Section 2: People of the Light
Most of us rarely find ourselves navigating in total darkness. There are always the small lights to guide us where we need to go, even if it’s just the tiny flashlight on our phones, and when we do find ourselves dodging furniture on a midnight trip to the refrigerator, the familiarity we’ve walked in the daytime helps us make our way without getting lost. Even in the darkest winter nights, we don’t need someone to drag us around and shout directions. We have become so familiar with the terrain that we can safely navigate without fear.
This feels true in our everyday lives too. In today’s reading, we see Jesus teaching something a little different than how we often think of the Christian life—keep these rules, do these steps, check these boxes. Most of the time, following Him is less like taking orders and more like making our way with Jesus in the dark.
From the start of His ministry, Jesus made it clear that His role wasn’t what the Jewish people expected. He didn’t come as a conquering king to overthrow Rome. Instead, He spoke of being lifted up—the literal type of death He would die—in order to draw all people to Himself and to God. For so long, His followers assumed that the Messiah would come and reign among them, but when they press Him on the issue, He answers, “The light will be with you only a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn’t overtake you…become children of light” (John 12:35–36).
Instead of a conquering king, He points them to light. And light shows us reality—every clear path, every obstacle. Light, sometimes, is just enough to see by, like the beam of a flashlight cutting through the winter gloom.
When Jesus invites us to become children of light, He invites us to sacrificial love and humility. It means loving our brothers and sisters, because God is love and God is light and “the true light is already shining” (1John 2:8). It means seeking deep familiarity with the reality we’ve been shown, and living as “a people for his possession, so that [we] may proclaim the praises of the one who called [us] out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1Peter 2:9).
And when we walk as Jesus walked, we can re-enter the darkness without fear. Even there, the light still shines.

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69 thoughts on "Walking in the Light"
Confession is good for the soul! Let go and let god!
This is my fist Advent Study and while I have followers SRT for a while this is the first study I have committed too. From this particular day, it really has me thinking about about can I be a bearer of the gospel light in my life and community. A lot to pray and mediate on….
I am reminded over and over again of the power of the light. Oh mercy.
Thank you JESUS for calling us to the light ⭐️. We can’t do this earthly life without YOU. Let your light shine through us and help people SEE it ♥️
Lord fill my eyes with the light of life …. That you came for me and other. Fill me with the joy this brings…. I want to experience your joy Lord. Help me.
Jesus’ Light gives me what I need to live in a dark world without fear. This causes me to be totally reliant on Him – the world is a scary place without Jesus.
Nice аnswer back iin return оff ths question ԝith sopid arguments and describing the whole thihg about that.
I listen to a podcast called Unashamed with Phil and Jas. Today they were talking about the light. When Jesus was born, there was light that come to earth. Now when He died there was 3 hours of darkness. This means when He died the light was gone from earth. I just thought it was funny how what they was talking about is what we are learning about in this advent.
The light is what allows to walk through darkness and not get stuck or lost!! Gosh a good reminder.
Loved this ♥️
I just join a couple of months ago and I love these studies , and the community of SRT. Thank you all for sharing in the comments the comments and prayers are uplifting. I am praising our Lord for this Advent season and for this community!
Okay… I did NOT press the enter key. (I purposely stayed away from it, but my post posted before my corrections, apparently!) Sorry, sisters!
KELLY… thank you for always following up, so that you know how to continue in prayer for those that have asked for prayer.
KELLY… thank you for always following up, so that you know how to continue in prayer for those needing .
I pray that all my SRT sisters had a blessed day. I love this study’s focus on light. (This Little Light of Mine” has more meaning for me at preschool!) Our Bible lesson this week was on Jesus’ birth. (Christmas break starts next week, so the lesson is a wee bit early.) But the big takeaway that I hope the kids came away with was that we are celebrating His birth, yet WE are the ones getting the presents, and the BEST present, of course,is Jesus himself!
1 John 1:6 spoke so loud to me!
“If we say, “We have fellowship with him,” and yet we walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth.”
I’ve lived my moments of saying what I wanted people to believe, but not acting that out. This is my first advent season with SRT and truly my first advent study. I can’t remember a single advent Sunday sermon, especially not one that helped me understand what it all meant. So I have truly been enjoying this book study!
Amy…. YES.. that quote stood out to me to.. kind of like when wondering what to do, instead of asking God to tell us what to do…..give us a command…. we can instead look for where Jesus would be standing in the situation, calling to us “I’m over here…. Come over here with me!” Just read 1 Colossians 3:1-17 in another study I’m doing and was reminded of a SRT Podcast where the guest referenced putting on the new self as being akin to putting on victory clothes instead of garments of defeat “works of the flesh”. Praying I can look for Jesus and where He stands in all I say and do. Prayers for all the requests today.
John 12:25 is a good verse this time of the year. The focus that should be Christmas is often clouded by the materialistic. I spend way too much time searching for the perfect gifts when the only perfect gift was found in a stable. It’s hard at times to keep the right perspective. I like my creature comforts but God tells me through John that I need to be willing to relinquish this earthly life and focus on true life in Jesus Christ. What am I willing to forego in order to follow Jesus and further His kingdom plan here until He returns? At my age, I have more years behind me than ahead of me. How might I be the most productive, for the time I have left, in order to gain more of Him and less of this world? Lord, may Your Light shine so brightly that it overshadows the sparkliest gift under my tree. May I point to You as the best gift of all.
Love this. Thank you. ❤️
I’ve always felt that I needed to have this big calling. A direction. Like “taking orders”. I have realized it is in the small moments that my love for God shines. Today at the hair salon I was able to share my faith in dealing with Tanner’s death. One woman cried. I never thought about how those moments speak volumes about God. I’m going to trust that those small moments are made big by God not myself.
John 12:35-36 was just what I needed
Praying Lexi
Love the quote “Most of the time following Him is less like taking orders, and more like making our way with Jesus in the dark.” How many times do we ask for the big flashing sign to tell us exactly what to do when really, we should be seeking the comfort of holding His hand as he leads us through the dark.
Oh WOW!! I’ve heard the first part of the reading in John, through verse 27 but I don’t remember hearing the rest of the Scriptures we read from John today. I highlighted almost all of it starting with the second half of verse 27 through 36. Verses 35 and 36 really stuck out to me, especially since we are studying Jesus and His Light.
Jen’s devotion is very powerful. Wrote down many parts of it. Her last two sentences really resonated with me, “And when we walk as Jesus walked, we can re-enter the darkness without fear. Even there, the light still shines.” I want to “re-enter the darkness without fear” everyday of my life.
Sisters, be blessed and remember you the Light will help you “re-enter the darkness without fear”.
Good Morning She’s. Kelly, we finally heard from Fran and her surgery went well. I can’t wait until we can spring her from that care facility. It’s been 3 years!!! Thank you for your faithful prayers.
I have a request for prayers for my sister. She posted a bit on Facebook yesterday about her “dark side”. I gave it the little crying emoji. She wanted to know why. 1st of all, that she would post in pride about a “dark side”, 2nd the the name was something like devil in disguise….gives me the heebeejeebees…our verses today from 1John 2:8-11 were perfect so I put 1 John 2:6 on there & then said I hated the name. She would claim to be saved, But….please pray. And pray there’s no huge fight & drama because she does that really well & even though this was done in love, she could see it as an attack & criticism.
Thanks to you all. Hugs & love
Thank you Skyler for that, I agree, we have to rid ourselves of all the ugly so the Holy Spirit can shine his light through us to others. It’s so hard at times. I really hate to get into debates with oppositions and just shrink, but I can speak God’s truth…which is basically- He’s got this!
I’m not sure who said it earlier, but as I went on my morning bike ride, seeing all the blow-ups deflated on the ground, of course, I thought of the tired and weary this season. But I know you will be up, and joyful later as the darkness falls, God will lift you up! And our prayers will lift you up! Weary travelers, just hang on…you were never meant to walk this road alone….
weary travels, restless souls…
Joy to you sisters, friends in Christ! – R
We see this working in our family, now more than ever!
“And when we walk as Jesus walked, we can re-enter the darkness without fear. Even there, the light still shines.” My heart needed this reminder today as I prepare to celebrate an early Christmas with a difficult family member this weekend. Hopefully my husband won’t be concerned if he hears me muttering “even there, the light still shines…” over and over again ;)
Good (late) morning, my dear sisters
I think we all need to work harder in walking in the light with Jesus (including me). God has chosen us.. so we should look inside ourselves to remove any biases, judgments or hatred against anybody, and even ourselves, and then walk with Jesus. We cannot walk with Jesus with all of that inside of us. Letting go is a beautiful way in walking with Jesus. It’s hard.. but it is so worth it. Let’s all try to see what we need to remove in order to walk with Jesus today.
29 The crowd that stood there and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to him.” – John 12:29. Who you believe God to be determines what you hear when he speaks.
29 The crowd that stood there and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to him.” – John 12:29
Anna Eissig thanks for poi ting that out! Lexi Sharer praying for you.
GROWING FAITH, so thankful for your report on your sister and continued prayers for her and all the expectant moms here. May you feel God’s peace and protection.
TEACHERS, you are in my prayers as you finish this week before Christmas break. I remember what those days are like!
ANGIE, I neglected to cite you in my comments yesterday, but I meant to refer to you and your insight. Thank you as always!
AMBER BAILEY, I start my day the same way! It’s symbolic that we feel peaceful with the cloak of darkness surrounding us when we have a light before us, yet we are uncomfortable with the darkness in the world even if we are in broad daylight.May we always be aware that Jesus, our Light, is with us out in the world even as He is with us in the coziness of our homes. The verse about Jesus hiding (in John 12:36) caught my eye so I looked into that and was reminded that He often went to the Mount of Olives for the night. I am still chewing on that passage.
Prov. 4:18-19- “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble”.
Notes from my study bible: The path of the righteous = the way of wisdom; ever increasing brightness that shines brighter and brighter, increasing in the way in which it displays God’s light. The path of a person refers to the moral orientation of their life.
After I read this verse for the first time about a year ago, I drew a simple image of an arrow pointing up, with light/stars all around. It gives me a feeling of hope, possibility, love, the path I want to be on. In contrast, there’s an arrow pointing down at a singular dot, with nowhere to go but down.
Walking in the light is the way to life everlasting. It opens our eyes to the eternal, to things unseen. To abide in the light daily is the best decision we could ever make.
right now, I am sitting in my livingroom, drinking coffee and reading todays scriptures. In the mornings I don’t turn on all the lights immediately. And this time of year, Christmas lights are on. Today, over the fireplace mantle, is garland wrapped in white lights. It’s the only light that is on. In the darkness, it illuminates the entire downstairs. Even as far as the kitchen, this light breaks through the darkness. And it’s such a perfect example for todays reading. Even though darkness surrounds me, I can trust that light to banish the darkness so that I can see. Amen and amen
right now, I am sitting in my livingroom, drinking coffee and reading todays scripture
Thank you Jesus for calling us out of darkness and into your marvelous light!!
Good morning y’all! I’ve been reading the printed book, and just joined online. It’s a blessing to know others are on the same path. Agree with Nancy above Christmas tree light and ipad :). Blessings for the light in each of us
That’s so good!
Praise the Lord!
I love doing the same thing!
I love doing my morning devotions with just the light from my Christmas tree (& phone). It’s so peaceful & beautiful, & the best way to start my day. Love to all you sisters in Christ at SRT, & may you be filled with the peace & light of our Lord each & every day.
@FOLLOW HIM.” I’m tired. So tired. I’m losing light.” I get it. Circumstances in my life currently leave me totally depleted. It’s like I’m one of those inflatable Christmas decorations people have in their front yards. During the day they lay flat and lifeless sprawled across the grass.
But be encouraged – when darkness of light falls, air and light are blown into them and they stand tall and bright through no effort of their own.
Lord, infuse FOLLOW HIM and all of us with what is needed when we’ve got nothing left. Enable us to stand tall and bright for our own aide and for your glory. Amen
Jesus that I have the faith of a child to follow you always. And that this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. May I never grow weary of the joy your light in me brings. Amen
@kelly Thank you for your prayers and concern. She still never gets selected by the other girls to be partners for school activities, but her attitude has improved as she focuses on her friendships at church youth group and friends at other schools. We went to a high school open house last week and she’s seeing light at the end of this middle school tunnel…so many opportunities to meet more like-minded kids.
This stuck out today-
“If anyone serves me, he must follow me. Where I am, there my servante also will be.”
I think I’ve always jumbled those words and read it as/understood it as “… anyone who FOLLOWS me must SERVE me”. But that’s not accurate.
My actions matter. My service matters. He’s not interested in that good-deed I do every now and then- he’s interested in a heart that follows so closely, my natural actions are that of service to him.
Basically- if I’m going to claim him as my savior, if I’m going to demonstrate actions that I say are because of him, I better dang we’ll be following closely enough that my service purely is for him, without any selfish motivations.
My personality definitely falls inline with always wanting to know I matter. My actions, my words, my existence matters. So- I want to matter for HIM. I want my actions, words, and existence to matter for him.
God- let my actions so glorify you that when people see/experience them, Your loving nature and saving goodness are the only things they see…
Praying for you and your baby boy.
Praying for you this morning Lexi and for God’s peace in this situation.
Although Jesus didn’t come to overthrow the Roman government and be an earthly king, I am so very grateful that He is the conquering king over sin, death, and the grave! Thanks for sharing!
Praying for you, Sarah!
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for my sister, her baby, and our whole family (update below). I know God was faithfully listening to the prayers of the righteous. On my morning walk, I was memorizing Jonah 2:7-8: “When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple. Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love.” Thinking of my prayers going into God’s holy temple and remembering God’s stedfast love struck me with awe. When I was seven years old, I prayed urgently for my eldest sister, and that prayer wasn’t answered the way I wanted. I’ve struggled with prayer ever since then, but as I’ve grown more faithful in my prayer, I’ve witnessed God’s faithfulness. Which brings me to my sister… She had an ultrasound, which didn’t reveal any blood clots. The doctor recommended extra strength tylenol, thinking it was a leg cramp. My sister wasn’t convinced because she’d been having pain for five days straight, but after a couple days, she’s mostly pain free and isn’t having other symptoms of a blood clot. I’m thanking God for this answer to prayer and am grateful for the medical staff who looked after her.
FOLLOW HIM – praying for you! His Light is always there for us. I may feel it has dimmed when my eyes and focus are on something or someone else but He is always there! Praying you feel/see His Light and the love & prayers from your SRT sisters.
ALLIE MCCANDLESS – praying for your boyfriend and for you, for the love and light of Christ to overwhelm the dark thoughts. Agree with Kelly to encourage him to seek help, that he would have the strength and desire to seek it.
ELAINE MORGAN – praying with you about that task, and LISA, praying for your task as well.
GLORIA – thank you for pointing out that Saul saw His Light in MIDDAY. How often do we seek Christ when life gets dark or we have straight up chosen darkness, and then focus elsewhere when He brings us through and out of that valley?
GWINETH52 and RHONDA J – Amen. Thankful for His deliverance, forgiveness and never ending love.
RACHEL-praise for your good recovery
CHELSIE FREEMAN – praying for you and husband, Light in the darkness
SARAH GLICK-praying for healing and relief from pain
KELLY -No, on your trust question. Big problem with trusting people … too many let downs and abuse of that trust. Thankful for this safe place.
@Kelly yes she is still in rehab. But she is working hard and doing a little better each day. I am so appreciative for your prayers!
Praying for you Allie and Follow Him.
Lord help me to walk in the light with you so that I may help lead other to you.
MELANIE – how is your recovery coming along? How is your dad?
AG – is your grandmother still in rehab?
KAREN – how is your daughter’s school situation; is she still being bullied?
KENZIE REVELL – how is your grandmother?
I prayed for you this morning.
Reading these in the wee dark hours of the morning with my newborn gives me perspective of the light we desperately need and receive!
Praying Sarah!
Jen wrote “Most of the time, following [Jesus] is…like making our way with Jesus in the dark.”
Is there anyone in your life you trust enough to lead you around a space while you were blindfolded? I have a few.
Praying that I would trust Jesus in the same way. I think what makes it harder is that I see what is around me and believe I can see the best way, but Jesus sees things differently and may take me a different way.
SARAH GLICK – praying that the Lord will bring healing to your body and sweet sleep.
FOLLOW HIM – praying that you have others who can “fan” your flame as you struggle with darkness. Look up. Look to Jesus’ face. He IS with you. HE is the Light within you.
ALLIE McCANDLESS – praying for your boyfriend and wisdom for you. Encourage him to see a doctor, even go with him if that will help.
I am really enjoying this series. The Lord is our light
Hmmm raised up as in the death he would die I’ve never thought about that. So thankful we have Holy Spirit the helper to navigate in the world.
I’ve been reading these in the wee hours of the morning as I’ve not been sleeping. Prayers for these spasms and cysts on my spine to go away would be great. They typically only happen at night, they seem to have gotten worse while pregnant.
Hmmm raised up as in the death he would die I’ve never thought about that. So thankful we have Holy Spirit the helper to navigate in the world. I’ve been reading these in the wee hours of the morning as I’ve not been sleeping.