Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 33:14

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize Jeremiah 33:14, God’s declaration of his intention to remain faithful to Israel and Judah.

“Look, the days are coming”—
this is the LORD’s declaration—
“when I will fulfill the good promise
that I have spoken
concerning the house of Israel
and the house of Judah.
—Jeremiah 33:14

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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36 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Mikki says:

    In a years time, this will all seem like a very small section of our lives. It seems so big and never ending right now, but we will get through it. It’s been helping me to think long term or at the big picture rather than the here and now, and hopefully this thought will be calming for one of my SRT sisters. I am so excited to see what God creates out of this pandemic! It’s going to be amazing :)

  2. May says:

    Thank you for all your comments today. They brought tears to my eyes. This verse was laid on me. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” God is doing something. We must pay attention.

  3. Mom to many says:

    Many ministries across the globe have declared today as a day of prayer and fasting. This is just one resource that may be helpful.

    Come Lord Jesus and heal your lands.


  4. Mom to many says:

    Thank you sisters for all of the wisdom you daily share here. Everyday I am blessed through your words.

    Our university kids have returned home and I know I will be needing extra patience and grace in the days ahead and starting my day with SRT is the best way to begin,

    Kathy my friend delivered twin baby girls last week and I long to see them- i can imagine your longing as a grandma. Praying for all of you sweet friends.

  5. NanaK says:

    In the quiet of the morning as I sip my tea outside, listening to a melody of bird songs, it is still so difficult to process all the uncertainties that are going on around the world. On this Sunday morning instead of preparing to “go” to church, we are preparing to “watch” church. Did any of us imagine this? BUT GOD….
    HE has given us a declaration and a promise that HE will fulfill! On this Sunday morning, we can be assured that our GOD is in control and HE will not forsake us.
    Praising Him in the Storm…..
    May grace, mercy and peace be yours in abundance today dear Sisters.

  6. Jennifer O says:

    With so much uncertainty in the world right now, I’m thankful for God being steadfast, true and never changing.

  7. Cari says:

    Laura, I agree. I was thinking the same thing. God knew we would need this right now and I am so very thankful for this study and the reminders that He is faithful and His words are true.

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Kathy, praying that even in this stressful and unusual time, you will enjoy the wonder of this miracle gift God is giving to your daughter, her husband and all of you. This baby boy is entering this world in the best possible way – loved! First by His heavenly Father and then by all of you. God chose your daughter and her husband as the parents of this little one. God knows they are the perfect ones for him – and you, the perfect grandmother. The surrounding circumstances of his birth, though difficult and more challenging, do not diminish the gift of new life, straight from the hands and heart of God to all of yours. Does God still do miracles? Have you seen a miracle in your lifetime! Yes!!! With every child born. Every child, a God-given miracle. May you hold onto the wonder of the moment even though it may initially be from the parking lot. Think of how you will tell him the story of his birth one day. A unique one for sure.

    Praying for a safe delivery. Praying for God’s peace to blanket you all. And may you all dance for joy when you meet him! It will be so worth the wait!

    Love and hugs from one grandmother (I’m a Mimi) to another. How blessed your grandson is.