The Promise in the Stars

Open Your Bible

Genesis 15:1-6, Genesis 22:15-18, Job 9:7-10, Psalm 147:3-5, Isaiah 40:26-29, Romans 8:14-17, Hebrews 11:1-3, Hebrews 11:8-16

Section 1: The Light of the World

I sat on my aunt’s back deck freshman year of high school and stared at the tar-colored sky dotted with light, like a blanket tucking in the earth at bedtime. The expanse invited me into something grander than algebra homework or daydreaming about my current crush. The heavens declare the glory of God—even to those who don’t know Jesus. Weeks later someone shared the gospel with me at a slumber party, and I believed. Marveling at the night sky prepared my heart for faith in the Creator.

God used the stars to birth faith in Abram, too. When God told Abram to look at the expanse and try to count the stars, He promised him, “Your offspring will be that numerous” (Genesis 15:5). Abram believed (v.6). 

Abram left everything he knew—his extended family, an assurance of wealth and place—to follow a voice that called him by name. Like a blindfolded trust-walk, Abram took step by step in the wilderness, moving forward in God’s plan for his life. When he started to question the journey, he simply needed to glance up to the stars to remember that the Creator could perform wonders and is mighty in power (Job 9:10, Psalm 147:5). The one who numbered the uncountable stars promised to make Abram into a great nation (Genesis 22:17–18). Could God not do it?

I wish God spoke to us so clearly like He directed Abram at times. Sometimes we feel unsure of God’s plans for us. We wander in our own wilderness, wondering how to move forward. I’ve been there—numerous times. Why is this so hard? God, when will you answer my prayers? 

Living by faith sometimes requires us to wait with expectation for the unseen. Abram waited in expectation for the land and offspring God promised, and he missed the full reality of these promised blessings this side of eternity (Hebrews 11:8–16). But he still believed God would complete it, that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 15:1–6).

Last year my family and I experienced unseen promises fulfilled. A job position we prayed about for three years finally opened for my husband. But in those three years of waiting? I whined. Grumbled. Even doubted God’s direction. Yet every time I threw a pity party for one, the Spirit reminded me to stand confident in what we hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). Are you sitting in your own dark night, unsure how things will all pan out? You’re not alone. Even Abram asked, “How can I know?” to the Lord of the universe when he wanted assurance that everything would work out just right (Genesis 15:8).

Maybe a life of faith is about putting our hope and trust in God alone. Maybe we all need to look up to the stars and remember God is at work. The One who made the Orion, the Bear constellation, and more is in control of the constellation of our lives.

(127) Comments

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127 thoughts on "The Promise in the Stars"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you

  2. Kenyari Keith says:


  3. Megan Taylor says:

    Perfect reminder to me as a stay at home mom, questioning the work I’ve put into school now thinking, “do I really want to be that profession?” While at the same time cycling through all the business ideas I have running through my head. I ask God all the time, “what am I supposed to do?”

  4. Madeline Leibold says:

    Needed this reminder ❤️

  5. Kristie says:

    So true. Sometimes I do this when I look at mountains, nature trails, and things you know only God of this earth can create. Patiently waiting is hard but such a good thing.

  6. Lindsey M says:


  7. Amy in Scotland says:

    I have just been re-reading the beautiful choice of verses for this whole reading plan. She reads truth, you put the light and hope back into this advent season. Thank you.

  8. Kim Parsons says:


  9. Alice Swearingen says:

    Thank you! Our family has been waiting, praying over a situation for over 2 years. Setbacks, health issues, isolation (this person has been withdrawing in his hardships). I don’t know where this person’s faith is…. And I’m afraid to discuss with him. Thank you for these beautiful reminders that a life of faith has all these elements. We have faith, but fears knock at the door daily. We trust in the LORD, but are tempted to take control and fix things. We believe – and pray often “help my unbelief!”

  10. Grace Ward says:

    How cool it is that we get to have a relationship with the keeper of the stars? I recently moved across the country to Texas and has to have faith like never before. My faith has been stretched in bigger ways than I knew possible. Knowing that the same night sky is above me gives me comfort.

  11. Rebecca Telfort says:

    This is was so beautiful and I Really needed this reminder

  12. Elicia Trello says:

    Let go of your control and let God take over.

  13. Jordan Ogletree says:


  14. Alyssa Johnston says:

    My husband and I recently moved to Malawi from Oregon and I’ve taken such comfort in the familiar stars and night sky. I love the reminder that our hope is in our future home in heaven, and not on this earth.

  15. Jamscow says:

    Such a peacefulness in the stars! Imagine our God naming each one! Imagine having a conversation with God that when things seemed bleak and hopeless and you were preparing for “plan B,” God shows up to speak to you. In the peacefulness of the stars He says, “I have a plan! Do you trust My plan?” Reminds me that I need not panic to come up with a Plan B. God will never fail us!

  16. Meagan Warlick says:

    I loved the part about Abraham missing the full reality of the Lord’s promises this side of heaven because he was so focused on what was to come. I personally feel like I’m so set on getting to that next point in my life that I forget to just stop and take in that I’m exactly where I prayed to be when I was younger. Such a good perspective this season to just enjoy where I am, even while waiting for his promises!

  17. Melissa Snell says:

    Loved reading these devotionals and the star imagery.

    God gave me a cool vision when I was looking at the Christmas trees in our church all lit up but not decorated. I can’t help but think how much the tree lights feel like the stars in a dark night sky. It reminds me of God’s promise to Abraham and his generations being as numerous as the stars and the promise he continues through sending Jesus to literally dwell with mankind.

    I hope when you look at your trees this year you see the lights as tons of stars lighting up the sky.

  18. Betsy Cooley says:

    This was beautiful!! Stunning testimony of God using the night sky to prepare a young girl’s heart to believe the gospel. This encouraged my faith today.

  19. Alana Okumu says:

    Wow this is so good. I think I highlighted every scripture! Our state in Australia has just forced teachers to get vax there are many ppl who will lose their jobs. I think it comes down to seeking god for direction. Not looking back… by faith . Faith is all we have. And faith is all we need. But in the human realm oh does it feel way more complicated than that!!

  20. Rhonda J. says:

    Today’s comments and yesterday’s are both on here today or jumbled, but nevertheless, always love to read through them! Definitely good insights today!
    @ Kat, your comment did show up!

  21. Kendra Santilli says:

    Sometimes I can get so legalistic in my approach. I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m so rigid, but I also can easily look at this scripture and say “it’s for the kingdom of god, my blessings don’t matter”. But no, Abraham’s promise was very personal, not just corporate. This is encouraging me to go before God for my personal needs in a more bold way. He cares about our place in the Kingdom as He also cares about our personal accomplishments and provision!

  22. Karri Kugler says:

    I agree!! Amen!

  23. Tara Guthrie says:

    I loved todays scriptures and message. God is always faithful to us, and sometimes that means that even though we feel our faith waver, we stay steadfast in knowing that HE never does. That’s reassuring to me. Romans 8:17 really struck a cord as well. “If indeed we suffer with him so that we any also be glorious with him.” Wow, often times we all want the God’s glory and grace with none of the hard work or hard times to get to the other side of what He has for us. Eye opening about how we must continuously die to self, take up our cross, and fight with faith and live in truth – even in hard times.

  24. Karen Kubiak says:

    Not sure why multiple copies of my post appeared. Apologies, friends!

  25. Karen Kubiak says:

    It never registered w me before that Abraham — the father of our faith — was a Hebrews Hall-of-Faith hero because he believed God would do the big things He promised — even when it didn’t happen in his lifetime!

    God’s reward for his faithfulness: a life of hope and expectation. And his faith will be remembered forever as the reason God’s salvation is for Gentiles (me!), Jews, EVERYONE.

  26. Karen Kubiak says:

    It never registered w me before that Abraham — the father of our faith — was a Hebrews Hall-of-Faith hero because he believed God would do what He promised — even when it didn’t happen in his lifetime! Even though his descendants as numerous as the stars, and possessing the land God gave his family, did not happen in his lifetime.

  27. Charlotte Cleveland says:

    I love how the Word today reminded me of both God’s immeasurable power and his great love! Not only is He beyond powerful, He is our understanding and loving Father who comforts and provides for us. Can’t get any better than that!!!!

  28. Angela Greenwood says:

    This was very encouraging for me this morning, I doubt God daily and wonder if He even has a plan for me, heard my prayers, or even loves me at times. But that is not how faith works. Time for me to stop my pity party and believe, trust and know that the God of Abraham knows, loves, and hears me.

  29. K D says:

    Today just reminds me of God’s faithfulness even in the midst of the dark.

  30. AG says:

    @Kelly, my grandmother is doing better. She is in a nursing home in rehab working to be able to go home. Thank you for your prayers and asking!

  31. Lorelei Kerns says:

    I’m grateful that Creation can remind us of God’s handiwork and how He is continually working in us just how he works in nature.

  32. Jordin Biggs says:

    This is beautiful ❤️

  33. Victoria E says:

    Kelly and Rhonda J and everyone who prayed for my appointment , it went very well thank you! God is faithful! Martha Hix glad to see you here today, I have been praying for you and Traci

  34. Tisha Nicholson says:

    How wonderful God is…all we have to do is look up to the stars and the skies and just know He’s got us.

  35. Caroline Cater says:

    Beautifully spoken and much needed words of encouragement. Thank you ♥️

  36. Erika Swango says:


  37. Nicole Byrd says:

    I’ve never thought of my life like a constellation. Sometimes not completely visible, often curvy, yet so much beauty beholding the complete image.

  38. Kati Muha says:

    How can I know- I have to trust

  39. Allie McCandless says:

    I need to wait with expectation of the unseen in my hard times.

  40. Heather Gregory says:

    I’ve been waiting for, it seems like my whole life, and these last two years I’ve been blown away in all the big and small and everyday moments God shows up. Faith is never easy and always worth it.

  41. Bailey Bowers says:

    This struck me as well!

  42. Bailey Bowers says:

    My gosh I needed this today!! When Abram couldn’t see what God was doing, God gently led him to a place where he could see God’s hand and power at work: the sky. He is vast and powerful AND personal enough to give them names. He isn’t afraid of our questions – He wants to help us grow in our faith by reminding us of His power!!!

  43. Corey Zimmerman says:

    Incredible message.

  44. Stephanie Willis says:

    As I was reading Psalm 147, I was struck by the juxtaposition of the contrast of verses 2 and 3. God is able to know us so well he can acknowledge and heal our broken hearts. In verse 3 it says God is so great he knows the number and names of all of the many stars. What a beautiful dichotomy! God is infinitely vast and intimately near.

  45. Pamela Shrader says:

    My husband brother’s place is on a mountain in Pennsylvania. We go there to camp and on one particular night there I looked up and was overwhelmed at how many stars there were. While reading the promise God made Abram (Geenesis 15:5) that memory came to mind. It was an awesome time I just now spent with God.
    We don’t see the stars like that in the city, but if you take a drive away from the city, to where the only lights are the stars this verse may impact you differently as well.

  46. Donna Wolcott says:

    I can agree with those who mention how close they feel to the Lord looking at that night sky. My daughter lives in WY and before that MT and far from city lights. Seeing the glory of the sky in those dark areas leaves one feeling very small. It is so easy to experience the Lord’s presence in nature, my happy place to feel Him and to exclaim His glory.

  47. MARTHA HIX says:

    @Makeaya and Rhonda…thank you for your loving encouragement and prayers. It means so much to me. Rhonda, I’m so very sorry about the unexpected loss of your mother and your pain and your father’s deep sadness. The sudden void and grief are difficult to processs. I have adult children and was married 46 years.
    As Tina would say… But God….❤️

  48. Alayna P. says:

    I’ve always felt closest to God when I’m looking at the stars ✨

  49. Jennifer Martin says:


  50. Michelle-Rose Oduro says:

    Indescribable God! You placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name! Wow!

  51. Jeanette Cruz says:


  52. Bobbi Hague says:

    Loved the message today. Thank you all for your thoughts.

  53. Skylar Hilton says:

    Good afternoon dear sisters!

    Let this reading tonight remind us always that great things happen when we obey God, without question


  54. Rhonda J. says:

    Martha Hix, you come to my thoughts often after the loss of your husband. That would be so hard after such a unique bond and life together. The first holidays so hard. My mom died unexpectedly in 2014 and knocked my dad sideways into a deep sadness. They had been married 50 years and just starting retirement.

    Victoria, hope your appointment went well.

    Prayers for the requests and for those just feeling a little empty. We are all in such different, unique places in our individual lives, ebbing and flowing, sometimes splashing around in happiness and joy, sometimes being taken under by small waves or big waves, and at other times just floating on our backs either enjoying the view or trying to rest and conserve energy. But if we are anchored to God we can be assured we will be okay. We. will. be. okay. Listening to Christian music (now Christmas Christian songs) is my way of anchoring to God throughout my days. And of course SRT and prayer, and short sermons/messages on the radio. I love each and every one of YOU! Keep the comments and wisdom coming!

  55. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I loved this devotional today. It’s such a great reminder that God sees us, knows us, and has amazing plans for us. Also, he is in control of our lives. I pray I would trust in his plan, even when the way seems unclear. Be bossed my sisters!❤️

  56. Daniela Ramirez says:


  57. Traci Gendron says:

    TINA – You blessed me with your story of Stuart. I know that God knew Tanner by name as well. That he is sitting in God’s comfort now. It doesn’t take away my grief, but makes it lighter.
    So many beautiful thoughts today. Next time I’m in the mountains I will look up at the stars and see them in a new way.

  58. Kelly says:

    Victoria E – praying for your appt. PEACE

  59. Teresa Donley says:

    I loved the reminder that God used the stars to show Abraham how God was going to bless him. A night sky full of stars never fails to take my breath away. God’s amazing creative spirit on display. I’m thankful for the stars, and for innumerable blessings God has for me.

  60. Kelly says:

    DOROTHY – praying for full and speedy recovery!

  61. Dorothy says:

    Sisters, please pray for me, I have a sinus infection. I spent the whole weekend in bed except to go to urgent care. I’m not able to even focus on reading every ones comments.
    Be blessed sisters.

  62. Stephanie Strom says:

    My favorite from todays reading was the very last verse. How amazing and powerful is it that during Abrahams time he grasped the faith it takes to reach Gods kingdom. Abraham surrendered to Gods promise, realizing he won’t see Gods promise to him during his lifetime, but instead from a distance. I just thought that was powerful, and we need to be reminded of that. Our home is His Place for us in heaven that He prepared for us already. We are just here to experience Earth for a short time. Our everlasting place will be with Him.

  63. Stephanie Strom says:

    I noticed this too! I re-read it a few times becuase I thought how amazing it is these constellations come from the Bible. I never knew that too. So amazing!

  64. Makaeya says:

    Praying for you Martha. As we read today in Psalm 147, “He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.” I can’t imagine. But I’m so thankful for a savior who is near the broken hearted. You are loved Martha!

  65. MaryBeth Thomas says:

    Rachel, I applaud your bravery in living your dream in NYC. Give it time…give GOD time. Keep reaching for the stars!

  66. Ann S says:

    Praying for healing in Jesus’ name!

  67. Kenzie Revell says:

    Needed this today!! I’m asking for anyone who sees this to please take a moment to pray for my Grannie who is in the ICU with covid. She had to be vented today and her body is very tired drok

  68. Victoria E says:

    Rhonda J thank you for sharing the name of the song! AG my heart is breaking for your cousin I am praying for her and her husband. Eva-Marie Hester I think some glitch has your post showing up a lot of times for me which is a blessing because I get to meditate on these words a lot this morning which I need. I have my 24 week OB appointment this morning, please pray that all goes well. Yesterday at church we heard about faith from
    The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. This entire year of going through infertility treatments has been about me learning about faith and several of these verses are on my walls on post it notes. Ruth Long I am also praying for you.

  69. MARTHA HIX says:

    Loved this message today. Please pray for hope and peace for me as I continue to grieve the unexpected loss of my husband. It’s a difficult season. I’m praying for your requests. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and prayers. ❤️

  70. Victoria E says:

    Rhonda J thank you for sharing the name of the song! AG my heart is breaking for your cousin I am praying for her and her husband. Eva-Marie Hester I think some glitch has your post showing up a lot of times for me which is a blessing because I get to meditate on these words a lot this morning which I need. I have my 24 week OB appointment this morning, please pray that all goes well. Yesterday at church we heard about faith from

  71. Karen Foster says:


  72. Christy D says:

    I’m waiting on God for so much and feel so weary this morning. What an encouragement this was as I start a new week of constantly surrendering it all over to Him.

  73. Lexi B says:

    Hebrews 11 and Abrahams story also encourages me and reminds me of the power of faith. Abraham left all that he knew to follow God and he was blessed by Him. His story reminds me that God is good, He keeps his promises and even tho I can’t see it or the fullfillment of the promise has not happened yet doesn’t mean that it wont happen. Praying for strength to perservere while I wait and remember that God is faithful.

  74. Ruth Long says:

    Hi ladies. I’m hoping and learning right now to love Jesus for myself, not out of a sense of duty. If you could pray that my heart, not my conscience, would want him? Thank you

  75. Ruth Long says:

    What a beautiful thing, CHURCHMOUSE. My dear sister is in the Canadian Navy and I have been praying for her heart, and that she would return home, so to speak, to Jesus. I have faith he will answer that. Thank you for your encouragement. I worry about her safety sometimes and I’m so moved that you thought of those “far from home”. Thank you❤️

  76. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    The stars that are so numerous that they can not be counted, are the very same stars that God created and knows — each one by name! That is so mind blowing!! Our God is an awesome God, and I am so very grateful, thankful and blessed that God knows me, loves me and chose me to be His child!

    Praying for the cousin who lost her baby. I have a great-niece just about the same age, I can not imagine losing her. My heart breaks for this mom.
    @Rachel – praying God will give you peace, clear up your clouded state and give you the job of your dreams. After all, it is God who gave you the gift of fashion design and placed the desire in your heart.

    Blessings to you all on this new Monday morning!

  77. Meemer J says:

    Our God is truly awesome! Psalm 147:3-5 states that He counts the stars and gives names to them. If He gives names to the 200 billion trillion stars in the universe (that is 200 with 21 zeros behind it) shouldn’t we realize that He knows and cares about each detail in our lives. We are His treasure. Be encouraged ladies for “He gives strength to the faint and strengthens the powerless”.

  78. Rachel says:

    I have been in a weary, clouded state for a few months. Questions, doubts, depression, anxiety. I’m just starting out in my career as a fashion designer and working a temporary contracting gig. The biggest dream in my heart has always been to move to New York City.. a spiritual tug you could call it. For a few reasons, my spirit has been so downcast as it feels like I’m already mourning a lost dream. Sounds dramatic I know, but it’s been very real. Today’s reading has given me a sense of comfort. Psalm 147:5 “Our Lord is great, vast in power; his understanding is infinite”. There is nothing that can satisfy like putting our whole trust in Him, the only one who has INFINITE understanding. There is freedom in knowing our dreams aren’t an accident. God has beautiful purposes for each one of His children. May we walk in step with the Spirit, have a Kingdom-mindset, being chiseled everyday, while we feel the weight of our yearning.

  79. Valentina says:

    Sorry, by first chronological book, I mean first FULL chronological book as Job is placed before the time of Abraham, but after, of course, the Creation.

  80. Valentina says:

    What stuck out to me this morning was the Job 9:7-11 passage. I never realized before that God actually names some of the constellations in the Bible! I always pictured the names of the constellations coming awhile after Bible times, but they are right here, and in the very first (chronologically) book! It’s also not just in this one passage, but also in Job 38:31-32 (which was listed in the footnotes). I’ve always liked stars and have had a little bit of interest in constellations, so these passages just really excited me this morning. Enjoy your day this morning Sisters. Walk with God and delight in Him!

  81. Thes says:

    I found job hard to understand but found this that explained and hit home for me, so I thought I’ll share it:
    Job praised the great might of God, who created the worlds and put the sun and stars in the sky. Yet the might of God was no comfort to Job; it just made him feel that God was more distant than ever. Job considered the great works of God in the universe, and how they displayed the majesty and power of God. Yet this understanding of the greatness and might of God did not comfort Job; it made him feel that God was too great to either notice (If He goes by me, I do not see Him) or care and help Job (God will not withdraw His anger).

  82. Heidi M says:

    Crazy how God works. Last night, i got news i wasn’t expecting about plans i thought i had. My plans seemed to fall through so quickly and then i read this. I Know God has a plan so much greater than any plan i thought i had. His ways are so much higher. “Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21

  83. Elizabeth Dunkerson says:

    Great reminder to trust in the Lord and not ourselves. Need to keep being reminded of this while trying to raise teenagers in these times.

  84. Kat Getz says:

  85. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning Sisters!
    I wanted to report that Anniston had her baby late last night! A healthy baby girl, what a blessing and praise. Thousands upon thousands of “whoops” are aborted, so I commend her for doing the right thing in the face of fear, and being 21 and not in a relationship with the dad. It will be a challenge but she lives at home so will receive plenty of help! Thank you for praying for her.
    Erb, prayers for you all and your cousin. That of course is heartbreaking about the baby.
    Victoria E- That name is Light of the World! Beautiful!

    Friday’s disappointment is Sunday’s empty tomb! Since when as impossible ever stopped YOU. Let’s have faith, that anything is possible in our situations. Resurrection power is our power, the Spirit is WITH us, IN us. Isn’t that an overwhelming thought?! Every star has a name! Amen.

  86. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee. How great thou art!!

  87. Churchmouse says:

    My husband and I sponsor a young girl in northern Africa. Awhile ago I wrote to her and asked her to look up at the sky and see the stars. I told her that I would also be looking at the stars here and that we would be together although separated by many miles. Each letter that we send each other includes a drawing of a star. When I look at the stars I not only think of Henriette but also of all those who are away from home. I pray for those in our military, those in our hospitals and especially those who are ‘away from home’ spiritually. Our prayers are beams of light which have no borders.

  88. Olivia says:

    Praying for peace, clarity, and opportunity for you, Melissa James. It is so hard to wait in anticipation and keep living fully when there are so many unknowns. You might connect with a reading called Waiting for God by Henri Nouwen. It’s one of my favorites about keeping a posture of active anticipation. Praying for you this week.

  89. McKenzie Dolph says:

    Lord may I stand confident in your power and in your promises. You are a Good God and you will make all things good for your glory. May I not lose sight of this in the mundane of every day. Would I not lose hope in things unseen. Would I not lose patience in things that you are working in for my good. Amen.

  90. Tiffany C says:

    I’m also reflecting on Ephesians 2:10 this week, as my church has a youth pastor candidate that we’re trying to discern if we’re to work together.

    Ephesians 2:10 and today’s devo shows me the beauty and goodness He has created in all of us and what we may create too. Just like the stars, we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. Just like the stars, we are to display God’s glory and good works. Like the stars, we are prepared beforehand by God to shine a light where God has placed us. May we walk in the ways and the manner that God has prepared for us, to be a light for those around us!

  91. Kasey Deschaine says:

    A very good word and humbling reminder this morning. I am so encouraged to be reminded that many before myself also questioned, “will this happen for me”…only for the Lord to challenge us and call us to faith in action. Prayers to many of you who are longing for something in your lives, be encouraged and reminded as stated in Hebrews 11:6-and without FAITH it is impossible to please God, because ANYONE who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

  92. Adrienne says:

    Wow that Seana’s devotion ended by talking about constellations… that is what I pulled out this morning! I had always thought that people who talked of constellations were kinda “dippity do”… a new age kinda thing. But God made the constellations, and we can delight in the patterns of the stars that He made just for us! Have a blessed day, my sisters!

  93. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I love that God gave Abraham 2 assurances,one he could see by day (the number of sand- it’s everywhere!) & one he could see by night- stars. To me, stars have always held my wonder & really brought me closer to God. Even though they are so afar off, and they make me feel so small, I also feel so near to God, and so loved & cared for. I’m a “nobody” and yet the Creator who fashioned and named each star also knows every single hair on my head! So amazing how GOOD our God is!!!

  94. Adrienne says:

    Wow that Seana’s devotion ended by talking about constellations… that is what I pulled out this morning. I had always thrOught people who talked of constellations were kinda “dippity do”… a new age kinda thing. But God made the constellations, and we can delight in what

  95. Melissa James says:

    We are waiting for a job for my husband right now, we transitioned from living overseas and are now back in the states. Waiting for a yes from all the job interviews! “Living by faith sometimes requires us to wait with expectation for the unseen.” I can say this morning I’m thankful for a life situation right now that is teaching me about expectancy and anticipation in this season of Advent.

  96. Jac Foreman says:

    So good – yes!!!

  97. Shannon Banning says:

    I love that Abraham still didn’t see the fullness of God’s promise, yet he still believed. May I be like that with his promises in my life! No matter what I see come to fruition, he’s still working it out until the day of Christ Jesus. ❣️

  98. Robin Lagrama says:


  99. Ashley Griffin says:


  100. Eva-Marie Hester says:

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:1-3
    I believe, know to the core of my being, that The Lord God is the creator of the universe. I look at the stars and am in awe of the One who hung them in the sky. I think about the words He spoke, my thoughts towards you are more numerous that these. When I consider these things faith wells up within me ~ the Lord God is my Father. His promises to me and my family are yes and amen. Those things that are important to me are more important to Him. He doesn’t grow weary for there right timing, so neither will I.

    As I treasure the gift that Christ’s birth brings forth I will live in hopeful faith and confidence in The Lord’s promises.

  101. Eva-Marie Hester says:

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:1-3
    I believe, know to the core of my being, that The Lord God is the creator of the universe. I look at the stars and am in awe of the One who hung them in the sky. I think about the words He spoke, my thoughts towards you are more numerous that these. When I consider these things faith wells up within me ~ the Lord God is my Father. His promises to me and my family are yes and amen. Those things that are important to me are more important to Him. He doesn’t grow weary for there right timing, so neither will I.

    As I treasure the gift that Christ’s birth brings forth I will live in hopeful faith and confidence in The Lord’s promises.

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things,

  102. Elaine Morgan says:

    Oh to have the same measure of faith as Abraham! I love to hear the stories of how God used such a man of faith! Sometimes trusting God and waiting for His promises to come to be is really hard. It may seem like forever, But God is not restricted by time like we are and to Him it is just a little while. Wait patiently on the Lord. All His promises are yes and amen!

  103. Jennifer says:

    Under the expanse of the stars, you realize that, no matter what is going on in your life, at this moment you are a piece of God’s big picture puzzle and you can feel His presence.

  104. Tera HensleyFleming says:

    Here’s what hit me this morning – just as God places the stars in the sky as a symbol of His promise and His light, He has placed me where I am to shine His light and believe He is good and true and faithful. Lead me, Lord.give me faith to trust You more each day.

  105. Eva-Marie Hester says:

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:1-3
    I believe, know to the core of my being, that The Lord God is the creator of the universe. I look at the stars and am in awe of the One who hung them in the sky. I think about the words He spoke, my thoughts towards you are more numerous that these. When I consider these things faith wells up within me ~ the Lord God is my Father. His promises to me and my family are yes and amen. Those things that are important to me are more important to Him. He doesn’t grow weary for there right timing, so neither will I.

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:1-3

  106. Aimee D-R says:

    Father God, I need the Holy Spirit to prompt my heart towards faith vs fear. In Jesus Name, Amen

  107. Eva-Marie Hester says:

    1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. – Hebrews 11:1-3

  108. Jan Sabey says:

    Tina, thank you for sharing about Stuart this morning, I needed to hear it, what a blessing.

  109. Taylor says:

    Interestingly enough, I did a Bible study last night that read over the first half of Hebrews 11! Someone else mentioned in the comments that God must be trying to tell them something, and same! Our God is good, and He has a plan for us that is good. We only need to trust and obey – but easier said than done! Lord I pray I put my trust and hope in You alone, and I pray for strength even in the waiting <3

  110. Maiya K says:

    Hebrews 11 is definitely one of those chapters that has been my reminder, many times, to keep standing, keep believing. By faith, I will see the things I am waiting for God to do. He keeps His promises, and I am thankful for that. I am so thankful that He is the One we can count on ALWAYS! By faith Maiya….

  111. Kelly says:

    Have you ever seen a clear moonless sky at night where there is NO OTHER light to interfer? Only once for me. It truly took my breath away. From horizon to horizon stars everywhere. It seemed like there were more points of light than darkness.

    One of the stars Abraham saw was me. And one was you!

    AG – so saddened to learn your cousin’s baby did not make it. I will be praying for your family. How is your grandmother?

    HEIDI JOKINDELLHEIM – may the Lord give you wisdom and peace in situation.

    LEXI SHARER – praying for you and your husband. May the Lord comfort you and give you strength as you move through your pregnancy.

    ASHLEIGH MATOS z praying you are filled with peace for your appt

    ERIN DILLARD – praying for your heart as you navigate your situation. Focus on the Family may have resources for helping you leeping your ex from affecting your current marriage in their Blended Family ministry.

  112. Lindsay Setters says:

    Great read today! I need reminding of this so often. I am believing for God to move in my home, in my children’s lives, in my husband’s. God is so good! By faith, we will face and conquer anything.

  113. D Farney says:

    This spoke to me today. My husband and I have been in a holding pattern/wilderness this past year. We have been praying and trusting God in and through this situation. I have seen his hand guiding us through. He has truly been a lamp and a light on our path. I am so thankful that he is sovereign. Praying for my sisters (and brothers) in the SRT community. Have a blessed day everyone!

  114. Michlyn Fournier says:

    Because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.
    God is promising things to me. He wills good for my life – life to the fullest. And he is faithful, steadfast, keeps his promises. It is me who is missing the cues. I have not been asking about his promises. I have not been listening to his guidance. God is still working and the spirit is still moving. I must be more attentive so that I can live this life in partnership with Him.

  115. Mariah Reed says:

    I’m so happy that we have a God that keeps his promises to us. That he is always there even though we may not feel like it.

  116. Michelle Patire says:

    Tina, I admire your faithfulness to the kitchen ministry for over 12 years! I had just been thinking how dedicated my own church cooks must be. We often have lots of food on Sunday mornings. We are a bigger church with two services back to back. My pastor mentioned our Christmas events would have even more food — gourmet hot chocolate, carving stations, appetizers… I went to culinary school and worked as a cook for several years, so I know how much work goes into this stuff! Praise God, Tina, for giving you strength.. And good job to you for sticking to it!!!!

    Praying this morning for my sister, Claire. She knows the Lord but isn’t following Him faithfully. She doesn’t go to church or anything. She does a lot of questionable things … Things I’ve done at her age… Drugs, sex, you know…
    My family is heartbroken she won’t be spending Christmas with us and has chosen to go fly to see her ex bf. She knows we don’t think it’s a good idea. I see myself in her… Strung tight to a relationship that is hurting her and her walk with God. I was the same at her age. I keep praying God will show up for her, like He did for me, but different. She says she is lonely. Her friends moved away and she doesn’t have a church community to lean to… Bc she won’t go to church. I see God can change it for her, but I don’t see a willingness to go to Him. it breaks my heart. I know it is her choice, though. I pray she sees her need for Him. He gives us all the good things she hopes for. I pray she would realize that.

  117. Lisa Sanders says:

    Haven’t we all acres up our lives or made a bad choice or decision. Our church had “Me Too” T-shirt’s, (long before the movement). God has a plan for Stuart, he needs to step into it. Amen

  118. AG says:

    This study is one I needed today. Our God who created the stars and knows the number of each one also created us. He knows us my name. He heals the broken hearted. My cousin lost her first baby due to sids right before thanksgiving and this weekend we celebrated his short 5 months on earth at their church. Their pastor repeated this over and over. Please keep them in your prayers as this is an unimaginable pain for them. Pray for them to keep their faith and turn to God in these days, weeks, and years to come.

  119. Lori says:

    I needed this message of living in expectant faith today. Yesterday’s sermon at church was also on Hebrews 11 and 12 so clearly God’s trying to tell me something! I am trying to sit in Psalm 139:16 right now – “Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned, before a single one of them began.” I’m in a time of weariness and not really seeing the road ahead. Wanting to live with expectant faith but sometimes feeling like I’m afraid to. Father God, thank you for the stars that remind me you are the same God of Abraham and the Creator of this Universe. You are truly in control.

  120. Elizabeth McGee says:

    Praying for you, Heidi! If God meant this for you, he will make a way

  121. SEARCHING says:

    KATHY – “He cries, “Mine” over me and over you every day.” That is so powerful, we belong to Him. I needed that today. Thank you.

  122. SEARCHING says:

    ERB – You are so good at seeing things that I never notice – thank you! ❤️

    HEIDI JOKINDELLHEIM – praying for wisdom & insight in this decision, for answers to your scheduling questions

    TINA – what an interesting story of faith and God’s purpose, always fulfilled! Is there a link available to that documentary?

  123. Kathy says:

    “God counts the number of the stars; he gives names to all of them.” Psalm 147:4.
    I find these words to be so powerful to me this morning. God didn’t just create the stars. He names all of them. Naming something is such a powerful thing and God did this for all of the stars!
    Isaiah 43:1-2 says, “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel; “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I HAVE CALLED YOU BY NAME, YOU ARE MINE.” I have this written in my Bible next to these verses. “To call by name is a direct personal relationship involving having a specific plan and place for the one named.
    “You are mine.” There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ who is sovereign over all, does not cry out, ‘Mine'”
    He cries, “Mine” over me and over you every day.
    The God who not only made all the stars and gave them names is the same God who watches over me and calls me His own every day of my life.

  124. ERB says:

    Wow!! I just read all of Hebrews chapter 11 and it says BY FAITH 21 times!!! If you have time read the entire chapter Hebrews 11:1-40 it is SO worth your time!!! Lots of nuggets in there!!!

    Many Blessings dear sisters!!

  125. Tina says:

    I have served in the church kitchen as a cook for over 12 years! I have seen people come and go, but there are the same few that still come to the Kings table.
    The Kings table is a ministry that feeds, clothes and wraps our guests in love as they walk in. They feel safe, at home..
    Stuart has been coming for about 10 years. He was a drug user, and as his story unfolded, like many that come to the Kings table, his growing years were not the greatest, and so he resorted to crime to feed a habit. One of the things he would say after a few years coming was that HE had ruined his life, “hands up I have done this to myself, the choices I made”, then almost quietly under his breathe, he would add, how do I warn the youngsters of today not to do what I have done.
    Over the years he has lost weight, become a shadow of the lad that first arrived all those years ago. Other medical complications have set in.
    I would always be surprise after summer break to see him, as often he was in hospital with no hope of coming out. My comment would always be.. God clearly has a plan for him, God is not finished with him here on earth..
    Last week, I watch a documentary that had me in tears, this gentleman had finally been able to speak out on the wrongs and destruction of drugs and crime to be aired, actually has been, to schools all over..
    Interestingly, I read a line in a study I was doing.. ‘Your purpose is bigger than your position’

    I absolutely love that!

    When God has a plan for you no matter what your journey, your choices, your sin, that purpose will come to be. My belief for this gentleman is that his was for such a time as this..
    God knows Stuart by name, He loves him. God has been on this journey with him. Stuart, also knows God, knows His love, as in the early days gave his life to Jesus…

    Lord, thank you that you know us and call us by name, that we are not lost to you through our choices or rebellious nature. Thank you that you still hold on to us and pursue us with the plan and purpose you have for our lives.. thank you Lord God, Thank you..

    BUT GOD..

    Happy Monday sisters, Happy Monday wrapped in love and prayers..❤

    1. Amanda Jaworowski says:

      Thank you for sharing this story today. Blessed my soul this morning.

  126. Heidi JoKindellHeim says:

    I just got sent a job opening that is a perfect fit. I am a stay at home mom of two who begrudgingly has homeschooled since I can’t find a job with my masters degree. I prayed on the job opening asking God if I should even apply. What if this is the one job that calls me back. How will I get childcare and them enrolled in school. How will I drop off and pick up??? God led me to read this for his word.