Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 31:34

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize God’s promise of forgiveness, spoken by the prophet Jeremiah and fulfilled in Christ.

“For I will forgive their iniquity and never again remember their sin.”
—Jeremiah 31:34b

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

(23) Comments

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23 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Hilary V says:

    Father thank you for your forgiveness.

  2. K D says:

    So overwhelmed by God’s forgiveness and grace!

  3. Parasa says:

    Thank you my Lord for the gracious words in this morning. We need your love and grace during this difficult period.

  4. Ashley Thomas says:

    Last Sunday, my pastor preached about this topic. It was the first time I’ve ever heard that not only does God forgive my sins, but they are also completely forgotten. I was raised Catholic, and then became an atheist when I was in high school. In college, I returned to God. As a Catholic, you pretty much feel like God keeps a running record of every wrong you’ve ever done, so it was a huge revelation to me that my sin is not only forgiven, but forgotten. God doesn’t remember, so neither should I.

  5. Sharon W says:

    Churchmouse, I thank God for you everyday as I read your comments and my other sisters as well. I appreciate the excellence of wisdom God has given you to nail down the content and open our eyes to different perspectives. KOKO, my friend.

  6. Melanie Rastrelli says:

    I also thank you so much Churchmouse for your words of grace reminding me that I am truly forgiven. I am still listening to Satan’s lies that I am not enough for God and not truly forgiven. I pray for these lies to stop. I want to always believe in spite of my circumstances. Pray for me to believe God’s promise with all my mind and all my heart.

  7. Linda King says:

    Amen Churchmouse! By the way, how did you come up with your name.

  8. Dorothy says:

    Well yesterday all of the Kansas City area was told starting Tuesday there is a “Stay at Home” order except for essential people. Well being a nurse and having a job taking care of a child with special needs I’m an essential person. I will only be getting out to go to and from work. I just got back from the store and people were being nice and polite to each other. My company has supplied me with a letter to present in case I need it. I guess I will be reading and listening to my Christian music and chilling — a person can only watch so much TV and play so many games. It’s raining here right now so getting outside is out of the question too.
    God watch over all of us as we weather this season of disease. Help us to turn to You for what we need and to know that You will see us through this. Remind us, You have a purpose and reason for everything You do. Amen

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      And amen! Praying in agreement with you.

    2. Rachel Simmons says:


  9. Mari V says:

    HE remembers my sin NO MORE!
    And Churchmouse, thank you again for your wise words of wisdom!
    I pray for all of you and I’m thankful for all of you. You are all such a blessing in my life.

  10. Beki Melone says:
  11. Lisa Z says:

    Thank You Father for forgiving our sins. Help us to share this forgiveness with all we meet and to those with whom we live. Help us to spread Your light of forgiveness on our broken world. Shield us from the lies of the enemy. Help us feel Your presence daily.
    Thank you all so much for being here. SRT is an awesome group that i just discovered before Christmas. So grateful, particularily at this trying time. Grateful always for your wise words, Churchmouse. Anyone heard from Tina from across the pond?

  12. Doris says:

    Thanking God for His grace. Not forgetting that God is a totally forgiving and loving Father.
    Sin tries to leave a stain but Father God has washed as white as snow. We are forgiven, we are loved, we are blessed we His unconditional, everlasting love.

  13. Sue says:

    The Assurance of Pardon (from the study book) this week comes from Psalm 32: “How joyful is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”

    May be believe God’s promise to forgive and forget and may we live with joy.

  14. Sharon Smith says:

    Thank you Churchmouse ~ you always give me hope and a new perspective ~ you are a conduit for our Lord’s words~ I’m grateful for your posts- sending you and all my SRT sisters love , peace , and Joy! ❤️

  15. Sherry says:


  16. Anne Jones says:

    Thank you Churchmouse. We DO fall for Satan’s lies even when we know what God tells us. Jesus please forgive my weakness and strengthen my faith. Help me to shout your promises every time Satan starts whispering his lies.

  17. Churchmouse says:

    God made us to be a remembering people. We are to recall His past dealings with us so that we can be confident in Him today and in the future. His ways are for our good and His glory. We also remember our failings, and they are many. Some are awful. BUT when we confess, God forgives and forgets. Oh but the devil is intent to remind us of those sins. It’s one of his best tactics, a subversive scheme. Forgetting that God is a totally forgiving God keeps us in bondage. It undermines our fulfilling His purpose in our lives. We fall for the lie that we’re not good enough and that He’s not loving enough, that He can’t really be trusted. We begin to view God as if He was like us. Today’s verse needs shouted. Let’s believe what He says. Let’s quit rehearsing the lies. Let’s stop reminding God of something He’s forgotten. Let’s forgive ourselves. Because He has.

    1. Kody C.Krady says:


    2. Melissa Graves says:


    3. Nancy Singleton says:

      Very wise words!

    4. Diana Degnan says:

      Oooh yes and Amen!! This reminder !