Day 28

Weekly Truth

from the Genesis reading plan

Genesis 31:13

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize Genesis 31:13, Jacob’s reference to when God appeared to him in a dream.

I am the God of Bethel, where you poured oil on the stone marker and made a solemn vow to me. —Genesis 31:13

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

Post Comments (16)

16 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Taylor Gridley says:

    Happy Sunday! I decided this morning after going to church and feeling moved by our lord to rededicate my life to Christ. I spent many years distancing myself from my faith I found in childhood and he waited patiently for me to rediscover the truth as an adult. This study has helped me get back into the groove of faith and though I was still feeling hesitant my heart made the leap this morning. Thank you ladies for creating a community to make the word of god more accessible and sharing your thoughts and stories.

    1. Mari V says:

      Welcome back Taylor! You are in great hands here. This is an amazing community of godly women that love Jesus.

  2. patricia Buck-Sherman says:


  3. Mari V says:

    Good morning ladies! Happy Sunday. Hope you all enjoy your places of worship. This morning I’m visiting a friends church.

  4. Ashley White says:

    Happy Sunday everyone

  5. Tracie Nall says:

    Last year when studying this passage with my ladies bible study and Jen Wilkins Covenant study of Genesis, God used this verse and passage of scripture to show me some places in my life He was moving me away from and places I had stayed too long, places that had become comfortable but not profitable! I am reminded that there comes a times when God will take us out of a situation to prepare us for something better He has planned. I resisted His movement

  6. Sue says:

    It is good to remember specific times of God’s faithfulness and know he is the same God now as He was then.

    Song by Tommy Walker:

    We will remember, we will remember
    We will remember the works of Your hands
    We will stop and give you praise
    For great is Thy faithfulness.

  7. Anja Etwal-Nielsen says:

    This reminds me so much of how I feel Jesus is calling to me all the time. Even when I feel he is far away I know and remind myself that home is within God. I think it can be hard at times to truly belive 100%, but this, to me, is both a gentle and strong reminder of where home is. Home of my faith – and life.

  8. Churchmouse says:

    It was time for Jacob to go. He had served his uncle Laban long enough. He is told by the Lord it’s time to pack up his family and all his belongings and return to the land of his birth. He rounds up his flocks and reminds his wives that they won’t be traveling alone nor without purpose. He tells them about the visitation he had by the angel of the Lord and the promise he was given. There was no need to fear on their departure for it was God ordained. Laban would not be happy but that was not their concern. God said it was time to leave and so they would.
    There is a time to pray about a decision and then there is a time to obey. I can pray long and hard but eventually I must get up and do what the Lord tells me to do. Enough procrastinating, enough hiding behind fear, enough second guessing His will. Lord, give me the willingness to go where You would have me go. Let me not be content to stay where I am if it’s not where You want me to be. Let me lean on Your promises. Let me trust You for You are my faithful traveling companion, my trustworthy guide. Amen.

    1. K D says:

      Thank you for this reflection – it is what I needed today.

    2. Mari V says:

      Thank you for this Churchmouse: “There’s a time to pray about a decision and there’s a time to obey”.

    3. Natasha R says:

      Thank you Churchmouse. Once again, you have articulations the prayer of my heart.

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