The Transfiguration

Open Your Bible

Matthew 17:1-27, Matthew 18:1-35

Celtic lore speaks of “thin places,” those spaces on earth where heaven shimmers through. Perhaps you’ve even heard the term “liminal space” describing a similar idea. Or maybe you’ve never had words for it, but you’ve felt the swell in your chest and the pricking of tears as you witness a stunning sunset, a transcendent piece of art, or the laughter of people you love around a table. In our ordinary lives, the extraordinary breaks through. We just need the eyes to see it.

The transfiguration is a story of Jesus inviting His friends to join Him in one of those moments. Until this point, Matthew’s gospel has focused on sermons, parables, and miracles, and Jesus has been talking to His followers about His fate in Jerusalem. Death is coming, but so is resurrection. This is the hard reality He is inviting His friends and disciples to follow Him toward.

Matthew’s Gospel is particularly focused on Jesus’s divine identity as the long-awaited Messiah, and this plays out in dramatic fashion when He invites Peter, James, and John up to a high mountain to seek God with Him. Praying in remote places isn’t unusual for any of them. The astonishing part is when He is transformed right in front of them. Suddenly, “his face shone like the sun; his clothes became as white as the light” (Matthew 17:2). And if that isn’t strange enough, Moses and Elijah show up too!

There is so much mystery here. We might read this story and wonder what is happening and what it all means. I would like to imagine this whole experience is about Jesus giving His friends the gift of seeing His truest self, radiant with the glory of the Father, shining like the sun. For these three disciples, the mountaintop is a liminal space where ordinary people can stand with one foot in heaven and the other on Earth. The mysteries Jesus has been teaching them about have become brilliantly clear here.

What would you do in the face of such glory? If you’re like Peter, you might fumble for something practical: “I will set up three shelters here: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” (v.4). Maybe your response, like theirs, is to fall facedown, terrified. Both are normal human reactions in the presence of the incomprehensible.

And this is exactly where Jesus meets them. When the veil closes again, when the brilliance is gone, He is still there with a gentle touch and kind words. “Get up; don’t be afraid,” He says. “When they looked up they saw no one except Jesus alone” (vv.7–8).  

Jesus, gloriously Himself. Human, but no less holy. Their Lord, but also their friend.

(66) Comments

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66 thoughts on "The Transfiguration"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you for you are good!

  2. trina beckwith says:


  3. Danya says:

    Amen. He understands our every situation. He whispers “remember me…I’m greater than any situation you will ever face.” Thank you Jesus

  4. Kyle Hopkins says:

    I love Jen’s ending paragraph: “Jesus, gloriously Himself. Human, but no less holy. Their Lord, but also their friend.” Open my eyes and heart to this truth!

  5. Terri Baldwin says:

    What an amazing gift for Peter, James and John to such glory, Our almighty God, Our Savior, The Messiah!

  6. Jenn Virdier says:

    What a beautiful community. I’m also a few behind and now almost caught up. It’s funny how when we try to get closer with God, the enemy attacks.

  7. Amanda Browning says:


  8. Tara B says:

    Good Morning She’s! I am a few days behind, but lifting the needs I see in prayer! Have a wonderful day and Happy Friday!

  9. Lehua K. says:


  10. Emily Rehm says:

    Oh i just so love this moment the disciples have with Jesus during the transfiguration. Both it’s glory and it’s intimacy. That Jesus, in seeing their fear, has such love and compassion for them he meets them right there in the ground, touches them and tells them to not be afraid. That he is there. That they are okay. What a beautiful moment! It just reminds me that Jesus sees us, he is with us, he comforts us when we don’t understand what’s going on around us. Thank you Jesus for your kind, gracious, compassionate heart

  11. Emily Rehm says:

    Oh i just so love this moment the disciples have with Jesus during the transfiguration. Both it’s glory and it’s intimacy. That Jesus, in seeing their fear, has such love and compassion for them he meets them right there in the ground, touches them and tells them to not be afraid. That he is there. That they are okay. What a beautiful moment! It just reminds me that Jesus sees us, he is with us, he comforts us when we don’t understand what’s going on around us.

  12. Christine F says:


  13. Alexus Cehelnik says:


  14. Kimberly Z says:

    @Victoria E. Praying for your scans to come back with good results! I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now. I pray God will lift you up during these times.

  15. Rachel Evers says:

    I wonder what I would’ve done having seen the transfiguration? Probably wanted to be like Peter and act instead of worship/adoration!

  16. Bri says:

    Hey SRT sisters, I don’t really ever comment here, but I’d love to ask for prayer for something that’s been on my heart. I’m sure many of you have heard of the Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin who suffered a cardiac arrest 2 1/2 weeks ago during a game and has since had a remarkable recovery. Maybe you’ve even prayed for his healing as I have. But as a Christian, I feel a burden to pray for more for him. I’m not sure exactly where he is spiritually, but I long for him to be a living breathing testimony of God’s goodness and for him to be on fire for Christ after all he’s experienced. He has a foundation and a clothing line called Chasing Ms or Chasing Millions. Maybe this is corny, but I’ve been praying that Damar would go from Chasing Millions to chasing Jesus and bringing millions with him. Prayers to that end would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

    And to Victoria E., I saw your comment and prayed for you a little bit ago. I’m sorry you’re going through all of that. May God give you a peace beyond understanding and His strength right now.

  17. Kenya Rafferty says:

    I love the part of the reading today at the end of Matthew 18 talking about forgiving our brothers. What an intense example of not forgiving with the master and the servant. Be like the master.

  18. Victoria E says:

    Kelly, Searching, Mercy, Taylor,thank you so much for praYing. Alayna P praying for your family

  19. Victoria E says:

    This whole passage is amazing, of course the transfiguration and also the words of Jesus that follow about forgiveness and childlike humility. Sisters I really need prayer today, many things in my life seem to be falling apart, from my scan that did not look promising for a healthy pregnancy (though I am still waiting for the official report) to things at work where I am suffering from such low energy due to the first trimester hormones. I feel really sad and broken and overwhelmed

  20. Mercy says:

    I was reading Matthew Henry’s commentary on Matthew 18. There were some lovely helpful points that could benefit us:

    1. Offences (Matthew 18:7-14): Considering the cunning and malice of Satan, and the weakness and depravity of men’s hearts, it is not possible but that there should be offences. God permits them for wise and holy ends, that those who are sincere, and those who are not, may be made known. Being told before, that there will be seducers, tempters, persecutors, and bad examples, let us stand on our guard. We must, as far as lawfully we may, part with what we cannot keep without being entangled by it in sin. The outward occasions of sin must be avoided. If we live after the flesh, we must die. If we, through the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body, we shall live. A father takes care of all his children, but is particularly tender of the little ones.

    2. When wronged by others (Matthew 18:15-20): If a professed Christian is wronged by another, he ought not to complain of it to others, as is often done merely upon report, but to go to the offender privately, state the matter kindly, and show him his conduct. This would generally have all the desired effect with a true Christian, and the parties would be reconciled. The principles of these rules may be practised everywhere, and under all circumstances, though they are too much neglected by all. But how few try the method which Christ has expressly enjoined to all his disciples! In all our proceedings we should seek direction in prayer.

    3. Forgiving others (Matthew 18:21-35): Though we live wholly on mercy and forgiveness, we are backward to forgive the offences of our brethren. This parable shows how much provocation God has from his family on earth, and how unexpected his servants are. The debt of sin is so great, that we are not able to pay it. The servant’s unreasonable severity toward his fellow-servant, notwithstanding his lord’s mercy toward him. Not that we may make light of wronging our neighbour, for that is also a sin against God. Let our complaints, both of the wickedness of the wicked, and of the afflictions of the afflicted, be brought to God, and left with him. The latter part of the parable shows the false conclusions many draw as to their sins being pardoned, though their after-conduct shows that they never entered into the spirit, or experienced the sanctifying grace of the gospel. We do not forgive our offending brother aright, if we do not forgive from the heart. Yet this is not enough; we must seek the welfare even of those who offend us. How justly will those be condemned, who, though they bear the Christian name, persist in unmerciful treatment of their brethren! The humbled sinner relies only on free, abounding mercy, through the ransom of the death of Christ.

    @Melanie: praying for your family reconciliation.
    @Dana: brother reconciliation.
    @Victoria E: hope your scan today went well sister.
    @Tina: speedy recovery, loved the angel encounter and your cousin’s story.
    @Rhonda J: missing you <3

    Be blessed dear sisters.
    Hear instruction, and be wise. Don't refuse it. Proverbs 8:33.

  21. Alayna P. says:

    I really loved todays reading and devotional. This line from the devotional really hit me today: “Jesus, gloriously Himself. Human, but no less holy. Their Lord, but also their friend.”

  22. Alayna P. says:

    Thank you for the prayers. I appreciate it and I am praying for everyone’s requests ❤️

  23. Claire B says:


  24. Debby Blake says:


  25. Allana Johnson says:

    I’ve been mulling over the same thought. Jesus invited them into a space with absolute legends, the men whose legacies they were raised to know and honor. But rather than be a fly on the wall, thanking God for the opportunity to witness the fellowship between these three teachers (what a gift), it’s like Peter didn’t feel worthy to be there unless he was playing the role of servant. How many times has God invited me into something but I felt disqualified and blocked the blessing?

  26. Allana Johnson says:

    This is such a tangible example of God working everything for our good. We as his children need to see those hard boundaries from a loving parent, and Moses is that example. But at the end of the end of it all, he still will spend eternity with our Father, just as we will.

  27. Dorothy says:

    I’d like to take Jen’s last sentence and adapt it for me or us. “My Lord, but also my Friend,” or “Our Lord, but also our Friend.” These two statements are sooo true. But how often we forget them. We turn to our earthly friends or keep it bottled up inside. A friend is someone we can tell everything to — WHY CAN’T WE tell Christ everything, He already knows it? I don’t know about you but I think from now on Christ is my best friend or as the younger generation says “my bestie”. That brings to mind an old hymn I grew up singing, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”. The first stanza says it all — “What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!” I guess that dates me. (You younger She’s might want to look up the words.)

    Sisters, I didn’t work yesterday b/c Kaylee, the other little girl I care for, and family were sick and mom didn’t want me to get sick — she remember I had said something about going to see my son, d-i-l and nephew from Chicago this Saturday. Please pray that they are feeling better soon.

    Be blessed and count Christ and the Holy Spirit as your best friends.

  28. Kimberly Z says:

    @Alayna P. Praying for your family today! Things seem to hit all at once but I’m praying for strength for your family.

  29. Annie says:

    May I remember Jesus’ glory each day and how He shines like the sun that He created. God worked, is working, and will work everything perfectly together according to His will.

    Help me follow You and live in Your will, Lord Jesus.

  30. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    I really loved the part with the children. Jesus has such a compassion for children. I am involved in kids ministry for many years now, God has given me a heart for children from age 16 where I started teaching Sunday school. Since then I have been part of many church communities in different countries (I moved a lot), always involved in kids ministry. However, it often felt as a less important job, often people have given me the feeling it is a light version of some kind of babysitting so the parents can attend church in peace. Thinking about these moments I still feel heart broken for the way kids were treated. So sometimes I feel discouraged, as preparing a programm for kids can be exhausting. This part however, is a confirmation for me that kids ministry it is important. That it has an impact. I pray for all people involved in kids ministry and parents may God give us strength and help us to welcome his children, help us to support them staying the path with God. PS my tablet has a bit of trouble with this app, I am so sorry for sending this post three times. I wish there was a delete button. Blessings to everyone!

  31. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    I really loved the part with the children. Jesus has such a compassion for children. I am involved in kids ministry for many years now, God has given me a heart for children from age 16 where I started teaching Sunday school. Since then I have been part of many church communities in different countries (I moved a lot), always involved in kids ministry. However, it often felt as a less important job, often people have given me the feeling it is a light version of some kind of babysitting so the parents can attend church in peace. Thinking about these moments I still feel heart broken for the way kids were treated. So sometimes I feel discouraged, as preparing a programm for kids can be exhausting,

  32. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    I really loved the part with the children. Jesus has such a compassion for children. I am involved in kids ministry for many years now, God has given me a heart for children from age 16 where I started teaching Sunday school. Since then I have been part of many church communities in different countries (I moved a lot), always involved in kids ministry. However, it often felt as a less important job, often people have given me the feeling it is a light version of some kind of babysitting so the parents can attend church in peace. Thinking about these moments I still feel heart broken for the way kids were treated. For they

  33. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Impetuous Peter” – as he has been nicknamed by some! I wonder what prompted him to speak? Was it to quiet and he couldn’t stand the silence? Was he just so moved with excitement he couldn’t contain himself? Whatever the case, he should have been listening but instead he was talking. Missing the moment. How often have I done the same thing, talking, talking, talking when I really should have been listening? I am going to ponder these thoughts today.

    Blessings to all my SRT Sisters! Enjoy your day!

  34. Cee Gee says:

    LADIES, Here are a couple if clips from the ‘Go deeper’ tab I mentioned yesterday. – Matthew 17:3: “Moses and Elijah The presence of these men might signify that both the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) point to Jesus (see Matt 5:1 and note; 11:14 and note). Either directly or by allusion, Matthew often compares Jesus’ ministry with those of Moses and Elijah (4:8; 5:1; 8:1; 14:23; 15:29; 17:1, 9; 28:16; compare Exod 34:1–9; 1 Kgs 19:1–18).”
    Matthew 18:4 – As with many of Jesus’ teachings, this statement contrasts the conventional wisdom of the day. Members of Graeco-Roman society generally associated meekness and humility with weakness. However, Jesus elevates these traits to the level of virtue, identifying them as hallmarks of true greatness.” Beautifully written, JEN YOKEL!

  35. Rebecca W says:

    @Jenniferlovesjesus, hoping you’re ok. I’ve missed your words of wisdom.

  36. Rebecca W says:

    Good morning and prayers lifted for all today. ( This is rather inconsequential but sometimes it blows my mind. ) Yesterday as I was reading our scriptures there was a passage I was confused by. I read the notes in my study application and also referred to my Enduring Word app for clarification. But still was a bit confused. Well last night while lying in bed I had the tv on and was listening to EWTN, which is a Christian channel. And don’t you know they were discussing the exact scriptures I was having trouble understanding! There are no coincidences with God! He truly hears us, even if it’s just about understanding of His word! I went to sleep with a smile on my face and comfort in my heart! ❤️

  37. Dawn Enns says:

    Hallelujah ❤️

  38. Mari V says:

    @Alayna P. Praying right now. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through so much all at once. I am praying right now for you and your family.

  39. Vina Mogg says:

    This is absolutely stunning. I’ve experienced this transcendent moment at sunrise so often and wonder why I am so drawn to those moments just before dawn. I’ve never heard this explained in this tender, wondrous way. Thank you for sharing a beautiful new perspective on the transfiguration story.

  40. Nicole V says:

    Alayna lifting your family up in prayer.

  41. Peggy Pappas says:

    I had learned that Moses represented the law and Elijah the prophets. Jesus is King. Prophet, Priest and King.

  42. Diane Mom says:

    I like that! I taught this story in junior church, and maybe I’ll use that idea when we talk about it again next time.

  43. Churchmouse says:

    My husband has had the privilege and honor of delivering thousands of babies in his career. He’s told me countless times that the birth of a baby is witnessing the miraculous. The little one is so fresh from heaven, handed from the heart of God to the hands of the parents. “Liminal spaces?” “Thin spaces?” I prefer “a glimpse of God’s glory.”

  44. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  45. Michelle Patire says:

    @Tina!! Thank you for sharing that story about your cousin. I think we can all relate. I definitely have been one to focus too much on the wrong details of the gift of God. May we have eyes to see. Hope you are doing okay <3

    Prayers this morning for all the Shes who open these devotionals but hesitate to share their needs with the community. I just want to say God sees you and He loves you. I know many of you are faithful to pray. May the Lord strengthen you and help you, in your time of need.


  46. Rachele Johnson says:


  47. Joy V says:

    I’m so encouraged by all the prayers being offered up for each other. Praying that we all have a good day and keep our focus on Jesus ❤️

  48. Taylor says:

    Read back through yesterday’s comments and wanted to say @Sarah D praying for you, your job, and your anxiety <3 Also @Victoria E so cool you now live in Delaware! VERY different from SoCal I'm sure :) Do you live in northern Delaware or southern Delaware? Delaware is so small you can divide it in half LOL.

  49. Taylor says:

    So much goodness and truth in today’s passages! Thankful to be here with you all :) Lifting up the prayer requests! @Victoria E & @Donna Wolcott for your appointments today! @Tina praying you are feeling better soon. Have a blessed day everyone <3

  50. Tina P says:

    This reading is so powerful and shows Jesus’ majesty as well as his human gentleness. I will revisit it again today after some pondering. Jen Yokels reflection is beautiful. Thant you SRT for this community and for inspiring me daily with Gods Word.

  51. Maria Baer says:

    I always love the scripture about transfiguration because of I think, until this moment, the disciplines did not REALLY grasp that Jesus was the Son of Man. I always shake my head with Peter’s reaction, so used to caring for Jesus the man. But in some level, with their day-to-day interactions, I think they forget his divinity. And so God reminds Peter that Jesus is His Son, and to listen to him. And in His true nature, Jesus is kind and let them know not to be afraid. I just really appreciate this scripture.

  52. Elaine Morgan says:


  53. Melanie says:

    I love that we can all read the same book but certain things stick out for each person. I have been praying about reconciliation with family. It’s been so hard and painful. . 35 So also my heavenly Father will do to you unless every one of you forgives his brother or sister from your heart.” This verse hit me to continue to forgive even despite there action and all the hurt

  54. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Jesus, our King. Thank You for saving me! Amen

  55. Samantha M. says:

    May we have childlike faith and trust God entirely. May we not over complicate

  56. Cheryl Braxton says:

    Good morning. His Word brings joy to my soul. These days I look forward to mornings with a spirit of expectation knowing that the Word of God will be as Honey on my lips, so good!

  57. Victoria Flores says:

    Praying for you and your family.

  58. Searching says:

    I wonder how many times Peter, James & John relived their memories of witnessing Christ’s transfiguration, and what triggered those memories. When I’m down or facing what feels insurmountable or it seems that there’s no good path to follow, I can think back and look back at God’s work in my life. Praying that I never forget.

    Chapter 18 – overflowing with the Gospel! Let your faith be as strong and pure as a child’s, don’t lead anyone away from God, forgive time and again, show grace to others. So many things came to mind as I read this chapter – first thing was how nieces and nephews would ask a question when they were young (maybe 10 and under), I would carefully answer and they 100% believed me. As they got older, they would consider what classmates or whoever had told them and many times doubt me -even though my answers were still true. Is this what I do?? Knowing the Bible speaks only truth to me, how often do I let outside things influence my thinking and start twisting God’s words?

    TINA! ❤️ praying for a full recovery – I thought you were probably busy … and I guess you were busy not feeling well :(

    MERCY – thank you for the reminder of the evil one’s deceit by making sin sparkle. May our eyes be opened to see things as they really are

    DOROTHY ❤️

    Praying for:
    KIMBERLY Z – healing for friend’s mom
    VICTORIA E – today’s scan
    FOSTER MAMA – support!
    HOLLY – dad’s healing and wisdom for handling the situation
    DONNA WOLCOTT – pulmonologist visit
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – thoughts of Christ and victory!
    MARI V – car
    SARAH D – victory over the anxiety, wisdom and guidance as you look the future
    DANA – reconciliation with brother

  59. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I’ve always wondered how the disciples knew the men were Moses and Elijah. Maybe it came up as Jesus spoke with them?

    VICTORIA E ‐ may the God of all peace be with you today.

    DONNA WOLCOT – prayers for your appt today

    AVERY PICONECASSAGNOL – praying all is going well with your sale

    MOLLY ROHRER & HOLLY – praying you and your families have wisdom as you navigate the care of your fathers

  60. TIna says:

    What would you do in the face of such glory..

    I will forever remember the day, the Lord sent me an angel! Not in human form, but an honest to God angel, ethereal and true! I was so scared, confused, I panicked!
    Multiply that by a zillion and I am not sure what my scared, confused and panicked heart would do!..

    BUT GOD..

    I was talking to my devoutly God fearing cousin yesterday, and she told me that whilst in church praying that morning, she had been approached by a lady she didn’t know.. this lady told her that she was leaving the church when God told her to tell my cousin that He love her! The woman said she left, but was promptly told again to go tell this woman of God these words..

    She did..

    But here’s the thing..
    My cousin, was more interested in the messenger than the message..!
    Ya’ll, not sure about you, but I would want to go into a quiet room, get on my knees and praise God! Thank him for keeping me and all I am, in His sights and still sending another to tell me He loves me..
    Sisters I am not in any way shape or form judging, or disrespecting my cousin, but I wonder.. do the eyes of her heart need to be opened..again
    How often do we miss these transformation moments? How often do we ‘poohoo’ these simple gifts of the Lords blessings..
    I have been guilty, I am sure..
    We spoke at length and I kept coming back to the Lords message to her that morning.. that that was Our Father God telling her He is pleased with her and her prayers for all, but she should take a moment to acknowledge His words..
    Sometimes we are so focused on doing the Lords work, we forget to look for and acknowledge that He is in the here and now. In our every day.. and OMD, if we are blessed to receive a ‘transformation’ message.. Lord, I pray we hear it. We receive it. We act wisely on it!

    Lord in your mercy..


    I have been unwell this passed week, slowly getting there.. Praise God!
    Prayers and requests were acknowledged and prayed into.. hoping all are well and that life is being kind to you.. sending love and hugs as always this frosty morning..❤

  61. Katie Megee says:

    I always wrestled with the unfairness of Moses not getting to go into the Promised Land. And then several years ago heard a teaching that pointed out that in this scene, the mountain of the Transfiguration was IN the Promised Land. And there was Moses, in the Promised Land. With Jesus. For all of eternity. Wow.

  62. Mary Ann Graves says:


  63. Marianne Reuter says:

    I was asking myself why Moses and Elijah appeared. Perhaps it was to show the disciples that Jesus was neither the one nor the other but indeed greater than they? Because right before that instance Jesus wanted to know what people said who he was and what they thought. And Moses and Elijah was one common comparison. I don‘t know – just a thought …

  64. Dana says:

    Life has been extra challenging the past few months. I know this doesn’t make sense but after reading the scripture is it possible it’s because I’m having trouble reconciling with my brother and God knows my heart is not in a right place?

  65. Jo says:

    Beautiful. I will take this thought with me today of Jesus, my glorious, holy Redeemer but also my gentle, very present Friend. I look forward to that day when I will see Him in all His glory, hallelujah!

  66. Samantha Quintanilla says:

    Loved this incredible reading. Thank you!