The Second Advent

Open Your Bible

Acts 1:7-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 19:6-16

Section 4: Waiting for the Light

This story didn’t begin with a baby in a manger, and it doesn’t end there either. Light isn’t diminished when we put away the Christmas tree and blow out the last Advent candle. Christmas Day is a celebration of the start of Jesus Christ’s life on earth, His ministry, death, and resurrection, and the new life He invites us to enjoy. His work in driving out darkness and making all things new is both already accomplished on the cross and still ongoing.

Until Jesus Christ returns, we share in His work as people of the light, eagerly awaiting that promised day.

While we just finished celebrating the Advent season a few days ago, today’s reading reminds us that we are people waiting between two advents—the advent of Jesus’s miraculous birth and the advent of His promised return one day. 

Historically, the celebration of the Advent season was more than just a time of rejoicing over Jesus’s birth. Advent, in its earliest days, was a season of quiet examination and repentance. It was a time to slow down, spend time in prayer and fasting, and prepare your heart for the second coming of Christ. Centuries ago, Advent was also the time when believers would ready themselves for baptism. Not until later centuries did the Church also start primarily celebrating Jesus’s birth during the Advent season. 

Today, our readings draw our attention to this second advent. In Acts 1, we find Jesus giving His disciples some final instructions before His ascension. His instructions come with a promise that the Holy Spirit will equip them for the work ahead (Acts 1:8). After His ascent, the disciples are told that one day Jesus will return “in the same way that you have seen him going into heaven” (v.11). 

It is interesting to reflect on the second coming of Christ and also read Acts 1:8 on the same day. Acts 1:8 shows us that one way we prepare our hearts for His return is spreading the news of His future return in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. And because we do not know the timing of His return, we eagerly share the joy of the first advent and tell others of His second still to come for as long as we wait. 

Today’s reading also is an encouragement to our often weary souls. Remembering that one day “we will always be with the Lord” should bring true joy and hope (1Thessalonians 4:17). No more separation from our God—what a thing to look forward to! Don’t forget this joyous news as you pack away your holiday decorations. As we wait for the second advent, let’s continue to celebrate the birth of our Savior and intentionally prepare our hearts for His second coming year round. 

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59 thoughts on "The Second Advent"

  1. Traci Gendron says:

    ANGIE – my heart goes out to you. “Simply I miss him” speaks volumes. I understand, I simply miss Tanner. And yes, the loss in this day is intense. I know I will be with Tanner in heaven, but that doesn’t take away the here and now feelings of loss. I will keep you in my prayers for a joyous reunion with your much loved son.

    Thank you – TRICIA CAVANAUGH, DANIELLE, MAURA, SARAH D, SEARCHING, KELLY, MARY ANN GRAVES, KATIE JORGENSEN, AND TINA for your continued prayers. I know I probably missed someone and I don’t mean to leave anyone out. So a big thank you to everyone! It brings peace to my heart.

    My nephew who I’m very close with, said he feels sad when the holidays are over. They are just done. I’m so thankful for todays devotion. I finally have the right words to say to him. It brings so much understanding of the Advent.

  2. Maria Baer says:

    Lizzy— your message was not pretentious or unsympathetic. Because it is 100% true. I love the passion in your words.

  3. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    As I’m proofreading that it doesn’t sound as awesome as I wanted it to, I didn’t mean to come across as pretentious or unsympathetic. Basically all I was trying to say is – He is doing whatever it takes because He can’t imagine spending eternity without us…….I should’ve just stuck to saying that!

  4. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    These words came to me a while ago and I’ve been saying them ever since. I hope they’ll help when you have the opportunity to share the gospel with someone: Everything has happened and will happen because God cannot imagine spending eternity without you. When I’m so annoyed with politics and my neighbors I remember that God has listened to many years of the same thing all because it’s part of His plan to bring me home. When I make the same mistake for the fourteenth time I think about how God keeps forgiving me because He’ll do whatever it takes to spend time with me. When I see people sick, dying, or tortured, I know that He felt it all and more on the cross because He wants me. ME! And you! And all of us! We are not insignificant, we matter, and we are so, recklessly loved! That’s a message that needs to be shared.

  5. Mari V says:

    Angie and Sarah D. I am praying for the both of you right now. Thankfully my home is still quiet and I could take this quiet time to pray for the both of you. Angie from all the readings here on SRT I love your heart. Your heart for young people. Please know you are covered with prayer. Sarah D.
    As a mother of a college age son My mama’s heart is praying for you as well. Please know you are not alone.

  6. Mari V says:

    Angie and Sarah D. I am praying for the both of you right now. Thankfully my home is still quiet and I could take this quiet time to pray for the both of you. Angie from all the readings here on SRT I love your heart. Your heart for young people. Please know you are covered with prayer. Sarah D.

  7. Mari V says:

    I can’t wait for that day! For the second Advent. (First time I’ve ever heard of this way). Beth, thank you for a beautiful devotion. “One day we will always be with the Lord”. I’m so glad we were given this week off, plus I couldn’t go to work anyway because of my cold, and I’m glad to be off and enjoy my quiet time next to the Christmas tree, a quiet house, no rush. SRT sisters, I enjoy my time here with all of you. Can’t wait to meet you someday.

  8. Skylar Hilton says:

    Our future is bright when we remember Jesus will return one day. I think we should think of it as a happy, and great thing… not something that we should be scared of. My advice is for people to make things right with God now.. and for us to own up to our sins and repent them. Then we can get our life on track to serve God.

    We should also be careful to worship God alone. We cannot put God under anyone.. we must put God above everything! He deserves all of our respect love, and most importantly our hearts.

    Have a great rest of the day dear sisters! May God bless all of you today