Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

1 Timothy 4:7-9

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.

Now that you’ve memorized 1 Timothy 4:7b–9, recite the full passage to a friend. Feel free to revisit tips from previous weeks to help seal God’s Word inside of you.  

Train yourself in godliness. For the training of the body has limited benefit, but godliness is beneficial in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance.
—1 Timothy 4:7b–9

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day. 

(37) Comments

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37 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Brandi Turner says:

    This is my first study I have finished and I’m so happy I began it.

  2. Heather Robinson says:

    Wondrous truth

  3. Susan Crosby says:

    Train yourself in Godliness…the Word of God is the training manual…faith in practice ❤️

  4. Laura Beckom says:

    This study has been amazing so glad I participated!

  5. Audrey Brooks says:

    As I, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina, continue to Abide in Christ I am ever grateful to have walked through the scripture and disciplines to Grow ever more or be pruned where I am as God sees fit. Thank You God for all who are here as we cling to you and as we let your light shine through us.

  6. Mel says:

    I ended last eyar with the advent devotional (a friend’s recommendation) and loved it so much I got this one. This is the first time since I had children 5 years ago now that I’ve had consistent daily time in the world and for prayer. I’m so thankful to these studies for getting me there. Although I own two bibles, doing studies on my own without it all being laid out in the same book with devotional content just never stuck for me. I’m not sure why. But I’m so glad these plans have kept me in the word of God for 2 months now. So excited to know more about God and start my day right.

  7. Amaris Robinson says:

    Happy early Monday morning from Alabama! It’s very cold here this on this dark morning before sunrise. I too am very happy to have started this year off with this study. It has been an anchor through one of the most difficult January months I have seen. My sweet 86 year old father passed away suddenly on the 20th. He died peacefully, at home (he lived with us.) I found him that morning after reading my devotional. Two days later, we moved to a new house. The move had been in the works for two months. On top of all this, I have an elderly aunt & uncle who are childless, live four hours away, and have dementia, and they needed medical care during this time. It has been such a hard season, and I have struggled with shock, overwhelm, and worry. It has been a blessing to turn to the devotion every day. I have prayed for others & been encouraged. Looking forward to Esther & Lent!

  8. L V says:

    I really got a lot out of this study. Some days I didn’t quite agree with some of the angles but overall this really helped me and applied to my life in cool ways. I’m glad I was able to (mostly) keep up on track with it!

  9. Kayla Albano says:

    Like @Lisa, the Advent study and this study have brought so much joy to me! I am so grateful to have ended 2020 and begun 2021 with so much hope, and focused on the Word. This study in particular will be one that stays with me for a long time – and that I come back to! I’m so excited for Esther, which also happens to be what my church group is studying for the next 9 weeks! God is good. ❤️

  10. Truth Seeker says:

    Hello to all of you wonderful SRT ladies !
    I read all of the comments every day and lift all of you (commenters and non-commenters) up daily in prayer for specific needs as requested and in general as God knows and loves all of you and knows all of our situations and needs and He will answer all prayers.
    I enjoy reading everyone’s names and I would greatly enjoy to know where everyone is from as this IS a global community.
    I am currently residing in Lynchburg Virginia but am a native Californian.

  11. Laurie Martin says:


  12. Mercy says:

    Amen. Train in godliness which has the promise of the life. Praise the Lord. Greetings and hugs to you, from cold and snowy Canada. God bless you all.

  13. Melissa Mcronney says:


  14. Lisa Waldo says:

    I have enjoyed this study and the previous Advent Study so much! I look forward to Esther on Monday and the Lent study! Can’t wait to get the box!

  15. PamC says:

    What a wonderful start to the year this has been! The 1st couple of worldly weeks were difficult, but this study, your comments, fellowship, and prayers helped me through. I’m so grateful. Thankful. While I always walk away enlightened, this time I’ve been really uplifted. Enjoy your day my friends. Sending love from the wet part of Northern California. (Wish it would snow but we’re in the valley). Blessings!

  16. Mari V says:

    Slept in… Now that I’m back to work I sleep in a little on Saturdays and Sundays but mainly on Sundays. My body tried to wake up early as it normally does but I made myself go back to sleep. So here it is almost 8:30 AM. Happy Sunday from sunny☀️(but cold) California. Note: Snow is not too far from here though. Up north. Thank you ladies for another wonderful study as we share, talk, cry and carry when each others burdens.

  17. Erin D says:

    Happy Sunday! I love feeling connected to all you beautiful ladies from all over the country, and the world. And I LOVE reading about your snow from sunny (but cold to me) California.

  18. KJ Johnson says:

    Thanks for the challenge of memorizing this verse. It’s been a good one for me! So fun to hear about everyone’s snow!

  19. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Thankful to have begun my new year with She Reads truth. This study has opened my eyes to things I never knew or even thought about. I am grateful to God that he led me to this company and group. Thank you my sisters in Christ for your wonderful commits and prayers. May God bless you all today and always.

  20. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Yes it has!!

  21. Jennifer Ficklen says:


  22. Nancy Singleton says:

    Sisters, praying all stay safe & warm as many of us are being blanketed with snow this Sunday morning. It’s so quiet, peaceful & beautiful, & like Debra Green, reminds me how the blood of Jesus washed my (our) sins “white as snow”. This has been a wonderful study to begin a new year.

  23. Krysta Orona says:

    Thank you all for sharing how you have been growing and learning. These posts have been life giving and inspiring. Grateful for this study and all of you ❤️

  24. Debra Greene says:

    Good AM and Happy Sunday! Snow in the NC mountains is beautiful! Snow reminds me that Jesus’ blood washed my sins away and now I am white as the snow.

  25. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord i thank you!

  26. Aimee says:

    What a blessing this study has been to start this year. I feel more grounded in the foundations of the Christian walk. I’m thankful for this ministry and look forward to growing together in the Grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  27. Kara Lerssen says:

    I absolutely love knowing my family in Christ is reading, praying, and loving Jesus all together. ♥️

  28. Sandy Flynn says:

    Thankful (not prideful) to get to the end of this book. What a great start to the year. This will be one I will go back to over and over again.

  29. Helen Ledingham says:

    Good afternoon beautiful sisters in Christ from cold and dank England ❄️ Feel so blessed to be able to share in She Reads Truth with you all. The Spiritual Disciplines have spoken deeply to me and I am enjoying my second ‘Sabbath’ discipline!! The time put aside reading the Word and meditating has made a significant impact in my every day and working life so far; it has opened me up to listening and paying attention to His still small voice. Very thankful. Blessings to you all.

  30. Susan Crocker says:

    Yes! We do have snow here in Virginia. Good day to stay in the Word!

  31. Katherine S. says:


  32. Meg B says:

    Yes Michelle! Can’t believe the forecast was right here in the valley in VA. Happy Sunday!

  33. Ramona says:

    Good morning SRT sisters. I am sitting at my table looking at the snow (lots of it) out my window, it’s beautiful and peaceful. My quiet time, God, me and my coffee. Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy. Continue working in me to be a more Godly soul and forgive my sins that I know and the ones I am unaware of.

  34. Michelle Tenberg says:

    Good morning and happy Sunday from Virginia with snow!!!! ❄️⛄️❄️

  35. Churchmouse says:

    I’m watching small snowflakes steadily fall. This is the quiet beauty before the snow falls heavier. Then the beauty becomes a burden and we have to bundle up to clear access to our home.
    I praise God for the wonder of winter and I thank Him for a body healthy enough to shovel. Whatever you are doing today, dear SRT friends, may you wonder and be grateful for all He gives. He’s a good, good Father.

  36. Tina says:


    Happy Sunday you beautiful daughters of the Most High God.. wrapped in thankful love for you all!❤

  37. Jennifer Johnson says:

    Amen ♥️