Treasures of the Kingdom

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:19-34, Matthew 7:1-6, Matthew 13:44-45, Psalm 147:7-11, Luke 12:32-34

Our priority is to seek the kingdom over earthly possessions, replacing worry with trust in God’s provision.

I thought I was a relaxed hostess until I began hosting playdates with toddlers, a fun time where order and clean surfaces go to die! I tell myself that my belongings don’t matter, but when it comes down to it, the chaos of a group of three-year-olds can feel like a personal threat to my home and self-preservation. 

As I read today’s Scripture from Matthew, I paused and asked myself, What does it mean to store up “treasures in heaven”? What is Jesus actually asking me to do? The Scripture seems to focus less on actual possessions and more on the posture of the heart (see Matthew 19:16–22). Anything that stands in the way of us fully following and trusting in God is an area of our hearts we ought to examine. Matthew writes: 

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, 
where neither moth nor rust destroys, 
and where thieves don’t break in and steal. 
For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:20–21). 

What is “treasure” in heaven, from a kingdom perspective? It’s living for God’s glory and the good of others (Hebrews 6:10). Because God provides for His people and “delights to give [us] the kingdom,” we are free to pursue the good of other people, to focus on relationship with our Heavenly Father and those He has surrounded us with (Luke 12:32). No thief can steal love that has been freely given (v.33). 

My heart’s posture toward loving and serving others in my home takes an ugly turn when I begin to focus on my possessions, my appearance, and my control. Perhaps it’s a simple example, but it’s very real to me. When I become angry, bitter, and frustrated with my son for making a mess, I know it’s my comfort and my possessions that I’m actually concerned about. When adults are invited into my home and feel welcome enough to casually move furniture around without asking, my heart reveals its desire to control and maintain order. The sin in my heart gets in the way of hospitality, of pursuing the good of others. I want to offer a space where people feel comfortable and loved. When I’m too consumed by the outside mess, how can I possibly minister to the mess we all bring with us? 

So, yes, even little people in my sphere of influence (the home) need to know the patience and gentle instruction of God. Friends need to see the generosity of Jesus when we serve them in our home. I should worry less about shoes on the couch when our family is rich in relationships. God knows what we need to get through this physical, day-to-day world. He provides the necessary things for us, so we can focus on making the kingdom of God very real to the people here on earth. Couches fade and, believe it or not, you can get diet soda out of your rug with just hot water (and silent prayer). But ultimately, being present with people and sharing Jesus’s love with them are the kind of treasures I want to store up.

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71 thoughts on "Treasures of the Kingdom"

  1. June Pimpo says:


  2. June Pimpo says:

    Search my heart oh God. Let me see the ways I hold on to things more than YOU. Let me evaluate the energy I put into THINGS vs the energy I invest in others and in YOUR KINGDOM.

  3. Lois East says:

    Amen! God’s glory, the good of others and our growth!

  4. Ashley Harris says:

    After dealing with my grandparents estate and my husbands grandparents belongings it’s clear to me I have inherited their same desire to surround myself with beautiful things. But the things we are keeping in storage are the biggest offenders.

  5. Rachelle French says:


  6. Carey says:

    Holding on to things breeds jealousy. We brought nothing into the world and will take nothing when we go to meet Jesus. I know that I’m always pondering what it would be like to have a dream home, or what else I should put on display in my home. In reality, all this is meaningless. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Jennifer Nenadov says:

    Great reminder about the things we can treasure over people/relationships!

  9. Monica Fox says:

    Beautifully written reminder!

  10. Sharon says:

    This hit HOME in ways you can’t imagine. Thank you Lord for the study and bless the vessel you brought it through.

  11. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! Soooo much good reading — both Scripture and devotional — this is what I needed today. Yesterday was hard for me because I had to go to the lawyer we’ve hired to help with my sister’s legal affairs. You see she was a CPA — certified public accountant — and had a business of her own. I had to take all her clients’ files from the last seven years; as well as hers, her deceased husband’s and her deceased daughter’s stuff with me to figure out what needed to be done. What I found out was my nephew is ultimately responsible for all of it. I and my brothers’ know that he doesn’t care about anything but the money. But we have to legally get permission for me to take care of things. I’m thankful I have a brother willing to explain to my nephew what needs to be done. But most of all I’m thankful for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit who I know I can lay all of this on and not worry about it.

    These are the verses that stood out to me:
    Matthew 6:27 “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”; 30 “And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?”; 33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”; 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
    Matthew 7:6 “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy.”
    Psalm 147:11 “The Lord values those who fear him,
    those who put their hope in his faithful love.”
    Luke 12 “No thief can steal love that has been freely given” (v.33).

    This is what stood out from Bailey’s devotional, “Our priority is to seek the kingdom over earthly possessions, replacing worry with trust in God’s provision.”

    Sorry about the rambling.

    Be blessed and know God, Christ and the Spirit “have your back” no matter what the circumstances are.

  12. Erica Chiarelli says:

    This reminds me of the many times I’ve put my things above what truly matters… My children and their hearts. Lord forgive me and help me to love them like You do!

  13. Cathy Simpkins says:

    My kids are adults and raising their own kids now. I have often told them, it I could change something about my mothering, I would have cleaned the house less and spent more time with you! Loved this reading today.

  14. Kristin Palmer says:

    Thank you for sharing, Angie! Your words brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart knowing that God can use me to be a blessing to others. A willing heart is all that’s required. ❤️

  15. Antoinette Burnett says:


  16. Stephanie says:

    I so appreciate the word of God and today’s devotion. It resonates with me except on the opposite spectrum. I stress about hosting anyone in my home for fear of my home NOT being perfect, not being nice enough, decorated the way I want, clean enough etc…when really my heart should be focused on loving others, inviting them into my home. So needed this reminder as we prepare for my daughter’s college graduation party. It’s not about the “stuff” it’s about the people and being a light for Jesus through the love we pour on those we invite into our home.

  17. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord let me cast my cares on You…finisher and author of faith. You carry my burdens so i don’t have to. Holy Spirit strengthen me to keep my heart and mind fixed on Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen

  18. Shannon says:

    This was so helpful for me today!

  19. Jennifer White says:

    This really resonated with me today. Right before this reading I was making a mental checklist of all the things I needed to do today to get the house ready for Mothers Day and company. Thank you Lord, for bringing my focus back to you and the love around me, not my clean house. Amen.

  20. Rachel LeeBenton says:

    This is the sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time. I have 4 boys, we homeschool, and live in the middle of nowhere. 30 minutes to get to the nearest Walmart. Any time we go somewhere “you have your hands full!” “’re tired!” Yeah. Thanks. Is usually my reply, but that doesn’t reflect the fun we have on a daily basis, plus I get the privilege of teaching these babies about Jesus! Thank you for that reminder.

  21. Caroline Harrington says:

    I loved this so much!!!

  22. Maria Baer says:

    This devotional today speaks to me so much because I never see my sense of control for thing to be perfect as a heart issue. But clearly I’m not being honest with myself.

  23. Paula Strong says:

    Yes please focus on the relationships. My sons are 19 and 27. They are both gone now. I don’t know where one is snd the other has a strained relationship with us. I worried so much about control and order. Now they are gone. So thankful I learned before I lost my daughters but please young Moms learn from me. :(

  24. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we love you

  25. Amber Sapp says:

    Yes! We need to focus on the things that matter…people seeing Jesus through our actions and kindness and patience.

  26. Laurie A says:

    Help me to be more of a Mary Lord. It’s so easy for me to worry about piles on the counter and dust around the house, wasting time and energy on things that don’t really matter.

  27. Kathryn Buntyn says:

    Amen to this. ❤️

  28. Nicole Meadows says:

    Life is messy with people no matter how old they are. I work at creating an illusion of control, order and cleanliness before people come over. It’s draining and taxing. It’s good to remind myself it’s more important to love people than work myself to death creating the perfect looking home. People matter to God. I matter to God. Keep God and the kingdom (His principles and purposes) first in my mind.

  29. Amber Guitron says:

    I will surrender my home to the Lord and His will. With 4 children running around a relatively small home, I often find myself wishing I had more space. But then I know our close proximity allows us more face to face time and those memories and moments shared are also treasures to store up.

  30. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    @Adrienne thanks for the book recommendation! I need so desperately to be a Martha in this Mary world. I never identified this as a heart issue but this devotional has revealed some pride and control issues I still am carrying in my heart. If I want an overflowing treasure chest in heaven I need to prioritize loving people over protecting my clean house. Love this community of Christ following women ❤️

  31. Adrienne * says:

    Oh, Rebecca… I am so much like Martha too. ( I want to be more like Mary.) A good book (by Joanna Weaver) is “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”. I need to re-read that! And young moms… the days may be long, but the years are short. My boys are 25 & 27 now… where did the time go?

  32. Mari V says:

    Today is “my” Grace day ( It’s Sunday Mother’s Day). On Friday there was so much was going on in my head and I was disappointed that I couldn’t focus on the devotion. How fitting to read this today on Mother’s Day. I remember those wonderful beautiful days, “hosting“ play days in my home. My friend Gretchen and I started a play group back when our boys were babies. They are now 20 years old. We all took turns hosting. How I long to go back to those days. I miss my babies, being babies. And I’m thankful that my children have a second mom. Till this day my friend Gretchen and I are still very close and so are our boys and so are our girls. Happy Mother’s Day to all you are reading this today.

  33. Kristen says:

    I copied the Psalm above.

    Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
    play the lyre to our God,x
    8 who covers the sky with clouds,
    prepares rain for the earth,
    and causes grass to grow on the hills.y
    9 He provides the animals with their food,
    and the young ravens what they cry for.z
    10 He is not impressed by the strength of a horse;
    he does not value the power of a warrior.E,aa
    11 The Lord values those who fear him,
    those who put their hope in his faithful love.ab

    This one Psalm speaks of how amazing God is! He is not impressed with the horse’s strength or has to value a warrior. He is Sovereign! He brings rain, and He makes the fields grow! He provides for the animals! He gives the young ravens what they cry for! How precious and tender!! Of course, I know these things, but this is absolutely amazing when I sit and am actually taking His power and provision in! Have a great day all! May we be amazed, grateful, praising, and humbled as we see Him in the day!

  34. Charla says:

    Sherry- Thank you for speaking these words. I can so relate. My daughters home, bursting with chaos and clutter can feel overwhelming when I visit too. I too, want to “clean it up”. I think this is helping when what I really need to do is just be and love on and enjoy those sweet babies God placed into my life! So convicted with this today!

  35. Miri am says:

    Praying for this D! I went through a similar experience 4 years ago, feeling some similar unsettledness in my heart about my work situation. It’s been a fun rollercoaster since and God has been very faithful and done things I could never have foreseen or even imagined! Pray boldly in this season; what he opens no one can close, what he closes no one can open! Will be praying over this situation for you!

  36. STRUGGLING says:

    Thank you for remembering me & for the prayers. Please continue them. I took a screen shot of the verses from Psalm 69:29-33 from one of the days this week because they really spoke to me. God delights in our Thanksgiving esp.when it comes from a raw heart. Also…I know try to numb my pain with buying “all the things.” Today’s reading definitely challenged that. Related to possessions: We are hosting guests this weekend and I have a MIL whose definitely the Martha type and I am not. I KNOW that my cluttery, casual house with its dog hair and chaos drives her crazy. I also know she loves me/my family… but I get so stressed when she visits. Help me Lord to remember what matters and what doesn’t.

  37. Truth Seeker says:

    Jane K – I would love to “attend” your daughters party in the form of sending her a card and gift (I would need name and address) so that I could congratulate her and encourage her and help her special day to be a grand remembrance. Perhaps you could open this idea to the SRT ladies so that even though a physical presence is not what you may expect but an outpouring of cards and prayers from this community may fill her day with love from us. Blessings on you and may God bless you with peace.

  38. free indeed says:

    WOW!! This devotional. A wholeeee new twist. I was thinking of this strictly in terms of buying more and more stuff. This totally puts it in perspective. Our treasure could be in order, organization, tidiness, etc. woahhhh, what a good perspective check.

  39. Mercy says:

    Such sweet devotion Bailey. I am also like you. I relate to every detail ;) . As a mother with young children, I too value cleanliness, tidiness and an orderly home. It is a luxury during the current season, but many moms say, this too shall pass. The Lord has his amazing purpose when building us women the way we are, leaning towards a well-maintained home rather than messy, for He himself is also the God of order. Our service to others comes at a cost to us. And our God is the rewarder for such sacrifice.

    Churchmouse, such wisdom wrapped in your beautiful words. I fully agree.

    Sherry, you touched me deeply with what you shared about your daughter. How incredibly sensitive that you see how she sees. I struggled with my mom about the same issue sometimes. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

    May your weekend be filled with good rest, abundant joy and peace.

  40. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how Bailey reminded us in this devotional what it looks like to serve people on our homes. I love and appreciate her honesty about the times when her perspective needs some tweaking. I know that I all too often focus on the mess instead of what God may be doing on my house. I pray I would be able to focus on the kingdom work, instead of all the cleaning that will need to be done after everyone leaves.

  41. Caroline says:

    Beautiful song about Matthew 6:25-34
    By Keith and Kristin Getty…

  42. Traci Gendron says:

    I love this study! It hit me once again on how particular I am about my surroundings. I like order in my house. I actually feel like I cannot think when it is in disarray, so it rarely is. I need to relax. I’m getting better, but not there yet. I want to seek Him first. I get up and go to my emails before my study! What am I doing?? I want to feel fully awake so that’s how I do it. I need to get up and put God first. I want my treasure chest full not a meager stash as Churchmouse put it.

  43. Kristen LeighEllzey says:

    I struggle with the desire to have a magazine picture worthy home. I love everything clean and neat. This strong, human fleshy desire can overpower my focus on heavenly treasures if I don’t let the spirit lead. I’ll think things like “if I can just get my kids grown, it will be clean then” or “one day I can have something look nice”. Isn’t that a terrible heart? Sigh. The thought hit me recently “work for the kingdom here and your next home will be more than you could ever imagine”❤️ have a great day working for the kingdom ladies!!

  44. Dawn Bahr says:

    Needed to hear this this morning. Having family on Monday for a birthday. So needed to hear this.

  45. D says:

    Wow, Bailey…That was a powerful word I felt was somehow meant for me today! Friends, while not a physical “life or death” request (as some are currently, profoundly experiencing), I’d ask your prayers for me to understand God’s best plan for me and how he wants me to proceed. In summary, I am (blessed to be) currently in a well-paying job, but one that prevents me from doing volunteer work which has long been on my heart and frankly, one that causes me much distress because while I am not witness to illegal activity, I am witness to almost daily lack of integrity/“abuse” of a system, over which I have no control. I believe the Lord puts us where he wants us, so I am torn or confused as to whether I should stay in this position (where I am also able to provide significant financial support to a variety of Christian organizations and where maybe he has yet to reveal his purpose to me) or if I should seek other employment (likely available) where I could pursue (needed) volunteer work and still make an adequate though smaller salary, as well as support other Christian organizations. Thank you in advance for your petitions on my behalf. God is faithful.

  46. Victoria E says:

    Jane K, your love for your daughter is so evident ! I am sorry you have been struggling with worry over this. I wish I had something so insightful to encourage you with, all I can say is I have struggled with worry , anxiety, and fear my whole life and I get what you are saying. I pray that we both put today’s Scripture reading deep in our hearts where it can continue to speak to us.

  47. Maura says:

    Have to head out the door and just finished reading Everything. Jane K I will be praying for your daughter and her party. God’s multiplies blessings on her in this time and that she feels the depth of His love and that all who come speak joy to her and your hearts. Hugs dear Sister. Kathy Carlin, praying for your children, for His peace to invade and the letting go of what ever is coming between. Peace for you as you listen and pray. Hugs to your heart. Erb, I love what you said, I believe you covered what I was noticing. And the last line, “so the holy seed will be the stump in the land” My note is so the seed remains, even though the tree and branches have been cut down and it is a stump. And I thought, this is how we are as people sometime we cut out all that is really important and might just have the stump, but if we are seeking the Kingdom and storing up treasures in heaven, God gives us so much in the joy of walking alongside, caring and loving those He sends our way with grace, joy and as many have you have so greatly stated this morning overlooking the messes, and nourishing the hearts. God be praised. Tina your comments are missed praying for you too and all y’all His light and peace this day!

  48. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    These are the types of treasure that I want to store up. Those treasures in heaven and in God’s kingdom! Thank you Father for always knowing what we need when we need it.

  49. CeeGee says:

    BAILEY ended with this challenging truth, “… being present with people and sharing Jesus’s love with them are the kind of treasures I want to store up.”
    I love that! Being back in live worship for a few weeks has been so encouraging for my heart. Everyone seems to be experiencing a ‘heavenly treasure’ as we gather and worship. Such joy!
    HEIDI, prayers for you to be patient with God’s plan and timing. This is definitely NOT the time to purchase a home if you don’t have to move. The value listed for our home has almost doubled in the past 3 months (per realty sites on the net) and same is true for other homes I checked for curiosity. God bless you and your hubby as you seek His will in this. Thank you for bringing this desire to our attention.
    ANGIE, you brought back many memories with your comment! What a blessed mess we had!

  50. Jane K says:

    “Do not be anxious about tomorrow’” that is convicting me big time this morning! My daughter’s graduation party is coming up in a few weeks and I am beyond anxious. It’s not my first grad party to host, it’s the last of five. My biggest fear is that very few people may show up. My youngest daughter is adopted and she has had her struggles. But God! He has been faithful and she is a wonderful, young Christian that has worked hard to accomplish things that may come easy to others. She doesn’t have close friendships and my heart has always ached for her in that area. Now, as we plan a party that she desperately wants, will people come? Between COVID concerns and lack of friendships, I’m finding myself worrying to a point of not sleeping and filling every space in my mind with worry. I know it’s useless to worry and a sin, but I haven’t been able to give this over to the Lord and trust Him to see us through this either way it goes. I guess I’m asking for prayers that I would fully give this to God and trust Him. Thank you SRT sisters for sharing a part of your lives here. I love coming before God and you every morning.

  51. Rhonda J says:

    So good Churchmouse!! Thank you!

  52. Mercedes Lopez says:

    I love the heading in my bible: The Cure for Anxiety… how we all need to be cured from this disease of the heart. The Kingdom of God is peace and abundance, we just need to receive!

  53. Marsha Sailer says:

    I have the same feelings Katie. As I was reading the passages I realized I need to pause my Amazon addiction. It is too easy to keep buying. I am focusing today on what is in my treasure chest in heaven and make sure I am “buying” things for it each day.

  54. Catie Brooks says:

    How often do I forget all of these things. How often do I worry about the mess around me instead of the little hearts I am trying to lead back to the kingdom.

  55. Jenn says:

    Ashli V- I have my Jireh hoodie on this morning and got my Maverick City Music tickets to their opening show in September. The album Old Church Basement that Jireh is on is so anointed. I cried and cried when I first listened to the whole album.

  56. Kathy Carlin says:

    This is sooo good for me today! I have two adult children who are not speaking to each other at the moment. This lesson helped me to see that I was more concerned about how this spat was affecting me than I was about being a vessel of reconciliation and restoration.

  57. Heidi says:

    ANGIE- great word this morning :) Excellent goal- That My children, when grown, will remember the priority I placed on ministering to others, them, US, MORE than a priority of a constantly organized home. ❤️

  58. Rebecca AnnHerrick says:

    I am frequently a Martha when it comes to hospitality, so I need this reminder on a regular basis. Thank you for reminding me that it doesn’t matter SO much if my home (with 4 kids 6 and under) is a mess, so much as it matters that I am able to minister to the hearts of the people that enter it, including my husband and children.

  59. Ashley Bettcher says:


  60. Churchmouse says:

    It would be unfortunate should I open my treasure chest in heaven only to discover there is a meager stash inside. Every day on earth holds opportunities for me to store up treasure in heaven. It requires getting my eyes off myself and focusing on furthering His kingdom in my sphere of influence. The smallest gesture can show His love. A gentle word can speak His truth. A timely gift can reveal His compassion. Over-looking an offense can demonstrate His forgiving nature. These actions are the truest treasures, done in His name, to bring Him glory. They take little effort. How wonderful to have a bulging treasure chest as evidence of seeking first His kingdom.

  61. Jill Lee says:

    Good deeds done without acknowledgment or reward, at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, or simply out of obedience. Loving God and loving others. Lord, help us see those opportunities you bring to us today. Amen!

  62. Sherry says:

    Such a good writing today. I needed this. My daughter just had her 4th child. I struggle when I visit her home. I want to pick up the clutter, fold her laundry, clean the kitchen. Sometimes she wants my help but sometimes she sees my help as judgement. I see it in her eyes. She wants me to sit with her and love on her and her babies. She is such a wonderful mother. God, help me to remember…. “being present with people and sharing Jesus’s love with them are the kind of treasures I want to store up.”

  63. Diane Mom says:

    Treasures in heaven are the things I have done to promote God’s kingdom instead of my own. They are things I will not get a reward for until I get to heaven. Often they are things only God knows about.

  64. ERB says:

    LOVED today’s focus: the HEART!! Mathew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ….my Mum and I were literally just talking about this yesterday!!! We were saying that where your focus is, will come out through your actions.. in other words, you can SAY one thing but your actions and the way you live your life will always reveal where your heart and focus is at. Such a good reminder to stay focused on God! …God has also been reminding me that WE (the body of Christ) are literally His hands and feet….because of this reminder I have been asking myself…is what I’m doing/thinking/speaking representing God? Is it pointing to a higher existence? Is it glorifying God? …these questions have made me STOP in my tracks, and sometimes even in the middle of a thought or sentence… they’ve changed my perspective and it’s holding me more accountable. It’s been really GOOD!!!

    Maura, I really liked the imagery of the vineyard in Isaiah 5. It brought a lot of things into perspective… for example, no matter how fertile and prepared the ground is, if the seed isn’t “ready/willing” then it won’t and can’t produce good fruit! Like Mathew 6 stated for us today, it’s a heart issue!! I also liked how chapter 5 addressed drinking… I have that addictive gene in my family, so I am hyper-alert to ALL that comes with it… what I heard being addressed was not only drinking, but ANYTHING that allows us to be distracted from seeking His Kingdom first!! When our motivations are to fulfill a desire (which could be anything from food, entertainment, substances, sex, emotions, appearance, etc) than we are in a wrong space. All of these things are distractions… and NONE lead to fulfillment. Putting God first should be our first thought, before anything else… a very unpopular and hard way to live, but through Christ’s example we know it can be done, we won’t be perfect at it…but as Mathew says God looks at the heart!! ❤️
    Chapter 6 talks about Isaiah’s commission, a seraphim picking up a coal and touching his lips, the awfulness of mankind and its nature…it shows the bravery and humility of Isaiah, and that there are severe consequences to continually choosing a life, lived outside of the boundaries God has given to us… such a heavy deep reminder!!!

  65. Taylor says:

    Today’s devotion is SO good! I loved the quote “Anything that stands in the way of us fully following and trusting God is an area of my heart I need to examine.” Definitely convicting! Also I wrote in my journal “Be present and share God’s love.” I have 6 opportunities today to do just that as I see 6 patients today. Also thanks Ashli V for recommending the song Jireh! I love that song so much :) But seek FIRST His Kingdom! So much truth to glean from today’s devotion. Have a blessed weekend everyone <3

  66. Joy Stark says:

    The first question that came to mind from today’s reading for me was exactly what Bailey writes about: What does it mean to store up treasures in heaven? Her devotional is helpful- talking about being present in relationship and letting go of control- but I’d love to hear thoughts from other readers too. What does it mean to store up treasures in heaven?

  67. Ashli V says:

    God our Provider. He is Jehovah-Jireh! He is enough. Such a sweet reminder as my family and I make a HUGE transition in our lives soon!
    As I read today, I am reminded of the song “Jireh” by Elevation Worship + Maverick City. If you haven’t heard it yet, give it a listen! Praying for all my sweet sisters in Christ this morning!

  68. Angie says:

    The devotional today takes me back to being a young mother. When my sons were 2 and 4, I had a group of ladies who came weekly for morning Bible study in our home. There were 6 of us and each of us had a 1-2 children around the same age (my 4 year old was the oldest). While we studied the Bible, the little ones played (without supervision) – which translated means, “destroyed the playroom”. Mom’s would try to help pick up before they left but they didn’t know where things went or how to put them away. After a few weeks I figured out I could take a picture of each of the toy shelves and hang it on that shelf. Both mom’s and kiddos could help put things back in order. I will never forget one morning when we went to the playroom (really just a tiny bedroom of toys), and no one was in it. We followed a crunch, crunching sound to the kitchen. The children had taken a bag of potato chips out of the cabinet, poured them on the floor, and were happily stomping on all of them and laughing about the sound and pure fun of it. It was quite the party. Oh my! That day, moms quickly gathered their children and slipped out the door. One looked at me and said, “No offense but, this is why I’m glad it is always at your house. I couldn’t handle this.” My closest friend distracted my kiddos and hers while I cleaned it up…and cleaned it up…and cleaned it up. But, we met again the next week, and the next, for a few years, and those are certainly treasured memories that make me laugh and cry, and always praise.
    Now I am at the early grandma stage. I still work full-time in the classroom and am blessed, every day, with treasured 3rd graders who depend on me for guidance and instruction academically, and in life. I have 3 ladies who come on Saturday mornings and we enjoy breakfast, study God’s Word, and share life. Seven 17 year old young women come once a week. We eat together and study God’s Word. (This summer they want to add a study of dating and marriage relationships to our time.) And I have a BSF group that just finished this week, who meet over Zoom to study Genesis.
    I pray that you will not read those things and think I am boasting, I am not. I am truly grateful and awed by how God has taken little opportunities and turned them into precious treasures over the years. Even through the years between young momhood and being Mika (grandma) that I didn’t share for it would be too long. I am not, and did not do anything special or great through the years. I am simply a vessel in God’s hands. And now I look back with a thankful heart for His promises are true and His blessings rich. He has provided. He will provide. He has made me new and will continue to do a work in me. And I am so thankful. Ladies, married-single-young-older, God gave you breath today. He has treasures planned for you. Enjoy them. They are gifts to enjoy today and treasured memories for tomorrow. And, Young moms my heart especially cheers for you. Relax, you are doing fine. God has got this. Enjoy this precious time, and take naps when you are able ;). Blessings ladies. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Kristin Palmer says:

      Thank you for sharing, Angie! Your words brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart knowing that God can use me to bless others. A willing heart is all that’s required. ❤️

  69. Heidi says:

    STRUGGLING- Just a reminder that you are still on the hearts and minds and in the prayers of so many of us in this community, even when we don’t always post it here… :)

    Today was a great and very necessary reminder for me of God’s provision. Of Gods DESIRE (not obligation) to provide. I say i know it in my head, but my reaction to a phone call yesterday concerning house hunting proved it not a concept that has sunk into my heart. I was being informed of new loan restrictions. Couple that with (in our area) the extreme lack of inventory in the neighborhood we have to be in (school zones) which is causing what homes ARE available to be priced ridiculously over market value and at a point we would most likely never get any return on should we ever sell in the future… It’s been an exhausting experience. I told my husband plain and simple yesterday “forget it. We’ll never get what I want us to have. We’ll never get the space I’ve been looking at and hoping for..” -And as an aside i want to be clear, when I say that, I’m not looking for some McMansion or something :) We’ve been through a lot of transition over the last 3 years and my heart is ready for something a little more concrete. I don’t need a large, fancy home. I don’t need 6 bedrooms and a MIL suite over the pool house ;) But my point is I was basically complaining that bc of zoning and other restrictions, God is limited and can’t bring us a home that will support our family and be useful in welcoming others to whom we can share His goodness. However… ;) He clothes the lilies. He feeds the birds. As Ellie said in this weeks podcast- when was the last time you saw a bird in line at the store getting groceries? ;) Never. There’s no need. God provides. And the same is true for us- for me- God provides. There isn’t one thing I truly need even in this moment sitting here. In fact as I look around I’m surrounded by excess from a worldly perspective… Trust Him to provide. And allow Him to reframe your desires. They will be met and He will DELIGHT to meet them. I’ll be reminding myself of this through my day..!!!

  70. Kelly says:

    Not that we should not make future plans or reflect on the past, but staying in the day we have been given is a way to keep anxious thoughts at a minimum.
    STRUGGLING – praying that you will have a deep sense of God’s peace today