Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize a call to worship God in our daily lives.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.
—Romans 12:1

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Avis DeniseGraves says:

    This was an excellent, reflective study. Amen.

  2. Heather Hull says:

  3. Michelle Turner says:

    How nice it sounds to memorize and then actually FOLLOW what this scripture says. But how incredibly HARD! Praise God that it’s preceded by “in view of God’s mercies” or in the MSG version: “God helping you.”
    No way we can make ourselves a living sacrifice without telling Him about it first. He’s the one who deems the sacrifice acceptable. If I don’t bring it to Him and ask for His help, I’m way too prone to force my own work down as a sacrifice. Or to demand that my sacrifice be honored. God accepts a broken and contrite heart as a sacrifice. I pray I can give Him that each day to mould as he sees best.

  4. Nikki Falvey says:

    I once heard a sermon on this verse where whatever translation we were using said that presenting our bodies as living sacrifices was our “reasonable worship.” The pastor went on to explain how this is the appropriate and fitting response of a people saved by Jesus sacrificing his body for us. I love the idea that worship of any form is fitting for God to receive. C. S. Lewis, in his book “Meditations on the Psalms,” talks about how the psalms of praise and worship explain how the only fitting response to God is worship; he doesn’t need our worship, but we need to worship him, it is almost a compulsion once we realize all he has done for us.

    Similarly, when I was looking at names for my son, I came across the name Corbin, which derives from the Hebrew word “korban,” meaning “sacrifice,” but with the implication that sacrifice draws one near to God. I love that truth! My prayer for my son Corbin is that he would love God and offer himself as a living sacrifice daily that he would draw continually closer to God.

  5. Angie says:

    All to Jesus.

  6. Pam K says:

    I have really enjoyed this study on worship and am thankful for those at SRT who prayerfully put these studies together. Each day has brought great truths, reminders and lessons. I recommend these studies often to women!
    I mentioned in an earlier post that I have been reviewing an early copy of Ruth Chou Simons book “Beholding and Becoming- The Art of Every Day Worship”. It is a beautiful book with her paintings aligned with scripture and teachings on what worship looks like in our everyday lives. If you want another time of focus on worship, I highly recommend it. I think it will be available mid September.
    Thanks to all of you that comment and add insight each day. I read them all, pray with you and appreciate you. I just am not always one to reply. Praising Him who brings us together in this community.

  7. Jamie Bierd says:


  8. Lo MacInnis says:

    I am coming back to the church and to God for the first time in a long time, and I’m excited and scared and nervous and joyful – I love that this is the reading for today. Going back to God after so long and so many trials it could fill my own book, I feel a little like the prodigal son, finally realizing how awful I’ve been, and returning home to the one who loves me. I’m open and receptive and offering myself as sacrifice this morning as I set foot through the doors of a new church, in a new town after 6 years apart from God and the church.

    1. Janet C says:

      ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Welcome home

      1. Lo MacInnis says:

        ❤ thank you!

    2. Nancy Stinson says:

      I, too, returned to the joy of my salvation fourteen years ago. It’s an ongoing, beautiful journey. Welcome home.

    3. Mari V says:

      WONDERFUL! And it’s so ironic that I was remembering JUST this morning a time (many years ago) when I wasn’t faithfully walking the Lord. I cannot imagine my life without Jesus. I am praying you will continue your walk with Jesus no matter what challenges you may face. Trust me I have faced many challenges and I cannot do life without Jesus. Jesus gets all the glory! Keep walking with HIM!

    4. Nicole Bisset says:

    5. AnneLyn P says:

      Praising God for his love, his grace, his mercy. And praising God for you .

    6. Kylie Francesconi says:


  9. Ava says:

    I would suppose that keeping our bodies pure must involve some amount of selfcare. It would be interesting to read a study on this verse’s relationship to food intake, medical care, and other physical aspects of wellness. Or am I being too carnal?

    1. Amy MacKenzie says:

      Oh I love this idea!

    2. Kelsey . says:

      Totally not carnal! I believe that self care is not only an important part of physical health but also spiritual health.

    3. Susan Merritt says:

      You are completely right. If the spirit is to dwell within us then our body’s must be pure and clean.

    4. Samantha Miller says:

      I agree, Ava! Especially with the stigma around mental health and self care. I would like to really study what the Bible has to say about it all.

    5. Nikki Falvey says:

      That’s spot on! Our pastor once preached on this verse and specifically addressed caring for our bodies in living healthily, eating well, exercising, getting enough rest, etc. Think about how Solomon adorned the Temple so lavishly to house the presence of the Lord; our bodies are now His temple so it makes sense that we should take care of them. Plus, as a mom of two little ones, I’ve found out he hard way that you are able to love others and carry out your mission better if you are well rested and healthy!

    6. Anastasia Broadus says:

      Good Morning! I think that all of those things God provided for us to be well, you know? As long as we aren’t idolizing those things and putting them before God you will be fine. When we run to those things before Him- that’s a problem. Self care is not only important it’s necessary! Take good self care!

    7. Megan McDaniel says:

      Hey Ava! I don’t think you’re being too carnal. I think that God absolutely wants us to take care of ourselves as in being sensible about what we eat, the balance between work and rest, and things like that. But personally, this Bible passage has always spoken to me as how a person carries their self. When I read that I am supposed to consider my body as a temple and living sacrifice, etc., I strongly feel that this has a lot to do with how I carry myself— dressing in clothes that are beautiful and fashionable but not “too showy,” being the Hands and Feet of Jesus through treating others how He would treat them with love and grace, and stuff like that. I think these verses are related to it all— taking care of your body, taking care of your mind, and guarding your heart and above all abiding with Jesus!

  10. Sue says:

    Many times I do things for God.
    May I instead present my whole body to God, giving Him my whole self in worship.

  11. Churchmouse says:

    His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. The only appropriate response is worship with all of my heart, soul, mind and body. It is a small sacrifice of praise compared to all He has done, all He has given.