Have you ever waited for something you really wanted? Like really wanted. I bet we all have. Whether you wanted a friend on your first day of school, a fairytale romance, or an elf to do your laundry, we all know what it’s like to wait for something to come to fruition.
It’s hard to be patient when we have big hopes and dreams. We want what we want—now. And while all dreams are different, I believe we have one in common: above all else, we long for heaven.
If we’re honest, we all feel unsatisfied with something in this life. From our personal lives to our politics, our world is grumbling and groaning (Romans 8:22–23). Maybe our relationships haven’t provided the community we need, or our jobs aren’t utilizing our full potential. Or maybe we aren’t the women we know we were created to be. For most of us, there are many sources of personal frustration. Societally, we hear stories of tragedy every day. Tales of injustice and war flood our news feeds. The world is broken. The effects of the fall reverberate in and around us because things are not as they should be.
But why are we surprised when we encounter disappointment in this life? Where does this strong sense that the world should be better come from? We long for a perfect world we’ve never experienced. C.S. Lewis put it best when he said, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
We were made for another world! In our heartbreak, discouragement, and righteous anger there is a yearning for the new heaven and new earth. Paul describes our eagerness and groaning like a woman in childbirth (v.22). We can’t wait “for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies” (v.23). Yet this redemption is not something we can accomplish on our own. Our separation from the holy God is a chasm we are utterly and irrefutably unable to cross.
Only Christ can reconcile us to God. His sacrifice paid for our sins. His resurrection defeated death forever. The world around us “wastes away and withers,” but we must remember the story isn’t over yet. Jesus came to offer eternal hope, and Jesus is coming back. “The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us” (v.18).
When we feel the weight of the pain and brokenness of this world, we must remember the greater story. We are caught in a fallen world between redemption and restoration. We who have the firstfruits of the Spirit within us should be groaning for more, waiting eagerly and with patience. We long for heaven, and heaven is coming.
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56 thoughts on "We Cannot Save Ourselves"
Leaning into His enough today. Thank you for your free gift of grace, Jesus. I want my whole life to glorify you.
Today was refreshing. Going over my spirit and flesh, but I know I have the Lord’s spirit, I dance the line with spirit and flesh daily having to remind myself, nope don’t jump into that gossip conversation, nope stay steady and not quit my job. I faulter and fail now and then, I am weak when he is strong so I lean hard on God. But it’s refreshing and hard to hear, which I knew just a reality check, that my whole being is longing for more. But I and we were not meant for this place, so.of course I am striving for more or feel a sense of constant disappointment. But how do I lean in harder, how do I make that diminish just enough to feel okay? I’m struggling ladies, so prayer for my mind and spirit to align.
6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. – Romans 8:6 I love this verse because it defines TRUE DEATH and TRUE LIFE! A worldly view of life and death is defined by what happens to our bodies, but where our focus goes is what defines the life and death of our spirit ♥️
What peace He gives. What joy we have in knowing that through Him we have life after death. We are undeserving. Thank you, God.
Lord we thank you
I didn’t fully understand what the Bible was saying for this one! But I knew enough to understand the message.
Please help me when I lost to live, Lord.
I had a wise Sister in Christ ask me once why I longed for Heaven. Was it because I longed to escape the sin and pain of this world? Or was it to be in the presence of the Lord. I have been struggling with that question ever since! Do the two go hand in hand? Or do we desire the benefits of Heaven more than He who is Heaven? More than being face to face with our Lord and Savior? Just a thought.
When i was newly married and a new daughter in Christ there was an elder who would end his prayers with “Jesus come quickly”. My husband and I would hear this and just cringed and say to ourselves “No, not yet”! We were young, newly married, hadn’t lived life yet, wanting babies, seeing them grow up, get married and have grandchildren. 34 married years later, even with many beautiful blessings, life can deliver some hard blows and the evil of this world can be quite disturbing/depressing, especially these days. I understand “Jesus come quickly”. I yearn to be in heaven, with my family, face to face with Jesus. For now, staying in the word daily, staying in this community of struggling warriors and hearing redeeming testimonies is paramount. Reminding myself of Hope and a promise of more to come…Jesus is my Lord and God.
I am grateful for reminding me that this is not my home
We long for heaven, and heaven is coming. -Love this so much!!!
Waiting is not easy, but I know in the waiting, God is perfecting me. I am waiting for a spouse. God has promised one to me. It has been a long wait, but I know that God’s timing is way better than mine. So I wait, knowing God is faithful to his promises.
Michelle P: Thank you for the song and introducing me to the Altar Music! I love me some fiddle and banjo! Such an uplifting song.
YES!! ❤️
Waiting patiently! Thankful.
“We are caught in a fallen world between redemption and restoration. “. Thank You, Jesus for making the Way to restoration and eternal life with You! One day soon…Amen.
Whew. All. Of. Today’s.
@Melanie I have been listening to a great series from Mike Todd of Transformation Church today. It is called Grace Like A Flood. There are 9 sermons in total but two I heard today really gave me freedom and changed my heart posture. I think they may bring you some clarity as well. I would suggest listening to Part 4 I am Sav(ed) and part 6 Only God Can Judge Me (works after grace). I listened via Spotify but they can also be found on YouTube easily as well.
I’m so glad we have heaven to look forward to and that this world isn’t all there is. ❤️
Amazing devotion. Thank you Kaitie for such deep insights!
@Tina: so glad to see your comment. Separation hurts, and I am so encouraged by your story every single time. Yes the Hope is what we live for, and look to, and to the ONE who promised and surely will deliver. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23) One day you will hug your daughter again, you will hold her hand running across the green meadows and sitting beside the still waters, for eternity. How good is God!
@Dorothy: praying for your nephew’s wedding in Alaska and travel grace for your son and his wife.
@Mari V: your workplace situation (Psalm 119:153-154)
@Kerry Rowley: for your sister in hospice care (Psalm 41:3)
@Sky Hilton: for your sister’s successful surgery and recovery. May healing and wholeness come and may Jesus’ name be exalted through this circumstance/crisis, and your whole family will be touched mightily with His grace (Psalm 28:7-9) (Psalm 30:8-12).
@Lauren McKinney: may God deliver you from past trauma, fears and worries (Psalm 34:17) and strengthen you. Jesus loves you very much (Romans 8:38-39) (Psalm 121).
Be blessed and have a wonderful weekend dear sweet SRT sisters.
It is so hard sometimes. I listen every morning to Joyce Myers. She has some good advice. The weight of the world really gets to me. I was at work the other day, and was just getting very upset with everything going on. Then it hit me. It’s the devil trying to get me upset. The next thing I know I’m talking out loud to the devil telling him to leave me alone. I’m going to have a good day. Right after that everything got better.
Melanie- thanks for your honesty! The good news is we don’t have to please God because Jesus did, we don’t have to worry if we prayed hard enough because Jesus did, we don’t have to worry about the sins we have committed in the past because Jesus covered them all. As long as we have accepted His saving grace, we are free to love, serve, and share in grateful and thankful response to everything He has done. So thankful His love and grace and guidance are not contingent on what I have done!
So much to process and take in today between the Scripture and Katie’s devotional. Each day I’m loving this study more and more because it’s bringing me closer to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; giving me new insights to the Bible and the Gospel; and allowing me to examine myself and my relationship with the MOST HIGH ONE.
Please pray for my nephew and his very soon bride to be — they get married today in Alaska — his name is Tom and her name is Anniekate. My son and d-i-l are in Alaska now for the wedding. They will be returning home on Sunday. Pray for safe return for them and everyone who has gone to the wedding.
Sisters be blessed and know the Holy Spirit is with you wherever you go.
Heaven is coming and I can’t wait!!! It’s been a long hard road at my workplace. I keep in mind I represent Christ and I have to give it my best. I am there for that one person my beautiful young friend who “sees” but she is of another faith. But I’m there for her. In hopes that she will see Jesus and only Jesus in me.
Good morning everyone!! I just wanted to pop in to say I’m doing the Bible Recap and reading the whole Bible again! So that’s why you may not see me comment much. I still love seeing your comments and praying for you all. Love you all!! Excited for the three day weekend. Work has been slightly better, I think I’m getting better at my job and being prepared. Praying I would keep on trusting God and work for him, not men.
As I read,
“Only Christ can reconcile us to God. His sacrifice paid for our sins. His resurrection defeated death forever. The world around us “wastes away and withers,” but we must remember the story isn’t over yet. Jesus came to offer eternal hope, and Jesus is coming back.”
I thought of the song “Death Defeated” by The Altar Music. I love the live version on Spotify– it is SO good. I do a young adult group with another family and one of the daughters attends the church that put this song out. The lead pastor is Mattie Montgomery, who used to lead a Christian metal band called “For Today”—
*note this song is NOT at all metal, lol. It’s like CCM/folk/celtic/Nashville lol– I typically don’t listen to metal music, haha. Just wanted to give some background of the church’s heart for good music :)
some of the lyrics from the chorus:
“Death Defeated
It is finished
There is no end to His glory
Hell is silenced
He has spoken
This is not the end of my story”
There’s some good fiddle in this song too, being they are in Tennessee! I just love that refrain. I was singing this song this past week when I felt Satan trying to nag at my spirit and distract me.
Hope it blesses someone else!
Exactly. Thank you for putting my feelings/thoughts on paper so succinctly!
Prayers for you all! Arina. Please let us know how it goes. May God bless and protect you all! Amen
“The mindset of the Spirit is life and peace” !!! (Romans 5:6). I needed this reminder today. Earthly suffering is not eternal. But life and peace, yes it is. The Spirit of Christ dwells in me, enabling me to patiently hope for what I cannot see. The joy others see in my is HIM. We all walk with hard things. And I have learned to give my hard things over to Jesus. I only want His prayers. All that I need has already been prayed for in John 17. “…that I may be IN them” -Jesus praying to our Father (v 26). Because I have the answer to this prayer already, the Spirit of Christ in me, my mindset is full of life and peace. I can easily recognize other true followers of Jesus by their fruit (Matt 7:20). I draw in closer to these souls in a way I cannot with others whose minds are set on the flesh. It is my prayer that my words and actions will portray the Spirit of Jesus in me to those whose minds are full of anxiety, anger, bitterness, and fear. These fruits are not something I want to even taste. In these moments of opportunity, I want to show that there is a better way. I couldn’t save myself, so I certainly cannot save others. But I can testify the truth of the Gospel. I can testify to the hope of Jesus. Lord, Abba, Father, let it be. Show me Your will, show me how to live better in this tension between the two gardens. Nothing in this world satisfies me. Only You. May my life point to this truth. Let Your Spirit flow through me and point others to You. Until… Maranatha.
The study book also has the correct readings. You can get a digital one, if you don’t have a study book. There will eventually be a bug update on here.
The study book also has the correct readings
Tina I love what you said “I live life as best I can, knowing Jesus gave His so I can” – thank you for this truth! I have a deep longing and am waiting to be married and have a family, but I also long for heaven where there will be no more pain or weeping or sin. It’s an interesting tension for sure! Come Lord Jesus, may your will be done in me. I hope everyone has a blessed weekend <3
Tina thank you for sharing your story ❤️
Sorry! Don’t know why that posted multiple times!
Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:16-22, Isaiah 24:1-6, Romans 8:5-11, 18-25, Hebrews 7:26-28, Hebrews 9:22
Correct readings from the website:
Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:16-22, Isaiah 24:1-6, Romans 8:5-11, 18-25, Hebrews 7:26-28, Hebrews 9:22
Correct readings from the website:
If I can be really honest heaven scares me. Not because of it being perfect but because I think of standing before Jesus. Will he be pleased with me, will my family all be there, did I pray hard enough, did the sin that ensnared me keep me from heaven. I know I am forgiven and saved by grace but it’s hard to comprehend. I think if my loved ones and I want them to be with us in heaven. I think of people we have witnessed to will they be there? My dad is his weak faith enough? I am excited to see the children I never held and loved ones in only hear stories of, I won’t be sick or in pain, I wont fear the evils that plague this earth.!! Anyway this is my rant I have mixed emotions I just want everyone to know Jesus and love Him
I was struck by the definition of hope. “Patiently waiting for something we do not yet have or have not seen.”
I have used the word hope. I’ve had hope. But today’s reading has me reflecting deeper on hope. What do I hope for?
Hope that I’ll parent well in raising my 6month old son and any other child that God may bless us with.
Hope that my family would know and love Jesus deeply.
I find hope so easy to do when life is good. Yes, hope is what can get me through the tough times but sometimes it is so hard to find that hope in the darkness and some days can be dark. Lord, would your HOPE shine like the sun on the beach. Wash over me like the water on the shore. Your touch is gentle and your arms are safe.
The very last words in the bible –
He who testifies about these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with everyone. Amen.
Revelation 22:20-21
“but we must remember the story isn’t over yet. Jesus came to offer eternal hope, and Jesus is coming back.”
“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
There is so much hope in today’s readings & devotional. It is much needed this week.
Tina thank you for opening my eyes even wider
ARINA – praying for your race tomorrow!
ANGIE – praying your husband is fully recovered and enjoying his new hip. Praying for you as you wrap up the school year. May this summer break be restorive to you!
TINA – what a beautiful story of redemption. love you, sister!
KERRY ROWLEY – praying for Leanne and your family. Lord, please give Kerry the words Leanne needs to fully know and trust you
GRAMSIESUE- praying for you as you address the mentioned situation.
SKY HILTON – praying for GIA, for healing and relief from the intense pain
Oh the balance and tension involved to “eagerly wait for it with patience”!
Thank You Holy Spirit for Your presence and guidance in making me more like Jesus.
SKY HILTON – may the Lord bring healing to your sister and wisdom to the doctors.
KERRY – praying that Leanne surrenders to her Savior.
In the early days of losing my daughter, I was so very ready to join her! The indescribable pain, the heartache, the sorrow seemed like it was going to last forever. I just wanted to be where she was, in her ‘other world’. I tried taking a bunch of tablets, I could see no way of living this life without her..
He sat with me, held me, comforted me, led me to Jesus, properly.. I knew the stories..but until my sorrow and utter broken heartedness, I had not walked as I do now, with Jesus!
Slowly, but surely, God in His faithfulness, gave, and continues to give me Hope, that one day, when my time comes to be called home, I will see my girl again, but most importantly, I will be with Him as He says ‘in paradise’
I look forward to that day, but for now, I live life as best I can, knowing Jesus gave His so I can..
Happy Friday, beautiful ladies.. so loving wrapped in love and prayers..❤