Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Hosea 6:6

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

While studying the book of Hosea, we’ve memorized Hosea 6:6. Has this passage opened your eyes to God in a new way?

“For I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”
—Hosea 6:6

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(21) Comments

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21 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Jennifer Lumley says:

    So thankful for this study and the truths that were shared

  2. Amber Sapp says:

    I have this on my computer so I see it everyday I am at work!

  3. Taylor Barkes says:


  4. Sarah says:

    I’m happy you visited a church and enjoyed it Rhonda! I have a new church home myself but it was definitely hard at the beginning to go alone being single. And it still is even though I have been attending the past few months. But I know God sees your intention and heart and will bless it. And through your obedience to God, you are demonstrating that to your husband. I pray he would have a change of heart and attend with you soon. Praying for you!

  5. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Sermon yesterday at church was about being more like Jesus not just being what a “good Christian ” should be. Obedience to Him is key

  6. Adrienne says:

    Kelly H… I struggle with my “checklist” too. I have my SRT study on my planner, as well as some other devotions. I write them down, so I don’t forget, but it seems like one more thing on my to-do list, you know? Trying to be more like Mary, but that Martha keeps showing up!

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    I am excited as we close out Hosea and start a new study! I am so happy to be in the Word! I did go to a church today (by myself) and enjoyed it, but was hoping to be with my husband. We just keep fighting…over nothing. So crazy, and so silly. But I need my best friend back, and I need him to want to be the head of the household and want to be a part of a church. It seems silly with so many real problems amidst, but this is hurting my soul. For my life to be so amazing, I feel like I have been asking for so many prayers all over the parts of my life!! :) See you guys in the morning!

  8. Dorothy says:

    Lord I want to love You more and learn more about You. I stray, I become weak, I allow other things to interfere. Help to become so much closer to You, Your Son and the Holy Spirit. Father remind me when I need it. I have the faith, I want the knowledge and my love is there but not always so keep me strong. You are the ONE and ONLY. I praise You. Amen.
    Sisters be wonderfully blessed today and always.

  9. Abigail Berger says:


  10. Karen Weido says:

    We got to church this morning and the preacher said “open your Bibles to Hosea.” I about fell out of my seat. I’m pretty confident I’ve only ever skimmed Hosea in the past, but then our preacher preaches it on the same day we conclude this study. God is amazing!

  11. Traci Gendron says:

    I agree with Kelly H, my life was so empty before staying in His Word everyday. I was good about studying in my 30’s and fell away. Thankful that God did not fall away from me.

    MAURA – So sorry, I had the weekends mixed up. The 16th works for me as well. How about Harbinger? It is on the southeast side of Fort Collins. 3581 E. Harmony.

  12. Victoria E says:

    Thanks for sharing Kelly that is wonderful!

  13. Mari V says:

    I wrote a comment on the website. Using my legal name. Mari is my nickname. This is what my whole family calls me. For some reason my comment didn’t post here.

  14. Muriel Valdez says:

    Good morning SRT sisters. It’s a beautiful Fall cool morning enjoying my coffee and sitting outside on the porch. I am now able to maneuver around the house in this cast and I’m not needing my things brought to me. Thank you Jesus!. I have to admit Fall is not one of my favorite seasons and winter is coming and it’s my least favorite season.
    But God,… I do enjoy the Fall colors all around especially here in California. And all the Fall goodies you can find at Trader Joe’s. I just thought I throw that in.
    Thanking God for all of you here at SRT. For your prayers. For your love that speaks so loudly here with your words. Praying that you’re having a wonderful Sunday. As we close Hosea out today, I can’t help but feel a little sadness. It was a really good study. My prayer is to never leave my FIRST love. My precious Jesus! With all the accountability that we have here at SRT my prayer is that we will remain in HIM our Jesus for always.

  15. Maura says:

    Good Morning Sisters, Faithful Love, We see Hosea’s faithful love and obedience to God. And God’s faithful love over and over again to Israel despite the sin, the idolatry, hearts that turn away. Lord help me to be constant in my love for you, to hear your voice above the noise, to rest this Sabath and honor you with my words and actions. Traci I can’t meet the 9th, that is when my girls all come. Saturday the 16th would work, I am a little south of Fort Collins, pick a place and I will meet you say 10 am? It will be great to talk and see you. I am not familiar with those places, so choose what would be comfortable to sit and chat. Joy to your Sunday Sisters. He is Fairhful.

  16. Margaret W says:

    That’s wonderful, Kelly! May you continue to draw closer to Him. ❤️

  17. Jessi S says:

    Kelly, thanks for sharing. I also feel much more fulfilled this year now that I’ve started reading the Bible for the first time.

  18. Kelly Hasselbrack says:

    Ugh. It didn’t post the rest of what I wrote. So sorry for the duplicate posts. This is my first time posting here.

  19. Kelly Hasselbrack says:

    This year, God has been speaking to me about my spiritual “checklist.” I knew what good Christian people did and made sure I was doing those things. Going to church ✔️ VBS helper? ✔️ worship team ✔️ reading my devotion ✔️
    I was not reading my Bible, nor spending time in God’s presence. My spiritual checklist left me dry and unsatisfied. Then God led me to start a women’s Bible study and prayer group via zoom. More than anything, I needed that! God has used that group to draw me closer to Him. I can see how much I need Him, not the empty worship of my idols. I saw how empty my life was without regular time with God and in the Word. Now I have joy and a greater peace. Praise the Lord for His unfailing goodness and mercy!

  20. Kelly Hasselbrack says:

    This year, God has been speaking to me about my spiritual “checklist.” I knew what good Christian people did and made sure I was doing those things. Going to church ✔️ VBS helper? ✔️ worship team ✔️ reading my devotion ✔️

  21. SarahJoy says:

    A good reminder to this people-pleaser. I can think God wants me to be perfect before He can love me. The reminder here is to focus on loving God more than working to making ourselves look good. Seeking Him instead of the praise of others.

    God help me put my eyes on You.