The Shield of Faith

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 6:10-20, 1 John 5:1-13, 1 Samuel 2:8-10, Psalm 7:10, Ephesians 2:1-10, Hebrews 11:1 

The shield, a soldier’s primary defense, was made from wood and covered in linen or leather. Roman soldiers would also lock their shields together to defend themselves against their enemies as a unit. Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as a shield, and faith in Him serves as protection for us as individuals and as the people of God. 

I was fourteen, sitting in a musty old chapel in the middle of the woods, when it became clear to me that Jesus Christ is the real deal. That evening, like many who attended church camps as a youth, I decided to follow Jesus. There wasn’t some life-changing sermon or an altar call, but a slow progression to trusting God with my life. I came home that week and my mom told me, “You walked in the door and there was a light glowing around you. I knew you would never be the same.” She was right. God, “being rich in mercy,” made me alive again through Jesus Christ by faith (Ephesians 2:4–10).

Yet faith is not a one-time commitment. After I entrusted my life to Jesus, I still struggled with various attacks, specifically on my identity. Being a teenage girl is hard. Bodies and social hierarchies are changing, and it was challenging to not let others steal my worth from me. I wanted to believe and trust who God said I was, but it was hard to ignore the influences around me. I needed an active faith to protect me from those attacks. 

In Ephesians 6, we are called “In every situation [to] take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). Faith is a daily practice that helps us douse the doubt around us. 

My battle of belief comes from a fear of doubting my value in Jesus—am I good enough for God? For you, it may be your children, your marriage, your physical health, your finances, your church, your mental health, or your beliefs that feel attacked. Any one of these things requires us to take up the shield of faith and trust in God to deliver us. 

As women who believe in God we can hold tightly to this truth: “Everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith” (1John 5:4). 

God will fight for us as we trust in Him and His timing. Faith is scary because it requires risk. We aren’t promised an exact time and day for relief from the enemy’s arrows. But “faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is taking the step forward, an action-oriented obedience, to trust God and believe He is “guard[ing] the steps of his faithful ones” (1Samuel 2:9).

(53) Comments

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53 thoughts on "The Shield of Faith"

  1. Maggie Clinton says:

    Wow! I love the idea of us as believers binding our shields together and sharing our faith when others may need it

  2. Audrey Hubbell says:

    Every day with anxiety and fears of what others think is a plague cast on me by the devil that I allow. I need to turn to this scripture to remember that my shield of prayer and God are that which will diminish these worries and cure this plague.

  3. Tammy Rodgers says:

    I read your commentary thought tears! This has been my experience and truly it has been a:-

  4. shelby tate major says:

    Guarding the steps of his faithful ones ♥️

  5. Janniah Evans says:

    Lord in faith I release my worries about what others think of me. I trust that the people you have placed in my life are for a reason and you will direct my steps in having destined connections. I put my faith in you concerning this path that you have led me to take and I pray the faith and trust will fill all my doubts. Amen

  6. Ellie says:

    Good reminder to tightly hold up the shield of (active) faith and trust God to guard and deliver us , even if we don’t feel like so in the face of attacks and fiery arrows.

    “God will fight for us as we trust in Him and His timing.”

  7. Melissa Barris says:


  8. Melissa Fulcher says:

    Faith is a daily practice. ❤️

  9. Jessica Bailey says:


  10. Jackie Medrano says:

    Loved this!! ❤️

  11. Heidi Revels says:


  12. K Veldman says:


  13. lilly roach says:


  14. Suezi Gurzi says:

    I’m so sorry, Catherine. It’s always hard to see our kids hurting. I will keep them and you in my prayers!

  15. Melissa Mcronney says:


  16. Catherine Falconer says:

    Thankyou. Much needed. Any prayer for you?

  17. Nicole Reitnauer says:

    My faith that I am truly forgiven of my sins is what constantly brings me to my knees. Just when I think I can’t possibly be forgiven for the things that I have done, He reminds me that I am because of what Jesus did on the cross. If I don’t believe that, then what He did was for nothing. That thought alone is what keeps me coming back to my faith. His grace is what saved us and our faith is what ensures that. Thank you Jesus, for saving my life!!!

  18. Donnica Bell says:

    Action- oriented obedience! Hallelujah Lord help me to be obedient give me strength

  19. Catherine Falconer says:

    Fellow She’s: please pray for two of my daughters. Their father passed away during the night.
    Shield of Faith is important. And the Word of God where our faith comes from which is in the knowledge and love for and of Him.

  20. Catherine Falconer says:

    Fellow She’s: please pray for two of my daughters. Their father passed away during the night.

  21. Abigail B. says:

    I’m a couple days behind in reading, so just getting to the Shield of Faith now. Really appreciate the devotional from Bailey on this day, especially how she writes of faith being “taking the step forward, in action-oriented obedience.” This is something I’m struggling with lately, where I feel like I’m being led to change what I do professionally, but don’t know exactly how to pursue the next steps. My husband and I have talked about the idea of taking action as being faith and obedience in the absence of a clear sign from God. I haven’t done that yet, so reading about it today hit home with me. “Action-oriented obedience.” I had to write that down in my journal!

  22. Stephanie Berling says:

    1 Samuel 2:9 says “He will guard the feet of his faithful ones. . .” This part reminded me of the sandals of readiness of the gospel of peace. It made me feel like God is guarding His gospel, our readiness, our gift of peace in Him, in addition to giving us our faith that we can take up to defend ourselves. It was very encouraging.

  23. Still learning says:

    “My battle of belief comes from a fear of doubting my value in Jesus—am I good enough for God?” Same! I have always thought that God sees me as his worker, an appreciated employee rather than a much loved child.

  24. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    I completely understand! Waiting for gods timing can be so hard sometimes! I pray you always see that truth as well!

  25. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Thank you so so much for this! I REALLY needed to hear this. Going through a season where I simply feel a little helpless this meant a lot to me!

  26. Terri Baldwin says:

    9 “He will guard the feet of his faithful ones,
    but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness,
    for not by might shall a man prevail. – 1 Samuel 2:9

  27. Anne S says:

    Thank you, Kasper. This is beautiful. It is my prayer as well now. I’ll be praying it for myself and my husband.

  28. Courtney Drummond says:


  29. Lori Lackey says:

    I am needing to take on the shield of faith to love others well.

  30. Susie H says:

    REBECCA LEEK I have wondered that before. My theory is the different typeface allows the whole verse to be viewed at one time on the screen. At least that is the case for me. If that isn’t it, just chalk it up to another quirk of this app! Have a great day.

  31. Mudrock Mama says:

    Beth Moore captured the shield of faith so well it sticks with me. Just as the devotional does at the end. It talks about ‘action-oriented’ faith. If you want the shield of faith, every time you obey God picture a shield going up and protecting you from the enemy’s fiery darts.

  32. Leigh Gorham says:

    KIMBERLY ZIEHL – thank you for your
    vulnerability yesterday. I know you have likely heard it said countless times, but the truth remains: you are whole right where you are. You are abundantly effective for His Kingdom in this time, untethered. I know how lonely that can feel. Yet I give God such glory for my single-hood time because it is so precious and unique.
    It isn’t spoken of enough in churches and
    devotionals – the powerful stories of how God used the single man and woman throughout Scripture. Even so, your feelings are seen. They are valid. He notices you and I promise, has a specific plan for you. My prayer is that you stand tall during this time, assured of your unique place in His body. How divinely equipped you are as His hands and feet. Right in this moment. I pray, too, that He fill your heart with the secure knowledge of your worth and of
    His power to fill your soul. To allow His
    wholeness to wash over you until you do not
    feel an ounce of “less”. Lastly, should marriage be His plan for you in the future, please rest secure in His perfect timing. He know when your future husband will be ready to meet you, and you, him – if that is God’s will. I didn’t seek marriage for many reason, for decades.
    My first relationship in life? I was 35. (I am not counting a middle school boy (2) I met the only man I’ve ever truly loved. I did brave the unknown and we were married when I was 38. I have a beautiful, soon to be 2 year old and I will be 40 next month (which sounds hilarious to say – because I live and look 33 still!). My timing was absolutely perfect. I would not have wanted any other story, than the one He gave me, for it is
    beautiful. If my husband and I had met any
    earlier in either of our lives, we wouldn’t have come together. Timing really is everything.
    Our growth as individuals allowed for this amazing life we chose together, to work and flourish.
    I love you sister and truly see you. You are not alone and your feelings are validated and seen. I hope these words are if any comfort to your soul. If you ever need to talk, I am here. Truly.
    Sending you love and hugs.

  33. Stormi Messmer says:


  34. Tasha SANTIAGO says:

    Powerful. 1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

  35. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Loved this reading tonight. As a girl who just turned 30 and still has not found her husband there are so many days it seems like it will never happen for me. I feel guilty letting such a thing bother me when people have truly deeper issues to be dealing with. None the less it is something I struggle to remind myself to remember god wants you to be strong in this weary times whether your problem is minor or not. I pray one day I’ll look back on this trial and laugh. God always knows what he’s doing.

    1. Diane Mom says:

      Keep welding that shield of faith. And from my perspective, an aging grandmother whom Good has blessed with children and grandchildren, yours is not a minor problem. Trust Him and walk in the good way He has for you. He will constantly be bringing you closer to Himself!

  36. Dana Cook says:

    Thank you for the devotional on the shield of faith.❤️

  37. Claire says:

    The inability to get the comments straight on the website and the app is disheartening. We are a community and this makes it difficult.

  38. Kasper says:

    Anne S I’m praying for your husband’s faith tonight. That he would know God and be able to trust fully in him. And also for your faith as well as your role right now is to help him along. On the podcast this week one of the things the guest said that’s sticking with me it’s that we all have the same amount of faith, it’s a question of what we’re putting it in. Is it 25% in Jesus and 75% in something else (like our retirement plans, own strength, relationships) or is it 100% in Jesus. So I pray God will help him see what he’s putting his faith in and put 100% on Jesus.

  39. Anne S says:

    Hi all- Bailey, thank you for the lovely devotional. @Jennifer loves Jesus, I really like your point that we have to face our trials head on in order to use the shield, otherwise the arrows will hit us in the back. We cannot run from our problems. Also- thanks to those who have been praying for my husband’s faith: we were able to have a good conversation the other night. He’s still struggling, but we talked about it! So thank you and please keep praying! I pray that God will soften his heart and bring him home, spiritually. Prayers for all of you!

  40. Alayna P. says:

    I really liked today’s devotional. “God will fight for us as we trust in Him and His timing.” I really needed that today.

  41. Jennifer Anapol says:

    It’s so comforting to know that God is in control. He is the one who is all powerful. He is the one who has the past word. I have been worried today about how our society is trying to brainwash our kids about gender identity. Even though my daughter is only two years old, I already see it in her books. It makes me scared to know what they are reaching our kids in school. I am praying that God will lead me in what to do about this whole situation. I pray knowing that my God is more than capable of handling this situation. He is in control and in charge.

  42. Donna Wolcott says:

    A lot of today’s comments are on yesterday’s site. When I didn’t see anything this morning, I went to yesterday and a lot of comments with today’s date.

  43. Susan Joiner says:

    I think the app was down. I tried earlier and it was still on Day 8. Just checked now and it’s on the correct day. Don’t know what happened.

  44. Mercy says:

    Thank you Bailey for another great devotional. I love that you mentioned Faith is Action. Amen and amen. Without action we are still trying to convince ourselves. Faith involves huge risk and it looks weird to the outsiders. I remember my dad calling me “up in the air” all the time for trusting in God. I never realize that’s how my dad perceived me having faith- which results in my different course of actions. Just like Noah making the huge ark in summer when there is no rain (stepping out in faith) and being laughed and mocked as an delusional foolish man. I encouraged my heart through Noah’s story and confirmed myself it’s not in vain. And it’s better to obey God and not please men. Acting by faith sometimes is very lonely and cause you to be the laughing stock of the outside world. But encourage your heart to do so anyways. May God help us with more courage. Don’t soldiers need courage? Oh yes and tons of it. More courage. Courage. Courage for the faith that overcomes this world.
    Praying for you Taylor, i once was in the shame shoe and God kept me single for a 1.5 year, nothing worked, it was frustrated since I was so desperate and lonely, but then I realized God wanted me to be His bride, love Him first so I could be whole through that love.
    Amazing testimony Heidi, i can’t believe how fast this has happened that your niece turned around to the Lord, praising God for this blessing. Rhonda thank you so much for the encouragement . Praying for SRT issue to be resolved, missing you guys in the comments. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters.

  45. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Take up the shield of faith in every situation (Eph 6:16). All-clad with God’s armor, I stand ready with the strength through Christ to take and hold the heavy shield of faith. It is light to Jesus. He helps me lift and hold it steady, shielded from the fiery darts of confusion. The attacks against me will fail. I will not panic and run. The shield of faith cannot protect me if I run away. The darts will shoot me in the back. Only standing firm, facing the enemy head on, helmet of salvation on, belt of truth on, breastplate of righteousness on, sandals of readiness for peace on, shield of faith up, sword ready with truth, a soldier of Christ, praying, resisting the devil, and he will flee. “The adversary overtakes you with more pleasure when (fleeing) than he resists you when combating, and strikes more boldly at your back than he attacks face to face” Bernard of Clairvaux. Faith conquers (John 5:14). “He guards the steps of his faithful ones…” (Ps 7:10). Faith is a gift. God gives, and when we choose to receive it we are saved, by His grace. Death to life, there is no middle ground. Active trust (faith), is displayed through obedience. Even when, or rather especially when, the fiery darts come at me. The greatest healing is salvation, given with peace, pure freedom from the chains and afflictions of this world. Abba Father, thank you for this gift of faith. Sanctify me more and more, faith to faith, day by day, trial by trial, tear by tear, victory by victory, tear by tear, joy to joy. Until… Maranatha.

  46. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Lehua K – I think everyone was over at the “He Reads Truth” website as the devotional for today on SRT was not up for quite some time. But it’s back now – Yeah! Hopefully tomorrow it will be up and working at the regular time.

    “This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.” We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ! Romans 8:37

  47. PamC says:

    I see the app is down again. Come on over to the website everyone.
    Wonderful writing today Bailey. Thanks.
    I know I have read 1 John 5 many times before today, but today it hit me right between the eyes…especially verse 4…”This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith”. WOW. And it’s our belief in Jesus that gives us this. so how much more important is it that we put on those high heels or flip flops (to quote Churchmouse from yesterday) and go “conquer the world” by sharing our Jesus wherever we go.
    Hugs & love to all. Have a blessed day.

  48. Lehua K. says:

    Here’s the devotional today, hope it helps!


    I was fourteen, sitting in a musty old chapel in the middle of the woods, when it became clear to me that Jesus Christ is the real deal. That evening, like many who attended church camps as a youth, I decided to follow Jesus. There wasn’t some life-changing sermon or an altar call, but a slow progression to trusting God with my life. I came home that week and my mom told me, “You walked in the door and there was a light glowing around you. I knew you would never be the same.” She was right. God, “being rich in mercy,” made me alive again through Jesus Christ by faith (Ephesians 2:4–10).

    Yet faith is not a one-time commitment. After I entrusted my life to Jesus, I still struggled with various attacks, specifically on my identity. Being a teenage girl is hard. Bodies and social hierarchies are changing, and it was challenging to not let others steal my worth from me. I wanted to believe and trust who God said I was, but it was hard to ignore the influences around me. I needed an active faith to protect me from those attacks.

    In Ephesians 6, we are called “In every situation [to] take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). Faith is a daily practice that helps us douse the doubt around us.

    My battle of belief comes from a fear of doubting my value in Jesus—am I good enough for God? For you, it may be your children, your marriage, your physical health, your finances, your church, your mental health, or your beliefs that feel attacked. Any one of these things requires us to take up the shield of faith and trust in God to deliver us.

    As women who believe in God we can hold tightly to this truth: “Everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith” (1John 5:4).

    God will fight for us as we trust in Him and His timing. Faith is scary because it requires risk. We aren’t promised an exact time and day for relief from the enemy’s arrows. But “faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is taking the step forward, an action-oriented obedience, to trust God and believe He is “guard[ing] the steps of his faithful ones” (1Samuel 2:9).

  49. Lehua K. says:

    Where is everyone today? I’m in Hawai’i and I’m not usually 3rd to comment (it’s 6am here).. Is it still a day behind?

    Here’s the scripture reading and summary in case others are having trouble with the app…

    The Shield of Faith

    Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20, 1 John 5:1-13, 1 Samuel 2:8-10, Psalm 7:10, Ephesians 2:1-10, Hebrews 11:1


    The shield, a soldier’s primary defense, was made from wood and covered in linen or leather. Roman soldiers would also lock their shields together to defend themselves against their enemies as a unit. Throughout Scripture, God is referred to as a shield, and faith in Him serves as protection for us as individuals and as the people of God.

  50. Lehua K. says:

    “Everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith” (1John 5:4).

    Hallelujah! ❤️

  51. MARTHA HIX says:

    ❤️ Thank you Jesus for your love for everyone one of us!

  52. Susie says:
