Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
As we read the Gospel of Mark, we will memorize a passage about Jesus’s presence during His ministry on earth. This week, focus on memorizing verses 43 and 44. Read it out loud several times this week, placing the emphasis on different words each time to help you remember.
“On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
—Mark 10:43–45
Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.
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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Lord i thank you
Thank you to those that replied to me, I understand it better now
This verse stood out like it hasn’t before.
Whoever wants to be great among you will be a slave… when we want to be great we are always chasing the next best thing/ achievements/ power. We will never be satisfied. It’s not just a spiritual future tense it happens right now.
When I am a servant I’m satisfied and fulfilled.
❤️ you are such an inspiration
The world says “Follow your heart”
Jesus says “Follow Me”
Lord Jesus – I believe, help me with my unbelief
It IS all about YOU – not me.
I must decrease
so that
YOU may increase
Love to all you lovely SRT ladies – May God bless you and keep you and hold you in His righteous right hand
March 21, 2021 at 5:29 pm
Hello STR family, can someone share their thoughts in further detail please? In the verse (43-45) is Jesus speaking to his disciples or is Mark speaking. I am trying to understand but I struggle sometimes as this is all new language to me.
Hi Monique ! Jesus is speaking to His disciples (and to us!)and Mark is recording it all.
I am so happy that someone suggested The Chosen show to watch and how it follows what we are studying right now! It is SO good, I encourage all of you all to watch it! I am watching on Youtube.
I also love that Churchmouse loves everyone’s comments…since SHE is the one we all love, haha! No, I truly cherish reading everyone’s comments! Thank you for this community SRT! Keep working on how we can respond to each particular person rather than it showing in normal comments please, I miss that! (must only work through the app!)
I’m with you Chris. I’ve been on and off of SRT for a few years now and have only commented a few times. Thank you too everyone who comment regularly and help me better understand the bible and inspire me as well. Help me Lord to learn to serve others.
I responded to yours it just didn’t post as a response!
My Bible says it’s anonymous but it’s thought that John Mark wrote this book. But John Mark quotes Jesus speaking to two guys: James and John about whether they can seat next to Jesus in Heaven. But the thing about what Jesus is saying is that God prepares the table already and you can see that you are at the table but the way you choose to serve others. You can do right things like Jesus but if your heart isn’t for the people you are doing it for- it’s pointless.
Jesus is the one speaking. He is referring to himself as the son of man
Beautiful! I needed this today ❤️
Hello STR family, can someone share their thoughts in further detail please? In the verse (43-45) is Jesus speaking to his disciples or is Mark speaking. I am trying to understand but I struggle sometimes as this is all new language to me.
We were just talking about this at church today:) Such a hard concept to live out. We can only do this by God’s grace and strength. I pray I would live this verse out.❤️
I’m so grateful for this study, it is helping me to get a glimpse of the character of our dear Savior, Jesus.
“You don’t always have to be first.” This is some thing I say to the children when we are getting in the line. There’s always that one or two that “have-to-be” first in line all the time. I remind the children that we are all going to the same place so it doesn’t matter whose first, or in the middle, or in the back. We are all going to the same place. So grateful that OUR God functions the same way. No matter where we are in life as long as we have committed to follow Jesus we will all be in heaven someday. Together. And I’m so grateful for my boss who is a Christian who never sees herself as first or this great person. Instead, she is a servant. And a great example to the unbelievers among us.
I want to serve others more often and see the holiness in all. I fear I’ve become to judgmental.
Saw a picture recently of the old family house.. a colonial style house with 10 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, equal number of cloakrooms, on the seafront… literally! This is the place my childhood remembers as Happy days. This is the place where my heart sang the loudest..the family home. The imposing house, seen for miles, even out to sea.. my grandfather built it for my grandmother when they got married.
But here’s the thing, the house was and still is imposing, but it was only ever a place of happiness for me. I never saw it as anything other than that! Praise God..
I tell you this Why..?
I have come from an affluent family, yes, but that is not my whole story, that was my grandfather and my father before me. Their wealth was not my wealth, their lives not mine. I am, as they were, a unique child of God..
I am here to serve, not to boast. I am here to bear witness to the One who has saved me, not once, not twice, but saves me over and over again.
I am here to worship, praise and glorify Him, who is faithful and true.
I am here to be the ‘soil’, ‘the good soil’ as best i can.
I am here in my own unique way, with my God given unique purpose and plan to serve and serve well for His glory..
I sought to be someone ‘better’ once.. not a good look, I can tell you!
But God..
On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you will be a slave to all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Jesus, gave the ultimate service, paid the greatest price for a prolific sinner such as I, may I do the same for others as has been done for me by the Most High God..
Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer..
Happy Sunday sweet sisters.. Ne Blessed..❤
I also wanted to share on the matter of serving, doesn’t it seem like it is becoming less and less socially acceptable to serve? I struggle to keep the voices of the world’s manta of me first out of my head. I am in a long season of serving my family and I’m weary but then I open SRT this morning and I am completely blessed by our Savior’s words. I’m comforted knowing I’m in the right place doing exactly what He’d have for me to do. ❤️
Churchmouse, your words here have helped me more than I could possibly explain. Please know that the Lord works through all of you ladies to minister to my heart and life. I do not post often because I don’t often feel “qualified “ but I realize how silly that sounds as we are all qualified in our love of Lord and more so in His love for us.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me an example to follow.
Each of you who take the time to post here serve me. You may not think of it as an act of service but it truly is. Your comments bless and challenge me. You provide opportunity for me to intercede for you across many miles. You give me a chuckle on the very day I need one. Your prayers for me and my family strengthen me. God surely works through you in this sacred space. And I am so so grateful.
I wonder, did the rocks cry out as you hung on that tree? Did the earth weep? As man spat and cursed, did creation groan at the death of Her Creator? Lord, soften my heart and open my eyes again to the reality of Easter this year.