A few years ago, my daughter gave my wife a gift that almost brought tears to my eyes. It’s a framed document with six dates listed on it. The first two dates are my birthday and my wife’s birthday. The third date is our anniversary. The final three dates are the birth dates of our kids. Beneath the dates is a heart and the words, “What a difference a day makes.” As you might expect, we have it displayed prominently in our living room. Truth is, I probably walk past it a couple of dozen times a day. And every time I see it and reflect on those dates, I’m reminded that I am a blessed man.
You’ve probably got days that are special to you too—days that made a difference in your life. Some days are just like that. They change everything. I like to think God smiles on days like that, taking pleasure in blessing His people and giving them special days that are marked on a calendar. I’m convinced that He enjoys seeing us celebrate with fanfare or like me when I walk past those dates, to simply express gratitude for what He’s done.
One reason I feel that way is because I see how God gave His own people seasons to celebrate. In the Old Testament, the Lord set aside several special days, and few days were more sacred than Passover. In Numbers 9, the Israelites took a break from their journey toward Canaan to celebrate their second Passover. This was significant because the first Passover was pretty hectic for them. In Exodus 12, they shared a meal, put blood on the doorframes, and waited for the judgment of the Egyptians. Before the night was over, they were on their way out of the land where they had been slaves for four centuries.
Now, a year later, they could fully reflect on all God had done. They could acknowledge His love, His power, His provision, and His mercy. Instead of racing to pack their bags, they could take a step back and reflect on the Lord’s goodness.
They could remember how one day changed everything.
What was true for the ancient Israelites is also true for us today. It’s good to celebrate the Lord’s work in our lives. It’s important to acknowledge His power and His provision. It’s wise to slow down and remember who He is and what He has done. Living in our hectic world, everything seems to move at the speed of “now.” The mantra for so many is “what have you done for me lately.” Our shiniest trophies gather dust on the shelf, and our newest toys are outdated before we can even hit the power button. In a world like that, it’s good to follow the Israelites’ example. They had Passover to remind them of God’s work. We, too, need to set aside our own seasons and days to celebrate the One who created us and who loves us more than we could ever imagine.
Written by Bob Bunn
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70 thoughts on "The Second Passover"
Thank you Bob for your devotional. What a warm reminder that one day can and does change everything. To Hod be the glory for His kindness to us!!
Is everyone happy with the new format? I don’t like it at all. Why the change?
I’m a day behind but I’m glad I read this today as the timing was such a blessing and made me realise how important it is to look back and celebrate what God has done.
Today is the eighteenth anniversary of my baptism. It came at a time when life felt very difficult and turbulent. I was processing a lot of difficult things from the past, I was very up and down emotionally, and I felt so weak, but one thing I was sure of was that I wanted to move forward with God. No matter what the difficulties of the journey I was better doing it with him than without him.
In different ways the last few years have also felt difficult and turbulent, and I do feel my faith has been shaken. I feel weak in so many ways, but as I look back on that day 18 years ago, I know I still feel the same in that despite the struggles and the difficulties I want to move forward with God.
As we are approaching the two year mark on my dad’s accident I cannot believe the wonderful gifts God has given us to celebrate. Happy Monday ladies. Praying for you all
Taylor G praying for your son! Thank you to everyone who prayed for my mammogram and ultrasound last week, the reports are normal praise God!
to help us process that which is too holy and powerful to absorb all in one moment.
There. I think I’m finally done. Sorry for the patchwork post, but it is what it is.
Oops, hit send too soon again…This reading made me realize that God gives us times of rememberance
Hit send too soon… where John received the Revelation from Jesus. On the ceiling of the cave, you can see the place where the voice of God speaking to John was so loud and so powerful that it literally split the rock from one end to the other, and it split into 3 parts at the end. I had the opportunity to place my hand in the place where God’s voice split the rock, and it was such a breathtaking, unspeakably powerful moment that I still have not had time to fully process it. This reading made
I appreciate the comment that by celebrating the Passover, the people would have time to remember an important event that happened in haste. I recently got to visit the Island of Patmos where the Apostle John received the Revelation
When I lost my daughter all I could see was this horrible event that happened. My daughter was here and then gone in only a matter of days. After the readings today, I took a minute to reflect and was reminded again of God’s greatness and blessings in my life. I may have been only granted a few days with my daughter but she was still here. And I am reminded of the sheer joy I felt when, after being told I wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally, I found out I was pregnant with her! God is so good and although it may be difficult to see sometimes, He always gives us reasons to celebrate His greatness. Thank you for all who have been praying for my son. We had a stint in the ER but he has been starting to feel so much better. Please do continue to pray over him that he may have a speedy recovery ❤️. I am grateful for you all and hope you had a marvelous weekend!
Praying Taylor G
Hi SRT, not sure what is going on, but I cannot read all the comments. I have tried several avenues but seems to stop randomly even though there are more comments to read according to the little circle..
I guess it’s all part of getting used to this new format.. lol.
Thank you in advance, @ RYAN MEYERS.
TINA… sometimes (while using my iPad), it seems like all the comments won’t load. But I “pull down” to refresh, and then they will load. (Sometimes they don’t, but more often they do. And sometimes it is not immediate, and I have to wait… and I try to wait patiently… I don’t always!)I just made this discovery… maybe I should try it on another day, where the comments seem “stuck”.) Maybe that will help you? (I don’t know if you’re using a mobile device or a computer.)
And, of course, after I said that… I went back to *Grace Day” because I had some trouble on Saturday. My “trick” did NOT work!
I have been praying for the SRT tech team and will continue to do so! I am sure the team is aggravated!
Has anyone figured out if the links to the verses are working? I thought maybe it was just on my device.
Another great devotional!
Remembering the works of God is so beneficial!!! I have a leather bound prayer journal in which I write specific prayer requests and then write the date it got answered. I hadn’t looked at it for a few months until recently. Looking back and being able to see where God had worked in my life was astounding! We can so easily forget what He’s done, but when we mark it somehow, and look back, we can see His ever faithfulness and goodness. It’s so important to remember so when we are going thru a hard time, we can know He will be faithful again!!
@Mia, sending hugs to you and your family. Blessings for the good days.
I can’t help but imagine what the Israelites were thinking when they heard were doing Passover again! Or how scared/worried the unclean men felt. God is so good and my prayer for each of us today is that we can celebrate with our Lord and savior- setting ourselves apart and praising His name!!! Happy Monday She’s! ☮️❤️
Yesterday was communion Sunday. My husband preached a message titled, “The Blood of Christ.” It kind of goes along with today’s devotional. Reading about the Passover in Exodus, and then the remembrance day in Numbers – it all points to what was to come, the blood of Christ that was shed to take away our sin. Now we celebrate with a day of remembrance whenever we celebrate the Lord’s supper. The Old testament believers looked ahead to what was coming, we look back to what has already come – salvation through Christ. Today we can celebrate that the blood of Christ washed away sin – forever!! Past, present and future. Jesus died once – for all, hallelujah! (Hebrews 10:10)
@Mercy – praise the Lord for your safe arrival. Prayers for the situation with your brother.
@Aleida – continued prayers for Victor, and all the prodigals of our sisters here at SRT.
Happy Monday – be blessed, and be a blessing!
YESTERDAY, was a VERY special day! In fact its the MOST important date of my ENTIRE life,and ONE I will NEVER forget for the REST of my LIFE. Yesterday on Cinco de Mayo 1984 marked 40 years as a 17 year-old walking up to the alter and making the BEST decision of my ENTIRE LIFE to follow JESUS for the rest of my Life!
Mari V – praise the Lord for your best day ever! Happy (spiritual) Birthday!!
Yay! Mari V – I too came to the Lord as a 17 yr old in December of 1984. The Advent season is especially special for me. Praise Him who meets us where we are.
Mari V – praising with you!!
Isn’t it wonderful how when God sends deliverance He helps us to create days to reflect on His goodness. It makes me think of this verse from Revelation – “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”
Revelation 12:11 NIV
When we remember what God has done, it gives us faith for our journey!
Praising the Lord for ALL He has done! He is wonderful and there are no words to express His true greatness!
The Biblegateway verse if the day goes well with the 1 Corinthians verses especially after reading the full chapter.
James 5:16 –
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
Thank you, BOB BUNN, for the beautiful devo! It certainly balanced out the tough read!
So grateful for this reminder today. My own gift of salvation is what I will celebrate today. I am reminded of this verse
““For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.”
Deuteronomy 7:6 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/deu.7.6.ESV
Wow! This days reading hit hard! Thank you God for days of remembrance.
Like Passover we, too, need to set aside our own season’s and days to celebrate the One who created us and who loves us more than we could ever imagine.
When I think of all that God has done for me, for us, I’m overwhelmed. We have a very loving God!
Hi friends!! Yes, so many days are marked. Lately, for us, they’ve been marked by loss and grief. But… God is so good! In the midst of the hard, He so kindly grants us beauty, laughter, and love. So much love!!
Beautiful! It is so true, even in our darkest days, God sends love, beauty, comfort, peace, and laughter! Thank you for sharing. Continuing prayers for you!
I love these reading and devotionals that give the call and challenge of remembrance!! God is so apparent in our lives once we reflect!! But oftentimes we are just too busy and consumed in our problems of today! But God, He is OUR AWESOME GOD, that calls us to a calendar, marked days of remembrance of His goodness and grace, His incomprehensible Mercy He gives us, his wayward and stiff-necked peeps.
There is such goodness in my life, I have it so well. But I think of those that seems to have had a life full of sadness and trials and can’t seem to catch a break. My heart hurts for them. We have a lady in my pain group as such, and she says she just wants it to end, willing to take her own life for the pain to be gone. I think of my jail girls that are imprisoned with not much hope. I think of the young, single mother that came up for prayer yesterday at church that is heartbroken with rejection from a hopeful relationship. There is brokenness all around us….I am thankful that I know the bread-giver, the redeemer and restorer, the gentle, kind Saviour that WANTS to take our ashes and turn them into beauty. But it is their choice, and Jesus waits like the good Father of His, to welcome us home in a big embrace. That is where we find solace to every issue we could face.
Lord help us to help those in need. You want to use us, your disciple to disciple others far from you. Let our kindness and openness, and your nudging be a seed or harvest for you Heavenly Father. We were all far away, born into sin, But God, you were there waiting for us to run into your arms..may we always remember each and every time you were there for us! In Jesus name, Amen.
She Reads Truth – on my iPad, the scripture links do not work. Is this a known issue?
It is! Thanks for letting us know
Mr Myers, Links have worked every day for me but the first day. I access via a Samsung phone through the website.
It’s like this all the time, even on my phone. Links just don’t work here
To stop and remember His love, His grace, His power, His presence…it’s beautiful and overwhelming and glorious! He is a God who loves to celebrate. He wants us to recall Who and what and where and when!
REMEMBER what He has done for us, sweet sisters. Never take those special days that He died and also rose for us for granted. (I am sure you don’t!)
Have a blessed Monday.
This devotional was so helpful. I enjoy reading a man’s words, as a change of pace from women authors. It is interesting to hear their heart, as well. The reminder to make space to sit and reflect is much needed in our world. I took a few minutes just now and made a list of how I’ve seen God bless me over the past month. There was quite a bit that God has done in terms of answering prayers in friendships.
A regular customer at my new job is a believer and she was telling me the other day that God is good at surprising us with blessings when we live in obedience to Him. When we do things we wouldn’t want to do in our flesh, for His kingdom purposes. As I made my list this morning, I remember what she said, and see that in my list. Three specific times I saw God answer a prayer I had regarding relationships I have in my life. There’s other answered prayers on that list and special ways God has moved. I recognize this past month has unexpectedly shown me the kindness of God.
I am thankful. ❤️
Glad to see you here Aleida! ❤️
Glad you made it safely to your destination, @Mercy, and have peace with your mom. ❤️
Thank you, Jesus, for SRT. ❤️
We had only women authors for a long time and we would sometimes get the He Reads Truth Devo in the comments. It’s a nice change
Thank you!! And thank you especially for your prayers❤️❤️
I was immediately reminded of the song “Look What the Lord Has Done.” So easy to focus only on my seemingly never ending to-do list, not stopping to remember and thank Him for what He has done in my life, past or present, and will do going forward. Lord, I am so very thankful, please help me to remember.
Lyrics include:
I was bound by chains of darkness and sin
I had no hope or peace of mind
Though my sins were red as scarlet
He washed them white as snow
And opened my blind eyes
Now my soul will rejoice since I’ve made Him my choice
I’ve got joy, peace, everything that’s within
You see my name’s been written down
In the Lamb’s book of life
Can’t You see what God’s done for me.
The sacrifice of the Passover lamb, thank you Lord, for Christ’s sacrifice. Numbers 9:12 links to Christ’s crucifixion, referenced in John 19:36 … For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, “Not one of His bones shall be broken.”
MERCY – praying for continued safe travels and resolution of things with your brother
ALEIDA – good to see you, praying for Victor and your family
Beautiful as always! ❤
Thank you so so much!!❤️❤️
My sister often says at gatherings or moments of being with family.
“Let’s take a picture to remember. Let’s make memories..”
I think as I get older and nearer my God I move, I am aware of how precious life is, and how important it is more and more to acknowledge who God is in my life.. in every aspect, from my sorrows to my joys, from some dreams being fulfilled to some dreams defered, and acceptance of what is..
Days are marked, indeed they are, and so they should be.. the arrival of my first grandchild, was a biggie, to the arrival of his first child, even bigger, these are etched on my heart forever..
We need reminders to look back on and remember that it has not been by our own strength or doing, that we have arrived at where we are..in the good and the bad, there has been a constant, God, we had help along the way..
I know God has been with me and my family, through its many marked days, whether we’ve known it or not, we have never been forgotten, never will be..
As I go off to celebrate my DIL’S birthday with family today, may I remember with sincerity and truth that it is by God’s grace, provision, presence and goodness that we are here today to celebrate.
He is an awesome God.. Thank you God, Thank you..
Happy Monday loves ❤️
Amen and Amen. Praying for you, Mercy!
“It’s good to celebrate the Lord’s work in our lives. It’s important to acknowledge His power and His provision. It’s wise to slow down and remember who He is and what He has done.”
And in God’s kindness, He has given us the local church to gather to do just that!
RITA ANN – great news about your husband.
MERCY – believing the Lord will bring clarity quickly. Glad you arrived safely.
CINDY HANNA – prayer for Cooper’s complete healing.
I can’t get into the SRT app at the moment, is it down? Since Friday I’ve been getting an Error message when I open it up – says the Realm file at path ….. cannot be opened in read-only mode.
Something is up with the website too. He reads truth looks normal so I am heading over there.
I got in as normal today
Praise God for your safe arrival. Will indeed pray for your brother and yourself too. Praying the Numbers 6: 24 over you and yours..
May the Lord bless you and take care of you; May the Lord be kind and gracious to you; May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Be blessed dear Mercy, and prayerful this may be one of those days( times) you remember as ‘BUT GOD’ times..❤️
“observe…with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”. Thank you Lord for this reminder. It takes courage and purity to be sincere and truthful. It takes God to remove the old leaven of wickedness. Thank you Jesus for being the new bread of life. May your grace and power guard us against the temptation of old yoke/slavery.
I have landed safely. It was quite eventful but the Lord was gracious. May I ask for prayers over my brother? There was some underlying conflicts and uneasiness and I am having troubles processing things. Thank you so much shes for your prayers. My mom and I are on good terms, which was incredible. Praise Jesus.
I am so glad to see the new “face” of SRT page and glad that the Bible links are clickable now. I couldn’t see all comments a few days ago on my phone, but I will go back to check. Thank you SRT teams for putting in the good work. I miss you she’s. I hope you are doing well. Be blessed dear sisters ❤️.
Praise God for your safe arrival. Will indeed pray for your brother and yourself too. Praying the Numbers 6: 24 over you and yours..
May the Lord bless you and take care of you; May the Lord be kind and gracious to you; May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Be blessed dear Mercy, and prayerful this may be one of those days( times) you remember as ‘BUT GOD’ times..❤️
Yay, Mercy, glad you are here with us as you are there safely on your visit with family!! Prayers for your brother and complete restoration of your relationship! That’s a praise that you and your mom are getting on good!! I bet the kids are having fun with the grandparents, so good they are getting time with them considering the long distance between. I hope you get so much JOY out of this special time. I always leave family and think why didn’t I dig in a little deeper with them!! Why didn’t I ask those questions, and share the Lord with them and what he has done for me…. It is tough. Harder with family than stranger oddly!! But they are our cherished loved ones, make dear memories my friend!! What day do you travel home?
I too am thankful for so many special days the Lord has blessed me with in the past. The day I got married and the day I had each of my children are probably on the top of my list. There are also days I wish I could erase from my mind. The days when conflict and mental illness and addiction struck our family. However I also look back on those days and thank His because I know He was there lifting me up. I know He has a plan and will use all the pain we’re going through with our son, for His glory and what a great testimony that will be!!❤️
Aleida, oh indeed what a great testimony that will be. Continued prayers for Victor and your family.. hold fast to the memories of God and what He has done, for He will do it again!
Thank you so much Tina❤️❤️
The written word of the prodigal son gives us all the truth that the wayward son WILL come home. Raise them up in the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart! I am believing that for Victor, and all of our prodigals! Amen, In the Name of Jesus!! (heart)
Amen indeed Rhonda! Thank you so much for continuing to pray for my boy❤️❤️