Trust When It’s All on the Line

Open Your Bible

Daniel 3:8-30, Isaiah 43:2, Galatians 3:7-9

Even if not, He is still good.

I’ve seen that phrase everywhere—all over the Internet, on Pinterest boards, college dorm room walls, coffee mugs. It’s used time and time again to remind us that God is still good in the midst of trials and pain and suffering.

But is He?

I don’t believe in the prosperity gospel, the lie that tells us if we believe in God enough and work hard enough to somehow live lives worthy of His love, then He will lavish upon us riches and good fortune. But I do believe that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17). I believe Scripture teaches us that God’s good plan—the one He’s written from the beginning of time—ultimately ends with an eternal kingdom of no tears, no death, no pain, where all things are made new (Revelation 21–22).

But is God still good here and now, when everything in life seems unstable? Is He good when all you thought you knew is ripped out from under you? Is He good when the diagnosis is grim, when the suffering won’t stop, when the uncertainty lingers? Is God still good when everything in life feels broken and nothing is going the way it should?

He is. We don’t have to understand it to know that it’s true (Hebrews 11:1).

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were real-life examples of living out that Pinterest-worthy saying: Even if not, He is still good. They risked their lives for their faith by refusing to bow before anyone or anything but God. In doing so, they brought Him glory. And when pushed on the matter by the king, they simply said, “If the God we serve exists, then he can rescue us… But even if he does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up” (Daniel 3:17–18).

Their faith in God’s provision and protection was so strong that they were willing to walk into the flames, believing that He would save them. And they were confident in their decision because of their dedication to their God—even if He chose not to rescue them from the fire.

The same is true for us. No matter the circumstances that come our way, when we walk through the pain and trials of life, this truth remains: we are still His, and He is still ours (Isaiah 43:2). And He is still good.

What came of those three young men? A king was humbled, and the eyes of an entire kingdom were directed away from their false gods to the glory of the one true God. All because three powerless people said, “Even if not, He is still good.”

Ellen Taylor was born and raised in sweet home Alabama, but has called Nashville home since 2013. When she’s not working as an associate editor at She Reads Truth, you can find her enjoying good food and good conversation with her friends and family. She is a lover of cozy sweaters, ugly dogs, and the Oxford comma.

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419 thoughts on "Trust When It’s All on the Line"

  1. Jess B says:

    Such a great story in the Bible! ❤️

  2. Mara Bland says:

    Help me to trust your plan through all the uncertainty. Help me to lean on you and not my own understanding. Help me to worship you through the fire. Through the trials and tribulations. Through the uncertainty. Give me a lens to see you through this uncertain time. Thank you that your mercy is new each morning and that I can come before your throne.

  3. Emily Perkins says:

    Dear God, thank you for all the good you are. Thank you for watching over us and for being with us through anything and everything. Dear God, please help me through my anxiety and worries. Please help me to be still and calm and in the moment to enjoy your beauty. I love you, Jesus. Amen!

  4. Tamara Green says:

    Lord I want to live in full trust of your plan. This is hard for me I confess and I worry so much about the future. Lord protect me from the enemy’s ploys to keep me distracted with worry. Help me to live joyously like you did Jesus in the face of so much.

  5. Michelle Smith says:

    Thank you Lord that no matter what is going on in the moment, you are still here and in control!

  6. Lauren Jones says:

    Lord I pray that I will trust you even when things are not going my way. For you have a plan for me and it is good. Amen.

  7. Kimberly Whorley says:

    God is good! Through whatever comes our way, he’s still good!

  8. Khloe Wiegers says:

    even if not, He is still good

  9. Alyssa Wagley says:

    God is good! God has a plan for everyone. There’s a reason for everything, it’s all in his plan. He has a funny way of showing it sometimes and we may never understand why he does things the way he does or why he puts us through these trials and tribulations, but he has a plan and we have to trust him!

  10. Lilly Kiefer says:

    Lord help me not be afraid to walk through the fries. I know you will hold my hand and these trails will help form and shape me to the believer you call me to be.

  11. Samantha Miccoli says:

    Lord give me the confidence to walk through the fire and continue to praise and honor you Amen!

  12. Holly Powell says:

    God is good all the time and all the time God is good

  13. Omayra H says:

    God is good God is great!

  14. Hannah Lanz says:

    He is good. He is good. He is good.

  15. Paige Bennet says:

    He is always good and He will never fail us!

  16. Melissa Vanhoose says:

    Their faith and belief was so strong. I wish to be as strong in their faith as they are. Doubt and fear just fills my mind.

  17. Leah Romo says:

    he is good an always has a plan no matter what ❤️

  18. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Even if not, he is still good.

  19. Katherine Rose says:

    My hope resides in the one true & perfect God.

  20. Dakota Woods says:

    Thank you Jesus for always being with us.

  21. Camille Prats says:

    Even if not, He is still good.

  22. Mando Mokone says:

    Even if not, He is still good ❤️he doesn’t change like shifting shadows

  23. Aphiwe Ncobeni says:

    Even if not, He is still good ❤️

  24. Hilary Curneal says:

    College makes me worry. I worry if I don’t get good grades. I worry if my online classes are even teaching me. I worry if I will graduate. I worry about how to pick a degree that will fit me. But, lately I have found peace in saying God has control when a thought like that happens. God knows my plan and he will lead me to it. I have put my trust into him not to worry and to follow in love.

    1. Amynah Case says:

      I feel that way sometimes too but I know he’s here helping me every step of the way.

  25. Christine Cesa says:

    I am really struggling with this now. As I face loss after loss.

  26. Imari Mitchell says:

    I never understood the depth of this story growing up in church, but I do now as I find myself going through many tough situations in my 20’s.

  27. Rhonda Renouf says:

    What a good reminder that He is always with us even in the hard.

  28. Shianna Law says:

    Thank you lord for reminding me that you will always carry me through, even in this time of pregnancy loss I know that it is in your time and not mine ❤️

  29. Leelee V says:

    Amen! Needed to read this today. Anxiety is high and this was a perfect reminder that He is always with me.

  30. Shontae Thompson says:

    Amazing story. Thank you Lord for always being there. Never leaving me or forsaking me. ❤️

  31. Noelle Hotaling says:

    God is good. All the time.

  32. Bonnie Baker says:

    He will walk through fire to get to us, he’s walking through your fire now.

  33. Sarah Scheaf says:

    My favorite part of that story…they didn’t even smell of smoke! Glory to God-we can walk through anything with Him!

  34. Mollie Pittman says:

    He was good then, He is good now, and He will always be good forever!

  35. Anne Elam says:

    Even if not, He is still (always) good.

  36. sarah waninger says:

    and all.tbe time God is good!

  37. Sherin Ann Thomas says:

    God is good all the time

  38. grace kleinknecht says:

    beautiful story and reminder ❤️

  39. Nicole Sihombing says:

    We are still His, and He is still ours

  40. Elisabeth Parker says:

    Even if not, he is still good ♥️

  41. Altovise Purnell says:

    Sheesh all I can say is and if not He’s still good.

  42. Amory Nelson says:

    Even if he doesn’t deliver me I know he is still God

  43. Char Hight says:

    God’s plan and timing is not my plan and timing. His is always better than mine. And if I am to go through something, He is still good! There is something that will come from it. Whether it’s strengthening my faith or others learning of Christ through my faith walk. And if not, He is still good.

  44. Simeko Singleton says:

    I found this at the perfect time. It’s easier to blame God or not think of his as almighty when we are going through different trials and tribulations in life and to give other entities the credit for the good thing he is consistently doing.

  45. Dina Carbajal says:

    Thank You ,God for being there for me…..

  46. leeana nito says:

    I needed this! Thank you Lord

  47. Makenzie Colby says:

    So thankful for Gods steadfastness, in all things. He is stable and never forget us.

  48. Marie Cooper says:

    whew this makes me so happy!

  49. Monita Brown says:

    Amen, God is good all the time.

  50. Kim says:

    Everything you said resonates in my heart and your prayer is that what we need to pray.
    It doesn’t mean that we are going to have a favorable outcome for him, and you, but you are looking to the eternal truth and outcome. Bad things or unfortunate events can either turn us toward God or blame Him. It’s hurting you to see your boyfriend turn away in anger. God can still use this. Hang on and keep praying.

  51. Alanna Gaskin says:

    In my valley and in my mountain, He remains the same. There is no shame in my worship for God.

    1. Anna Williamson says:

      ❤️ I always say…Valles and mountains…we’re go

  52. Stephanie Dunn says:

    Amen!! Our strength comes from Him. In the good and the bad, He should be our focus!! Even if not, He is still good!

  53. Terijah Sharp says:

    This spoke volumes to me,in the season that I am in…God is still good,even when the situation doesn’t look good!

  54. Melle Brown says:

    Know that you will not look like the fiery furnace you have been through! God is good!

  55. Alexandra Smith says:

    I moved half way across the country for a job last year and found out the day before my birthday in 4 days I’d be unemployed. I have to remind myself that “God is!” That’s it. Whatever I need, he will provide. I know he hears me and even in my sorrow I know he close is close “he is close to the broken-hearted,” (Psalm 34:18). God is. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  56. Taline Torossian says:

    My boyfriend lost both his high paying jobs. He had to sell his car that he’s worked so hard for. He had to sell his house that he’s worked so hard for. Everything is being stripped away from him and it is incredibly difficult to watch and painful. He will be moving across the country back east while I stay in California until God reveals what will come next. And everything is uncertain, everything is unknown. This message gives me some comfort, if only he and I had the confidence in God like those 3 men. We are overwhelmed and upset. And he has so much hatred in his heart towards God for all that is happening. Heavenly Father, give us that strong faith, strength, and confidence in You. Take away the negativity, and replace it with renewed hope and Your goodness.

    1. Kelsy Adhiambo says:

      And losing all that after putting in so much effort into it must be tough. Praying with you as well❤️. And while it might not look like it, (it always doesn’t), in the long run, it will all work out for your good. He’ll pull you through this!

  57. Jordin Edwards says:

    That was good. I was in a situation today where I had to put all my trust in God

  58. Rasheen oliver says:

    Amen! He is God and always with us

  59. Keli Miles says:

    No matter what happens he is still and always good!!! ❤️

  60. Lakechia Smith says:

    No matter what happens he is still good❤️

  61. Bethanie Seifert Flores says:

    Amen. Thank you Father. The one & only ♥️

  62. Nancy Purvis says:

    He is good! And He is faithful !!

  63. Quran Johnson says:

    Amen, Amen! I needed this.

  64. Samantha Miller says:

    Amen to breaking fear and believing that God is who He says He is !

  65. Kerrie Walker says:

    This- so timely and consistent

  66. Becky Arnold says:

    Even when I watched as my daddy struggled in his last hours with Alzheimer’s and looked like something from a horror movie, God was still there, and He was still good! Without Him, I would not have made it through that awful day or the weeks and months that have passed. God is my strength!

  67. Jodi Powell says:

    I am grateful to know when the flames rise, I am not alone. I am grateful for the flames as on the other side I am more aware of His faithfulness and mercy and grace.

  68. Angelica Baldwin says:

    Even if not, Hes still good!!! Thats enough to shout about!!

  69. Nicole Santana says:

    I want to be that strong. Where fire doesn’t scare me. Where I trust God so much fire doesn’t scare me. God, help me, please. I hate being a coward.

  70. stephanie moss says:

    As I enter a season of uncertainty and challenges, I know god is with me through it all and I will come out on the other side.

  71. Kishi Wuraola Fadeko says:

    The presence of troubles is not the absence of God

  72. tess heaton says:

    God may not always deliver us FROM the flame, but He will still be with us IN the flame. Our suffering can turn others towards our God ( like the King!)

  73. Ashlan Porter says:

    Yet I will praise the Lord!

  74. Dorothea M. says:

    What a good reminder that radically trusting HIM will bear fruit, sometimes unexpectedly.

  75. Heather Lindley says:

    This is one of my favorites! I love that the three boys said, “Even if not, God is still God and he is still good”!

  76. Jessica Castelo says:

    Have faith even when you feel prayers are unanswered.

  77. Jordan W says:

    I like the story of the three young men. They had great faith. We should trust God. And have great faith too.

  78. Santana Green says:

    Not second guessing if God was going to help deliver them out the fire they was thrown into. They had faith that the God they serve would show up if not to save them but to allow the people to know nobody is better then their God ❤️.

  79. Jessica McClain says:

    With your Holy Spirit, Lord, give me your boldness!

  80. Eden Hatfield says:

    Amen! It is well with my soul.

  81. kyla cobb says:

    such a good reminder that even when things are not going the way we thought, God is still good. nothing that happens is a surprise to Him. He is all knowing and always faithful- even if life looks different then you thought it would

  82. erin mccaig says:

    blind faith is scary but so worth it in the end.

  83. Denise Kelso says:

    Yes, God is ALWAYS worthy and good! I think we need to take from this lesson that we need to stand up for what we believe and trust God to be there for us NO MATTER WHAT!

  84. Melissa TALBOT says:

    In AA I am learning what it means to be powerless. What a beautiful picture of how God uses powerless people!

  85. Terri VanGelder says:

    Such a powerful message ❤️

  86. Christina Smith says:

    Even if it’s not He’s still hood really resignated with me

  87. Jen Beck says:

    He is good all the time

  88. Sela Owens says:

    Even if not, He is still good. ❤

  89. Katie Parker says:

    A good reminder after yesterdays horrific event in Uvalde. He is still good even when the world is not.❤️

  90. LaDeshia Wright says:

    Such a refreshing to be reminded that God is always on the good side of things. Everything about him and everything he does and allows is Good!

  91. Emily Gentry says:

    We pray God, for a faith this strong! Let us trust you

  92. thriska ravven resurreccion says:

    Thank you Lord for everything.

  93. belle ingersoll says:

    when we go through life’s trials << we can chose to look to God for our strength or we can decide to blame God for it even after all He has done for us! help me to take shadrach , meshach , && abendago!

  94. Heidi Mailand says:

    ‘Trust in the Lord’ devotion was exactly what I needed to hear, an answer to a specific prayer, thank you Lord. He is kind!

  95. Tomeco Hubbard says:

    I was just having the conversation on trusting God even when the situation doesn’t look good.

  96. Bobbi Everett says:

    God is good and faithful

  97. Jessica Spencer says:

    Wow! I really needed this today!!

  98. Olivia Mills says:

    I love this truth. A wonderful reminder God is with us even when times are hard, He’s not left us.

  99. Terany Garnett says:

    Wow I am reading the Lent study and I was expressing how I don’t depend on God enough so my flesh doesn’t win the daily wars of decisions, but this came at the best time to inform me first again that God doesn’t leave my side for failure yet God stays and calls me His own bc of what His son did on the cross. It’s comforting because I know I can trust that I’m not alone because He said it and that has to be it for me

  100. Axie Tomasi says:

    Yes Lord. Give me the heart to trust you even in my most vulnerable moments.

  101. Sangita Hickman says:

    This was such a great reminder that if we stand for Him, He will stand with us!!

  102. Brooke Edgemon says:

    My thoughts waiting for my family member to come out from a medical procedure: The Bible says that God is faithful. He keeps is promises and He is trustworthy. He is full of love and his love endures forever. Through Jesus we have a faithful high priest… He is faithful to forgive, extend mercy and grace. God is faithful to do what he says he will do. Our wickedness will not go unpunished but the good news is there is full forgiveness through Jesus. There is great comfort in knowing that whatever happens good or bad from our perspective, that God is good and faithful. He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. He sees everything and one day all things will be new. How grateful I am that he does not count my sins against me. The have been nailed to the cross past present and future. I admit I struggle to trust God on a daily basis moment to moment yet He remains faithful. Even when people die or evil seems to triumph I know that through Jesus that is not the end of the story. Heaven is waiting. He is risen and alive.

  103. Nicole Isom says:

    I am so glad God will never leave me alone. He is always there ❤️

  104. Allison Sherwood says:

    I feel like I am currently in the midst of having the postured attitude of “even so, he is still good.” This pandemic has brought my family so much strife – probably like many others – and believing that God is still good has been one of the biggest challenges thus far. But what option do I have but to believe?

  105. Hayley Hayhurst says:

    Many trials and directions to choose at this point in my life- but constantly trying to remember that he has it all figured out, and the burden is his.

  106. Diane Grant says:

    Even so, He is still good. Although my marriage is miserable and hard, even so, He is still good.

  107. Petroula Yargo says:

    This has been a trying year personally. In the midst of Covid, spinal cord surgery, losing my father, and dealing with my brothers stroke I felt more desperate for him more than ever before. I know that in the midst Of all of those trials the Lord has been by my side. Glory to his name! He is faithful beyond my comprehension. Even if, He is still good!!!!!!

  108. Lola Simmons says:

    Even if I never will be able to afford a house or live off grid lifestyle, My God is still always good and He owns everything. Praise the Lord.

  109. Molly Tankersley says:

    God I pray that you would grow my faith. Help me remember to praise you when you do rescue or give blessings and all the more when you give trials.

  110. Taylor Cunningham says:

    The day I found out I was miscarrying I studied this scripture in Daniel. We shared this at our rainbow baby’s birthday a couple weeks ago❤️ Even if not, He is able. Even if not, He is STILL good❤️

  111. Madison Uzui says:


  112. Lauren Henrick says:

    When you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you.

  113. Danelle Singhanart says:

    Even if not, He is still good.

  114. Jamie Mccarthy says:

    I needed this today. I’ve been struggling with major anxiety lately over so many things that are beyond my control. Thankful for a God who won’t forsake or abandon me in high waters.

  115. Marisa Martinez says:

    I am 6 weeks pregnant and having so much fear and anxiety about miscarrying. I have to remind myself that even if I do, this baby was still a gift and God is still good

  116. Nydia Castaneda says:

    Amen ❤️

  117. Megan Hsu says:


  118. Kaitlyn Curry says:


  119. Candida Cox says:

    God is Lord and King forever

  120. Chekwon Simmons says:

    In all of the good and bad , the just and the unjust, God shows us that he is there, that he will never leave us nor forsake us, and I think that is something to be grateful for today & always.

  121. Christian Jones says:


  122. Lora Janitch says:


  123. Meredith Koelling says:


  124. km smith says:

    I will be with you…what a statement of truth!

  125. Isabella Padilla says:

    Made me tear up ❤️

  126. Brooke Hicks says:

    What a great reminder! Praise God!!!

  127. Grace Williams says:

    This was really good!!

  128. Emily McGhee says:


  129. Brittany McCormick says:


  130. Paige Small says:


  131. Sarah Lanning says:


  132. Julene Butler says:


  133. Kimberly N says:

    Regardless of any outcome knowing HE is always there makes it easier. Blessed

  134. Sarah Lanning says:


  135. Alyssa Maxey says:

    I pray for endless strength in my faith as a Christian. No matter the faults I shall face, may I never back down for what I believe in- what He has done for us!

  136. Abir Chentouf says:

    Amazing ❤️

  137. Allie Couch says:

    reminds me of the song “even if” by mercy me!

  138. Christine Cannon says:

    God is good. It’s His goodness that leads us to repentance. It’s His mercy that helps us know we are loved in spite of ourselves. He is sooo good!!! – better than I deserve!!!

  139. Alyssa Wabnitz says:

  140. Kiarah Serrano says:

    so so good, there was another in the fire. Even when we walk through the most painful moment in our lives, God is with us. He never leaves us to deal with struggles on our own. I think that in the midst of my current struggle, I need to always be reminded to look to God, and to say, God I trust you, and even though all i feel is pain, hurt, rejection, and betrayal, you still choose me. we don’t need to do anything to earn the love of God, we already have it. He loves me as i am, thank you Jesus !!!

  141. Leslie Boyd says:

    Wow! Yes Lord, help me trust you even when it all seems unclear. Deliver me from my fear, and remind me that when I go through deep waters, that you are with me!

  142. Nikki says:

    We are HIS! :)

  143. Desiree Glynn says:


  144. Brittany Paige says:

    I pray the Lord gives me unshakable fair like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

  145. Brittany Paige says:

    I pray the Lord gives me unshakable fair like Shadrach, Meshach and I

  146. Ashleigh Van Houten says:

    My favorite story

  147. Kristen Brock says:

    I want my faith to be this strong, but days like today when my anxiety is raging it’s hard to stand strong and know this deep in my heart and not just my head.

  148. Kyrsti Harward says:


  149. Teneqha Ford says:

    Thank You

  150. Karen Tidwell says:

    God is sovereign.

  151. Ariel Martinez says:


  152. Jessica Mejia says:

    The fourth man in the fire. This verse always gets to me. We are never alone!

  153. Cynthia Gonzalez says:

    Amen ❤️

  154. Christene Chavez says:

    Its crazy to think no matter what God stays with me

  155. Sandra Ona says:

    Sometimes I lack faith like this but at the end of the day we all want this kind of strong faith

  156. Madison Kuzia says:

    Wow, I had never realized that the three men presented their belief in God in that amazing way—that He is miraculous and all powerful and loving, that He can rescue them from the furnace, but that He is also good and worthy all worship if He does not rescue them. Powerful.

  157. Maria Christina Passmore says:


  158. Carrie Good says:

    This is just what I needed this morning. I am dealing with a situation at work and feeling very discouraged. Isaiah 43:2…. God will be with me through it. Thank you, God!

  159. Susan Nowell says:

    I am so very sorry for the situation you’re experiencing right now—and I’m praying for you. With God’s help, you are strong!

  160. Maritere West says:

    It does feel the rug has been pulled from under me at this moment God. I feel like my whole world jas crumbled but i just reminded that it didnt crumble because it was built on You Jesus ,your are my foundation . So, i would say its shook instead and I am just now getting up and looking through the dust and feeling so overwhelmed. No engergy left to even be upset just stand there and and stare in unbelif that this my life at the moment. From 1 day to another Lord…all i can say right now is that even of not he is still good.

  161. Maddy Harrouch says:


  162. Emily Martinez says:


  163. Tracy Scott says:

    Sometimes my confidence waivers – but then I find I am the one who is not abiding in Him. He has never walk away from me.

  164. Tiffany Taylor says:

    O Lord I pray that by your grace I will already have this resolve in my heart and so when the time comes and all is on the line, I too will choose to yield my body rather than to serve or worship idols.

  165. Amber Ferguson says:


  166. Genesis Perez says:

    Wow just wow… I love this!!

  167. Karla Martinez says:

    How can our circumstances change the goodness of our God ? They can’t even in trials we will serve our King. He is worthy of all praise!

  168. Tricia E says:

    Amen! God is good, no matter how He chooses to come through or show up. And even if He decides to answer or provide in a way that is different than we think He should, He is still good. And if He chooses to not intervene at all, His goodness still abounds AND we can TRUST Him!

  169. Tricia E says:

    God is always good, no matter the circumstance. He will provide a way through; a breakthrough. And even if He chooses not to, or chooses not to answer or deliver in the way we think He should, He is still good….always!

  170. Michelle Nelson says:

    Praise god he is with us always; and he is always, always good!!!

  171. Anne Stock says:

    It is well with my soul. Because God is still good.

    1. Terri Cearley says:

  172. Hannah Putnam says:


  173. Jen Nation says:

    So good!!

  174. Robin Schwartz says:


  175. Taylor Linville says:

    One of my favorites I love this ❤️

  176. Nicole Vazquez says:


  177. Laura Claxon says:

    I’m sitting here crying, because I’ve questioned this.. questioned my own faith a lot. Needed this so very much.

  178. Rhiannon Donovan says:

    They really dove into this at IF:Gathering this year. I love it and pray I am as strong and steadfast in my faith whenever in hard/hopeless situations.

  179. Makenna Gentry says:

    This is so beautiful and spoke to me so deeply.

  180. Rachel Blessum says:

    I teared up reading the scriptures today! ❤️

  181. Mela Ruiz says:

    This was such a powerful message!

  182. aiyana johnson says:

    a great example of a faith led fight

  183. Mariah Vanderbeck says:

    He is always with us❤️

  184. Sophie Lua says:

    He is with us. Even when we don’t understand the big picture, He will keep us safe. <3

  185. Apria Coleman says:

    Even if not, he is still good

  186. Elena Caballero says:

    I prayed Exodus 33:18 “ Please, Let me see your glory” & then read this. I’m in awe of his glory always! What an amazing God we serve.

  187. Melissa Manzanares says:

    I love this one, during the hardest times of my walk with God, He’s always been good. He’s always been faithful.

  188. Tracy Scott says:

    My best friend has terminal cancer-she will die, unless God heals her. But if He chooses not to – did God fail my friend? No!! Despite the strength of her faith at this time, He will use this terrible situation for his glory & for the good of those who love him.

  189. Meredith Rusthoven says:

    I am praying for you now Rhonda. For great test results and a positive surgery experience ❤

  190. Rhonda Wood says:

    I am so thankful that my hope is in Jesus! I am waiting on some tests to see if I have cancer and am going for an operation in April for a hysterectomy but why should I be afraid ? Psalm 49 I am not because my God is with me and walks along the path of life with me. I am so comforted knowing no matter what He is so good! He is so good that yet when we were sinners Christ died for us to redeem us as his own. Love that

  191. Cathy Babao says:

    He is our peace.

  192. Victoria Ebiana says:

    Even if not! It seems scary but awesome all at the same time

  193. Taylor Ferguson says:

    Reading this it all came back to me hearing this story as a child in Sunday school. Hearing it as an adult had so much more meaning than I realized. We are in these times now where we are going to have to stand up for OUR GOD and speak the truth to whomever comes after us as Christians. He is a faithful God. Trust in Him with all your heart.

  194. Keirsten Rogers says:

    Even if not he’s still good. This word was amazing!! I’m not sure or not but I feel like I’ve read this story before in the bible and I was just as amazed reading it as I am now. I believe that all good things come from God I believe he gives us obstacles and when completed you’re given some type of reward big or small.

  195. Vanessa Rodrigues says:

    Our Lord is amazing

  196. Katie Key says:


  197. Deb Ireland says:


  198. Deb Ireland says:

    Knowing that I can trust God even when things don’t work out the way I ask for gives such freedom.

  199. Anna Maitum says:

    The weight of this devotional. Y’all, God is present and Good for eternity.

  200. Jordyn Taylor says:


  201. Emily Perez says:

    Praise be The Almighty Father!

  202. Stella Reyes says:



  203. Morgan Warner says:

    An absolutely beautiful reminder to take me through this day. Thank you Lord, for your continual love. He is good ❤️

  204. Lydia W says:

    “And if not, he is still good”. I’m starting a new treatment today for a debilitating series of chronic illnesses – I pray it’s a game changer. One of my friends is getting a scan today for cancer that has returned – I pray it has not spread and has in fact decreased. Daniel 3 is the story I needed to hear today.

  205. Sydney Gray says:

    Needed this reminder today. Grateful to serve a God that never leaves us.

  206. Jackie Tiemann says:

    I needed to be reminded of this truth that even in the midst of suffering, God is so good!

  207. Shenena Merchant says:

    Even if not, He is still good. …and to add He is still God, still powerful, still in control, still loving, still matchless, still trustworthy, still patient, still whatever you need in your life.

  208. Dianna McFarland says:

    When I don’t see the good I’m looking for I need to ask God for His perspective so I can see His good — especially when I don’t understand or it’s something against His Word, or it seems scary and hard.
    I really love that God shows us His patience with an evil king so that he would see the true God.
    I count in that patience while praying for friends and family that go against God everyday. I pray for them to be able to see God and come to know Him as their Lord before they die .

  209. Camryn Brown says:

    I love the story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego! Full-hearted conviction and devotion to the one true God!

  210. Carla Bellamy says:

    And yet will I praise Him!

  211. Nicholas TaylorSeymore says:

    God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

  212. Onyeka Monyei says:

    Today, henceforth, I’m letting my doubtful and weary soul hold on to Isaiah 43:2❤️

  213. Stacey Basa says:

    Amen. Thank you Father!

  214. Lisa Mast says:

    He is still good, even amidst the pain & suffering. ❤ thank you Jesus.

  215. Jazmin Bjørlie says:

    May God be glorified in all our trials

  216. Deborah Grothouse says:

    I so needed this reminder. The Lord never fails me. He is always with me. His plan is ALWAYS good and ALWAYS right. ❤️

  217. Lani Winslow says:


  218. Janice Velazquez says:

    A great reminder to trust God in ALL things! Even if its not the outcome we want or think we need. He is still good at all times!!

  219. Domonique Scheiter says:

    Wow! This was so encouraging! I’m loving this app.

  220. kat cline says:

    This devo hit so deeply today. I am currently walking in the valley with some hard things my family is facing right now and to be reminded that the Lord is is walking WITH me, not watching from above is a simple concept but means so much.

  221. Lexi Hochstatter says:

    Not easy to remember in the harder times, but a great reminder for all times.

  222. Bel Mathela says:

    Yesss God bless you

  223. Farris Baker says:

    This is my prayer after reading this!! You put into words what I felt. Oh to have that kind of faith!!

  224. Sophey Sewell says:

    Lord help me to live faithfully and remember that you are always good!!

  225. Jamie Raab says:

    “Even if he doesn’t”… I love this phrase. God doesn’t have to do what we want or think we need. He is still good, He is still God and He is still worthy of our worship. Lord help me to live in this way!

  226. Val M says:

    Trust in anyone seems so hard to achieve for me but this story in Daniel reminds me that it’s worth trusting in God. He promises to always be with us, that should be enough for me to trust him. While everyone in the world leaves and changes we have a constant never changing God that will never abandon us.

  227. Karla Gil says:

    Wow I’ve never heard that story. It’s beautiful

  228. Abigail Cate says:

    I love the section- “what came of those three young men?”. Sometimes i forget the impact that the boldness and faith of these three had. A whole kingdom was turned aware from worshiping false gods! God rewards big leaps of faith with even bigger outcomes.

    Side note as a youth leader, God used three young men. >> Age doesn’t define the impact you can leave in the kingdom of God

  229. Anne Kabugi says:

    Trust when all is in the line! That was so profound and a reminder that God is still in the throne doing what he promised – to be there for us all the time. Thanks for this powerful read out.

  230. Esther Chuang says:

    Definitely! I too feel so overwhelmed by God’s presence and protection ❤️

  231. Sarah Miller says:

    I had no idea how much I needed this when I started this plan. I am sitting in tears both convicted and overwhelmed by- A king was humbled, and the eyes of an entire kingdom were directed away from their false gods to the glory of the one true God. All because three powerless people said “Even if not, He is still good”.

  232. Crissy Helm says:

    Gods word jumped out at me. Uncertain times indeed but God is near and we trust his Master Plan.

  233. Nosa Clifford says:

    We have to keep our faith in God and never doubt his doings. He loves us and he has a plan for us. Be blessed

  234. Karlin Sanford says:

    Needed this today! He is still good! ❤️

  235. Jennifer Yee says:

    He is so good, and this whole year I have struggled to remember how good God truly is. I understand that we are all called here to suffer, and ultimately gain God’s glory in his kingdom, when he sees our time is right.

  236. averie blackwell says:
  237. Taylor Stanley says:

    Yes! My husband and I have struggled with infertility for 6 years. I know God is good but sometimes it’s just HARD. I’m right there with you girl!

  238. Elissa Miller says:

    I’m struggling in seeing God’s good in one area of my life while I feel like I have plenty of faith and evidence in every other area. So then I almost feel guilty for continuing to want things in that one area when He has already provided so many things in every other area. But also, why would God give me these desires if they were just going to be unfulfilled? Aka “waiting sucks” lol

  239. Ashley Wiltfong says:

    Praying over your family Amy. Hang in there. God is with you all. ❤️

  240. Ashley Wiltfong says:

    Yes!! Thank you for the reminder that God’s food plan has been written outside of time. ❤️

  241. Danielle Ervin says:

    I’m often fearful of the “even if not” and what it may mean…I need to linger more on the “God is good” part and pray to fully understand and KNOW with my heart, not just my head, that it’s true, “even if”…

  242. Amy McIntosh says:

    Right now my husbands’ grandparents who are in their 90s are covid positive. They are going to the hospital because of extreme weakness. They are two of the most God fearing, loving people I have ever met. Two of his aunts are covid positive as well. We do not know what the outcome will be, and the thought of losing them can make it difficult to see the goodness of God in all of it. But the words ‘if not, He is still good’ ring true in this scripture and in this situation in our family.

  243. Lindsey White says:


  244. Callie Dompier says:

    God’s good plan has been written outside of time. It includes an eternal and unfathomable kingdom. It includes an eternity of worship. Reading this and imagining them deciding ‘we will walk into this fire because it is the most obedient to God we can be in this moment’ gives me chill even regardless of the outcome. It inspires me to be more obedient. But then my mind and daily life do not precisely reflect an ability to maintain that feeling moment-to-moment. I pray that I remain inspired to become uncomfortable if it is the most obedient choice. Lord I need your reminders quite constantly. Thank you

  245. Kimberly Cummings says:

    Read this out loud to myself. So blessed! I am safe in His hands.

  246. Rachel Linch says:

    Amen! Thank you for sharing.

  247. Michelle Rosenberg says:

    God is good, so good…. and all good things come from above. But God, as my tendency is to react and resist when the outcome is not as I expected, please help me to remain strong in you, to not give into fear. Amen

  248. Kristen says:

    Today is election day and I can feel the tension pent up all around me, especially living in a big city. This message is so timely because it does seem like everything is on the line today, but it’s such a great reminder that no matter who comes out on top, Jesus is still on the throne! Jesus is still the only one who can save the lost and heal the brokenness of our world! Praise be to God that He will never be outvoted from being the King of Kings.

  249. Eva Martinez says:

    God is God no matter what comes. I remember when told that I had cancer. Knowing that God is good and with me got me through the trial. We need to know at all times that God doesn’t give sickness that’s the enemy. All that is good comes from above. Let’s remember that.

  250. Erica Askren says:

    Even in the flames, God makes it as though there is no heat at all because of his protection. This is a great reminder of how he keeps us close to him.

  251. Jeannie Greenland says:

    Oh, to have the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! Lord, increase my faith that I would be so confident in You that I wouldn’t waiver at the thought of being thrown into a fiery furnace, but would walk willingly, knowing you are good.
    It’s amazing to me that S, M and A went into the fire completely confident in the Lord; but not sure if he would deliver them from it. It’s almost like they didn’t care. They trusted the Lord, and loved Him enough, to walk in and say, if He does or He doesn’t, He’s still good. That’s extraordinary faith. Lord, make me more like that. What riches come in trusting You!

  252. Nick Walk says:

    Even when I don’t feel it, My God is with me. Walking me through the flames and ultimately closer to him.

  253. Sophie Graham says:

    Amen! “And the calm will be the better for the storms that we endure!”

  254. Hannah Fournier says:

    So humbling to be reminded that even when we feel the loneliness of trials and grief God is with us. He doesn’t typically work things out the way we think they should be but he never leaves us. The faith that those three men had is something to aspire after!

  255. Zara Ochoa says:

    Peace is not the absence of a storm, it’s the presence of God in the midst of a storm.

  256. Candy Schneider says:

    God is so good!

  257. kenna lafollette says:

    good message

  258. Cecelia Taylor says:

    Even if not, You are still good

  259. kellyn andonian says:


  260. Cydney Snipes says:

    Every lesson in this devotional thus far seems almost completely meant for me. I am so glad and grateful for the amazing God we serve!!

  261. Lauren Ostendorff says:

    “But if not…we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”

    It’s so much easier to turn to things if this works when life gets hard; comfort food, Netflix, purging, etc. whatever it is those tangible things make us feel better for a time. But I love that the guys threw those earthly desires away with their statement, “but if not, we will not turn to things the world tells us we should do” and stayed focused on God.

  262. Lesley Conway says:


  263. Alana Callender says:


  264. Hayley Scott says:

    So powerful to just be reminded that God uses ordinary people to make much of His Kingdom!

  265. Sammie K says:

    Amen ❤️

  266. Rebekah Denton says:

    The Scripture brought me to tears. What a story! What a God! The three men were WITH JESUS in the flames! Those moments of what should have been their most horrible nightmare and horrid death, were probably some of their most memorable times because they were in it with God! When their faith was on the line, He gave them glimpses of Himself like never before! May it be so with us, His daughters.

    1. McKenzie Jones says:

      What an inspiring perspective! I love this

  267. Hilda Sefah says:

    Such a timely word! Praise God

  268. Cassie Gibb says:

    This is so good. Very rejuvenating.

  269. Emily Galloway says:

    I love this message ❤️

  270. Mackenzie Cruickshank says:

    This is a great reminder for me! Recently I have been really struggling with my faith and this has helped me remember that he is always good even if my circumstances aren’t.

  271. Mackenzie Cruickshank says:

    This is a great message. Recently I have been really struggling with my faith, this has helped me continue to believe that he is always good even if I’m not.

  272. Odanna Beharry says:

    This is real encouraging message.

  273. Raquel D says:

    This post is so good. It also reminds me of the song “Another in the Fire”…our God is so good and faithful!

  274. Grace Leslie says:


  275. Sarah Luehof says:

    Love the Isaiah passage too! God is with me! He won’t let me be overwhelmed or consumed by elements in dangerous proportions.

  276. Monica Cooley says:

    Love love LOVE this reading today- Isaiah 43 is a beautiful passage and spoke deeply to me ❤️❤️

  277. Kimberly Holman says:

    My version of this has always been, “God’s not going to let me fall without a safety net to catch me.”

  278. Anneliese Peterson says:

    Love this reminder. No matter what is going on in our life, no matter how painful it is, God still good and we can that Him.

  279. Amanda Gies says:


  280. Jolene Peartree says:

    I have stood in the fire, and HE has delivered me. I bless HIS name and prase HIM.

  281. Kylie says:

    Reading this now in the midst of natural disaster happening close to home, stepping into my new role as a wife, figuring out our financial situation, and asking the Spirit for truth as He fights my anxiousness. Even if I do not have excess wealth, resources, peace, etc., the Lord is still good. He is still kind. He is still the giver of good gifts.

    1. McKinsey Breier says:

      I am reading this just after stepping into my new role as a wife as well as working through similar things with the fires in the PNW. Our God is so much larger than these circumstances and situations but he is also able to meet us in our worry and angst and give us true peace and contentment. A truly wonderful God we serve.

  282. Rylee Sudberry says:

    And if not, HE is still GOOD. I am holding tight to that truth today.

  283. Flo Wright says:

    Even if not, he is still good

  284. Katarina Richardson says:

    Trading the suffering and pain of this world will never outweigh the goodness, grace, and glory of knowing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I’m humbled thinking of all that I’m sometimes tempted to trade for the sake of comfort when I should just trust Him regardless.

  285. Elyssa Chua says:

    The Lord always good and always trustworthy. May we cling to Him with patience and faith in all times, whether it be joy or trial!

  286. Elyssa Chua says:

    The Lord’s trustworthiness and goodness encourages us to hope in Him

  287. Marissa Losier says:

    I needed this scripture tonight ❤️

  288. Kathleen Gura says:

    I asked too many questions to God whenever I face trials and hardships. Yet, I am constantly reminded by His ways that I might not understand a thing, He is still with me to light my path.

  289. Amanda Barzycki says:

    Even if! God you are good!

  290. Ally Watkins says:

    “I know you’re able and I know you can, save through the fire with your mighty hand, but even if you don’t, my hope is you alone” ♥️

    1. Dia Sense says:

      That song was playing in my mind the whole time I was reading! ❤️❤️

  291. Morgan Houghton says:

    even if not he is still goof

  292. Rebekah Hennes says:

    My family has all been evacuated from their homes tonight because of the fires here in Northern California. As if the pandemic and so many other tragedies have not been enough. These scriptures feel especially relevant tonight as I trust God when everything feels uncertain.

    1. Julia Knight says:

      Praying for your family. ❤️

  293. Angela Canas says:

    God is good

  294. Leah White says:

    God is God in all circumstances…enough said!

  295. Maria-Elena Surprenant says:

    Thank you God for being our truth! You are trustworthy, even when my finite mind can’t

  296. Kristy Hamilton says:

    Such a great message and reminder! This can be applied to any circumstance in my life. Thank you Lord for showing this to me today, just what I needed.

  297. Zillah ValenzuelaGalit says:

    Thank you God!

  298. Elizabeth Loerop says:

    This is so true. Though things around us crumble and the future is uncertain, God’s truths remain.

  299. Bre Danielle says:


  300. mckenzie helmuth says:

    Trusting with unknowns of the future is so scary. But god is so faithful & worthy to be trusted!

  301. Charlotte says:

    COVID 19 is currently going through my family right now and this is such a great reminder and something I needed to hear. Even through the not so great circumstances he is still good

  302. Devanée Williams says:

    Glory be to God who guides us through our struggles

  303. Rebecca Jamieson says:

    amen ♥️

  304. Leanna Freeman says:

    I needed this today!❤️

  305. Joi Foster says:


  306. Ana Vega says:

    Amen ♥️

  307. Maphefo Lekgothoane says:


  308. Constance Tasie says:


  309. Candy B says:

    Oh my ❤️

  310. Briani George says:

    The power of faith and worship!

  311. Mary-Margaret Hughes says:

    Favorite day so far

  312. Lakechia Smith says:

    “Even if not, he is still good.” I will take these words and apply it to my life.

  313. Brittany Bone says:

    I had always heard this story and understood that their trust in God saved THEM, but I never fully realized the results of their actions! Their trust also saved a nation of people who were worshiping false gods AND humbled a very prideful king. It is so encouraging to see what trusting in God can do not only for yourself, but for others as well!

  314. Jayna Mei-Lin Balajadia says:

    God is sooo good!!! He is really teaching me to have faith in Him during tough times. A year ago I strayed from the Lord and this message really just reminded me of His goodness.

  315. Carol Salmonson says:

    As children of a sovereign God we are never victims of our circumstances

  316. J L says:

    My take aways:
    Even if God’s answer is no, He is still good and His will, perfect.
    His plan results in an eternal kingdom free from tears, death, and pain.

  317. Nneka LaBarrie says:

    Glory be to God

  318. Jessica M Rosario says:

    It takes for me to understand that I am not at the center of the universe. God is. It hurts, but in the end no matter where I am or what I am going through God is still God. He is faithful. He will stay faithful.

  319. Ashton Terry says:

    Let me have faith like these three men had. God is still good in the midst of trials and sufferings. ❤️❤️

  320. Chelsey Faker says:

    What I have learned recently doing a Beth Moore bible study is that having faith is not a feeling, it’s a choice. So even if we don’t “feel” like God is good during a certain time, we can still choose to believe Him and take Him for His word. We can choose and have faith that He is good, even if we feel otherwise. Choosing to believe that He is good doesn’t mean we will be happy and joyful in the situation, it may still be very difficult.

    I had a daughter that was stillborn at 37 weeks. We found out at her 20 week scan she had Trisomy 18 and it was a very high percentage she wouldn’t make it. We grieved. It was hard. There were lots of tears and heartache. BUT in the midst of all the pain, we never doubted Gods goodness. We chose to believe He had a plan and a purpose and the verse in Romans 8:28 that says “and we know that to them who Love God all things work together for good, to them that are called according to His purpose”. We also leaned on John 16:33 where Jesus says “I have said these things to you that in ME you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” ❤️

    1. Ashton Terry says:

      Thank you for sharing Chelsea! It is a daily battle to choose to have faith especially during trials and struggles. Your story is encouraging. ❤️

      1. Tatiana Perez says:

        Thank you for sharing your story. ❤️

    2. Kelly MillerLynch says:

      Beautifully said. Gods blessings.

  321. Brandi Smith says:


  322. Natalie J says:

    It’s so easy to say the words ‘Even if not, He is still good’ and it’s also so easy for people to tell you this when things in life are overwhelming or challenging. But what I found humbling from this story in Daniel is that their faith led to an entire kingdom returning to worship God and leaving behind their idols. When I look back on my life in the last couple of years and the pain and sadness I continue to experience in waves, I feel hope that God is preparing my heart for something in the future. I have no idea what, when or how and I have no idea why the things that have happened in my life have happened but I am His and He is mine. And my story has a purpose.

  323. Amy Van Wyk says:

    It can be so hard to feel that God is good when life just feels like one giant challenge, when nothing seems to be going “right.” I needed the reminder that, even when things don’t make sense, that He always has our best in mind. He will never leave nor forsake us.

  324. Faith Ayers says:


  325. Aida Lefebvre says:


  326. Jane Butler says:

    My marriage is on the brink of divorce. My husband and I are spiraling out of control and I’m at a loss. He is turning from God while I am turning to God and its awful. I know God is good, even if… I feel unfaithful to say that sometimes, like I’m doubting God can heal us. But I know God can restore me and restore a marriage. But I am also know even if…

    1. Emily Lehman says:

      I’m praying for your marriage!! “love never fails” God has a plan for you, just put your trust in him and he will do what is best for you!

    2. Josy-Anne LeBel says:

      Hey Jane, thanks for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️ I have adopted as my personal motto what king Jehoshaphat said in 2 Chronicles 20:12b, when a vast army was coming towards him and all things seemed hopeless he said “… We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” Keep you eyes on our father Jane, and I pray that your husband will do the same. He sees you.

    3. Elizabeth Hall says:

      God just redeemed our marriage… I knew God could but I didn’t believe he would heal ours. But He can and He will sister!

    4. Riley Kelly says:

      I am praying for you and your husband, Jane.❤️

  327. Wylie Donald says:

    God will protect no matter what. He loves us recklessly. Even if he doesn’t save us, we will meet him in heaven and he will be proud. If you struggle with believing that, I suggest listening to the God who stays by Matthew West. ✝️

  328. A Lalley says:

    My husband of 32 years passed away in September 2019. But through this trial I can still say; I am still His. He is still mine. And God is good!

  329. Brittany Elliott says:

    When my cousin was passing away from cancer I kept telling myself that phrase. “Even if, God is still good.” 2 years later since he’s gone home to be with Jesus I can still say God is still God. It hasn’t been easy, but my God is worth it❤️

  330. Jourdan Foran says:

    I can’t say “Even if…” yet. I have some major fears going on in my heart regarding marriage and children. I want them both so badly, but turning 37 this summer just keeps flashing those doubts in my mind. I know the Lord is good, I just want his goodness and “yes” in these areas too. Praying to trust Him no matter what. ❤️

  331. Lilly Christianson says:

    This story always encourages me to ask the question – are there things in my life that I haven’t fully surrendered to God and said those words, “even if not, God is still good?”

    It’s difficult in the moment of pain and hardship to say those words and REALLY mean them. It requires faith and trust, things that I sometimes lack. But when I do surrender and give God what’s in front of me, His PERFECT peace that surpasses all understanding fills me up and my faith is strengthened. Although the battle might be right where it was before I said those words, I know the battle is already won in heaven. And I am reminded of whose I am – the daughter of the most High King. He never leaves nor forsakes and ALWAYS sees me through to the other side.

    Listen to Another in the Fire by Hillsong!
    Praise God for He is good!!

  332. Allison Gudeman says:

    Would I be willing to walk into a fire to test my faith in God?

  333. Jay Barr says:


  334. Heather Noble says:

    Wow going through my first year as a nurse has been utterly difficult. As I feel the growing pains of such an intense world, I remember that “Even if, God is still good.” He will forever be my God. Amen

  335. Rhonda Wood says:

    The lord is with us who believe and trust in him . Rejoice in him worship him and the heaviness of this world will be lifted in his peace. Our life is like a vapour we are only hear for a while run the race in which to win God can overcome anything and his ways are not our ways. Trust in every circumstance that he will use it for his glory. We turn our eyes to you oh lord the maker of heaven and earth

  336. Missy Crump says:

    What a blessing this has been to me! I, like everyone else, have my own issues and trials that I am going through. But, this post has reminded me that I am not walking through this alone. God always has my back, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Thanks so much for the reminder that even if not, He is still good.

  337. Sara Burns says:

    I needed to read this today. Someone posted the other day that they are waiting on some test results. It wouldn’t allow me to reply to her. But I want her to know she’s not alone. I’m also waiting on test results. And all I’ve been able to process lately is this kind of stuff. Even if not, he is still good! I’m praying that I take advantage of this time of uncertainty to remember no one knows the number of their days and that I was called to make Him known. Praying for you sweet friends that are in the same place. He is worthy of our praise!

    1. Ashley P. says:

      Praying for you, Sara!

  338. Melinda says:

    Super love this meditation. Thank you so much.

  339. Jay Barr says:

    Love!! Sometimes it takes an unbeliever seeing how a believer walks through the fire and who they walk through it with to believe!!

  340. RS says:

    We tragically lost a small pet yesterday, and our family is mourning the loss deeply. We’ve done the “what if’s”, the “if onlys” and the like as we’ve grieved the last 30 hours. Prayer for healing of the ache has been our comfort. It’s so sad when you have children (even if teens/young adults) grieving hard. You just want to soothe their broken hearts. I found solace in this reading tonight- I’m sure my girls will as well. Even when there is hurt and ache, God is still good and we can trust Him to get us through even the most difficult moments in life’s journey.

  341. Maria P. says:

    God is faithful and will never forsake us. I can boast in my weakness because then the power of strength

  342. Kalin Brooks says:

    Wow! Love this

  343. Abigail Zody says:

    Love this study!! I am currently living in a foreign country and working (language school right now) in my community just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were. So I thought today about how they were invested in their community and respectful to the culture, but refused to bow to any idols. I wondered.. what idols do I bow down to here? People-pleasing, comparison, envy, selfishness, pride, fear, shame, stress… all these things are idols that I choose over God. When I love and trust Him the most then I don’t bow to those other sins. What a good reminder for me today, I pray that I will refuse to bow to anything else, and be wholly satisfied and strengthened by our Lord!!

    1. Alyssa Myers says:

      So good and so true! There are idols everywhere, but we are called to live for the audience of one, OUR GOD! Thank you for sharing, Abigail!! ❤️

  344. Christina Perreira says:

    I needed this message today! Gods timing is always better than ours & through experience I am learning to say “If no I know God has something better in store for me!

  345. Eryn Murray says:

    This makes me think of Job!

  346. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am praying that we can all trust God in the midst of whatever hardship we may be facing. Knowing that even if he doesn’t deliver us the way we hope he will, we know that we will ultimately be delivered from everything when we are in heaven.

  347. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am loving this study ! This is such a timely message for all of is right now.

  348. Nicole Green says:

    I can honestly and truly say from my heart, that God is good! He has NEVER let me down! And it hasn’t always been good, but HE HAS!

  349. Anna C says:

    This blows my mind! Such faith is seen in Daniel! In the faith of the three men and in the faithfulness of God ❤️

  350. Krystle says:

    God is good, even when things don’t feel good ❤️

  351. DOROTHY says:

    Churchmouse, that sentence says it all.
    Richi, I’m praying for you and your family. I can honestly say I know how your sister feels, but my son was older when he died. I love yours and your sister’s faith and what your sister’s faith. Peace and blessings be with all of you and know you will be with your nephew one day.
    Carol Brooks, Amen to you and your sister.
    Mari V., God is watching over you and will be with you and your children. I’m praying for you.
    Blake, I have a friend who says that and has me saying it now.
    Amen, Julie Turner, Jennifer Lee, Rebekah C., Amen.
    Marti Thompson, and Linda praying for you.
    Pam C., praying for you and your husband that all turns out well.

  352. Natalie McMahon says:

    It is always necessary to remember that the Lord walks through the fire with us, and that He promises we will not be overwhelmed, though the flames may still feel hot. It will be hard, but He is there and it brings a peace we cannot understand. Seeing comments from today of those of you going through truly hard times of loss – I see you and I am lifting you up right now, praying supernatural comfort over you in this season of grief.

  353. Lynn Jeppesen-Thomson says:

    I don’t often comment, but this is such a timely study. Thank you

  354. Lindsay C. says:

    I love how Jesus can be seen here. He came and untied us, rescued us, and freed us. He took on death and walked through fire so we don’t have to. His sovereign mercy is overwhelming. May my faith be unwavering in the midst of trials as I remember all He has done.

  355. DOROTHY says:

    Holly Darley, yesterday you mentioned about being a neglectful parent when you’re not. It sounds like you have two active children that were having fun who took it a little to far. I have been in that same situation, both of my have AD/HD and always had bruises. Once the lady interviewed my boys (they couldn’t sit still the whole time and kept asking to leave) she knew the claims were false. So just leave everything in the Lord’s hands, He will handle it all. I will be praying for you and your family.
    The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is one of my favorite stories. I just read it over the weekend because I was reviewing my “Women and Men of the Word: Old Testament” ( it was one for some reason I hadn’t done) and noticed the verses where they said they didn’t care if they were thrown in the fire. The part that really caught my eye that I never truly noticed before is when they said even if God didn’t save them they didn’t care. After reading that I asked myself: “Is my faith that strong that I am willing to die, especially a terrible death like that, for my Lord and Savior? Am I willing to sacrifice my life for my faith, is it that strong?” I unfortunately couldn’t answer yes but I didn’t answer no, I answered I hope so. The other thing I noticed that I had never noticed before was the mention of how the was no smell or scent of smoke on them or their clothes. I am in aw of that.

  356. Diana Fleenor says:

    Today’s reading continues the teaching the Lord is doing in my heart in regard to unjust authorities. In the midst of our current uproar in the nation, the distress comes from places of injustice among authorities as well as ungodly responses to this injustice. What I see in this story in Daniel is a godly response to unjust laws and the fury of those who have “the power of the sword”. They responded by continuing to bow to the one true God only and by trusting God when they were threatened with death. They didn’t fight back; they didn’t bow under pressure. Oh how I pray that I and all the saints will be strengthened to do the same in all we face today!

    RICHI: I mourn with hope along with you and your sister’s family. I’m inspired by all of your faith! I pray for the Lord’s presence to comfort you in this trust you have in him.

  357. Linda says:

    Dear Sisters, this was an on time devotion for me today. I feel like I am walking through the fire. These verses were very comforting in reminding me that God is with us. He is in control. I am asking for prayer. I have been dealing with gastrointestinal issues for about a week and a half. I’ve had a couple tests done that came back negative. I just took a more comprehensive test today. My prayer is for the doctor to figure out what’s going on and that I be healed. Thank you

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  358. PamC says:

    Perfect timing. My husband & I do these devotions together and I’m so grateful. They discovered a mass on his kidney while doing an MRI looking for a pinched nerve because his leg was bothering him. So we will be trusting as we go through this time to discover what it is. Your prayers would be much appreciated. This community has been my morning worship & study for a lot of years now. I know I’m not much of a commenter, but your shared words are always a source of wisdom and comfort. Blessings on you all.

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Praying for healing and comfort!

  359. Melissa Graves says:

    I know we are all going through great challenges and a fair amount of uncertainty about what lies ahead. My plate has been unusually full as well and over the past week a major disappointment really rocked my world. I am thankful for today’s reading and devotional and the Lord reminded me to wait on Him and to let my heart take courage. I believe we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and I will indeed wait, because He is good and He loves me and His plan for me {us} is good, no matter what!

  360. ceegee says:

    Keeping all of you in prayer and asking that God send the special touch from Him that is needed in each of your lives today and in the days ahead. Again, I am reminded of the song by Mercy Me, “EVEN IF” and hope you will listen and be blessed. My favorite line is “But EVEN IF you don’t, my HOPE is YOU alone.” I know I just mentioned this song a few days ago, but it fits this devotion even better! Have a blessed day and give some blessings away!

    1. Autumn Christmas says:

      Thanks for this!! Another good song is “another in the fire” by Hillsong United!

  361. Marti Thompson says:

    I just lost my husband of 47 years to cancer on May 8. 2020. In all of this I have been reminded of the old hymn “Trust & Obey”. Even in all this turmoil, God is good and so merciful. I just have to learn to trust Him and know He had my best interest at heart. I live in Leesburg, Florida but have been down here for two weeks and hope to relocate. Thank you for having me. Marti

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      Grieving with you. Praying for God’s grace and blessings to surround you.

    2. Melissa AndrewsSutherland says:

      Prayers! I’m only about an hour from Leesburg. Central Florida is beautiful!

  362. Rebekah C says:

    Convicting, isn’t it?

    It’s a hard thing to live, saying even if God does not come through on X, I will continue to serve Him.

    His mercies are new everyday. If you haven’t lived this way, you have today to make the same choice as shadrach meschach and abendago.

    If you wake up tomorrow, you’ll have that same choice again.

    We are not promised tomorrow, but we are promised today. Make a choice today.

  363. Jennifer Lee says:

    Praying for all of you my friends.
    This study is wonderful because it reminds us “Even if not, He is still good.” We can be going through something that worries us or scares us but if we all just believe and have faith that our God is ALWAYS with us and remind each other that He will never leave us then we can agree that at the end of the day He is still good and He has a plan.

    1. Allison B says:


  364. Julie Turner says:

    God knows what we need and what we don’t need. He knows what is best for me. I will trust Him at all times.

  365. Whitney Brown says:

    Perfect timing for me to hear this. A relationship I just earlier this year didn’t have any doubts over has come to an end this week and as hard as it is losing someone and easy as it is to overthink situations, I have to lift that up in prayer and have full faith that it’s in Gods plan and he’s always working and with us despite our trials and curve balls of life. He is always good and we can find peace in that!

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      God comes near to the broken-hearted. Peace to you.

  366. Nicole Burgos says:

    I know God is good when I needed to read this and this specific day .

  367. Chris Swan says:

    There is a documentary on NetFlix right now. The American Gospel. Worth watching! Very long!! Jesus is the way, the ONLY way!

  368. Whitney George says:

    Praying for you Mari! God is good and has a plan for you and your children. ♥️

  369. Taylor says:

    The title of this devotion really jumped out at me: “Trust When It’s All on the Line”. What does putting it all on the line look like? I only have evidence of what that looks like in my own life. Do I still trust Him when God calls me out of an almost 2-year long relationships? When He calls me to sacrifice financially? When He calls me to another country? When He calls me to walk alongside friends in their deepest trials and pain? The Lord is really teaching me about trusting Him in these various seasons of life, and like I’ve said before it’s not always easy. However, I’m learning how to live more open-handed rather than close-fisted, to live open handed with my decisions, with my money, with my relationships, etc. Even if things don’t work out the way I was expecting, HE IS STILL GOOD. We know God works ALL things for the good of those who love Him. Even when I can’t see it, He’s working. Even when I can’t feel it, He’s working. Lord, may we all live in surrender to Your will today – to live with arms high, hands open, and heart focused on You. Amen. Blessings to all your sisters today <3

    1. Meghan Hampton says:

      I appreciate your vulnerability and sharing this . Keeping you in my prayers as for go through through all these things ❤️

  370. ADB says:

    Praying for you and your children Mari.

  371. Mary K says:

    Recently, my 14 year old niece came to live with us.
    My husband and I do not have children and are not planning to have biological children, so we have been a little under-prepared to say the least.

    She came to us in a really dark time for her and it’s been a struggle trying to find a balance between trying to build trust, placing wise trust in her and allowing her room to grow.

    Yesterday, she went for a walk to the park by herself to get out of the house. Before she left, I had snapped a little and so I wanted to call and apologize, only when I called, it stated that her phone had been disconnected. My heart was immediately in my throat.

    Was she trying to run away? What if she got lost? She’s still new to the area and learning! What if she gets hurt and needs help and can’t get a hold of me?

    Needless to say, I was stressed and so I called my husband to just let him know what was going on and around-about where she was walking. He went even farther.

    “Should we call the police? You’re supposed to inform them IMMEDIATELY if a child has potentially run away.”

    The Spirit was so good in this moment.

    It moved me to keep a cooler head and trust in Him and His goodness and to trust my niece, who has not given us ANY indication that she would run or break our trust in the ways our minds were spiraling.

    My husband and I decided that we would wait until 15min past when she said she was going to be home to start worrying, searching and calling people.

    She messaged me right on time and said she was running a little behind, but she was on her way.


    God was Faithful and provided. My husband and I both know that this is going to be the least of how we are tested with her, especially since this time it worked out. It won’t always. However, I am so grateful that God provided this opportunity to test my faith in a little way, so that it will be stronger in Him when the bigger and harder things come down the road.

    Thank you for being here and supporting that growing Faith SRT community.

    My niece and I are going through these daily devotionals together. It is such a blessing to be able to share and grow her in faith as well through you all.

  372. Juliana Eshleman says:

    I had a friend who was good at reminding me “but God is good” as we talked about our days. It has always stuck with me to remind myself in the tough days that God is still good.

    1. Blake Ennis says:

      My friend for years has been saying, God is good all the time…All the time, God is good!

  373. Mari V says:

    The timing of this study is perfect! Though it’s very hard ONE thing remains my God is still God! I admit that I am scared and weak as my court date approaches on Friday. Whatever happens that day one thing is for sure my God will still be God no matter the outcome. Please pray as I’m feeling nervous. Please pray whatever the outcome that my children will be OK.

    1. Amy Wright says:

      Praying for you, Mari, for the peace only He can give. And praying God’s glory is shown in the outcome and provision for your children, however He sees fit for things to work out ❤️

  374. Doris says:

    While reading this, the scripture in 2 Corinthians 1 came to mind.
    It reads, For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: who delivered us from such a great death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that He will yet deliver us,

    And in thinking on Him raising the dead my mind went to Mark 5 when He told the father who heard the news that his child was dead and to not trouble Jesus anymore and Jesus looked at him and said , be not afraid only believe. God is who He says He is, we only need to trust Him. Do we? To truly know Him is to trust Him. May we come to know Him , His Character, His faithfulness, His love , His Word.

  375. Lizzie says:

    ❤️ even if we’re cast into the fire, we won’t compromise, and no matter what may happen, He’ll deliver us, and even if the flames take our breath away, we will still believe, that even if we’re cast into the fire, He is by our side!

  376. Mikki says:

    Richi, the strength and faith of you and your family is amazing. Praying for your nephew that Jesus is holding him tight and for peace for your family.

    Happy Wednesday ladies <3

  377. Carol Brooks says:

    My sister reminds me that when we can’t do any more, He’s more than enough. HIS promises are Yes and Amen.

  378. Tori Stratton says:

    When I saw the verse of the day, I said, “Isaiah 43!” Yesterday, I was feeling overwhelmed. I opened Safari on my phone and saw Isaiah 43 opened up. I read it and it reminded me of the day’s She Reads Truth reading. When I read verse 2, I almost cried. It was exactly what I needed in every way. And look! God wasn’t done with the needed reminder! It was today’s reading!

  379. Pam says:

    The prosperity gospel teaches the more you give of yourself, your time, your effort and your resources, the more you are blessed. It is based on the scriptures about reaping and sowing in obedience. It is a daily process of asking where you need to bear fruit by loving sacrificially so others experience the love of the Father through us. It is learning to practice the kind of discipline where you believe nothing you have here is yours but His – and then giving it away as He would have you give it away. There are tremendous blessings that you do experience when you make it a daily goal to try to love and give like Jesus – He loved completely and gave Himself. It is what He commanded us to do in John 15.

    1. Grayson Cline says:

      Hey Pam! I’m not sure if I read this right, but if you are defending the prosperity gospel I just wanna say you’re certainly right that Jesus CAN give us those things out of his hand- but that doesn’t mean it’s the point of the Gospel. We may receive great heartache in this life instead of prosperity, like Paul’s thorn in his side, but Jesus is worth it still. I hope that makes sense, and if I misunderstood you, I’m sorry!

  380. Maura says:

    Richi, I am sorry for your loss and will be praying for your sister and your family. Such lovely faith you both have to know that sometimes God heals here and sometimes He heals as He brings His beloved into His arms in heaven. Amanda Moro, Praising God and praying for Ezra. May you feel His love mighty around you all. Traci, I am praying for your son and peace for you both. Know He loves you. Dorothy, praying God’s peace in your transition for you and your sister. May you both feel His joy and new mercies every morning. Rosena, praying for you, that you see His love poured out on you in this time of loss and feel the abundance of our God in Jesus arms. Jasmine, He is so sweet! Praying for strength and joy. Mari V, indeed He will be with you. May His loving kindness overwhelm you with peace as you go to court. Praying His best for you. Taylor, I understand the fear of being alone. I use to repeat over and over You Lord will never leave me or forsake me, and the Our Father in times that I was afraid and He would take my fear and remind me in various ways He was with me. You are right He is our satisfaction. He has removed that fear from me permanently. Praying the same for you. praying Jesus completely removes your fear as He did mine. JoAnn, praying for you and your family in this time. For your father. Rhonda, you have been through so much loss and ay you feel Jesus holding you and your family in incredible love. I will be praying. Jesus is with you all lean into His loving arms all my Sisters. He knows right where you are at and what you are dealing with and He never leaves He is faithful. Thank you for sharing your faith in your difficult circumstances and how you are trusting the Truth, the Way and the Life. He is our Provision and His love never fails yeah tho we may be in the shadow of death our Lord does not abandon us but loves us in and through it all. So thankful, humbled, and loved.

  381. Richi says:

    Gods timing is always perfect. My nephew had been in the hospital for nearly a month and he passed yesterday. He would have been 2 in September. Veggie Tales was his favorite, so the story or “Rach, Shach, and Benny” was so apropriate this morning. While my heart is broken for my sister and her family, we all know and believe, although we were praying for healing, God is still good. We cry because we are missing out on his sweet little life and getting to hold him and see him, but those tears come with peace in knowing he is in the arms of Jesus and we can confidently say, “Death, where is your sting”
    The phrase/theme on my mind and heart for the past couple months has been, “It is as He would have it be.” My sister put it beautifully yesterday, “It is not our job to ask why, it is our job to have Faith.”
    Thank you for your work in growing and encouraging this community of Faith. HE will see us through.

    1. Mari V says:

      I love VeggieTales! My heart is sad for your family but I love your words of faith. This precious little guy is with Jesus. Praying for his mommy and daddy.

    2. Jessica Brayboy says:

      Praying for you and your family.❤️

  382. Indiana Christina says:

    This reminds me of a phrase that a local pastor used in his sermon: “Life is unfair, but God is good.” Indeed, He is working in the waiting. He is coming alongside us and providing for us, even on the bumpiest of roads. He never leaves us or forsakes us–even when we don’t realize He’s there with us and remember that His Spirit resides inside of us. He remains our ABBA and we are still His children. Praise be to God.

  383. Rea says:

    When we PASS THROUGH the waters, the rivers, we are reminded that we don’t stay stuck in our bondage, but are taken by the hand and moved to the other side of freedom. Be encouraged. God is with us. We don’t have to be overwhelmed.

    1. Klara B. says:


  384. Churchmouse says:

    Life can be overwhelming but God is always more so.

  385. Kristen says:

    I love this truth! At church they say,”God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.” I grew up catholic, but didn’t understand the characteristics of God or really understand why Jesus had to suffer and die. I also didn’t understand the depths of my sin and the torture Jesus went through and the high price that was paid. I buried my first baby that was almost full term, but stillborn. I remember asking why. My husband said that we are in a fallen world and these things happen. I thought her death was my fault and I also thought God was out to get me. I thought something I said and thought must have caused her death. I didn’t really get his answer at the time. (There is a whole story that I shared before about how the Sunday after her burial I went to a new church. This is part. God used a lady that I saw praising Him. I wasn’t used to this clapping and praising. I figured she had no problems and that’s how she could be so joyful and praise! She also lost a child, and she told me God told her to tell me to run to Him and not away. How beautiful that He cared and saw my pain. He sees all of our pain, but I didn’t know that. She also helped me as a new Christian. I heard the Gospel and went down to the alter. My mother in law said I ran.) My point is that I questioned why this happened. I realize now that God is still good. There is death and pain, but He is there. Jesus wept when he went and saw the pain of death at the tomb of Lazarus. I realize that my husband was right, and we are in a fallen world. As Erin says we don’t have to understand to know why to know that it is true, God is good. I am not saying what I went through wasn’t painful and heartbreaking. It was! I do also know that even though my daughter never took a breath outside the womb, her life had meaning and a purpose. I wouldn’t have gone to a new church that day or heard the Gospel. I wouldn’t have been able to help others that have had the loss of a child, including one of my good friends. Every life is precious! God was with me in the pain, and I do believe He is good! I can’t help but think of this song and these podcasts about God and suffering:

    1. Abigail Sumption says:

      Kristen this is such a beautiful tale of God’s chasing after the ones he loves. So glad you are found, and are learning the truth that He is good amidst all the pain you have gone through. Blessings and grace and peace to you today xx

    2. Haley AnnHoover says:

      Your story made me cry!! I hope I can find joy amidst difficult times like you have. I am so sorry for your loss, but I’m so glad about what you found. Xx