Day 4

Uphold the Mystery of Godliness

from the 1 & 2 Timothy reading plan

1 Timothy 3:1-16, Ezekiel 36:26-27, 1 Peter 1:3-16

BY Yana Conner

Apostasy is on the rise. Just about every month, the news of an influential person in Christendom falling away from the faith goes viral. To see so many men and women whose ministry I’ve benefited from denouncing Jesus Christ has been jarring. At times, I find myself feeling like one of the disciples in the upper room after Jesus announced, “one of you will betray me” (John 13:21), asking, “Lord, is it me?” 

This uncertainty has gained traction as the virus of apostasy hits closer to home. I’ve gotten text messages from friends and had countless cups of coffee with brothers and sisters in Christ wrestling with their faith. In all of these conversations, the common denominator is their disillusionment with the Church. They’ve found it challenging to trust Christ when His Church often appears untrustworthy, lacking godliness, sincere faith, and love. And like God, they have become fed up with the lukewarm Christianity they have witnessed, online and in-person, and spat it out (Revelation 3:16).  

The letter Paul writes to Timothy could easily be written to any pastor today. In Paul’s context and ours, people are falling away, and false teaching is rampant. Knowing the difficulty of exhibiting godliness in this kind of environment, Paul calls for elders and deacons to exhibit godliness in their leadership and charges Timothy to pursue, teach, and value it above all earthly gain. 

The commitment to godliness Paul calls Timothy and church leaders to is not innate to humans. Instead, we are innately spiritually dead, committed to our comforts, desires, pocketbooks, and reputations. Only the spirit of God can resuscitate us, removing our stony self-centered hearts and replacing them with a God-centered heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26–27 makes it clear, the remedy for ungodliness does not reside within us but Christ. He is both our example of and means to a life of godliness.

However, this life of godliness isn’t just for ourselves. It’s also for others. Sure, you made a personal decision to follow Christ. But the moment you said yes, you were transplanted into the household of God with many brothers, sisters, and onlookers, making your relationship with God communal and missional. Because of this, how we live with others matters. 

Paul confirms the significance of our conduct by concluding his requirements of elder and deacon, adding that they must have a good reputation among unbelievers. Now, we know Paul is not calling for compromise. Instead, he calls for uncompromising godly conduct that doesn’t cause people to distrust Christ and His bride. 

Sound doctrine coupled with sound conduct is the key to our ability to proclaim Christ boldly. When the two are aligned, we partner with God to make the mystery of godliness—Christ—known. 

Post Comments (60)

60 thoughts on "Uphold the Mystery of Godliness"

  1. Stormi Messmer says:


  2. Brittany Sobering says:

    Love this perspective- becoming disillusioned is hard but I also think it can be a gift. You just have to keep going… don’t stop at the disappointment

  3. Alison Hunter says:


  4. Elizabeth Streets says:

    I loved this lesson

  5. Anne S says:

    Thank you for the prayers! I am feeling less distraught about it today. Yesterday and the day before, I know I was taking it personally. Today, I feel calmer about it, even though (to my knowledge) his struggles remain the same. Thank you! And thank you, Sydney, for the suggestion!

  6. Teresa Donley says:

    Stephanie Berlinger…Amen to everything you said. If our faith is in a church, we are setting ourselves up for tremendous hurt. Years ago, I was married to a deacon in our church. I actually thought that he met the requirements of a deacon in first Timothy. He was very well respected in the community and in the church. Then, he left me and our daughter for someone he had arrested! He was a police officer in our community. He then married this woman six weeks after our divorce was final. Needless to say, my daughter and I were destroyed. But it was amazing to me at that time to see how many people in the church were also very hurt by his actions. We need to always look only to God for our beliefs our faith and our salvation. The church, and the people in it, will always disappoint. God is with us no matter what.

  7. Hannah Culver says:

    Whoa so beautifully said! AMEN and AMEN!!!!!!

  8. Emilee says:

    Thank you for the good word this morning. It’s true, people fail us, and that includes leaders. The church has always been under Satans attack, and the more he can take down… the more discouragement for everyone around. Very sad reality. My own dad, was a pastor… left his family, his church, and his faith. It can be jarring when those who seem so close to God chose to abandon Him.
    But God. In his power, there are godly leaders who cling to the Word. It is through GOD’s strength, that the church will not fail. It can shake us when people walk away… because it is heart breaking to God… but we won’t break because God is faithful! His hand upholds his people… even when it feels like walking through the desert alone for years…. He uses people, yes… but it is God who we worship and he never changes. Thank you Lord.

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