in my family (which IS huge, yet seems small). God brings big things to fruition in our lives if we Wait, Listen, and Respond. It is His path for us, not OUR direction!
    We are also making an impact and growing each day that WE come here to SRT! It all matters! Won’t that be so amazing and incredible ONE DAY, OH Glorious Day, when we are in heaven and SEE it all!

    Prayers for the family today, and I pray that God uses the sadness and loss for HIS glory. There will be lives changed there today for sure.

    Continued prayers for your niece and friend Heidi.
    Continued prayers for your family and son Rebecca.
    Continued prayers for those specific names requested this week!
    Thank you Kelly for your wisdom every morning that you faithful leave for all of us.
    Missing bunches of you, too many to name, but Churchmouse, Erb, Tina, Taylor, Sarah, Martha Hix, Sue, Fostermomma..
    Victoria—Such a praise that you have that beautiful little baby boy, Elisha!! And so glad you are feeling a little more back to yourself! It will be a crazy, busy first year, but praying for energy, strength, peace and joy!
    One day (let’s all pray!) the “reply” will actually work beyond the app, and we can respond to each person in that way. And that they will be able to get notified for responses! They are a busy staff I am so sure, and I am so thankful for them! Applause for the SRT team! God is Good!! Amen.

  7. AZ Walker says:

    It’s a beautiful sunny morning here. Grateful for Dorothy’s praise report on Finley and pray for her every day and all of you and your requests for family and others. Rhonda J, I listened to the latest unfolding podcast (thanks again for telling us about them) just recorded from a pastor in the Ukraine and how she came to the Lord in college when a group of US Christian students visited to teach English and fast forward how she is living now in her apartment surrounded by bombing and danger. Praying for peace for all.

  8. Rebecca says:

    A beautiful April Sunday! Thankful for eyes to see it and heart and mind to enjoy it. May this be a week full of His love and learning as we continue in this study.
    Continued prayers for your niece, Heidi. It’s so uplifting when we see God’s hand at work! I feel the same way with my son when I see small steps of success that I can attribute to prayer whether he realizes it or not. Will also pray for her friend.
    Lifting up Andrew’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.
    Praying over all SRT ladies that God would comfort and bring peace for this day.

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