The book of Joshua is known for its epic tales of war and wonders, of walls collapsing at the blast of trumpets, and the sun standing still in the sky. But as you’ve been reading, you’ve probably also noticed a book of lists, of conquered kings and detailed land allotments. From Abraham under the stars to an army crossing the Jordan, the promised land has been both a distant dream and a sought-after goal.
In chapter 13, Joshua’s war days are done, but God reminds him of some unfinished business. There’s a great deal of land waiting to be possessed, still occupied by the Philistines, Canaanites, and other tribes. God promises to take care of clearing the land. All Joshua needs to do is distribute it (Joshua 13:6–7).
A string of lists about who gets what follows. This might feel like tedious reading for us today, but to the tribes of ancient Israel, land ownership was an important asset for a good life. A family’s land could be bought and sold, but it could also be inherited, passed down for the security of future generations. For a community who had been freed from slavery only to wander in the desert for forty years, the prospect of settling down and having an inheritance was worth celebrating and recording.
And yet, there’s one repeated exception. The tribe of Levi, Israel’s priestly class, receives some cities, but no land to call their own. Instead, “The LORD, the God of Israel, was their inheritance, just as he had promised them” (Joshua 13:33). At this point, we are left to wonder why the keepers of sacrifices and worship (arguably the most important work) are not granted some land of their own?
I wonder if it has something to do with detachment from security. For so much of their story, God has been leading these people, fighting for them, and showing them the way to go. They have shown themselves to be fickle and forgetful, longing for the old life when a new, better one is coming. How easily they could have settled into the security of the new land, passing along the inheritance, forgetting the miraculous journey to get there.
Maybe these priests were there to remind them what it’s like to utterly depend on God, to serve as spiritual leaders within their communities, rather than separate themselves. In a way, our living in the midst of this world is a bit like the Levites living among neighboring tribes: both require dependence on God.
I’d like to think we share a common ground with the Levites, as outsiders brought to God and made into “a kingdom and priests to our God” (Revelation 5:9–10). Our inheritance is not found in land or other wealth, but in God, just as He promised, with a hope and security that will never fade.

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54 thoughts on "Unconquered Lands"
I love this: “Our inheritance is not found in land or other wealth, but in God, just as He promised, with a hope and security that will never fade.”
The Levites found their home in God. He was the only “land” they needed.
Love this Annette!
I have to share this praise with this community! I’ve been reading about the land allotments and they are easy to skim. In the weekly podcast it talked about how the allotments don’t mean much to us but they did to the people getting them! It was personal and God was caring for his people. This praise is inconsequential to most but meant a lot to me- I lost an earring at home that was meaningful to me THREE months ago. I prayed about it and then kinda forgot. Yesterday at school I walked into the workroom at school and my missing earring was the lone item sitting in the center of a table!!! It was a clear message that God cares for me.
I am worthy in His sight! Thank you God for I depend on you not daily, but minute by minute. You are my portion! Praise you!
Kristen, thank you so much for that link! The blessing of hearing and seeing all these people worshiping together was, is, a true blessing to my day.
@Saile – I also got off. Social media just brought up so much that I struggled with, and I haven’t looked back since getting off. I can’t see getting back on in the near future. I hope you are continuing to find Him as your portion as you are off social media. ❤️
Wow, I love that perspective! I never thought of it that way. God has given us everything we need in Him as we are His priests here on earth. The more we depend on Him, the less pull our earthly possessions will have on us. I am thankful for your insight. God bless you.
Let’s focus on heavenly treasures and not earthly ones. I’m currently taking a much needed break from social media bc it was becoming such a big distraction in my life. So much “stuff”, so much “influence” I became disgusted. Seeking slow paced moments in a fast paced world. Lord, you are my potion and my inheritance ♥️
The Scripture from Revelation reminds me of the song, Is He Worthy? Then, when I went to YouTube to get the link, this Scripture is written in the description on their page, This version was recorded during the pandemic and people are are all singing from their homes, This is beautiful to hear and watch the worship happening. The woman with the glasses and blue-purple sweater caught my attention by the ways she was worshiping. Then, I watched again. As I said it is beautiful to see them worshiping and joy on different people’s’ faces. May we all be in reverence for Him and be joyful and humbled by what He has done and who He is! Hope you watch .
Thank you for sharing that link !
Amen so well said, all about obedience faith and trust!
Praise the Lord for who He has made us. The amplified version says, “You have made them a kingdom (royal race) and priests” (Revelation 5:10 AMPC). How generous that He upgraded us, once sinners, become royal. Ladies, we are royal – imagine the Queen of England kind of royal- but higher in degrees, since this is the King above all kings. Grateful for this amazing grace that God bestows on us. We were of low estates but are considered worthy in His sight.
What a lovely heavenly inheritance we have. God is my portion.
This insight is so good. I have been slacking on my reading lately, as nursing school and my family and all my life stuff has kept me busy. But as I lounged on the couch this morning, I decided to open my she reads truth notification this morning and read this. The insight to the scripture readings hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been so concerned with my material life, I have forgotten who my true inheritance and portion is. This is just what I needed to get me back on track. Thank you. ❤️
Love the insight onto the tribe of Levi!
Thank you❤️
Praising God with you, Searching – that Baby J is home! And Heather, for your good, good news!
Today’s devotional is a very good reminder to me, that God is my portion – He is my inheritance! Being in full-time ministry for 27 years (and counting) we have been at the same church in the same town, living in a parsonage. We love our home, we love our church, we love our community. But…there have been times in the past that I have grieved over not having our own home or wondered where would we live if God ever moves us from here? In those times of doubt and uncertainty, God whispers in my ear – “I will take care of you, I always have – I always will.” And then, my soul calms and I trust in Him… Thank you Anne for the reminder of Psalm 16. I have gone to it often, Psalm 16:1 is underlined and circled “for in You (God) I put my trust.” My prayer is that I continue to trust and not fear, trust and not worry, to live in His presence and have fullness of joy! (Psalm 16:11)
So beautiful Sharon. God is our inheritance. We have everlasting life with God in heavenly places. My go to scripture is Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans you have for us says the Lord….. I won’t quote the whole scripture because I know the community knows it. God bless us all! ❤️
@Heather O’Malley…..Praising God with you!!!
I never would have thought of the example of the Levites; thank you!!! What a wonderful insight. How dependent I am on things that take my focus off God’s provision for me.
Reminds me of the line from come thou fount – “bind my wandering heart to thee”
Man, I’m so much like the Israelites… fickle and forgetful, longing for my old life when God has a better plan. Praying that I can keep my eyes on Him is a daily discipline for me. Setting my heart on Him and His plan is a constant needed reminder. Thank you for the suggestion to read Psalm 16… love this promise… “I have set the Lord before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Praise the Lord, Heather!! And Searching, too! I was wondering why the Lord was not setting apart land for the Levites, so I’m thankful today’s devotional focused on that. It really does remind me of believers today being among the world but still having to be set apart. We need to remember the faithfulness of our God and be declaring it! Especially during these days we are living…the world needs the message of hope and a faithful, loving God but also a God who fights our battles!
My inheritance is not found in land or wealth. I needed to hear this. To be reminded. I’ve never been to Hawaii. And I may never get to see Jerusalem with my physical eyes, but that’s OK. I have what I need. I may have a lot of “wants“ but God has given me what I need. I long for the day, for the room that God has prepared just for me. For the day I get to see my Jesus face-to-face. As I take a deep breath… It’s going to be OK. I am a child of the most high King.
Day of praise for same answered prayers for Heather and Searching!,PTL! Pondering on the reading and reading through the comments makes me realize again how God has different purposes and places for each of us. I am not familiar with the lands of Israel but was thinking it must be all so different in each region. Some of it more beautiful to live in than other, some by the rivers some full of trees, some more barren and difficult. Like all of our lives and circumstances he puts each of us in a different place and we can not look to what others have but be diligent to live the life of obedience with what we are given and those he puts in our family and realm! The best of all is the place we are going is so amazing and beyond belief no matter if we are in a great place or a barren place most of all we are bound for the promised land! God is good- all the time!
Praising God with you Heather for your test results and Searching that Baby J is home! This study is showing me the importance of obedience. Angie, I really loved what you said about “the finish comes in the obedience”, not necessarily the finishing of the task. May I be in the world, but not of the world! Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”
HEATHER, praising God with you on those test results!!! What joyful news!
Praise God Heather! That’s wonderful news❤️ and Anne, thank you for sharing Psalm 16 with us and the last lines of your post are beautifully expressed. ❤️
@ANGIE thank you for your prayers! @SEARCHING praise God that Baby J is home! What a blessing!
My pathology report came back late yesterday, and the mass is benign and the lymph node was negative for metastatic breast cancer! Praise God!!! Thank you all for your prayers ❤️
This psalm is perfect. Thanks for sharing.
Amen! Your words spoke so much truth to my heart as well. Thank you for sharing!
I was listening to the podcast yesterday and it was mentioned that sometime we read details in the Bible that don’t seem important to us, but these details meant so much to the people listed and to God. Just like when we have God moments of our own now!
Definitely needed this today. I was living in Texas with my family & husband when God called us to go back to school in Oklahoma. I’ve been longing for “home” recently, and that line “they longed for the old way of life when a new, better one was coming.”
♥️ Holding on to that “better” thing God is doing!
Psalm 16 has long contained one of my favorite verses and always makes me think of the Levites, whose portion was the Lord instead of land: “The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”
Since I was a little girl, I have known I would not have a “white picket fence” life, stable, predictable, knowing that I’ve settled somewhere for the long-term. And I haven’t. My husband and I are pastors, and the Lord is the portion we have chosen. It has meant living far away from family, with my kids only seeing their cousins once a year. It has meant renting our homes in multiple locations. It means I still have moving boxes stored in our garage.
It’s hard to trust in a small church to provide financially for us, especially during a pandemic where churches around us are closing. But our trust is not in the tithes of sometimes-fickle people or in the stability of a home or career. The Lord is my chosen portion. I trust in Him.
He has been faithful, and He has been good. All I have needed, His hand has provided. Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Settle and Serve. These two words came to mind as I read about Joshua continuing to be obedient to God’s command to distribute the land as an inheritance for Israel (v. 6). The Israelites were given a home—a place to settle and rest and a place to live in the inheritance God had given them to serve God and those around them.
God calls me to do the same—settle (rest in Him) and serve those right in front of me. Praying I will be faithful to the One who is always faithful!
I love that in the midst of all of the lists of inheritance, we are reminded that we, like the Levites have our inheritance in God! What a great reminder!
Jesus, only You are our generous portion, our greatest gift. My heart may grow weary and my vision may be disrupted, but Your Word is true. Because of your sacrifice, we have an eternal inheritance and a seat at the table in the heavenly place.
I love the comparison between the Levite’s and us as Christians today.
Appreciated the reminder of the importance of land to the Tribes of Israel contrasted with the Levites not receiving land- set apart for service to God.
And from today’s reading:
The expectation was that what Joshua had started would be completed by those coming after him. Joshua led them into the Promised Land and apportioned the territory to each specific tribe. Joshua wasn’t going to live forever and so each tribe had to take responsibility for clearing out any remaining pagan nation and destroying all idols from their land. Joshua set the example. So too we are setting an example for those who come behind us. Talking about the Lord in our coming and going, when we sit and when we rise sets an example. A well worn Bible sets an example. Calloused knees sets an example. We have a responsibility to the next generation. Let us set a good one.
@Rea Queen this is so good! ❤️
I also loved the podcast episode that you and Pastor Kevin had yesterday with Raechel and Amanda. It was so very encouraging.
Thinking about how the tribe of Levi-the priests-did not get a portion of land, but their inheritance was the Lord, the God of Israel. They could not be distracted with tending land or herds of animals, as their “job” was to be the spiritual leaders of the people. Reading 1 Peter 2:9, I am reminded that I am a part of that royal priesthood, God’s own possession, chosen to SHOW OTHERS THE GOODNESS OF GOD.
I don’t want to be distracted by settling into any “land” that’s not mine to possess, taking me away from dependence on God and pointing others to Jesus.
Oops my post today refers to yesterday’s reading.
A lot of detail in today’s reading. Perhaps it’s for us to learn to pay attention to boundaries. Each tribe was given land in a specific place. The Levites were set apart, given no land for they were to be totally dependent on God and the other tribes for their livelihood. Our heavenly Father has given us boundaries for our protection and provision. He has set us apart to depend on Him. We are to support fellow Christians by gathering together, building each other up, to keep us faithful. While the details we read today may seem boring and inconsequential, they have purpose. For the Israelites then and for us today.
Heather O’Malley – I am praying for your breast and lymph node biopsy results. Did you get them yesterday. May God’s peace, guidance, and wisdom be with you.
Stephanie W. – you are getting your first house, super exciting. Hey, similar to the the children of Israel, your wandering will end (at least for a while)…congratulations on that blessing for you!
And Mari, I will lift your son up. I paid my own way through Christian college so, I get how expensive that is. I worked 3 jobs, living on campus one semester, and off the other. I also took classes correspondence (similar to online today) to supplement what I could transfer in (as they were cheaper) and was able to graduate in 3 years instead of 4 (which saved a bundle). It was a good compromise for me. God provided every step of the way and gave me guidance. I had lots of friends on campus and it was a good balance, being responsible and preparing for “real life,” while still getting to enjoy college. I will pray for that same provision and guidance for your son.
Today when I read, Joshua 13:1-6,I felt my spirit bristle. I bristled because I like to finish, and Joshua wasn’t getting the chance to finish. Faithful, warrior Joshua, now old, having given all, doesn’t get to finish. I don’t like to leave things undone, if I have a job…I do it, and dare I say…I think you should too. Ouch! Yep, this morning I am getting some loving discipline from my Father. It is not that there is anything wrong with finishing, it is a good quality, except…when finishing becomes the goal, instead of simple obedience. Joshua did finish. He lived a faithful, obedient life before God. The finish comes in obedience. Confident faith to distribute the land and trust God to drive out the inhabitants still there. This is a big one for me this morning and I need some time to lay it out before my Father and see where He takes me. He is such a good Father, and I love Him. I am so thankful for His continued love, mercy, and gentle-growing of this daughter. The finished work is in the obedience, not the dotting of all the i’s or in this case conquering of every foe. The battle, we know, if the Lord’s. Thank you my King.
Love this, thank you Angie
DANA – I love what you pointed out about longing for the old … How many times have I said or heard someone say When things get better, we can do such and such again, or I can’t wait for things to get back to normal? Even the little grands, when told they can’t do something, ask if it’s because of the virus. Our family has lost so many during the last year, things will never be “back to normal.” Though I will always long for and miss my loved ones, I need to focus on the Lord and what he’s doing now, and will do in the future.
And some good news to share – Baby J is home! Thanks to all who prayed for him and his family during his NICU time.
“Our inheritance is not found in land or other wealth, but in God, just as He promised, with a hope and security that will never fade.
This statement is comforting .”
I praise God that I will be getting my first vaccine tomorrow, but mostly I thank Him for what He has taught me this past year and pray I remain as focused on Him and all he has me doing here at home and not work my way back into the business of this world.
Good stuff! I usually skim numbers and the dividing of lands. I never realized how important it would be in their history. Also the Levite’s not getting any so that they depend on the Lord. I remember our first loss I was 16 weeks pregnant. The Lord spoke to me reminding me I was focusing on the gift not the giver of the gift. He was right. When i started focusing on Him I began to heal my heart.
“They have shown themselves to be fickle and forgetful, longing for the old life when a new, better one is coming.”
This is why I Trust Him in this pandemic. When I lose my resolve to push forward through the exhaustion of having to be so extra careful to not get sick and pass it along, and I find myself longing for what used to be, I remind myself that Trusting Him and His plans will bring a new, even better life.