I was born in the 1980s—before digital cameras, before text messages or Instagram or any other instantaneous method of sharing photos of newborns existed. My dad used to take pictures of me and physically mail them to his parents. According to family legend, when my grandmother opened the envelope, she would call my dad and ask, “Why did you mail me a baby picture of you?”
My grandmother kept pictures of her family everywhere, on almost every available square inch of her walls and tables. It was one of my favorite things about her house. Every time we’d visit, we’d look at the baby picture of me next to the baby picture of my dad and marvel at the similarity; I looked exactly like my dad as a baby.
Scripture tells us Jesus is the exact expression of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:5). He “is the image of the invisible God,” and all of God’s fullness—all of it!—dwells in Jesus (Colossians 1:15,19). Jesus reveals this to His disciples in Luke 10, giving them a glimpse into His divinity. Jesus was God in the flesh, walking around on earth—fully man, fully God. The invisible God (John 1:18) became visible, flesh and bone, to dwell with His people.
The technical term for Jesus’s humanity and divinity is the “hypostatic union,” the mystery of His perfect union of God and man. We don’t know how that union works; we only know that it does. Jesus also tells us why the Father it is a mystery: because the Father intended it to be (Luke 10:21).
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us… we have all received grace upon grace from his fullness… No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and at his father’s side—he has revealed him (John 1:14–18).
Jesus came because it was the Father’s good pleasure for the Son to dwell here, to live a fully human life, to stand in our place, and to take the punishment for our sin. Jesus came to reveal the Father’s lavish love and the riches of His grace. This Jesus, who loved sinners and outcasts, who died for His people to satisfy justice and turned over temple tables in perfect, righteous anger, who wept at the death of His friend and washed His disciples’ feet—this is our God incarnate, the full and perfect expression of who our God is. All glory and honor forever be to Him!

Melanie Rainer is a bookworm from birth who makes her days writing, editing and reading in Nashville, where she also joyfully serves as the editor of Kids Read Truth. She has an M.A. in Theological Studies from Covenant Seminary, spends as much time as she can in the kitchen, and can’t wait until her two daughters are old enough to read Anne of Green Gables.
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42 thoughts on "The Son Reveals the Father"
Wow! Thanks! I needed to have this pointed out today.
I’m so thankful for the sacrifice the Lord made to save us! We will never understand how limiting it must have been to become man and that is something in itself to be thankful for.
“one thing in necessary.” – Just one thing.
Not in part, but the whole. The sin, the mercy, the love. All things were entrusted to Jesus to dwell with us.
Love ❤️ this
I have had so many amazing insights from today’s devotional! Because of Jesus, we have SEEN GOD! Jesus has shown us God’s perfect love, kindness, compassion and grace. And by dying for my sins, He has opened the door and given me full access to the Father. ❤️
Jesus left us with power and authority to tread on the enemy. How do we access this power left for us? By constantly studying the word to not only show ourselves approved, but to hear from God and feed our faith. Let us always remember the good portion that will not be taken away from us- God’s word!
“Martha, Martha you are anxious about many things, but one thing is true that Mary has chosen the good portion, one that cannot be taken away from her.” v. 24 I want to hide this hidden nugget of truth in my heart every single day for the rest of my life, because it was spoken directly into this season of life for me! Naturally, as a flawed human, I am anxious about a lot of stuff. All the time. Bills, school, appearance, stuff, name-brands, health, and basically any other daily life activities, BUT Jesus clearly says that Mary has chosen the GOOD portion of life, to focus her eyes on Jesus. And the best part- That cannot be taken away from her. Finances fluctuate, health changes, disappointments occur, failure arises and all of these things can cause anxiety if they are what we establish our identity in. I pray that I focus more on placing my identity in the good, steadfast portion that God is a loving, kind, fair, forgiving God who is proud for me to be his daughter and in that, my identity can never be taken away from me.
This spoke to me. I always feel so anxious and when I saw it mentioned in the scripture I wanted to understand what Jesus was saying about it, but didn’t quite understand. Your explanation completely cleared it up for me. Thank you!
I was listening to KLOVE on the radio and Luis Palau (I think I’m spelling his name correctly), gave his 1 minute message. He told a story of a man that went off to World War II to serve leaving his wife and son behind. The mom would tell the Son about his father, and say he would come home one day. The boy asked wouldn’t it be nice if he could step out of the picture right there? Luis said that is what God did when He sent Jesus. Now we know what God is like! When we think of all Jesus did, how he treated the outcasts, healed the sick, had compassion. That’s what our Heavenly Father is like! How awesome that Jesus would leave Heaven, and how awesome is God to give His one and only Son to reveal Himself, save us, and free us!
I was reminded and moved by the story of the “Good Samaritan” on today’s devotion — unrelated to the commentary, but related as it discussed the image of Jesus (Son) and God (Father). The priest and the Levite ignored the one who needed help, but the Samaritan stopped to help and dress his neighbor (not stranger’s) wounds. Let us be an example of compassion as Jesus and this Samaritan exemplified.
33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.
We are not worthy of God’s love, yet He continually gives it to us, despite ALL of our FAULTS! When I stop and think about that, it’s hard to not want to tell everyone about His love. I was made in his image! He is my father! I am loved!
April, in the context of this verse we read that the seventy that the Lord appointed to go out & minister had returned rejoicing at the things that they had witnessed. Their faith was that of a babe or little child – Simple & open-hearted. It is not that God purposely hides things from us, but that our hearts are closed to those things that are revealed to us. It is only with child-like faith that the ‘hidden things’ are revealed.
Thank you Kassiani! That helps ❤️
Upon reading the chapter of Luke, what had stuck out to me was the story about Martha and Mary. I feel like sometimes I can be like Martha, be too concerned in serving and ensuring that everything goes well around me than stopping and listening to what Christ has to say to me on the matter. Similarly, I get flustered just as Martha did and complain about the serving I have done. How is it serving if I complain? I insist that it’s just me wanting acknowledgement for the things that I’ve done to help. Yet it’s never right or never enough. Martha’s Heart wasn’t in the right place. She did service with a sour heart.
I need to be more like Mary. I need to sit at Jesus’ feet daily. Having the word in my body and soul all the time. Mary knew what was more important. The trivial things Martha was worried about would be forgotten soon after. But being in Jesus’ presence? That is something you put everything aside for to worship at His feet.
Lord, help me each day to serve with a good attitude and to not miss out on the big things in my life by getting so caught up in minute details that won’t make it past five minutes with their worries.
This is for Steph. I have made 5 mission trips to the DR and rest assured you will your place. What I found was people of such faith in the mist of such overwhelming poverty. Your heart will be so full it is overwhelming and humbling. One batey (sugar cane plantation) we heard a woman singing in Creole as she sat in the dirt washing her laundry in a pan. She was singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. I can still see the peace and joy on her face! Around her was tin shacks, trash and conditions I couldn’t have imagined. She was a gift to me that morning! May you find such a gift as you serve! Bless you and have a safe trip.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s such a good reminder that I already have more than I need and that the attitude of my spirit is what needs to change, much more so than my circumstances.
I hope others answer April’s request. It’s a very good question. At first glance, it sounds alarming for the reason you stated. We know “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son”….. we know He wills none to perish. My thought about the verse that reveals the wisdom of God to little children is this: Jesus turns the ways of the world upside down. We are all taught to work hard, achieve and earn our way, right? All those methods, that prepare us to be productive and reliable workers, will never get us to the place of standing in the righteousness God requires. Exhibit A and B are the priest and the Levite. They totally missed how God viewed mankind and didn’t they meditate on God’s Word day and night? If we seek to earn our way to heaven, Jesus lets us know that we are guaranteed to miss it. We will work to establish a righteousness of our own making OR receive it, like a little child, to have our peace with God. I stand in awe of Jesus’ sacrifice on my behalf and I know I do not comprehend the holiness of God. I hope this helps.
Yes! That does help a lot! Jesus is commenting on the beauty of us not having to earn it – not saying he doesn’t want everyone to accept it. Thank you!
I am trying to understand this verse from our reading today a little better…
21In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.
Why do you think Jesus was happy that God had hidden these things from the wise, or from anyone? I think both Jesus and God wanted each and every person to hear and believe and be saved? I understand his thankfulness that even the smallest, weakest, most uneducated person could still hear and receive the message, but am struggling with the other part. Thanks for any insights! Blessings to you all!
Praying for you Steph C, I know God is there in your midst and am excited for all He is going to do. Please share the blessings with us. How awesome the Word is in all He reveals to us. Seek Him, speak and be His Grace and love and trust Him with it all. Joy to you Sisters.
21 At that time he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, because this was your good pleasure. 22 All things have been entrusted to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son desires to reveal him.
In this, I am reminded. I am a chosen child of God. I am Daughter of the one true King. How easily I tend to forget.
I leave the results to the Lord of the harvest. HE IS COMING.
I always find it interesting to read the devotion and the comments to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to each individually. We read the same Scriptures but the personal revelation and application varies. How cool is that? I was impressed by the verse where Jesus told the disciples that he’s sending them out in pairs “to every town and place where he himself was about to go.” He chose them to prepare the way, to till the ground, to plant the seeds until He came. That challenges me to do the same. He then says (what encouragement lol) “Now go; I’m sending you out like lambs among wolves.” Whoa. I bet that dampened their adventurous spirit. Yet Jesus was being honest. His gospel is not always greeted as the good news that it is. I need to be aware of this and not surprised by the reactions I receive either. I’m to go ahead, scatter seed, persist where I’m welcomed, recognize when I’m not and leave the results to the Lord of the harvest.
What struck me today was the repeated entreaty to see others with compassion and to show mercy. I’m in the middle of a medical missions trip. We see so many people. I had just finished praying that God would open my eyes to see and my heart to feel the needs around me. I want to be overwhelmed by it. I want to be a conduit for His love to reach these people. Please pray for me!
Praying for you and for your whole team!
I had never put together that when Jesus was angry, it was God’s anger and when Jesus wept it was God’s teardrops. That everything Jesus did was God’s actual representation. It sounds so simple and obvious now but my mind is blown over this right now! I can’t wait to mull this one over all day. Have a great day SRT friends!
Loving your words. Thank you for sharing that.
Well written. It baffles me how our Father continues to pursue us in all our shortcomings…. such Grace for us …a grace that saves..a Son who BECAME sin who knew no sin to reconcile us to our Father! What a divine exchange!!!
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
The weather is cold, and our feet will be covered, yet;
May the beauty of Jesus pour out of us, every step we take.
I also read that and thought it was just so beautiful!
I love your expression “feet are covered” I assume you live somewhere that gets hot. That expression doesn’t mean the same to us Scottish folks we generally cover our feet 11 months of the year. Yet we still can share the good news with every step we take.
A couple of months after my father died, I remember looking in the mirror and wanting some part of me to be like his. I didn’t care if it was my nose, my eyes, my hands, my feet, my shoulders anything.. it so suddenly was important to be to have a resemblance.. something that would point me to him should I meet people that knew him..that I was my daddy daughter just by looking at me..
But God..
He made us in His image, the book of Genesis tells us (1:27).. I haven’t struggled as much as been in awe of this… look at all the people on this earth and we each are like him, His image bearers…
As if that wasn’t enough, whilst we disrespected and abused and continue to abuse this gift.. God came to live among us in the form of His son Jesus.. He walked this earth, amongst us and dwelt with His people.. He came that we might know His great love and amazing grace.. that we might know thst our pain is His pain, thst our joy His joy..to share in all our goings ons, to be with us to the ends of time in Spirit and in truth of His Word..
But God..
Even in our foolishness, our wrongdoings, our sinning, He sees us and still says.. “It is good”
How awesome!
Thank Lord God that you came and lived among your people all those years ago.. and stayed in the form of your spirit in me.. thank you that you are with us, and thst we know and receive your grace each day that your love surrounds us always. Thank you thst we get a glimpse of you and then some in the gift of your Son Jesus who came to give us HOPE.. thank you Lord God thank you… Amen..
Blessings this chilly morning dear hearts..
EVERY hope for A God BLESSED day whatever you are doing today..x
Beautifully said.
Oh thank- you for sharing your heart- thoughts with us!! Thank- you❤
Love this, Tina! ❤️
In tears as I started reading, I had thought and felt the same when my father passed. And the rest, so well said. Thank you very much for your thoughts!!