The Women See the Resurrected Christ

Open Your Bible

Matthew 27:57-66, Mark 16:1-7, John 20:1-18, Matthew 28:11-15, Isaiah 53:1-12

Last year, in the final days of winter, the beloved patriarch of our family died. We gathered a few days later to lay his body in the ground. It was the second day of spring. 

The Bible offers words of comfort about what happens to believers when they die—promises of eternal life secured by Jesus’s own life, death, and resurrection. I know these words are true in every season, but standing at my grandpa’s graveside that day, the significance of the timing brought a special kind of solace. At the church I reminded Grandpa’s family and friends of Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians 15: Our earthly bodies are but seeds of what our heavenly bodies will become. “What you sow does not come to life unless it dies,” and we “are not sowing the body that will be, but only a seed” (vv. 36–37).

Grandpa died in winter, and we were burying his body at the beginning of spring, like a seed of promise planted in the ground. The act of placing a body in the ground was an act of faith and defiance, declaring, “This is not the end. This is only the beginning.” Because of Jesus, the resting place of every believer is the site of a future resurrection. 

Jesus, the firstfruits from among the dead, invites us to share in His resurrected life (1Corinthians 15:20). His resurrection both shapes and secures our hope—not only in death, but also right now, in this life! “Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you” (1Peter 1:3–4). Christ’s resurrection changes how we understand death, but it also changes how we view life in Christ even now. 

Over the next three weeks, we’ll take a closer look at Jesus’s life from the time of His resurrection to His ascension, reading about the encounters He had with His disciples and others after He was raised from the dead. We’ll look to Scripture to learn how Christ’s resurrection changes everything for those who put their faith in Him. May the truth of God’s Word capture your heart with the reality of the resurrected Jesus. He is our living hope.

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104 thoughts on "The Women See the Resurrected Christ"

  1. Nhlonipho Nkombyane says:

    I believe in my Lord christ as he died for my sins

  2. Molly Grace says:

    May the truth of Christ capture our hearts

  3. Jessica Thomas says:

    I am about to start this study in Easter 24 and it seems perfect time to remind me of the living hope I have in Jesus and how whilst the flowers bloom in spring, I can be made new again in Christ.

  4. Ada McCloud says:

    I’m really excited for this study. Light the fire in my soul dear Lord.

  5. Andrea Stewart says:

    What powerful passages they had us read, and the 1 peter passage was such a wonderful reminder!

  6. Tammy Griffis says:

    This read strengthens my soul so much as I coming up on my mom’s heavenly birthday!

  7. Letitia Scott says:


  8. Hannah Chappell says:


  9. Letitia Scott says:


  10. Letitia Scott says:

    Love this!

  11. Jasmin Hennosy says:

    Hello. Rookie here. Do y’all know the difference between the app and the physical books studies? Thank you in advance for your response.

  12. Hannah Honesty says:


  13. Ruth Aldridge says:


  14. Amanda Recarey says:


  15. Vivian Collado says:

    I lost my father on December 29th and reading this section of scripture enlightens my heart. My earthly father is with Jesus today. The Lord is the solace in my heart in this season. Blessings to you if you are experiencing grief. Find comfort in the Lord. He is there.

  16. macie cooper says:


  17. Mary Haddon says:

    Amén! I have always loved that! I think that we will know each other by our voices.

  18. Crystal Weaver says:

    This is my fourth study with She Reads Truth. I am loving it. Completely changed my relationship with my Bible! Adore the podcasts and now excited to realize there is a way to connect with others.

  19. Crystal Weaver says:

    This is my fourth study with She Reads Truth. Love the layout and the podcasts now excited to find there is a way to connect with others!s mmy fourth bib

  20. Monica Hansen says:


  21. Julia Brown says:

    Amy Wisdom, I absolutely love this and I’m so very grateful you shared it with us!!

  22. Mary Walsh says:

    Jesus is our Living Hope!!

  23. Mary Walsh says:

    Jesus is out Living Hope!!!

  24. Mckenzd Hill says:

    Good stuff

  25. Brittany Brooks says:

    He has Risen!

  26. Morgan Teague says:

    I’m excited for this study!

  27. Shilo Smaldone says:


  28. Tahryah Wheeler says:

    Praying for you, sister ❤️

  29. Andrea Ingersoll says:

    I pray for God to give you a sound mind, as he says he has in 1. Timothy. I have been in the same situation in the the past and God taught me to forgive those who spoke against me, treaded me bad and that that I should pray for them. I did and I can say it set me free. He took me to a new job which I love and has blessed me with some great believers as peers. He always has better for us, but we must lay down fear, anger and bitterness for our own sake and sanity and He will bless us.

  30. Kate says:

    Praying ❤️

  31. Sachi J says:

    Sisters, can I please have prayer over my mental health. I’m coming out of a tough few years of being in a toxic workplace. I’ve lost my confidence, my ability to communicate clearly without being riddled with anxiety and also experience imposter syndrome and negative thinking on the daily

  32. Sachi J says:

    I feel your pain and disappointment with your work situation. I too have felt similar feelings. I pray that God shows your the bigger picture in all of this m. That he shows you your true purpose in life and how you’re meant to behave and respond as a daughter of the King. I pray for peace and any anxiety to leave your body. For you to have a clear mind and for God to order your steps.

  33. Miranda Fazio says:

    I have lost 3 babies which has been devastating. Each time it took a year or more to get pregnant. I am still in the thick of it and trying to hold on to my hope that Jesus is close to the broken-hearted and that I will see my babies again one day!

  34. Kirsten Porter says:


  35. Kalin Brooks says:


  36. Amy Manning says:

    My jaw dropped. Our Detailed God blows me away!!!

  37. Maci Reaves says:

    I lost my grandfather on March 17, 2023. This year’s Lent study and Easter took on a whole new meaning for me. I have always believed in the resurrection of Christ and what it means for believers. I’m just experiencing it in a new and fresh way this year.

  38. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh my dear Lehman this a terrible feeling, I am praying for you, no one should feel this way. God teaches is so much through what we experience.
    God Bless you as your adventure begins.

  39. Lehua K. says:

    Blessed Monday, sisters. Loving that this study seamlessly transitions from the last one into this one ❤️

    Sisters, if you could please pray for me… I just went back to work today after a week of being out sick, and I’ve never felt so invisible and outcasted in my whole life (right to my face). God has been telling me that my workplace is not meant to be comfortable or a place where I’m meant to stay, so maybe it’s His way of nudging me with a more powerful Why to move toward my actual dream which is to grow our family business. It’s also convicted me because I never want ANYONE to feel the way I did today – left out, ignored, and like I don’t belong. But I know I’ve been on the other side, so now I’m sensitive about it too. And I think about the passages in Isaiah today and how our precious Savior went through all of that suffering… just to save us. It breaks my heart and yet I am comforted because I know I’m not alone. And He loves us so much! But God… ❤️❤️

    Praying for the requests here.

  40. Kimberly Z says:

    @Laine H. Praying for you and your ultrasound tomorrow! God truly has bigger and better plans than we could have ever imagined. Praying for good news!

  41. Victoria E says:

    Lanie H- I am praying for you.

  42. Elizabeth Carlock says:

    My condolences Holly. I lost my Dad in the middle of Lent this year too on March 25 so I understand how this season holds conflicting feelings. My Dad was a believer so I also have comfort that I will see him again but there is pain that I cannot see him now too.

  43. Mandi D says:

    Praying for you Lanie!

  44. Rebecca Miller says:

    My dear Grandpa passed away in January. I’m confident in this living hope of Jesus! The past Lenten season was amazing for me and my relationship with Jesus and this study was just what I needed to continue to strengthen my faith!

  45. Brielle Hebert says:

    Praying for you Lanie!!

  46. Carolina R says:

    Wow wow wow.

  47. Linda G says:

    Oh honey I feel you. Long ago I was working at a Christian organization and tasked with covering up some profound sin done by a friend of a major donor. Needless to say I sought the Lord’s wisdom. They took me to an off-campus location and began harassing me. I had nothing to say. When they asked why I asked them why Jesus didn’t reply to Pilate. They had no answer. After that they began taking away my responsibilities so I went to attorney and then the EEOC (I’d just turned 40 and they were making a big deal out of it.) Glory to God, I settled with them in mediation with enough remuneration to allow us to return home. Jesus has got you girl. Just trust and believe (and obey!)

  48. Melissa Hardy says:

    Me too! I’m excited for this study

  49. Melissa Mcronney says:


  50. miracle praise says:

    For he has given us access through his resurrection

  51. Lanie H says:

    Hi She’s,

    It has been a while since I have been on here because I am doing a reading through the bible in a year plan. It’s been awesome, but I miss you guys! I still listen to the podcast every week and 1 Peter 1:3-4 brought me back here tonight. I have a prayer request for y’all. I went to the doctor a week and a half ago for what I thought was my first ultrasound, but there was not a fetus. They said it may have been too soon or it may be a miscarraige. I go tomorrow to see, and I feel full of hope that my baby is there alive and well. This week has been a reminder that the Christ that rose from the dead lives in me, and he is the ultimate creator. He is all powerful, and he is a good God, my living hope. Will y’all join me in prayer for tomorrow that we will see a miracle?

  52. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we still can focus on Jesus’ resurrection for the next three weeks. ❤️
    It is interesting that the two gospel accounts of the gospel are different from each other. The main thing they agree on though is that Jesus rose from the dead.

  53. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that we still can focus on Jesus’ resurrection for the next three weeks. ❤️

  54. Teresa Donley says:

    Because of the horror and pain of the crucifixion, my sins are gone. Because of the miraculous resurrection on Easter Sunday, I have eternal life with Jesus Christ, my savior. My mom died two years ago on April 2. She died from Covid. On the morning of her death which happened later that night, I asked her who or what she thought she would see first when she got to heaven. My mom’s response was one of the most powerful and comforting testimonies she could have given me. Her answer to who she would see first: My savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

  55. JMW says:

    He has risen: my Lord and Savior – Hallelujah!
    May his Light shine through in all of us!

    Kelly(Neo) and all of you: thank you for your prayers for me ♥️
    I’ve received a letter from work and it now seems that they want to fire me even though my manager is the one who is dishonest. I’m so disappointed and sad that they won’t even hear my side of the story and believe only my managers words.
    Please pray for me that I can feel Jesus strenght and can speak calmly during this difficult conversation with my boss.

    Praying for your brother-in-law Candace, your elderly’s friend Searching, prayer for the Lyle’s family, Lizzie T, praying for your anxiety C., for your sister Dorothy and for all your other requests written or unwritten ♥️

  56. Sally Orwig says:

    I love love loves the Podcast for this week. This was a great way to kick off this 3 week study. Highlights the Easter story even more. Great job ladies!!

  57. Maritza Pearce says:


  58. Traci Gendron says:

    Can you imagine hearing Jesus call you by your name?! I think I wouldn’t be able to speak! I love that Mary recognized His voice. Looking forward to this study as all the others. Thank you SRT.

  59. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Because of Jesus is suffering, I have life. If it weren’t for that, none of us would have any hope. Thank you Lord for your suffering, your death, and your resurrection. “Because he lives, I can face tomorrow. Because he lives all fear is gone. Because I know he holds the future and life is worth living just because he lives. “

  60. Dorothy says:

    Sisters, I would like to ask for prayers for my sister, I received a call last evening from the rehab facility she was at saying they thought she had a stroke. They sent her to the hospital and she has had a stroke. It is a severe one. The left side of her body is paralyzed, she is very confused, and she isn’t herself. What I want prayer for is God’s will. I don’t want her to suffer but I if there’s hope I do want that. After they ran the tests last night they not only found two small clots in the right side of her brain but also a clot in one of the main vessels of her lungs. Everyone was surprised she was alive. I don’t want to sound mean but I do know she knows Christ and she has lived a full life.
    Be blessed and know God and Christ help with all the decisions — small and big.

  61. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Continuing—-my mother-in-law gave her heart to Jesus three days before she died. She had aphasia from her stroke, so I asked her yes or no Questions and I read Romans 10, John 10, and Genesis 1 together. Hallelujah praise praise!

  62. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Dear She’s – so great to start this study with you all – He is Risen INDEED! Kelly(Neo) thank you for asking about my mother-in-law, who has a stroke on March 5. She died on March 18- while my husband and I were stroking her forehead at 3:40 am- she gave her life to Jesus on March 15, with me on March 15

  63. Mitzi White says:

    He has risen indeed!! I believe! Hallelujah!

  64. Desiree Bryner says:

    What struck me this morning was that the moment the thing happens we had faith about, it stops being faith and turns into wisdom. Lord, help me to stay faithful even as You reveal Your truth.

  65. Terri Baldwin says:

    5 But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
    upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and with his wounds we are healed. – Isaiah 53:5

  66. Sydney Story says:

    I love how Mary’s heart knows it’s Jesus when he calls her by name. Then Isaiah 42:1&7 tells us to fear not for He has called us by name and we are His! I can’t wait to hear God audibly call me by name.

  67. Irene Cedillo says:

    I’ve never really thought about what happens after ‘Easter’. Yes, I recognize the hope and the celebration that lies in this season but have never really dice deep into what those days before ascension or even ascension looked like and what life they bring. Excited for this study!

  68. Holly says:

    Thank you for sharing about your Grandpa. We lost my Dad in the middle of Lent this year, hasn’t been a month yet. But I had and have such peace. It felt fitting to experience such awful loss during Lent and we all could see God’s hand throughout all of it and we had great comfort from Him. My Dad was not raised Christian and while we all were and he did go to church with us on Christmas each year and he respected our religion, he never gave in to our pleas to accept Jesus as Savior and not just as a prophet and good man. But last May, while he was in the ICU he agreed to accept Jesus and we all surrounded him and baptized him then and there in the ICU. It was an incredible gift from God.

    My Mom asked me last night, Easter evening, if I believed Dad was truly saved. I told her absolutely because we all have such a peace about his passing and I do not believe we would if we did not know he was with Jesus. Then reading this today about your Grandpa just felt like God, my Father, confirming what I told my Mom. Thank You Father for saving my Dad. I am so grateful to have the peace that comes from knowing I will see him again. Amen.

  69. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The sermon my husband preached yesterday was on 1 Peter 1:3-5, “The Blessings of The Cross.” Praise God we have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This year for the first time that I can remember, thanks to the study we just finished, I was able to truly focus on the season of lent and all that it reminds us of – of why Jesus had to go to the cross. And now we get to continue on – after the cross, to be reminded of what His resurrection means for us as we walk through life with Him and for Him…looking forward to this new study!

    @Searching – praying for your elderly friend.
    @Tara B. – praying for the Lyle family
    @Candace Smith – praying for your brother-in-law
    @C. – praying that God will take away your anxiety
    @GrammieSue – praise the Lord for your niece’s salvation! As I prayed for our church service yesterday, I also prayed for all the other services that were happening all across our country & the world – that God would call the lost to salvation – praise God for your niece!! And a blessing for me to be a part of that through prayer!

    Have a blessed Monday She’s!

  70. Allison Bentley says:

    13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?”

    “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. 15 He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”

    Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”

    She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). – John 20:13-16. I love this “JESUS LANGUAGE” remember at the wedding in Cana when Jesus said to Mary “Woman how does your concern affect me” or when on the cross Jesus said to his mother “woman, behold your son”. I just love that this is another example of His consistency and love for women! Not to mention the fact that Jesus revealed Himself first to women!!! Praising God today for my hope rest in Him- the one who is always consistent, always keeps His promises and never gives up on me!!!!

  71. Hope Little says:

    I now have the book and I have been giddy with excitement to use it as well as the app. The book is so beautiful! And I loved being able to write my thoughts and notes down. My favorite part was that He first appeared to the women. What an honor! And then in the bonus reading how Isaiah said we would be healed by His wounds. We don’t deserve what He has done and yet He did It freely and with so much love! What a precious, precious gift.

  72. Cee Gee says:

    Wow, I was excited about this study from the first moment I saw its title, but I am beyond excited to see the layout as Rachel described above!

    SEARCHING – sister, you expressed by heart basically to the word and emotion this morning. I love Our Living Hope and we sing it often at church. It was also on my mind as I read this morning.

    CINDY HANNA – Ditto to your comment ad well!

    RAECHEL MYERS – Beautifully presented devo! THANK YOU to each of you who design these amazing studies (in case you didn’t see my comment yesterday). Condolences to your family!

  73. Claire B says:

    I love when Raechel writes ♥️

  74. Cindy Hanna says:

    I’m so glad that that this study is continuing the resurrection narrative. I usually feel a little conflicted when I finish a study. I want to meditate over what I have learned. Not always ready to jump into a new study yet don’t want to get behind. I appreciate the way this follows up our last study so seamlessly. Hooray!

  75. Jamie Aydelette says:


  76. lisa chapek says:

    I love the angels words to Mary. They cover every aspect of the Eternal, Almighty God who covers completely the past (He was crucified and so is my past) the present (His is risen and so am I in heavenly places with Him) and the future (He is going ahead of you, you will see Him and so will I see Him face to face) Praise be to the Lord of glory, Jesus who fills every space with His love, power and glory!

  77. Elizabeth Cline says:

    Amen ❤️

  78. C. says:

    I am currently going through a patch where my anxiety has been awful. Asking for prayers that this awful anxiety goes away. Praying for all of your requests ❤️

  79. Donna Mitchell says:

    Thank you Father for sending your Son. He Has Risen! Hallelujah!

  80. GramsieSue says:

    Praising the Lord today as we celebrate that our niece prayed to receive Christ yesterday. My son had invited their family to church with all of us and she heard the powerful message of Christ’s resurrection. Praying that we can encourage her in her walk with Christ. She is writing the last paper for her doctorate this week and soon will be entering the work world.
    Hugs and prayers for all this beautiful morning ❤️

  81. Linda J says:

    “Because of Jesus, the resting place of every believer is the site of a future resurrection.” What a wonderful promise. Thank you, Raechel.

  82. Candace Smith says:

    Please pray for my brother-in-law. He has been randomly passing out for 9 months. The drs finally did a test that showed he has a blockage. This week they will do more test to determine where and the extent of the blockage.

  83. Erin Bowers says:


  84. Erin Bowers says:

    Makes me laugh every time!

  85. Teressa says:

    I love the 1 Corinthians 15 reference. That whole passage is a beautiful reminder of what lies ahead for everyone who dies in Christ because of Christ’s own death, burial and resurrection. Oh what a Savior he is!! Oh what love the Father has for us!!

  86. Rhonda J. says:

    Our living hope, hallelujah! What a joy, what a peace, what a balm to our soul.

    Jesus is for us, not against us. He was risen so that we may live! Not only eternally, but to have that hope to live, really live with abundant joy and peace. Let’s share that with those that do not know that truth. You can share it as well with how you live your life.

  87. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  88. Lizzie T says:

    I am with you! Going through a tough season and holding on to this hope has been a light in dark times.

  89. Elizabeth McGee says:

    I love how John emphasized not once but twice how he ran faster than Simon Peter lol

  90. Elaine Morgan says:

    Thank you Jesus! ❤️

  91. Erica Christian says:

    He is RISEN! He is my LIVING hope! I am so excited for this plan. I even got my husband to download the HRT app so we can read it together.

  92. Tara B says:

    Amen- Our Living Hope! Melissa, a member of our church/teacher at the school/member of my SS class suddenly passed away on Good Friday. She left behind a husband of 23 years, a 20 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. We are all still in shock and are burdened for the family. Please be in prayer for the Lyle’s family. I know they will appreciate it. Thank you She’s!

  93. Taylor says:

    I echo the song “Living Hope” by Phil Wickham! So thankful that Jesus is our living hope. So excited for this study with you all :)

  94. Ann Harris says:

    Jesus – New Life – New Hope – like the first signs of Spring the surprise and delight us… Up from the grave He Arose!!

  95. Jessie says:

    Thank you, Lord for suffering for me. I do not deserve your grace and mercy.

  96. Aimee D-R says:

    Jesus. My Jesus. How I need Your living hope. Amen

  97. Carolyn Gilliam says:

    Jesus is our living hope every day.

  98. Corallie Buchanan says:

    Need this right now

  99. Kristyn Fultz says:

    I have been really struggling to have hope. It’s the best reminder that Jesus is my hope, and nothing on earth can take that away. He is Risen!

  100. Searching says:

    I’m thankful this study is following up on the days after Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. This year, I’m feeling the reality, weight and eternal importance of His sacrifice for me in a way that I haven’t before, and I’m not ready to lay that down and begin to study a completely different topic. Phil Wickham’s song, Our Living Hope, is on my mind this morning.

    Our Savior, our LIVING Hope. Thank you, Jesus.

    My elderly friend’s heart procedure is today, praying it goes well.

  101. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Jesus goes before me in the Resurrected life, making the way clear and sure.

    JMW – praying for your meeting this week.

    DANA COOK – remembering your family this week as you grieve the loss of your son last year.

    KYLE HOPKINS – how is your mother-in-law?

    INDIANA CHRISTINA – how is your sister-in-law?

  102. Harley Nunez-Hamrick says:

    Amen. I go through many seasons in life but Jesus is the one constant.

  103. Sheridan Hamence says:
